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Author name: Diane

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GYN Problems, OB, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Education

Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Pregnancy – Are You At Risk?

Pain, pressure, and fullness are very common complaints during pregnancy. But when those pesky symptoms don’t subside after birth, you may be dealing with pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse, or POP, occurs when your pelvic floor suffers damage from pregnancy and childbirth. The weight of carrying your baby for nine months, as well as a difficult or traumatic birth, can tear the ligaments and connective tissue of your pelvic floor. As a result, your injured pelvic floor may have difficulty holding your organs — such as your uterus, intestines, rectum, urethra, and bladder — in place, and they fall downward. Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Include: Urinary issues such as incontinence or difficulty urinating Bowel movement issues such as constipation or straining to use the bathroom Painful sex or intercourse Lower back pain. POP is usually diagnosed after birth when the symptoms persist; the complications can range from mild to severe. Every prolapse is different and will require a specialist’s approach in both diagnosing and treating your prolapse. Though childbirth is the most common reason women develop POP, there are other risks that make a woman prone to the condition. Common Causes of POP Include: Childbirth Genetics Smoking Chronic coughing Straining Heavy lifting Menopause Obesity Nerve or muscular damage. Help is Available If you experience any symptoms related to pelvic organ prolapse, or want to discuss risk factors, schedule an appointment today. If you do have POP, there are options available to you so that you don’t have to endure the effects of your prolapse long-term. Our double board-certified urogynecologists specialize in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery and can assist you in choosing the right treatment plan for you. POP doesn’t have to rule your life. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.

Fecal Incontinence Education, GYN Problems, Mesh Education

“My Bottom is Falling Out”

If you have pelvic floor dysfunction, this may be one way you might describe your symptoms. Other ways to describe it may include: A strange, new sensation has taken over your body. Simply put into words: it feels like your bottom is falling out. You may be hesitant to share this information with just anyone, but you can’t help but wonder what could be causing this unsettling symptom. Women who suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction have used this description and the others above to explain exactly what is happening down there. Pelvic floor dysfunction, or PFD, is a set of conditions that cause women to experience unpleasant urinary and bowel disorders or pelvic organ prolapse, also known as POP. Symptoms of these disorders include urinary or fecal incontinence, pain, pressure, or constipation. So, how exactly did your bottom end up this way? Over time, your pelvic floor muscles have endured some damage or weakness that has caused your organs to sag into your vagina, or rectum, hence the feeling that something is “falling out”. Childbirth is a very big factor that plays into PFDs, but there are other causes as well including genetics, heavy exercise, straining, and other health impairments. Every woman has a different experience with PFD and you should always keep this in mind when discussing treatment plans with your doctor. The effects of PFD can range from mild to severe, but there are treatment options that may work for you. Sometimes treatment includes simple lifestyle changes, physical therapy, an intravaginal device called a pessary, or surgery, including the placement of transvaginal mesh. Take back your body! Make an appointment with one of our board-certified female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery specialists to start the conversation about PFD. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.

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GYN Problems, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Education

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Dos and Don’ts

Sometimes suffering with pelvic floor dysfunction, or PFD, can make you feel like you are limited in what you can do. If you’ve been diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, or bowel control issues, it can be confusing or frustrating for you as you try resuming your normal daily routine without irritating your symptoms. Being able to lead a full, satisfying life with PFD is important, but engaging in activities which aggravate your disorder can cause your symptoms to worsen. Here are some things to keep in mind about PFD as you go about your daily life. 1. DO Exercise Don’t choose a workout that includes heavy-lifting such as crossfit, or will put intense pressure on your pelvic floor such as running, or plyometrics. The straining in those types of activities can cause your PFD to get worse over time. Choose exercises such as restorative yoga, walking, and other low impact exercise that will not put pressure on your pelvic floor. Looking for something specific? Check out Hab-It, or Pfilates™ 2. DO Pelvic Brace Don’t forget to engage your transverse abdominus (your lower abdomen) and your Kegel muscles when you sneeze, cough, or laugh can cause urine leakage to occur. Brace yourself and save a trip to the bathroom and a change of underwear. When you engage these muscles, your pelvic floor will not feel the downward pressure that results from these everyday movements. 3. DO Retrain your Bladder Don’t head to the bathroom every time you feel the slightest urge to pee. Your bladder needs retraining to stop triggering frequent restroom breaks out of habit. To start retraining, avoid taking bathroom trips less than two hours apart. Over time, you will you find that you have the urge to urinate less frequently and you will be urinating larger amounts. Not sure if you’re releasing a full bladder? Count how long you urinate for. A full bladder should be a stream of at least ten seconds long. Don’t forget to count with a “Mississippi” in between each number! Tell your bladder who’s in control and retrain yours! 4. DO Seek Treatment Don’t suffer from the interfering symptoms of PFD. There are treatment options available that will fit your lifestyle and diagnosis. The first step is finding a urogynecologist who can assess your needs and suggest a treatment that will work for you. Some of those choices may include: physical therapy, pessaries, medicines, or surgery. 5. DO Live Your Life Don’t let your PFD slow you down or dampen your spirits. Modify your activities, but not your life to adjust to your diagnosis. Consider joining an online support group to help you cope with the struggles of PFD. Visit voicesforpfd.org for more information about how you can reach out to others who are suffering from PFD, as well. Cherokee Women’s Health Can Help Our board-certified physicians are female pelvic health experts and can help. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.


Heart Health During Pregnancy

Nutrition During PregnancyEvery pregnancy is different, and as a mom-to-be, you need your own, doctor-recommended diet to ensure you and your baby get all the nutrients you need. But refocusing on diet and exercise helps you maintain your weight, limit the effects of postpartum, and keep your baby growing strong. This February, Cherokee Women’s Health celebrates American Heart Health Month. After all, moms-to-be aren’t just keeping one heart healthy. From the first time you hear your baby’s heartbeat, your own is racing with anticipation, joy, and more than a few nerves. Keep your heart strong during pregnancy by taking care of your body and your health. Eat high fiber grains and nuts Get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids from olive oil and pregnancy-safe fish like salmon Avoid salt, which can increase blood pressure Do several low-to-moderate intensity workouts each week, unless your doctor recommends rest Avoid eating or drinking caffeine, which can cause irregular heartbeats Avoid Consuming Caffeine Caffeine increases your blood pressure and heart rate — bad news for both your pregnancy and your heart health. Not only can it lead to dehydration, caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby, who can’t yet metabolize it . Most women know to avoid major sources of caffeine like coffee during pregnancy, but you may not realize how many of your favorite craving snacks sneak caffeine into the mix. Caffeine is found in: Tea Soda Coffee (even decaf!) Chocolate Energy-enhancing foods and drinks (such as energy water or fortified foods) Coffee or chocolate flavored ice cream Some over-the-counter pain relievers like Excedrin While it’s considered safe to consume small amounts of caffeine during pregnancy, it’s easy to lose track. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine is safe for you and your baby during your pregnancy. Heart Disease and Pregnancy If you’ve ever been diagnosed with heart disease, high blood pressure, or have had cardiac symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations, alert both your cardiologist and your OB/GYN. List all medications you’re taking, and make sure none of them will have adverse side effects on your baby’s development. For more information on health during pregnancy, contact Cherokee Women’s Health.

heart health in women
Well Woman

The Number One Killer: Know the Signs!

Did you know heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year? That’s approximately one woman every minute so it’s important to know the symptoms and how you can take control of your risk factors. The Most Common Heart Attack Symptoms in Women Shortness of breath Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. Nausea, vomiting, cold sweat or lightheadedness Pain or discomfort in any of the following: jaw, neck, stomach, arms (one or both). Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent Heart Disease There are many things you can do to control heart disease and with the right information and care, heart disease in women can be treated, prevented and even ended. Studies show that healthy choices have resulted in 330 fewer women dying from heart disease per day. Don’t smoke Manage your blood sugar Get your blood pressure under control Lower your cholesterol Know your family history Stay active Lose weight Eat healthy Trust your gut Women are less likely to call 9-1-1 when experiencing symptoms of a heart attack themselves so trust your gut. If you aren’t feeling normal or are experiencing any of the symptoms above, call 911 or head to your local emergency room.


Raising the Bar for OB Care

Adopting a Higher Quality Obstetrical Care Model for Women in the United States Dr. Sara Bolden is a women’s health physical therapist, board-certified women’s health clinical specialist, owner of Women First Rehabilitation in Woodstock, GA and author of What a Girl Wants: The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex. If you’ve ever had a baby, witnessed one being delivered or heard of someone’s detailed labor and delivery story, one thing’s for sure, there was pain involved. We’re not talking about a little discomfort here, folks. We’re talking about deep, intense, I-could-kill-the-man-that-did-this-to-me pain. Quite honestly, we’ve come to expect extreme bodily pain during a situation like this. It would be absolutely crazy to think otherwise. I mean, we’re talking about a small melon exiting out of an opening the size of a child’s sock. Yes, the sock will stretch, the melon will emerge, but not without some repercussions…sometimes big repercussions. Often, these consequences can be serious and have lasting musculoskeletal effects. So what’s a girl to do? Physical Therapists are NOT Massage Therapists Many would say, childbirth trauma is inevitable so proverbially “push” through the pain and try to get over it quickly. Unfortunately, this is frequently the default response to childbirth in the United States. There is little to no preparation of the pelvic floor muscles, the low back, the abdomen, nor education for proper breathing, delivery positioning, energy conservation or anything, for that matter, that adequately prepares the body’s musculoskeletal system for the delivery of a small human being. However, for many years now, international countries, such as England, Germany, Australia, Brazil and South Africa (to name a few), have taken proactive measures to assist women with labor and delivery and thus lower the risk of long-term musculoskeletal injuries or urogenital dysfunctions. One way they have elevated the standard of obstetrical care is to include physical therapists throughout pregnancy, during labor/delivery and for postpartum recovery. You might be saying to yourself, “physical therapists? Don’t they just give massages?” Brace yourselves…wait for it…no, they don’t. Physical therapists are not massage therapists. They are, however, musculoskeletal experts that have unique knowledge of the evaluation, assessment, treatment, disease/injury prevention and general wellness of the human body. The Difference a Women’s Health Physical Therapist Makes In other countries, the physical therapists that assist with prenatal and postpartum women are called obstetrical physiotherapists and have advanced skill and training in women’s health. In the United States, we call them women’s health physical therapists. I know, ingenious. They, too, have advanced knowledge and extensive training in women’s health; however in the U.S., their services have only been considered for the prenatal patient with abnormal or life-altering pain or for the complicated postpartum patient with pain and/or pelvic floor dysfunction (i.e. urinary incontinence, organ prolapse or pain with intercourse). Higher Standards of Obstetrical Care If the U.S. adopted a more comprehensive standard of obstetrical care, every pregnant women would be evaluated by a women’s health physical therapist. During the prenatal phase, she would get education and training on pelvic floor stabilization, core strengthening, body mechanics, birthing positions, perineal massage, breathing, relaxation and proper Valsalva for effective pushing, etc. Then, a women’s health physical therapist would be included in the delivery room to help with pain management, assist with birthing positions that open the pelvis and decrease risk of vaginal tearing, perform perineal massage to allow adequate room for the decent of baby, provide biomechanical support and coach the patient on the when’s and how’s of proper pushing…just like obstetrical physiotherapists are doing right now in other countries! After the birth of the baby, postpartum women would follow up with their women’s health physical therapist to assess healing of vaginal and/or abdominal tissues, be educated on scar management and facilitated tissue recovery, learn mechanics for lifting baby as well as for breastfeeding and restoring pelvic strength. Of equal importance, women’s health physical therapists would help new moms get their bodies back in shape, set realistic goals and expectations of motherhood and restore her vibrant, sexual health. Yes, I said “vibrant!” Who wouldn’t want that?! Good news! You belong to a cutting-edge OB/GYN practice and are hearing about women’s health physical therapists! I invite you to do a little research and see for yourself how effective this type of physical therapy is for pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum. Don’t be shy: ask your doctor to include physical therapy as part of your prenatal and postpartum experience. Company Bio Women First Rehabilitation is an elite healthcare practice devoted exclusively to treating individuals with pelvic pain, urogynecologic disorders and pelvic floor dysfunction in all phases of life. All of our practitioners are licensed women’s health physical therapists with advanced knowledge and training in women’s health. For more information, visit www.WomenFirstRehab.com.

Dr. Litrel's Blog

The Marriage Thermostat

For ten years, without fail, Ann and I kept our razors side by side in the shower. Then I switched to the Mach 3 triple blade razor, and suddenly the ever-present disposable pink lady razor disappeared. I didn’t give it much thought at the time. I figured such a sissy razor was an embarrassment beside my macho marvel of modern technology. The truth was more horrific. One morning I walked into the bathroom while Ann was in the shower, and I discovered that my Mach 3 triple blade marvel was being used to shave her legs. It didn’t take much to surmise that it might be getting some time under her arms, too. I kept my mouth shut until our morning coffee. “Doesn’t it repulse you,” I said calmly, “to know that the razor you’re using under your arms is the same one that I’m using on my face?” Ann laughed, and then quickly reached for my hand. “Sometimes…” she replied with a serious voice. “But love is a strange and wonderful thing.” She gave me an angelic smile. All was forgiven. Disagreement between a husband and wife occurs in the best of marriages.  Sometimes this manifests as open argument.  Other times, marital conflict can be more subtle, an unspoken tension permeating the relationship for years, like an uncomfortable humidity. When I met Ann at that fraternity costume party, she was supposedly dressed as a Greek goddess, in a skimpy toga no father would have permitted his daughter to wear in public. I fell in love. After our three years apart, there was nothing I looked forward to more than marriage and spending my life with Ann. My attraction to her was more than just her physical beauty; I admired her talent, kindness, intelligence and discipline. I still admire her. But after twenty-five years of marriage, the intelligence and discipline thing sometimes gets on my nerves. Ann has tendencies towards frugality that do honor to her Scottish heritage. She also endeavors to be environmentally aware. These two qualities are evidenced in the temperature settings Ann prefers for the household thermostat. During the hot Georgia summer the air conditioning is set at 80. During the cold of winter the heat is set at 65. In January when I am cold, Ann tells me to put on a sweater. In July when I am hot, Ann tells me to take my sweater off. Last year it was another hot, humid summer. So one day when Ann wasn’t looking, I sneaked to the thermostat and deftly dropped the temperature five degrees. It didn’t take Ann long to notice. “Who turned the air conditioning so low, Michael?” “Those kids,” I responded, shaking my head disapprovingly. I was not lying. I was simply making a declarative statement designed to misdirect. “The boys say they didn’t touch the thermostat, Michael.” “Those kids,” I repeated, shaking my head disapprovingly. Ann laughed and moved the thermostat back to “where it belongs.” I didn’t argue. I could understand her perspective: why burn fossil fuels to lower the temperature of my house just so I could be a tad bit more comfortable? But sometimes it was annoying. It was like I was married to Al Gore, and every time I touched the temperature control I was sinking an axe into the trunk of the last giant redwood. Over the years, Ann had successfully colored our “thermostat decision” in spiritual terms. With artful language she conveyed to me sophisticated thoughts about the needs of the body versus the needs of the soul. Essentially, her argument boiled down to this: Jesus didn’t have air conditioning, so why don’t you spend more time praying for strength, and less time whining about the heat? One summer Ann left town to visit her sister for a week. It was like Dorothy’s house had plopped down in Oz, and ding dong, you-know-who was dead! I ran to the thermostat like an unsupervised teenager and lowered it not five degrees, but ten. I was going to get all the air conditioning that compressor could muster. That night my house was so cold I needed another blanket from the closet. Immobilized by comforters, I slept like it was the dead of winter. Condensation covered all my windows when I awoke. I shivered when I sat down to my morning coffee. Now this was what July in Georgia should feel like!  I thought about getting out that dang sweater. Maybe I should light a fire too? But after an hour of reflection, I simply turned the air conditioning off. I missed Ann. Morning coffee was more fun with her. It’s far better to have a home that is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter than to suffer again through the fires and chills of a long distance relationship. A prescription for tolerance is an occasional few days apart. In our human struggles, we can sometimes fixate on small problems. Absence gives God a chance to direct our focus on the big picture – Love. Excerpted from Dr. Litrel and his wife Ann’s book of “he-said, she-said” stories about love and family.  A MisMatch Made In Heaven: Surviving True Love, Children, and Other Blessings In Disguise is available in the office, and online at www.createspace.com/4229812


How to Find the Right OB

If you’re new to the area, a first time mother, or you aren’t satisfied with your current OB/GYN, the first thing on your list after that positive pregnancy test is “find a qualified obstetrician.” If you’re anything like the rest of us, you’re also daunted by the task. You need a qualified medical professional you can trust with your health and the health of your baby. You also need someone who makes you feel comfortable and cared for. After all, you’ll see your OB regularly over the next nine months.  Choosing an obstetrician or midwife doesn’t have to be difficult. Cherokee Women’s Health has 5 easy questions to get you started. 4 Questions to Help Pregnant Women Find the Right Doctor Do I want an obstetrician or a midwife? For most expectant mothers, expertise is the most important consideration when choosing a prenatal physician. But what is the second? Credentials, hospital privileges, type of delivery, perspective on pain relief, and any special circumstances surrounding your pregnancy can help you choose whether an OB/GYN or a certified nurse midwife is the right choice to care for you and your growing family. What have I heard? If your friends have recently given birth, their experiences will speak to you more clearly than any board certification. Ask friends, family members, and your gynecologist or primary care physician who they recommend. Factor in any personal health considerations that may require a specialized OB-GYN. Then research your top physicians and schedule an appointment to make sure they’re right for you. Where will the delivery take place? Make sure your physician partners with a reputable hospital near you. Cherokee Women’s Health works with Northside Hospital-Cherokee to give moms the most advanced medical facilities and the most comfortable birthing experience. We are excited to expand this excellent care to their new hospital, which is expected to open in 2017. How do I feel about this physician? In the end, trust your gut. No matter how qualified your obstetrician or midwife may be, if you’re not comfortable with them, you’re going to have a stressful pregnancy. If you feel rushed, uncomfortable, or simply don’t click with your physician, find another qualified physician or and advanced practice provider. At Cherokee Women’s Health, we’re dedicated to helping expectant moms have the best pregnancy experience. To learn more about our physicians and advanced practice providers, schedule an appointment, or learn how to approach the early stages of your pregnancy, call our offices in Canton or Woodstock.

doctor listening to patient
Well Woman

What Patients Want: Doctors Who Listen

Your feedback is very important to us. The doctors and staff at Cherokee Women’s Health care about what you want from your doctor visits, which is why we regularly survey our patients. Your feedback tells us that you want doctors who listen, spend time with you and have a great bedside manner. And of course, you want an educated physician who can clearly explain your symptoms and treatment options. Dr. Litrel wants every patient of Cherokee Women’s Health to feel seen, heard and compassionately cared for so he has hand-picked an amazing team of caring, compassionate and highly educated doctors. All of our physicians and advanced practice providers pride themselves on engaging with their patients while making sure the patient feels accepted and heard while discussing symptoms or treatment. Following are a few testimonials from our patients: “The doctors at Cherokee Women’s Health actually listen to me and do what’s best for me. They care more than another other doctor I’ve been to.” Emilee Z. “Dr. Litrel is always very caring and considerate. He listens to your symptoms without making you feel like he’s in a hurry to move on to the next patient. He has offered alternative help with my Sjogren’s Syn. Disorder. He treats you with respect.” Sue H. “Dr. Gandhi serviced my prenatal appointments, and I thoroughly appreciated how she listened to me and my body. Nothing unnatural was forced, which I believe helped in a very smooth delivery. She was always very upbeat and her excitement bubbled over. By the end of each visit, I was always smiling. Susan delivered my baby, and she did a wonderful job. She was very comforting and soothing. Again, I appreciate how she let my body naturally deliver the baby it its own time. This was a wonderful pregnancy and birthing experience.” Billi R. “In June of 2011, I was rushed to Northside Hospital in Canton in severe pain only to find I had a ruptured tubal pregnancy. My family and I were so devastated. Dr. Litrel came to my bedside and prayed with us, and then I was rushed to the operating room for surgery. He was so wonderful, kind and had the best bedside manner. It’s February of 2012, and we are expecting again. Everyone in the office is so kind and respectful. I wouldn’t have any other group of doctors take care of me in our situation, and couldn’t imagine any other doctor bringing our miracle baby into this world.” Kimberly L. These are just a few testimonials that we’ve received from our wonderful patients. You may also find testimonials here. Just click on the service you’re interested in to read hundreds of patient reviews. Or, read real stories from patients of Cherokee Women’s Health. Make an Appointment Today Cherokee Women’s Health wants to be your OB/GYN. With a diverse group of physicians and advanced practice providers, we believe you will find the care, compassion and excellent care that you are seeking. Please call 770.720.7733 or call us to schedule an appointment at our Canton or Woodstock locations.


The Bulge After the Baby: You’re In Good Hands!

You just had a baby, but something feels “off “down there. You’re not quite sure what to expect because you’re new to the whole postpartum process, but you’re certain that a bulge in your vagina is not normal. When the vaginal pressure does not ease up, you decide to check in with your doctor, only to find out that you have a type of Pelvic Organ Prolapse called Uterine Prolapse. As scary as this diagnosis may sound to you, there are options available to relieve symptoms, or repair the prolapse. Uterine Prolapse: Causes and Treatments You wonder how this prolapse happened. One day your uterus is snugly in place, and the next, you are suffering the unpleasant symptoms of pain, pressure and an aching lower back. A prolapsed uterus is a common occurrence after a vaginal birth, but even women who have never given birth can also develop a prolapse. When damage to the fascia, ligaments and muscles of the pelvic floor occurs, it can cause the uterus to sag into the vaginal canal – leading to incontinence, and a feeling that something is “stuck” or “falling out.” These problems may worsen with age, as decreased estrogen causes the pelvic floor to relax even more. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with these meddling symptoms. There are options, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Relax – not every uterine prolapse will require surgical repair. You and your doctor can work together to decide the best course of action to fit your lifestyle and diagnosis. Many women with mild symptoms find that pelvic floor physical therapy is helpful in reducing symptoms. Those with more moderate symptoms might find reprieve by wearing a device known as a pessary, which is fitted to your vagina, and worn internally. A pessary can help to lift the uterus out of the vagina, and relieve many of the distressing symptoms. If your symptoms are more severe, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery may be the best option to ensure that you are not living with the troublesome effects of uterine prolapse. You are not alone! Many other women are dealing with the inconvenience and pain of a prolapsed uterus, and you don’t have to suffer in silence. Make a list of questions and concerns and contact your doctor today. A prolapsed uterus doesn’t have to rule your life. Specialists in Female Pelvic Anatomy Physicians who are board certified in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) understand complex female anatomy, and are able to offer a range of effective treatment options when problems occur. In fact, Cherokee Women’s is the only OB/GYN practice in the southeast with multiple OB’s who are also board certified in FPMRS. You’re in good hands – during your pregnancy and after. Talk to your FPMRS physician about your options to find relief for your symptoms – and help that “bulge” disappear.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Rejuvenation Education, Vaginoplasty Education

Is My Vaginoplasty Healing Process Normal?

Many women spend weeks, months, or even years reaching the decision to have vaginal surgery. Each woman has her own reasons for the choice: discomfort, pain, embarrassment, or decreased sexual pleasure, to name a few. But once surgery day arrives, this transformative life experience becomes a waiting game. Even the most knowledgeable patient can succumb to fears while healing from a vaginoplasty. That’s why Cherokee Women’s Health gives you top care, expert follow-up, and direct access to your surgeon when you need it most. Is My Vaginoplasty Healing Process Normal? Following are answers to common questions regarding Vaginoplasty healing and results. Because every woman’s body is different, each patient recovers at a slightly different rate. Many patients can start to move around as soon as the anesthesia wears off. Ice the incision area in the 24-48 hours after surgery. Most patients can return to a normal behaviors (such as non-strenuous work) after 48-72 hours, but a full 6-8 week recovery period is necessary before engaging in sexual activity. Optimize your healing process by carefully following the post-op instructions of your physician.  Learn more! Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook. I still feel vaginal pain a week post-op. Is that normal? Many women experience pain as the skin and muscles of their most sensitive areas knit back together. Vaginal pain is still expected one week after surgery. If you’re experiencing post-op pain, take your prescribed painkillers or ice the area as recommended by your doctor. I’m not happy with my results. Can I schedule another surgery? A patient cannot appreciate the results of a vaginoplasty before she’s fully healed. Tenderness, swelling, and myriad other factors may influence a woman’s perspective of her post-op results. We recommend waiting 6 months to 1 year after surgery to allow the site to fully heal and the vaginal muscles to settle into their new permanent state. If you’re still not happy with the results of your vaginoplasty, ask your surgeon about a follow-up procedure or labiaplasty. Do you want to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation and recovery? Schedule a consultation with one of our GYN surgeons board-certified in FPMRS (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery) or call us at 770.721.6060.

Labiaplasty Education, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Rejuvenation Education

Labiaplasty Healing: What’s “Normal”?

When a woman chooses labiaplastic surgery, she spends weeks preparing. She discusses her concerns with her doctor, follows her physician’s pre-op instructions, and prepares for a normal recovery. But no matter how well a patient prepares, it’s easy to panic when the healing process doesn’t go as expected. Cherokee Women’s Health has gathered our most frequently asked post-labiaplasty questions to put your mind at ease. Most Common FAQs About Post-Op Labial Swelling Is this swelling normal? In most cases, yes. As the labia heals, all patients experience varying degrees of swelling and tenderness. If the swelling continues for more than a few weeks, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concerns. What Causes of Post-Labiaplasty Swelling? The most common cause of prolonged swelling after a labiaplasty is tender scar tissue. Once the incision site is fully healed, your physician may suggest treatment like massaging the scar daily to break down the thick tissue and relieve pain. Residual sutures may also cause tenderness and swelling. Ask your surgeon if the sutures will dissolve naturally on their own, or whether suture removal is necessary. Could I Have a Hematoma? A hematoma (collection of blood outside the blood vessel) is typically marked by swelling, discoloration, and a variety of flu-like symptoms. Superficial hematomas are easily treated. Use an ice pack to relieve temporary discomfort. Ask your doctor about your symptoms to determine whether you have a hematoma at the surgery site and, if so, what is the recommended treatment. For questions or concerns about labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation or to request an appointment, please call our female rep on her private and confidential line at 770.720.7733, extension 2232 or contact us here.

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