What is Vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty is one of several vaginal rejuvenation procedures whose purpose is to enhance, correct, tighten, or otherwise repair any problems or abnormalities of a woman’s genitalia. The procedure can also reconstruct the vagina, rectify congenital defects in the pelvic floor, remove growths or abscesses, alter the vulva, and even enlarge or shrink the vaginal opening to allow for ample friction. Any undesirable or surplus external skin can also be trimmed away to give a more streamlined look.

Labiaplasty is a Type of Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginoplasty can address additional serious issues, such as reconstructing areas altered by hysterectomy, cancer treatments, and tumor or fibroid removal. In fact, vaginoplasty can rebuild a urethra, rectum, or vagina that has never completely developed since birth, or has been surgically removed due to cancer or other medical reasons.
Thousands of women annually seek minor vaginoplasty to tighten vaginal muscles that have become lax or flaccid over time, whether through genetics, as a result of aging or, most frequently, childbirth.
What Causes A Loose Vagina?
The skin naturally becomes looser and less pliable with age. When a woman gives birth, especially multiple times, the vagina continues to stretch and elasticity weakens with each delivery. Rough sex, obesity, and drastic weight gain or loss can also be contributing factors. Even some medications such as birth control which cause hormonal changes, can interfere with tissue regeneration and cause laxity. This leads to unsatisfying sexual pleasure due to less sensation felt during intercourse — both for a woman and her partner. Kegel exercises, no matter how diligently a woman may practice them, only minimally restore muscle strength.
Learn more! Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook.
Stretching, flaccidity, a sense of heaviness, prolapse, ill-fitting tampons, and incontinence, are signs of trauma to the pelvic floor, and can cause a series of functional problems for women.
Vaginoplasty corrects many of these issues by eliminating superfluous lining from the vagina and then surgically tightening the various muscle and tissue within, making additional repairs and alterations to other pelvic organs if necessary. This process restores the vagina to a more youthful, toned, pre-delivery condition.
Vaginoplasty Benefits
Vaginoplasty has provided thousands of women with both physical and psychological benefits. Physically, it enables them to reach climax more readily, once more allowing them to experience the increased sensation and friction necessary for satisfactory sexual arousal that may have been lost over time. Any additional reparations increase healthy function of previously flawed genitalia.
Psychologically, women who have undergone vaginoplasty have higher confidence and self-esteem levels, enjoy sex without pain, and relish their newly- increased response to the more pleasurable feelings derived from close intimacy. They no longer experience embarrassment at the pre-surgical lack of friction. They are happier to offer both themselves and their partners a tighter, snugger vagina that enables them to experience the friction necessary to maintain penile erection and achieve climax.
Vaginoplasty repair has enabled many couples to overcome sexual dysfunction caused by anatomical genital flaws.
Who Should Perform My Vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty can be both corrective and cosmetic. For that reason, it is of utmost importance to have this procedure done by an expert knowledgeable in the intricacies of a woman’s unique anatomy, one also qualified in both the fields of plastic and vaginal surgery.
At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, two of our physicians are doubly accredited urogynecologists who hold enviable certification in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS). This accreditation enables them to treat all gynecological problems unique to women, and to perform any physical and cosmetic procedures related to these issues.
If you’d like to make an appointment to see if vaginoplasty is right for you, please call 770.721.6060 to schedule your appointment or schedule an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Barring any medical issues or mandatory medications that could interfere with anesthesia, healing, or the proposed surgery, women in good health, preferably non-smokers, can be good candidates for Vaginoplasty. Keep in mind however, that a sound psychological outlook is every bit as important as good health. If you require vaginoplasty, you must have a reasonable expectation of its outcome. Vaginoplasty is not a fad intended for the latest aesthetic trend. It is a beneficial solution to a myriad of difficulties that can plague women and drastically interfere with their enjoyment of life and intimacy. As well, vaginoplasty is not a magical cure-all for all pre-existing emotional problems, such as an unstable marriage, infidelity, etc.
Vaginoplasty risks are rare but, as with any surgery, some problems may occur. These include infection, pain, scarring, adhesions, vaginal or clitoral desensitization, post-operative bleeding, pain during intercourse, and possible nerve damage. If you smoke, it is recommended that you quit completely at least one month before scheduled surgery, as smoking may prolong or compromise healing time. These risks are extremely uncommon. Most vaginoplasty surgeries are successful with no side effects whatsoever except for discomfort that lasts for a short period of time.
First and foremost, you need to book an appointments for a consultation and examination with one of our specialists. You will answer some preliminary questions regarding your symptoms, needs, and concerns.
After an examination, if it has been determined that you need and/or want vaginoplasty, your physician will explain in full detail what needs to be done. You will be informed of the amount of time needed for your procedure, what anesthetic will be used, costs you will incur, and what outcome you may expect, along with any risks that may worry you. Any other questions you might have will be addressed and answered in unhurried detail.
You will be given a time and location for your surgery, and some additional written material on pre-operative preparation to study. Rest assured that you will leave the premises fully informed.
You will have understandably have questions, so make a list of them. Any medications and medical history should be disclosed at this time, so bring your records and a complete list of everything you take regularly, including vitamins, supplements, and any social drugs. If you drink alcohol, even in strict moderation, it’s important to let us know. The more we know, the more successfully we can treat you. Your complete disclosure and honesty benefits you and only you. We are not here to judge. We are here to help.
In preparation, you should make sure to stock up on any groceries, medications, and food you may need for at least a week- or the estimated time your doctor feels your recovery may take. Arrange for help if you have young children. Someone should accompany you to your surgery as you will not be allowed to drive yourself home. Public transport is extremely ill-advised.
Clean your home and do laundry. The cleaner your surroundings, the less chance you will invite infection. On the day of your surgery, place freshly-washed sheets on your bed.
Set up a comfortable area where you will rest with easy access to some of the things you will be using such as a laptop, chargers, phone, books, drinks, food trays, etc. Make sure things you use regularly are easily accessible to avoid unnecessary reaching, bending or lifting.
Because of the sensitive site, you can naturally expect some physical discomfort for several days, but you will be prescribed pain medication. Antibiotics to ward off infection will also be prescribed. Pain should disappear, or at least become minimal after several days. You may also feel a deep ache and a burning sensation which should disappear within a day or two. Some discharge can also be expected.
You will be counselled on urination and bowel movements, as either function may cause sensitivity to the surgical area and must be kept scrupulously clean. Dilators and their application will be explained should you need them. A fact sheet will be given covering all post-surgical care and problems you may encounter, along with a contact number in case you have additional questions. Bathing will also be discussed. Stitches, if you’ve received them, should self-dissolve.
Follow-up appointments will be scheduled, and it is imperative you follow them so we can determine your progress and advise you as to when certain activities can be resumed.
Until that time, you must rest, wear loose clothing, avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and refrain from sexual activities. Though you may feel fine after a few days, the surgical site is still fragile and needs time to heal completely.
We advise waiting at least 6 to 8 weeks, but based on your level of healing, but it may be longer depending on how quickly you recover. This time period also applies to resumption of other normal activities.
Loss of sensation is extremely rare after vaginoplasty. In fact, many women report stronger orgasms than they experienced pre-operatively due to increased friction from a tighter vaginal canal.
Yes, but tampons should not be inserted for at least 6 to 8 weeks, but again, consult with your physician.
It is impossible to quote a price based on averages. Because the umbrella of vaginoplasty covers so many different approaches and possible procedures, only a thorough evaluation upon examination can allow us to calculate your particular costs. However, you will be fully informed of all costs far in advance of your surgery, should you decide to go ahead.
The consultation fee is $100. This fee goes toward the cost of surgery if it is performed within 12 months) or can bill insurance if we accept it.
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