Best OB/GYN and Surgeons in Canton and Woodstock
Best OB/GYN and Surgeons in Canton and Woodstock
Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists is consistently named Best OB/GYN and Surgeons in Towne Lake, Canton and Woodstock.
Since 1993, Cherokee Women’s Health has delivered more babies at Northside Hospital Cherokee than all other OB practices combined. They also have three double board-certified urogynecologists on staff who are leading experts in female health.

A Powerhouse OB Team: High-Risk Pregnancy Management with Certified Nurse Midwives
Our Certified Nurse Midwives Also Deliver Babies at Northside Hospital Cherokee
At Cherokee Women’s, you’ll receive the best of both worlds. The holistic-centered care of our dedicated certified nurse midwives, along with the expertise of our highly trained and compassionate team of OB/GYNs
Expert Female Health Surgeons
Our team of double board-certified urogynecologists have completed the most stringent training and certification available to provide patients with the best care possible. They are specialists in female pelvic health and experts in vaginal rejuvenation, pelvic floor reconstruction and treating urinary incontinence.