OB Patient Stories - Cherokee Women's Health
placenta abruption mom and baby

Placental Abruption Scare – Laci’s Pregnancy Story
A placental abruption and a breech baby were not what Laci had in mind when …

baby sawyer with mom chelsea

Sick During Delivery – Chelsea’s Pregnancy Story
Cherokee Women’s Health patient, Chelsea, delivered her first baby boy and candidly shares her personal …
newborn baby

Difficult Pregnancies – A Patient’s Story
Alexandra and her husband were thrilled when they learned she was pregnant with a baby …
baby and mom photo

Giving Birth at 36 Weeks – Shelbie’s Story
Traveling while pregnant can prove to be a difficult task but moving across the country …
Velamentous Cord Insertion – A Scary Delivery

Velamentous Cord Insertion – A Scary Delivery
Velamentous cord insertion was not something Shannen thought she’d have to deal with when she …
new mom and baby

A C-Section & Postpartum Preeclampsia
A C-section, postpartum preeclampsia, and infertility were not what Katherine had in mind when she …
baby Dane and mom

Umbilical Cord Prolapse Results in Emergency C-Section
An umbilical cord prolapse was the last thing Mary expected when she delivered her baby …
rainbow baby in blanket

Rainbow Baby – Ashley’s Story of Hope After Two Miscarriages
Ashley experienced two miscarriages in one year and feared she’d never have a baby. She …

Twins Times Two!
Being told you are expecting twins can be quite shocking, but hearing it again four …
family with two babies photo

Two Babies in Two Years
The journey to pregnancy and starting a family looks different for everyone. For Cherokee Women’s …
preemie baby with mom

High-Risk Pregnancy – Sarah’s Story
Soon-to-be mom with son Stanley Sarah learned she had a high-risk pregnancy, after having been …
Maverick newborn onesie photo

Breech Baby – Nicole’s Story
Nicole was pregnant with her third child and her anxiety levels were through the roof …
COVID-19 baby photo

Rebecca’s 2nd Baby
Rebecca had been a patient of Cherokee Women’s for over six years when she became …
A Mom’s Journey from Grief to Joy

A Mom’s Journey from Grief to Joy
“The darkest time of my life was after I lost my baby at 25 weeks …
mom jourdan with preemie twins

Premature Twins: A Mother’s Emotional Journey and Her Doctor’s Unique Perspective
We sat down to interview Jourdan Adams to get her perspective on having a high-risk …


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