Dr. Gandhi Repaired My Rectocele - Cherokee Women's Health

Dr. Gandhi Repaired My Rectocele

We recently talked to Abby about her experience with rectocele repair surgery with Dr. Peahen Gandhi of Cherokee Women’s Health. She opened up to us about her experience and shares what led her to seek treatment and how she’s feeling today, one month after surgery.

“I was referred to Dr. Gandhi after having a procedure done to repair my rectocele by another surgeon. During my initial consultation with Dr. Gandhi, I explained to her that the previous rectocele procedure failed, and I was miserable. I also told her that I was in severe pain because I suffered from endometriosis,” says Abby.

“Dr. Gandhi was so patient and really listened to my concerns. I instantly loved her caring personality and helpful demeanor. She even made me feel completely comfortable asking questions that can sometimes be a little embarrassing. You know, those undesirable questions lurking in your brain. She has a great sense of humor!”

– Abby on meeting Dr. Gandhi

After a physical exam and a frank discussion about my issues, Dr. Gandhi also talked with me about options for a perineal repair (perineoplasty), which could be performed at the same time as the rectocele repair. I completely trusted her expert opinion so it was agreed that both procedures would be performed, and surgery was scheduled in no time.

During the procedures, she did a great job of keeping my husband informed. She came to see me after surgery and texted me that night to ask how I was doing and to make sure I was okay. She continued her same exceptional bedside care throughout my recovery.

At my first follow-up, Dr. Gandhi asked about my pain levels, my hormones and to make sure I was doing well with everything. I could tell that her patients mean a lot to her and that she really cares. I appreciated that so much, especially after my poor experience with my first surgeon. He basically wrote me off when I was in recovery but I’m now 5 weeks post-op and Dr. Gandhi still wants to make sure that I am completely healed and free of complications. In fact, she won’t release you until she feels completely confident that all is well.”

“On top of the exceptional care I received, I have to say that the surgery itself was nowhere near as painful as the first one I had. Within a couple of weeks, I could sit upright and go to the bathroom normally and without pain. That was a huge relief. The healing looks great and the benefits to the perineal repair are amazing. It is very snug! I am already extremely impressed with the rectocele repair as well. I can’t thank Dr. Gandhi enough for what she has done for me!”

– Abby on recovery and ‘snugness’

If you’re experiencing issues, our double board-certified urogynecologists are here to help. As practicing OB/GYNs and urogynecologists, you can be assured that you will receive the most excellent care available. Call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online.

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