Free eBook: Sex, Your Body and Your Relationships - Cherokee Women's Health

A Woman’s Guide to Cosmetic GYN and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

A Woman’s Guide to Cosmetic GYN and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

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“I was so stretched out that neither of us could feel sex. Now sex is great!”

“I love my second husband but I’ve had three kids. I was so stretched out that neither of us could feel sex. I didn’t know there was anything I could do so I put up with years of not-so-great sex. I was afraid of saying anything because I just didn’t want to put attention on it.

Dr. Litrel helped me understand what could be changed with reconstructive surgery, and he helped me know what to say to my husband and how long it would take for me to heal. The surgery was amazing, and my life has changed. I never thought sex could be this good with my husband. I am so grateful for this second chance. Not only is he the love of my life but the sex is great!”

-Jill T.

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