OB Archives - Page 4 of 13 - Cherokee Women's Health


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Placental Abruption: Symptoms and Risk Factors
Placental abruption requires immediate care since the baby may not be receiving enough oxygen. Placenta abruption occurs when the placenta ...
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Hospital “Home Birth”? Yes, You Can!
Can you have a "home birth" in a hospital? Yes, you can! As OB/GYNs, we help deliver a home birth ...
Dr. James Haley Delivering Baby
Home Birth – Is it Worth the Risk?
By James P. Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS As an OB/GYN for over 30 years now, I feel the need to ...
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What to Expect at Your 10-12 Week Prenatal Appointment
Congratulations, you’re pregnant! If you’re already a parent, you know what to expect, but if this is your first child, ...
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Common Problems During Pregnancy
Common problems during pregnancy include pregnancy bleeding, gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure. We can help prepare you to know ...
Eating for a Healthy Pregnancy
Eating for a healthy pregnancy can be overwhelming and confusing. Our guide will help you with your diet and nutrition ...
Push Presents for the New Mom
A push present is a gift given to a new mother following childbirth. Bringing a new life into the world ...
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Life as a New Mom
As a new mom with a sweet little baby to take care of, you have entered a wonderful season of ...
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Emotional Health During Pregnancy
Maintaining good emotional health during pregnancy is more important than ever. Our tips will help alleviate anxiety during this uncertain ...
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Pregnant? Tips to Push Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
By James Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS Being pregnant during COVID-19 and delivering your child in the midst of this pandemic ...
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OB Ultrasounds
Ultrasonographer Rachel shares what you can expect at an OB ultrasound appointment. Watch More OB Videos Below https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLywUpPl4OC4v3jDW2IChaE16yO3fCwGcO&layout=gallery ...
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Vaginal Changes After Childbirth
Vaginal changes after childbirth can cause a number of challenges for new moms. After all, giving birth basically means pushing ...
Scroll down to see breastfeeding tips in a video from Dr. Hale. Breastfeeding can be a beautiful way to bond ...
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Healing After Miscarriage
A miscarriage is a deeply personal and traumatic experience so healing after miscarriage can be difficult, but it is possible ...
Trying to Conceive: Your "Get-Pregnant" Checklist
Trying to Conceive: Your “Get-Pregnant” Checklist
Have you decided that it's time to make your family of two an official family of three or more? The ...
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