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Winter Baby Photo Contest

Our Facebook Winter Baby Contest is ON! Enter your baby photos (ages 0-24 months) for a chance to win some great prizes and perhaps more importantly, bragging rights! To enter from your computer, simply go to our Facebook page. To enter from a mobile device such as your phone or tablet, click here! Contest runs from January 15th through January 29th! Prizes include: Grand Prize (TWO WINNERS): 16″x20″ Print on Canvas (to display those beautiful photos!)  2nd place: $25 Johnny’s Pizza gift certificate 3rd place: $25 Johnny’s Pizza gift certificate 4th place: Bojangle’s Picnic Pack 5th place: Chick-Fil-A basket with gift cards Can’t wait to see your most adorable winter baby photos! 🙂

Infertility Education, OB

The Pressures of Infertility

Dealing with infertility can be one of the most stressful situations you’ll ever have to deal with. Not only are you struggling with your feelings, but you often have to field never-ending questions from family and friends. How to Handle ‘The Question’ So how do you handle baby questions when you’ve been struggling with infertility? Have an Answer Ready Talk with your husband or partner beforehand about how you’re going to handle these sensitive questions. Having a plan will make you feel much more at ease when it happens. Skip the Details There’s no reason you have to tell anyone you’re struggling to have a baby. Keep it vague so when you’re asked when you’re going to have kids, just reply, “Well, we hope to someday.” Then quickly ask them a follow up question that has nothing to do with babies. Use Humor There’s a reason some of the most tragic people in history have been so funny. They learned to use humor to deflect their real feelings so doing this when you’re asked uncomfortable questions can work wonders. So when they ask you when you’re going to have a baby, you can respond with, “Baby? Baby what? Baby dog? Baby cat?” Then just laugh it off. They’ll likely get the hint and change the subject. Believe in Good Intentions Most people have good intentions and are genuinely interested in your life and they’re really not trying to make you uncomfortable. The thing is, most people who haven’t struggled with infertility have no idea what a sensitive subject it can be. Try to keep that in perspective. Conversations about when you’re going to have a baby can either make or break your mood. But by taking some of these steps, hopefully you’ll feel more comfortable and be better able to enjoy those baby questions.

1st OB Visit with Dr. Haley

5 Tips for Surviving Your OB Visit

You’re having a baby! Yipee!! Oh but wait, that means doctor’s appointments. But after that initial joy, reality sets in and you realize you’re in store for a lot of appointments. And exams. And blood being drawn. Ugh. But fear not, we’re here to help you with real issues expectant moms face when visiting the OB. The Wait! Oh, the Wait! You booked your appointment and what happens? You sit in the waiting room for what seems like days. No one likes waiting but thank goodness, most of us now have smart phones to help distract us. So to help pass time, whip it out and play a game of Words with Friends, check your friends’ status updates or get caught up on your work emails. Whatever it is, these distractions can be a huge help in passing the time. Book Your First OB Appointment Early Sure, an extra hour of sleep is awesome but if you book your appointment early in the day, you’re more apt to be seen quicker than if you booked a later appointment. Why? Because an early appointment means the office is less likely to be running behind. But what happens if an early appointment isn’t available? Call ahead to see if things are running on time. The receptionist may just tell you it’s okay to show up a little later. Just be sure to triple check how late you can show up as you’d hate to lose your spot altogether! Dr. Gandhi on What to Expect at Your First OB Visit Your first OB visit is the best time to discuss all of your pregnancy questions. Go to Your Happy Place The dreaded exam. Nobody likes it. After all, you’re showing your most intimate parts to a near stranger and you can’t help but wonder if you’re “normal” or if you groomed well enough, etc., etc. Oh, the things that run through our minds when we’re on that exam table! Some of us joke to the point of embarrassing ourselves (yours truly), while others think of anything other than the task at hand. But just remember this, while it’s the first time in months that your legs have been in stirrups, it’s the umpeteenth time your doctor has seen the same parts just that week. And as any OB will tell you, they’ve seen every size, shape and form and they certainly aren’t passing judgment. They’re simply there to help you with your health concerns. Blood Work Being probed and having your blood drawn isn’t exactly on anyone’s bucket list. But there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the discomfort. Start by talking to your doctor before the exam. Ask them what you can expect to feel before they start. Just knowing what to expect can take a lot of the fear and surprise out of it. And the less tense you are, the less discomfort you will feel. Another great tip is listening to music on your iPod, taking deep breaths or visualizing a favorite vacation. When you’re having your blood drawn, look away and don’t be afraid to turn into a Chatty Cathy. These tricks will definitely help take your mind off of things. Ask Those Questions If you ever feel like your doc breezes in and out before you even have a chance to ask one question much less the list of questions you had in mind, you will definitely leave your appointment frustrated and worse than that, without the information you need. To help ensure you get what you need out of your appointment, have a list of your questions in hand when the doctor enters the room and just start asking! And please know, it’s highly likely that your doctor isn’t even aware that you’re feeling rushed. She just knows that she has a lot more patients to see and is doing her best to keep on schedule. To get more time next time, ask if you can schedule a longer appointment. Just be sure to ask if you’ll be billed extra and if insurance will cover it. Birth Plans: More Like a Wish List You’ve put a ton of time into creating the perfect birth plan and you’re so excited to show your doctor how invested you are and what happens? She barely glances at it. What?! Before you get upset, try looking at it from the doc’s point of view. If everyone handed her a novel of a birth plan, she’d never get around to seeing her patients. So what to do? Make a list of bullet point items and discuss them with her. And make sure you prioritize and touch on the deal breakers without focusing so much on your “wish list”. This will help ensure that you’ll be heard and your doc is more apt to take your preferences seriously. Hopefully these tips will make your next OB visit a little more pleasant. To schedule your appointment, please call us at 770.720.7733 or visit us online at cherokeewomenshealth.com.

Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Fecal Incontinence Education, GYN Problems, Urinary Incontinence Education

Leaky Bladder and Leaky Faucets

by Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS “It was so annoying. I could not sleep. Drip, drip, drip sang the faucet all night long. I created excuses for myself so I wouldn’t have to fix it. My excuses ranged from, ‘I don’t have time,’ ‘I don’t have the money to spend on a plumber,’ or the classic, ‘it really isn’t that bad’. But every morning when I looked in the mirror, I realized I was suffering. I was sleep deprived and cranky. Reluctantly, I went to the local home improvement store to get some advice.” ‘It’s probably the washer,’ said the man behind the counter, while his thumbs snapped his suspenders. ‘Over time the washer is forced against the valve seat which causes it to wear out. As a result, you’ll notice dripping around the spout.’ I thanked him kindly and proceeded to the cash register to make my purchase. It made sense. It took just an hour to replace and voila! No more annoying drips. You know what I realized from this experience? We women put up with a lot! Leaky Bladder I see so many women come to my office with debilitating urinary leakage. They cannot enjoy Zumba for fear of an accident. Some cross their legs and hope for the best every time cold season comes around for fear that a sneeze will cause leakage. Others are embarrassed by leakage during intercourse. So women endure the drip, drip, drip. They try to convince themselves that “they don’t have time to go to the doctor,” or they worry that “insurance won’t pay to fix it anyway” and of course, they tell themselves “it really isn’t that bad.” Sound familiar? Of course it does. More than a third of women suffer from bladder control problems. The most common risk factor is childbirth. The muscles around the bladder and pelvis become weakened, which makes it harder for you to control when your urine starts flowing. Hormonal changes, such as diminished estrogen at the level of the urethra, also affect your ability to withstand increased pressure on your bladder such as exercise or even an unexpected sneeze. Women are surprised when I counsel them on the treatment options available, most of which are lifestyle changes. However, surgical advances in the past ten years have given skilled surgeons the tools in order to fix urine leakage with simple thirty minute outpatient procedures that leave no visible scars. It is a readily treatable condition with minimal side effects or long-term risks. Empowering women with clinical knowledge is rewarding. That is my suspender-snapping moment. If you have issues with urinary incontinence, help is available. Call us today to schedule an appointment at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online. Dr. Peahen Gandhi authored this article and is a board-certified OB/GYN and urogynecologist with Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists in Canton and Woodstock. Urogynecology is a subspecialty within obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on disorders of the female pelvic floor such as pelvic organ prolapse (bulging out of the uterus and/or vagina), urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and constipation.  

OB Patient Stories

Ashley’s Miscarriage Story

A miscarriage was not what Ashley expected to happen with her first pregnancy. Here, she shares her emotional story. After many years, Ashley and her husband became pregnant, and they were ecstatic. However, that excitement was short lived as it ended up being a long series of doctor’s visits and Ashley getting her blood drawn every three days. It was not how she envisioned her first pregnancy. Unfortunately, Ashley’s pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage, and it was a heart wrenching process. “My husband, Jesus and you helped me through a difficult miscarriage. You were great. Every time you saw me, you prayed for me,” Ashley tells Dr. Litrel. Ashley’s Advice for Others Suffering from Miscarriage Dr. Litrel asked Ashley if she had any wisdom to share with others who are going through — or have gone through — a miscarriage. Ashley said, “It’s okay if you don’t want to be around your pregnant friends. Allow yourself to hurt and hurt deeply. Give yourself permission to be angry. Open up your heart to God.” Pregnant Again! Ashley did become pregnant after her miscarriage and she’s over the moon. As Dr. Litrel showed her the ultrasound, she couldn’t hide her joy as she exclaimed, “Go little heart, go!”


Giving Birth is Like Riding a Roller Coaster

I love the twists, turns and rapid descents of roller coasters. Do you remember the first roller coaster you ever rode? Nope, it wasn’t at Six Flags or some other awesomely fun amusement park. It was while you were maneuvering through the birth canal. That’s right, the process of being born is very much like riding a roller coaster. Cardinal Movements The journey an infant takes and the adaptations made while being born is referred to as the cardinal movements. The first cardinal movement is called descent. Just as you feel when your stomach drops as the roller coaster rushes down full speed, down into the valley, securely positioned into your seat by the tight lap bar, an infant’s head is pushed deep into the pelvis. Flexion Next is flexion. Do you remember trying to raise your head in the coaster while diving into the valley at high speed? This is similar to an infant’s chin that’s secured onto the breast bone as they prepare for the tight fit. Just as you can’t raise your head, neither can a baby. Engagement Engagement is next. This is the moment you catch your breath before the next thrill, the next turn. This is when an infant’s head reaches the pelvic inlet. The infant now undergoes a sharp internal rotation, sometimes at a 90 degree angle, in order to accommodate your pelvis. And just as the coaster comes out of its last turn, the infant extends its head, only to take one last turn before applying the brakes. External Rotation Next is external rotation. This is the this final turn that allows for the infant to line its head up to its back to allow for the final step, which is expulsion. And finally, the screams. All at once, the cries of excitement and relief converge. Season Passes Just as you might have a season pass for an amusement park, some women open up admission to allow for riders every season! Two, three, four or more deliveries later, these season passes can take a toll on a woman’s equipment. Can you imagine the CEO of Six Flags complaining because they’ve sold too many tickets for the roller coasters and are now making too much money? Well that’s kind of how women view it when they come to see me about pelvic complaints. After all, what right do they have to complain about the wear and tear on their equipment when the birth of a child makes them so rich with love and blessings? We Are Human It’s this very notion that I try to absolve. Urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and suffering obstetric lacerations are not a rite of passage. It simply reveals how vulnerable our bodies are to trauma. It simply makes us human. Thankfully, our ability to repair our bodies makes us sustainable. The miracle of birth does not need to be altered but the recovery can be optimized. When I see a woman and discuss these very personal issues, I keep in mind this notion she came with and value her beauty as a mother. I also try to reassure her and offer solutions to restore her beauty as a woman as well. After all, being a woman and a mother are two of the most beautiful things on this planet and they deserve to be treasured. -Dr. Peahen Gandhi

prolapsed bladder
Ablation Education, Bleeding Education, GYN Problems

What Defines Heavy Bleeding?

We understand that discussing heavy bleeding can be embarrassing to talk about. You may not even realize that what you experience each month is abnormal because your periods are normal to you. However, it is critical to recognize what defines heavy bleeding as it may be a symptom of other issues that require further medical attention. What Are the Causes of Heavy Bleeding? There are many factors that can cause heavy bleeding. In young women who have just started having regular periods as well as premenopausal women, heavy bleeding is often due to a hormonal imbalance between the estrogen and progesterone levels. This hormonal imbalance may also be caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. Fibroids may also be a cause of heavy bleeding. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors inside the uterus, they are most common in women who are within their peak child-bearing years as this is when hormone levels are at their highest. What Are the Symptoms? The symptoms may seem difficult to identify because they may seem normal to you. The average period only produces about two to three tablespoons of blood and lasts about four to five days, if you are soaking through a tampon or pad hourly for many consecutive hours you may have heavy bleeding. Other symptoms include severe cramps, periods that last longer than seven days, and passing clots larger than a quarter. You may also experience fatigue and shortness of breath. These symptoms are signs of anemia which can be caused by severe blood loss.   Are you still unsure about your symptoms? Take our Heavy Bleeding Quiz. How is Heavy Bleeding Treated? Treatments vary depending on what is causing the heavy bleeding. Options may include simple over the counter medicines, low-dose birth control pills or hormone therapy. In some cases, your bleeding can be treated with ablation. Ablation is a new treatment that can be done in our office in about ten minutes. Check with your physician to see which is right for you. Talk to Your Doctor There is no reason your life should be on hold each and every month. If you find that your monthly period is taking a toll on your lifestyle, schedule an appointment to talk to your physician about treatment options and getting your life back on track without monthly interruptions. Or, call us at 770.720.7733.

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