Diane, Author at Cherokee Women's Health - Page 10 of 59

Author name: Diane


The Advancements in Urinary Incontinence Slings

Hello, I’m Dr. Jim Haley and today I want to discuss the newer slings used to address urinary incontinence. As medical technology evolves, we continuously strive to find more effective solutions to common issues like urinary leakage. These modern slings have become a game-changer in treating this condition. Let’s take a closer look at how they work and why they are so effective. Watch his corresponding video. The Role of Slings in Managing Urinary Incontinence Urinary incontinence can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem for many women. Historically, bladder tacks were used to provide support and reduce leakage, but over time, advancements in medical devices led to the development of slings. Replacing Old Techniques The newer slings are incredibly small, yet highly effective. They are placed just beneath the urethra and act as a supportive hammock. This positioning offers a stable backdrop for the urethra, helping to reduce or even prevent urine leakage. As mentioned earlier, bladder tacks were previously used to address urinary incontinence. However, the newer slings have largely replaced these older methods due to their improved effectiveness and ease of use. The Benefits of Modern Slings The use of these advanced slings brings several benefits for women dealing with urinary incontinence. 1. High Effectiveness Despite their small size, these slings offer remarkable results. They have proven to be highly effective in reducing urinary leakage, providing women with much-needed relief. 2. Minimal Invasiveness The procedure to insert these slings is minimally invasive. This means shorter recovery times and reduced discomfort for patients. 3. Improved Quality of Life By addressing urinary incontinence, these slings can significantly enhance a woman’s quality of life. They provide confidence and freedom from the worries of accidental urine leakage. Consultation and Information As a double board-certified urogynecologist, I understand the impact of urinary incontinence on a woman’s life. The advancements in sling technology have revolutionized how we address this issue, providing women with effective and less invasive treatment options. If urinary incontinence is affecting your life, I encourage you to consider these newer slings and take the first step towards regaining control and confidence. I am here to assist and provide you with more details about the newer slings. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online. Together, we can find the most appropriate solution to improve your condition and overall well-being.

Dr. Michael Litrel

Dr. Litrel Discusses Urinary Incontinence After Giving Birth

Hi there! I’m Dr. Michael Litrel, a urogynecologist specializing in surgery and medicine to help women who have experienced childbirth-related damage. One of the most common issues women face after childbirth is urinary incontinence. It’s a condition where a woman involuntarily leaks urine when she coughs, sneezes, or exercises. Today, I want to shed some light on this problem, explain why it occurs, and introduce a simple, effective solution called the suburethral sling procedure. Prefer to see his video? Watch it here! Understanding Urinary Incontinence Before we delve into the solution, let’s understand why urinary incontinence happens. Imagine this cross-section of a woman’s body. The front represents the uterus or womb, and the back is the vagina. During childbirth, a baby’s head can damage the structures that support the vagina, leading to pelvic organ prolapse. This condition causes the urethra, the hole that leads out of the bladder, to drop, resulting in urine leakage when pressure increases in the bladder. The Suburethral Sling Procedure The suburethral sling is a remarkable solution to address urinary incontinence. This small, simple device made of polypropylene is placed underneath the bladder to support the urethra. Once in place, it prevents the urethra from coming out when a woman coughs or sneezes, effectively stopping urinary leakage. The Procedure The suburethral sling procedure is relatively quick and straightforward. It typically takes around 15 minutes to perform in the operating room, and patients can return home the same day. While there may be some discomfort for a few days, the recovery process is generally smooth. Patients are advised to refrain from sexual activity for about a month to allow proper healing. Regaining Control and Confidence Urinary incontinence can significantly disrupt a woman’s life and confidence. Many women suffer in silence, believing it’s a normal part of motherhood. However, there’s no need to endure this condition when a straightforward and highly effective solution is available. We’re Here to Help As a double board-certified urogynecologist, I’ve witnessed how urinary incontinence affects women physically and emotionally. However, I’m also confident in the effectiveness of the suburethral sling procedure. It’s a simple, minimally invasive solution that can bring significant relief to women facing this challenge. Remember, seeking help is the first step towards overcoming urinary incontinence and reclaiming your confidence. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

sheila vaginal birth
OB Patient Stories

Vaginal Birth: Sheila’s Transformative Journey

For Sheila, the experience of giving birth vaginally was nothing short of extraordinary. Giving birth is a momentous occasion, filled with an array of emotions ranging from excitement to nervousness. As she shares, Sheila discovered the true essence of strength, love, and empowerment. Preparing for Motherhood Throughout her pregnancy, Sheila meticulously prepared for the arrival of her little one. She attended childbirth classes, read numerous books, and sought advice from experienced mothers. Armed with knowledge and support, she felt more confident about the impending delivery. Despite the preparations, nothing could entirely alleviate the butterflies in her stomach as the big day approached. Riding the Waves of Emotion Sheila’s labor began gradually, and she found solace in the loving presence of her partner, who offered unwavering support. As contractions intensified, Sheila’s determination surged forth, and she surrendered to the natural rhythm of her body. In the hands of her compassionate obstetrician, she felt secure and nurtured. As the hours passed, Sheila experienced the ebb and flow of emotions that often accompany labor. Yet, with each surge of pain, she recognized it as a reminder of the beautiful life she was about to bring into the world. Through deep breaths and unwavering focus, Sheila harnessed her inner strength, drawing upon the love she held for her unborn child. Vaginal birth is an intricate dance of body and mind. Sheila had to relinquish control and trust her body’s innate ability to deliver her baby safely. Welcoming New Life And then, after what felt like both an eternity and an instant, Sheila heard her baby’s first cry. The room filled with joy, relief, and an overwhelming sense of awe. Sheila’s heart swelled with love as she held her precious bundle for the first time, also known as the ‘Golden Hour’. In the aftermath of childbirth, Sheila experienced an overwhelming mix of emotions. Amidst the exhaustion, she marveled at the newfound strength she discovered within herself. Giving birth vaginally had unlocked an immense well of power that she never knew she possessed. The experience had transformed her, leaving her feeling like a warrior, ready to conquer any challenge that came her way. Embracing Motherhood The postpartum period brought its own set of trials, but the bond between Sheila and her baby strengthened each day, and she reveled in the joy of motherhood. In the toughest moments, she reminded herself of the incredible journey she had undertaken to bring her child into the world. In conclusion, Sheila’s experience of giving birth vaginally was a transformative and empowering journey. From the initial trepidation to the overwhelming joy, the memory of that day will forever be etched in her heart, reminding her of the extraordinary strength and beauty that lie within the act of bringing new life into the world. Here For You Our OB/GYNs and certified nurse midwives are here for you. Call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

vaginal childbirth

Vaginal Birth: A Natural and Empowering Experience

In the realm of childbirth, vaginal birth stands as a natural and empowering process that has been practiced for millennia. This article discusses its benefits, the stages involved, and addressing common concerns. The Miracle of Vaginal Birth Vaginal birth is a marvel of nature, enabling a mother to bring her child into the world through the birth canal. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the female body, as it undergoes a series of miraculous transformations during the process. The Stages Stage One: Early Labor – During this initial stage, the body prepares for the main event. Contractions begin and gradually increase in intensity, signaling that labor has commenced. Stage Two: Active Labor – In this stage, the cervix dilates further, and contractions become more frequent and intense. The mother’s strength and determination play a pivotal role in progressing through active labor. Stage Three: Transition – Transition is a critical phase where the cervix completes its dilation. Emotions may run high during this period, but it heralds the approaching moment of birth. Stage Four: The Birth – The climax of the journey, the birth stage, involves the baby’s emergence into the world. With the support of medical professionals and loved ones, the mother actively participates in this miraculous moment. The Benefits Faster Recovery – Compared to cesarean deliveries, vaginal birth typically results in a quicker recovery period. The absence of major abdominal surgery allows mothers to resume their daily activities sooner. Bonding Experience – The intimate skin-to-skin contact that occurs fosters a profound bonding experience between mother and baby. Promotes Baby’s Health – With the transfer of beneficial bacteria from the mother to the baby, it supports the infant’s developing immune system. Addressing Concerns Pain Management – While vaginal birth involves pain, various pain management techniques, such as breathing exercises, hydrotherapy, and epidurals, can significantly alleviate discomfort. Episiotomy – Episiotomy, a surgical incision made to ease delivery, is sometimes required. However, medical advancements have reduced its necessity, and natural tearing can often be preferred. Fear of Tearing – Tearing is a common concern, but the body’s natural healing abilities help in postpartum recovery, minimizing discomfort. FAQs Q1: How long does a vaginal birth typically last? A: The duration can vary, but it often lasts between 6 to 12 hours, depending on various factors such as the mother’s health and the progress of labor. Q2: Can all women have a vaginal birth? A: While suitable for most women, certain medical conditions or complications may necessitate a cesarean delivery. Q3: How can I prepare? A: Prenatal classes, staying physically active, and discussing birth plans with healthcare providers can help you prepare. Q4: What are the potential risks? A: While generally safe, potential risks may include tearing, episiotomy, and infection. These risks are typically managed by medical professionals to ensure a healthy delivery. Our OB/GYNs Are Here For You Our OB/GYNs and certified nurse midwives have delivered thousands of beautiful, healthy babies. Call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

birth plan

Adjusting Birth Plans: When a C-Section Becomes Necessary for Safe Delivery

You’ve carefully written out your birth plan, which clearly states that you’d like a vaginal birth. However, while you’re in the throes of labor, your doctor recommends a C-section. You’ll likely be confused, frustrated and disappointed. We get that, which is why we want to share with you the reasons why your birth plan may not go according to…plan. One thing that’s important to know is that your physician or certified nurse midwife absolutely respects your wishes and will do everything in their power to make them a reality. However, their number one priority is always the safety and well-being of both mother and baby. Read on to understand who is most at risk for needing a C-section and the unseen complications that may deem them necessary. What is a C-Section? A cesarean section, commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure performed to deliver a baby by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. It is typically conducted when vaginal delivery poses risks to the health of the mother or baby or in certain specific situations where it is the safest option for a successful birth. Although it involves surgery, C-sections are generally safe and performed under controlled conditions by skilled medical teams. Maternal Indications for C-Sections Fetal Indications for C-Sections Emergent Situations and Unforeseen Complications Collaborative Decision-Making It is essential for expectant parents to engage in open discussions with their physicians regarding birth plans and potential risks. By actively participating in the decision-making process, women can make informed choices about their birthing experience, including the possibility of a C-section. By fostering a collaborative and informed approach to childbirth, we aim to empower women to navigate their birthing journey with confidence, trust, and the reassurance that their health and the health of their baby are always the top priority. Request an Appointment Call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified OB/GYNs or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location. Note: The specific reasons for cesarean sections and the recommended approach may vary depending on the medical context and individual patient circumstances. It’s essential to consult with healthcare providers for personalized information and guidance.

patient heather after getting the o-shot
GYN Problems

The O-Shot Helped Heather Rediscover Intimacy

The O-Shot was a beacon of hope for Heather, aged 42, who was looking to rediscover intimacy. Everyday challenges of life had taken its toll on her both physically and emotionally, which lead to a strain in her intimate relationship. Fortunately, her journey to rediscover intimacy took an unexpected turn when she discovered the O-Shot through her trusted gynecologist, which transformed her relationship and reignited the flame of passion. She’s sharing her story in the hopes that it helps other women facing the same issues. When Intimacy Fades Heather and her husband had been happily married for over a decade. However, as time went on, Heather began experiencing changes that impacted their intimate life. Hormonal shifts, childbirth, and aging took their toll, leading to decreased sexual desire, discomfort during intercourse, and difficulty achieving orgasm. These challenges not only affected Heather’s confidence but also strained the emotional connection she shared with her husband. Desperate for a solution, she decided to seek help from her doctor, Dr. James Haley of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. Heather was a little anxious to discuss such an intimate subject but she trusted Dr. Haley and had hope that he could help her. The O-Shot: A Beacon of Hope Dr. Haley introduced Heather to a revolutionary procedure known as the O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot. The O-Shot utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a safe and minimally invasive procedure that harnesses the body’s own healing abilities to rejuvenate the vaginal area. PRP, derived from a small blood sample, contains growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and improve blood flow, leading to enhanced sexual response. Noticing Gradual Improvements After discussing the procedure with Dr. Haley, Heather decided to proceed with the O-Shot. The process was quick and virtually painless, with her own blood being extracted and processed to create the PRP serum. A local anesthetic was then applied to ensure her comfort. Once administered, the PRP was strategically injected into specific areas of the vagina, including the clitoris and the G-spot. Over the following weeks, Heather noticed gradual improvements in her sexual health and overall well-being. The O-Shot had a profound impact on her life, restoring sensation, increasing lubrication, and intensifying her orgasms. Moreover, the procedure rejuvenated the tissues, leading to a reduction in discomfort during intercourse. Heather’s newfound confidence and pleasure not only transformed her own experience but also reignited the intimate connection with her husband. Ooh La La! Heather’s journey with the O-Shot highlights the transformative power of this innovative procedure. By addressing her physical challenges, she was able to reclaim her sexuality, rekindle the flame of passion with her husband, and restore the intimacy they once enjoyed. Our Women’s Health Experts Can Help If you find yourself facing similar challenges to Heather, struggling to maintain intimacy in your relationship, consider exploring the benefits of the O-Shot. By reaching out to experts like our doctors at Cherokee Women’s Health, you can take the first step toward rejuvenating your sexual health and enhancing your overall well-being. Don’t let the obstacles of life hinder your happiness; embrace the possibilities that the O-Shot offers. Call 770.720.7733 today to schedule an appointment with one of our three double board-certified gynecologists and see if the O-Shot is right for you. Or, simply schedule an appointment online. At Cherokee Women’s Health, three of our doctors are double board-certified gynecologists, urogynecologists and practicing obstetricians, giving them the highest professional qualifications and credentials. They are certified in the subspecialty of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS). Their expertise allows them to fully understand a woman’s body both inside and out, which translates into the best treatment with the best outcome.


How Breasts Change After Giving Birth

Pregnancy and childbirth bring about a multitude of changes in a woman’s body, and one area that undergoes significant transformations is the breasts. Understanding what happens to your breasts directly after having a baby can help you navigate the postpartum period with confidence and knowledge. In this article, we will explore the common changes women experience in their breasts following childbirth and provide insight to support you through this transformative time. Engorgement and Milk Production Directly after giving birth, many women experience engorgement as their breasts prepare for breastfeeding. Engorgement occurs as blood flow to the breasts increases, causing them to become swollen, firm, and sensitive. It is a natural process as your body begins to produce milk to nourish your newborn. To alleviate discomfort, try breastfeeding or expressing milk frequently to release the built-up milk and relieve engorgement. Applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower before feeding can also aid milk flow. If you have concerns or difficulties with breastfeeding, consult a lactation consultant or reach out to the experts at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists for guidance and support. Colostrum, the Early Milk In the initial days after childbirth, your breasts produce colostrum, a nutrient-rich, yellowish fluid that serves as the first milk for your baby. Colostrum is often referred to as “liquid gold” due to its exceptional nutritional value and essential antibodies that help protect your newborn against infections. While colostrum production is a vital part of breastfeeding, it is normal for some women to have concerns about the quantity produced. Rest assured that your body is producing the perfect amount for your baby’s needs during these early days. As your milk supply transitions to mature milk, typically within a few days after birth, your breasts may feel fuller and heavier. Changes in Breast Size and Appearance Throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, your breasts go through significant changes in size and appearance. During pregnancy, increased blood flow and hormonal changes cause the breasts to enlarge and become tender. After giving birth, you may notice that your breasts continue to remain larger and fuller than before pregnancy. As your milk supply regulates and your baby establishes a feeding routine, your breast size may fluctuate. It’s important to remember that breast size and appearance can vary widely among individuals, and there is no “normal” or ideal size. Embrace the changes your body has undergone and focus on the remarkable role your breasts play in nurturing your child. We’re Here For You As you embark on the journey of motherhood, it’s essential to understand the changes your breasts undergo directly after having a baby. Embracing these changes and seeking support from professionals can help you navigate breastfeeding challenges and ensure a positive breastfeeding experience for you and your baby. Remember, your breasts are uniquely designed to provide nourishment and comfort to your newborn, and their changes are a testament to the incredible journey of motherhood. At Cherokee Women’s Health, our OB/GYNs dedicate themselves to providing optimal care to moms and their babies. Call 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment with one of our exceptional board-certified obstetricians or midwives or simply schedule an appointment online.

woman with thyroid issue
Well Woman

Top 5 Signs of a Thyroid Issue

This article outlines the top five things to watch for with thyroid issues. The thyroid is a crucial part of overall well-being, so our OB/GYNs hope this information will help you maintain optimal health. What Exactly Does a Thyroid Do? The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, temperature control, and hormone production. Two hormones, T-3 and T-4, are produced by the thyroid that affect things like how fast your heart beats, how deeply you breathe, and your body weight. These hormones also help control cholesterol levels and women’s menstrual cycles. Unexplained Weight Changes One of the primary signs of a thyroid disorder is unexplained weight changes. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can lead to weight gain, while an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can result in weight loss. If you notice significant fluctuations in your weight without any changes in diet or exercise, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional at Cherokee Women’s Health for a thorough evaluation of your thyroid function. Fatigue and Mood Swings Feeling excessively tired or experiencing unexplained mood swings could be indicative of an underlying thyroid issue. Hypothyroidism often manifests as persistent fatigue, lethargy, and a general sense of low energy. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism can lead to restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. If you find yourself battling unexplained exhaustion or emotional instability, it may be worth discussing these symptoms with our experienced OB/GYN team. Changes in Menstrual Patterns Thyroid dysfunction can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance in women, affecting their menstrual cycles. Irregular periods, lighter or heavier bleeding than usual, or increased cramping could be potential red flags for an underlying thyroid problem. It is crucial to monitor your menstrual patterns and promptly seek guidance from our experts at Cherokee Women’s Health if you observe any unexplained changes. Hair Loss and Skin Changes The health of your hair and skin can also provide clues about your thyroid function. Excessive hair loss, dry and brittle hair, thinning eyebrows, and dry, itchy skin are commonly associated with hypothyroidism. Conversely, hyperthyroidism may cause hair thinning, increased hair shedding, and skin issues such as excessive sweating or sensitivity. Cold Sensitivity and Temperature Regulation The thyroid gland helps regulate body temperature, and thyroid dysfunction can disrupt this balance. People with hypothyroidism often report feeling unusually sensitive to cold temperatures, experiencing cold hands and feet, and having an overall intolerance to cold. Conversely, individuals with hyperthyroidism may have an increased sensitivity to heat and feel excessively warm, even in normal temperature environments. Listen to Your Body By recognizing the top five things to look out for regarding thyroid issues–unexplained weight changes, fatigue and mood swings, changes in menstrual patterns, hair loss and skin changes, and cold sensitivity and temperature regulation–women can proactively monitor their well-being. Remember, if you notice any of these symptoms, seeking guidance from our experienced OB/GYN team will help you obtain an accurate diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan to ensure optimal thyroid health. Make an Appointment schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location or call us at 770.720.7733. Our board-certified OB/GYNs are here to help you regain control over your health.

27 year old with baby after a c-section

A C-Section at 27 Years Old

As a 27-year-old woman, I had envisioned a natural delivery, but circumstances led me down a different path. For me, that meant getting a C-section. In sharing my personal experience, I hope to provide insights and reassurance to others who may find themselves on a similar journey. The Unexpected Turn As my due date approached, I eagerly prepared for the anticipated arrival of my baby. However, during labor, complications arose, and it became clear that a C-section was necessary for the safety of both my child and me. While I initially felt a mix of disappointment and worry, my healthcare team at Cherokee Women’s Health explained the situation with care and helped me understand that a C-section was the best course of action. I’m Actually Getting a C-Section Heading into the operating room, a mix of nerves and excitement filled my heart. The medical team made me feel at ease as they prepared me for the procedure. I was given anesthesia, and soon after, I felt a gentle tugging sensation as the doctors began their work. Though I couldn’t see what was happening, the support and encouragement from the medical staff helped me feel connected and reassured. Meeting My Miracle Baby As the surgical team worked efficiently, the anticipation grew. And then, a cry pierced the air—a sound that instantly melted my heart. I caught a glimpse of my beautiful baby as they were held up for me to see. Despite the different path my journey took, the overwhelming joy and love I felt at that moment erased any doubts or concerns I had about the C-section. Recovery Challenges and Triumphs C-Section recovery presented its own set of challenges, both physically and emotionally. The first few days were marked by discomfort and soreness around the incision site. However, with the guidance of my healthcare team, I found ways to manage the pain effectively. Walking slowly and gradually increasing my activity level played a significant role in my recovery. Along with rest, proper nutrition, and the support of my loved ones, I gradually regained my strength. Embracing the C-Section Journey Though my birth experience may not have followed the path I initially imagined, I’ve come to realize that it is not the mode of delivery that defines my journey into motherhood. It is the love, devotion, and bond I share with my child that truly matters. The C-section became a part of my story, and it doesn’t diminish the joy and fulfillment I experience as a mother. A Message of Support To any woman who finds herself facing a C-section, remember that your journey is unique and valid. Embrace the unpredictability of childbirth, and don’t be afraid to lean on the support of your healthcare team, family, and friends. The bond you create with your child transcends the method of delivery. My journey into motherhood through a C-section taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the unconditional love that accompanies motherhood. By sharing my story, I hope to empower and uplift others who may find themselves on a similar path. Remember, the birth of your child is a remarkable and awe-inspiring experience, regardless of how it unfolds. Our Compassionate OB/GYNs Are Here For You If you’d like to make an appointment with our diverse team of OB/GYNs at either our Woodstock and Canton location, please call 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online.

c-section scar

C-Section Recovery Guide

Recovering from a cesarean section (C-section) requires special care and attention to ensure a smooth healing process. At Cherokee Women’s Health, our experienced OB/GYN team understands the importance of a healthy recovery for mothers who have undergone this surgical procedure. In this article, we present valuable tips and expert advice to support women in their C-section recovery journey. Follow Post-Surgical Care Instructions After a C-section, carefully following the post-surgical care instructions provided by your physician is crucial. This includes proper wound care, such as keeping the incision clean and dry, as well as changing dressings as directed. Adhering to prescribed pain medications, if needed, and attending follow-up appointments with your OB/GYN are essential for monitoring your progress and addressing any concerns promptly. Prioritize Rest and Gentle Movement Rest is vital during the initial phase of C-section recovery. Listen to your body and allow yourself ample time to heal. Limit activities that strain your abdominal muscles, such as lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous exercise. However, gentle movement and walking can promote blood circulation, reduce the risk of blood clots, and aid in healing. Gradually increase activity levels as advised by your physician. Reduce Pain Managing pain effectively is key to a comfortable recovery. Your physician may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter options suitable for breastfeeding mothers. Applying a cold pack to the incision site can help reduce swelling, while using a pillow or rolled-up towel to support your abdomen while coughing, sneezing, or laughing can minimize discomfort. Always consult your OB/GYN regarding pain management strategies. Practice Good Nutrition and Hydration Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for optimal healing and overall well-being. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Adequate hydration supports tissue repair and helps prevent constipation, a common issue following C-sections. Including fiber-rich foods and staying well-hydrated can promote regular bowel movements and alleviate post-surgical discomfort. Seek Emotional Support Recovering from a C-section involves both physical and emotional healing. Reach out to your support system, including family, friends, or support groups, to share your feelings and concerns. Adjusting to parenthood and healing from surgery can be emotionally challenging. Remember that seeking emotional support is not a sign of weakness, but a proactive step towards holistic recovery. Monitor Signs of Infection or Complications It is crucial to monitor the incision site for any signs of infection, such as redness, increased pain, swelling, or discharge. Additionally, be mindful of symptoms such as excessive bleeding, fever, or severe abdominal pain, as they may indicate complications requiring immediate medical attention. If you observe any worrisome signs, promptly contact your provider at Cherokee Women’s Health. Be Kind to Yourself A successful C-section recovery involves a combination of proper self-care, following medical advice, and seeking support when needed. By prioritizing rest, following post-surgical care instructions, managing pain effectively, maintaining a healthy diet, and seeking emotional support, you can enhance your healing process. We’re Here For You At Cherokee Women’s Health, we understand that every woman’s C-section recovery journey is unique. Our dedicated team of OB/GYN specialists is here to provide personalized care and support to ensure a smooth healing process. Let our experienced professionals guide you through this transformative time, offering expert advice, compassionate care, and the resources you need to thrive. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

Pushpa Liseli Phillips, MD, MPH, FACOG
Well Woman

Dr. Phillips: Empowering Women’s Health With Passion and Purpose

Growing up in Trinidad and Tobago, I had the privilege of being surrounded by strong women in my family. Witnessing how their physical and emotional well-being influenced the dynamics within our households made me realize the profound impact women have on their families and communities. Inspired by this observation, I knew that as a physician, my greatest contribution would be in serving women and empowering them to lead healthy lives. Thus began my journey as an OB/GYN. Prefer to see Dr. Phillips’ video? Watch it here! A Calling to Make a Difference in Women’s Lives While the exhilaration of delivering babies and performing life-changing surgeries captivated me, my true passion lies in educating women. With a Master’s in Public Health, I possess a unique advantage in reaching women beyond the confines of my office. Whether I’m in the field or discussing various topics in the office, such as contraception, family planning, or menopausal issues, I relish the opportunity to provide a wider scope of care and offer a different viewpoint. Educating patients about specific aspects of obstetrics and gynecology fuels my sense of purpose. Fulfillment through Service and Empowerment The notion of service and providing a path for others to succeed has been deeply ingrained in me from a young age. My father, although not a physician himself but involved in public service, would often sing the words, “If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living would not be in vain.” I wholeheartedly embraced this sentiment, and it has become the driving force behind my commitment to serving others. Returning to work after maternity leave, I realized that the fulfillment I experienced in serving those for whom I didn’t have an innate responsibility was missing from my life. It became clear that being both a mother and a physician was the ideal way for me to contribute to society. Being a Mom, Physician, and Wife: Finding Fulfillment With the support of my loving husband, I have found a harmonious balance between being a mom, a physician, and a wife. Raising five children, including a child with autism, has taught me invaluable lessons in patience, compassion, and resilience. Each day, I strive to bring my best self to the table, providing exceptional care to my patients while nurturing my family. From Tobago to the United States: A Journey of Growth Having completed my primary and secondary education on the picturesque island of Tobago, I embarked on my medical journey at St. George’s University in Grenada. There, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in both the U.S. and British medical systems, gaining a well-rounded perspective. Eventually, I chose to pursue my residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the United States, spending four formative years at Staten Island University Hospital. Subsequently, my husband and I relocated to Western North Carolina, seeking better support for our child with special needs. It was a significant move for our family, and we have since embraced our new home in Georgia, eager to serve and meet our new patients. Driven by Passion, Guided by Purpose As I reflect on my journey as an obstetrician and gynecologist, I am humbled and inspired by the opportunity to make a difference in women’s lives. Serving women’s health and empowering them to lead physically and emotionally healthy lives ismy ultimate goal. With a deep-rooted commitment to education, public health, and community outreach, I strive to provide comprehensive care and support to my patients. As I continue on this path, I am fueled by the words of my father, reminding me that true fulfillment lies in helping others and leaving a positive impact on society. Today, I am grateful to live my ideal life, serving as a dedicated mother, physician, and wife, while bringing my best self to the table every day.

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