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OB Education

pregnant woman fetal kicks

The Crucial Role of Fetal Kick Counts

Careful observation of fetal kick counts is paramount for both expectant mothers and healthcare providers. Among the various methods used ...
vbac photo

Denied a VBAC? Trust Your Doctor

VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) isn't always the safest choice, which is why it's important to trust your doctor when ...
vaginal childbirth

Vaginal Birth: A Natural and Empowering Experience

In the realm of childbirth, vaginal birth stands as a natural and empowering process that has been practiced for millennia ...
birth plan

Adjusting Birth Plans: When a C-Section Becomes Necessary for Safe Delivery

You've carefully written out your birth plan, which clearly states that you'd like a vaginal birth. However, while you're in ...