Diane, Author at Cherokee Women's Health - Page 57 of 59

Author name: Diane

doctor holding patient hand
Well Woman

The Body and Soul of Modern Medicine

PRESS RELEASE Date: March 2011 Release Date: For Immediate Release Contact: Ann Litrel, Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists LLC 678.640.8217 annlitrel@comcast.net Subject: The Eyes Don’t See – The Faith Factor In Medicine Simply turning on the television or opening a magazine subjects one to a host of advertisements for the latest miracle cure for everything from weight loss to pain relief to removal of wrinkles. But Dr. Mike Litrel of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists believes that the focus on the physical body is only half the story. “I think the focus in medical school has to be about the body and medicine and what is there, what is obvious,” he says. “But as you grow as a physician, you learn to focus more on who each patient is, as opposed to just what their symptoms are. And you see how “non-medical” factors affect a person’s health: “A destructive relationship can be a component of physical pain in the body. The will to live can bring back a “terminal” patient. Receiving and giving love can actually heal. These ideas are not addressed in the medical literature, but they are easily observable if you have your eyes open.” While modern medicine certainly holds the appeal of a “quick fix,” Dr. Litrel and his colleagues share the philosophy that the best solutions for curing a patient’s symptoms are not always those that include a prescription or a scalpel. “When we see someone in pain who is suffering, we often look at it as some sort of disease, rather than finding out what is really upsetting them,” he says. “Part of maturity is learning to take responsibility, to have the belief that our pain and suffering is a lesson to help us mature.” Dr. Litrel suggests that our society is more about fixing problems than in truly finding solutions. “You look at people – we overeat, we over drink, we take pills,” he says, and many people run to the doctor for something to help alleviate the pain brought on by those actions. But that is simply treating the body, instead of looking at the underlying cause. “Most of the suffering and disease and pain and sorrow is not about the body, it’s about the soul,” he says. While the evolution of medicine and technology has the capability of providing relief to symptoms, Dr. Litrel prefers to learn what is important to the individual, allowing them to be partners in their own wellness so that they can accomplish the goals that are important to them. “The point of medicine,” he says, “is to help the body live longer so the soul can accomplish its purpose. We all have a reason to be here.” Dr. Mike Litrel is the author of “The Eyes Don’t See What the Mind Don’t Know: A Physician’s Journey to Faith,” a collection of inspirational stories and medical “miracles” detailing a physician’s journey of faith in the world of modern medicine. Articles and information contained herein are provided for media use and general reference. You may quote or share articles, provided you do so verbatim and with attribution to our website. If you quote one of our articles on a website, please link to the article on this site. Thank you.

GYN Problems

Local Doctor Explains Hysterectomy Option on “The Doctors”

In the ever-changing world of women’s health, one Georgia gynecologist is making great strides in minimizing the pain, recovery time and trauma associated with a hysterectomy by refining Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS™) as a viable alternative to traditional surgery, and he is sharing his knowledge on the popular medical television program, “The Doctors” in March. Dr. Jorge Lense, a one-time partner in the OB/GYN practice of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists in Woodstock and Canton, Georgia, recognized the potential of the SILS™ procedure in women’s surgery, providing a minimally invasive option for women suffering from such afflictions as uterine fibroid tumors, endometriosis and uterine prolapse – the top three conditions for which surgical removal of the uterus is recommended. The relatively new SILS™ technology was originally developed to treat patients with gall stones and appendicitis, but the procedure holds considerable potential in the treatment of a host of conditions for which surgeons traditionally perform a multiple-entry abdominal laparoscopic procedure. Dr. Lense recognized the potential to reduce scarring, trauma and recovery time by using the SILS technology to perform hysterectomies, and he has spent much of his time introducing the technique to medical professionals across the country and around the globe. “Because it utilizes just a single small port through the belly button, (SILS™ ) really represents a whole new level of capabilities in the field of surgery,” Dr. Lense says. SILS™ now provides a fourth surgical option for hysterectomy, including traditional laparoscopic hysterectomy, abdominal (“open”) hysterectomy and vaginal hysterectomy, allowing women a less-invasive alternative for their treatment needs.


Dr. Gandhi Rocks!

The team at Cherokee Women’s Health received this adorable drawing by Nicollette Maki thanking Dr. Gandhi for bringing her little brother, Sean Ethan Maki, into the world. We posted it to our Facebook page but wanted to share some of the other amazing photos taken that day, courtesy of the Maki family. Here’s the hand-drawn testimonial Nicollette created for Dr. Ghandi (Click on images to enlarge): Sean Ethan Maki was delivered by c-section on December 19th, 2012 and weighed 8lbs and 1.6oz. (Note: These photos may be graphic – not for young eyes.) And here’s a photo of the budding artist with her brother when he turned a month old: What a lovely family! For more information on Dr. Gandhi or to schedule an appointment, please call 770-720-7733 or visit Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Well Woman

Diet and Emotional Health

More and more medical studies are linking nutrition to our emotional health and sense of well-being -and even to traditional psychological diagnoses. The areas under study include: Adult ADHD, poor concentration, sleeplessness Clinical depression and fatigue, lack of energy Mood swings and irritability Feel Like Yourself Again The first step toward feeling better is a complete physical exam. The goal is to rule out any underlying physical problems that may be affecting your hormone levels and your energy. Call us to schedule this initial, important complete physical exam. The next step begins with nutrition and lifestyle. We will work with you one-on-one to design a nutrition program that will work for you, with simple lifestyle improvements that will make a difference. Programs include: Easy guidelines for good nutrition that will improve your overall energy and sense of well-being. Nutritional supplements and approaches if you would like a medically supervised program to come off of anti-depressants. Easy exercise tips that you can work into a busy lifestyle. Make an Appointment A consultation will allow you to work together with a provider to design a simple, healthy program that will work for you. Schedule your appointment today. Call 770.720.7733.

ultrasound photo with brenda

Pregnancy Tips

A growing body of evidence links nutrition and environment during a woman’s pregnancy to the health and learning abilities of her children. The areas under study include: Children’s behavioral and learning disabilities, including autism and ADHD Child onset depression and emotional health Weight problems in children. Having a Healthy Baby Our physicians and advanced practice providers will work with you one-on-one to design a nutrition program that will work for you, with simple lifestyle improvements that will make your pregnancy healthy for you and your baby. Programs include: Easy guidelines for good nutrition for you and your baby Making sense of nutritional supplements during pregnancy Safe exercise tips that you can work into a busy lifestyle. Make an Appointment A consultation will allow you to work with one our highly qualified physicians and advanced practice providers to design an individual, simple, healthy meal plan that will work for you. Call 770.720.7733 and let our patient representative know that you’d like a pregnancy nutrition consultation.

vaginal dryness
Menopause and Hormone Therapy

Menopause Management

Changes in a woman’s reproductive hormones, beginning as early as her twenties, can cause disruptive symptoms. Common complaints include irritability, hot flashes, insomnia, loss of sexual desire, decreased concentration, difficulty with relationships, anxiety, unhappiness – and a myriad of other problems. We often see these problems being misdiagnosed as psychiatric disorders by other doctors, with the initiation of powerful medications that can bring about their own set of side effects. As a general rule it’s better to avoid medication, particularly medication that changes the neurochemistry of your brain. Natural Hormone Replacement Many times an imbalance of hormones is the culprit, and thus we offer our patients natural hormone replacement. The word hormone sometimes generates fear because of the negative press regarding hormones causing cancer. However, the hormones implicated in causing cancer tend to be synthetic hormones rather than natural hormones – without hormones, life would not be possible. In addition to Hormone balancing, we often find our patients suffering because of problems with life balancing. There are many demands associated with being a woman; sometimes it’s the choices we are making in life that are causing our symptoms, not a biological deficiency. At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, we try to find the cause of the problem rather than just treat the symptom. We listen to your concerns, perform a careful physical exam and laboratory testing to help identify the sources of discomfort, and specialize in natural treatment options that are safe and beneficial.

Food sensitivity testing photo
Nutrition and Weight Loss

Food Sensitivity Testing

Many common health problems, including certain skin conditions, headaches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel and more, are caused by food sensitivities. Without proper diagnosis, the root cause of the problem is never treated. People can live for years with a chronic condition that does not respond to medication because drugs simply mask the symptoms while the individual continues to consume the food that is making them sick in the first place. Common Health Problems Created by Food Sensitivities: It can be difficult to pinpoint the triggers since even healthy foods can cause adverse reactions in sensitive individuals. On top of that, symptoms may not appear for hours or even days after the food is consumed. You may also have a reaction once, then consume the same food but not have the same reaction. This can be caused by consuming different doses, or even different combinations of foods that each cause sensitive reactions. Understanding what’s causing your symptoms is crucial. Make an appointment with a provider who specializes in food sensitivity testing.

healthy foods
Nutrition and Weight Loss

Eat These Two Foods to Help Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack

​​Strawberries and blueberries could help reduce the risk of heart attacks in women. This latest finding comes from the Journal of the American Heart Association and a study that showed that women had a 32% lower heart attack risk if they ate strawberries and blueberries on a daily basis versus women who only ate these berries once a month or not at all. And surprisingly, researchers found this to be true even for women who included a lot of produce in their diets. Blueberries and strawberries not only taste delicious but they’re power foods because they contain high levels of flavonoids which is known to work against plaque build-up in heart disease. And what’s really interesting is that getting your kids to eat these berries at an early age may even reduce risk of a heart attack later in life. The data comes from the Nurses’ Health Study II which followed the diets of 93,600 women between the ages of 25 and 42. Data was recorded every four years for a total of 18 years. In that time there were 405 heart attacks. Blueberries and strawberries come out on top but other foods rich in antioxidants may also keep women’s heart attack risk low. Some of these heart-healthy foods include: Given that heart attack symptoms in women can be — and often are — much more subtle than the symptoms men typically experience, it’s even more important that we take steps to avoid heart disease. While exercise and eating right isn’t always something we look forward to, adding popcorn and dark chocolate to our diets just might be the incentives we need to kick start our healthy heart habits! 

Dr. Gandhi delivering baby

Dr. Gandhi, Labor Pains and a Beautiful Baby Boy

Amanda shares how both her sons were delivered by Dr. Peahen Gandhi of Cherokee Women’s Health.   “Dr. Gandhi delivered my first son Logan in 2007. That was the first time I had ever had a conversation with her because during my entire pregnancy I had seen Dr. Litrel. I was so worried about her delivering him because I thought she knew nothing about me or my issues during the pregnancy. I had to be induced at 36 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. To make a very long story short, she was a complete blessing to me and my family. “Logan had some issues when he was born so he had to stay in the hospital for eleven days. She didn’t have to check on me during this time but she made a point to come up to my room numerous times to make sure I was okay. Amanda recalls the care she received from Dr. Gandhi “The labor was agonizing and tiring but Dr. Gandhi stayed with me through the entire thing. From then on I considered her not only my doctor but a friend. Since then she has seen me through two miscarriages —with lots of testing to find out the reason — a long second pregnancy full of both worry and pure joy, and the amazing pain-free birth of my second son Jaxon Luke Parker. Dr. Gandhi truly is the most amazing doctor I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I appreciate her and all of you at Cherokee Women’s Health so very much!!” For more information on Dr. Gandhi or to schedule an appointment, call 770.720.7733 or visit Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists or request an appointment online.

happy pregnant woman

Fun and Fearless Jana!

Do upcoming labor pains scare Jana? Doesn’t look like it! When we first started following Jana’s pregnancy, we knew her journey would be a fun one to watch and she sure didn’t let us down. These amazing pre-baby belly pics perfectly show off her fun, down-to-earth and completely fearless personality. We love it!

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Well Woman

A Scientific Name for Nonsense

By Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS My physics classmates and I were studying for freshman exams when our professor introduced a new subject. “Retrograde motion” is the term used to describe the motion of the planets in the night sky. The apparent backward-looping paths are due to the planets’ orbit positions around the sun. Because ancient peoples believed all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth, they devised convoluted reasons for what they could see in the sky. The math required was incredibly complicated – undoubtedly because the planets did not, in fact, revolve around the earth. Full of resentment, I returned to my dorm room to study my notes on abandoned explanations for “Retrograde Motion.” It seemed to me that college physics was hard enough without having to learn something somebody else had figured out wasn’t true. As a premedical student I needed to get an A in this class – and all my others. What was the purpose of making me learn nonsense? Science is a powerful tool that helps us make sense of the world. Every decision I make for my patients is based upon a foundation of scientific evidence. But years of medical practice have also shown me that science has its limitations. For one thing, medical understanding is continually evolving. A hundred years ago, bacteria and viruses were unknown to humans. Thirty years ago, minimally invasive surgery didn’t exist. The understanding of today will change tomorrow. Science describes and measures things in the physical world. Blood pressure or cholesterol can be measured, infections diagnosed, and tumors discovered. Science provides the medications or surgeries to help our bodies get well. But health is about more than just the body. How do you measure a person’s happiness or fulfillment? Can you weigh a person’s faith or how much they love their neighbors? Some argue you can. Diagnoses Outside the Realm of Medicine Jill had been on antidepressants for eight years when I first met her. Her doctor had first prescribed the medication in Jill’s last year of college. She had been distraught because her fiancé had cheated on her. A few years later, she had met someone else and was now happily married. They wanted to have children, but antidepressants are known to cause birth defects – and Jill was addicted. It took six months to safely wean Jill from her medication before it was safe to conceive. I wondered why medication had been started in the first place. She was confused about this herself. There are many drugs available to treat depression, anxiety, and diseases – with names like “attention deficit disorder” and “bipolar syndrome.“ Are these really problems of the body, classified along with high blood pressure and diabetes as medical problems to be treated with medication? When I recommend surgery for a tumor, or tell a woman she is pregnant, I can back up my diagnosis with observable facts and measurable lab results. Psychiatric diagnoses, like depression or anxiety or bipolar, are based upon opinions, not evidence. Pharmaceuticals are created that make us feel less sad or less anxious. These drugs can make us feel better for a while – but then again, so can cocaine. A Scientific Name Doesn’t Make It True A lot of money is made selling drugs, especially the legal kind. You can give grief and sadness a scientific name, call it a mood disorder, and quote well-funded scientific studies about imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain and successful treatment with medication. But this is the same specious argument made by those who insisted the stars and planets revolved around the Earth. If you look in the night sky, you can see the celestial bodies moving around our planet’s sky, just as the ancients described a thousand years ago. But this doesn’t mean they understood what was going on. We suffer for a reason. Your hand hurts when you touch a hot stove. You can move your hand, or you can take pain medication. Medication will work for a while, but the burning will continue, and you will eventually need more drugs. This is the source of substance abuse. You take drugs for the wrong reason to make you feel better – and soon you need some more. We all suffer from terrible loss. This can be the death of one we love, or a heart breaking betrayal, or a crappy childhood. Grief is a feeling so deep and awful it can make us question whether we even want to live. This is spiritual suffering. The source of this suffering is not as obvious as when your hand or mine is on a hot stove. But what we can learn is even more important. The Physician for Spiritual Pain Spiritual pain is the only way we come to understand the eternal nature of ourselves. This is not an easy lesson. We come into the world as helpless newborns, only to die eight or ten decades later. In the course of that life, we gain – and then lose – everything and everyone that matters to us. We suffer terribly and we grieve along the way. But during these moments of pain, we can learn to reach out to a Higher Power – to God – for answers. And as we open ourselves to the source of Life, we come to recognize a greater truth. We are not mortal human beings suffering from spiritual problems. We are immortal spiritual beings, suffering from human problems. When we open our hearts to God our faith grows and we understand how to live. Taking a pill is easier than building a relationship with God. But this is what our world encourages; there is more money in selling drugs than in recommending spiritual growth. Anxiety and depression are not medical diagnoses. They are spiritual injuries. These are the signs pointing the path we must learn to travel. This is the path of Love. Learning this lesson is the only reason why we are here.

sad young woman
Well Woman

Fighting the Demons: the Right Antidepressant

by Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS Last year when Cindy came in for an annual exam, I was disheartened that her Internist had placed her on yet another antidepressant and she had gained another twenty pounds. Now she was even more depressed. Like all of us, Cindy has her demons. Her biggest goes by the name of “Donut.” A donut is just like an antidepressant; it makes you feel better immediately, but when your clothing becomes tight and the scale moves in the wrong direction you need yet another one to make you feel better. Excess fat on your body does not make you a bad person. The body is not who you are. It is only a temporary shell that houses your immortal self. But disliking what you see in the mirror is a lousy way to start the day. Negative feelings make it difficult to become the person God imagines. How can you love others when you have trouble even loving yourself? Poor Choices Map the Highway to Depression Skillful living boils down to one action at a time. Buy fresh fruit rather than a box of donuts. Pick up an apple instead of the donut. Eat the apple. Wise choices lead to happiness and fulfillment. Poor choices chart the highway to depression. Do I relax on the couch or go for a walk around the block? Do I watch mindless television or read a good book? Will I complain about my troubles – or thank God for my blessings? The decisions we make determine whether we have a healthy life or not, both physically and spiritually. I can tell you from knowing thousands of patients through the years that it’s the choices we make each moment that determine our happiness. The Prescription for Happiness I recommended to Cindy the book “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. His prescription boils down to this: Just add a pound of salad, a pound of cooked vegetables, and fresh fruit every day. Then watch your demons – and the cravings – gradually fade away. In fighting depression, our first line of defense must be against the countless chemicals and preservatives, and the dangerous fats and sugars, that permeate our food. A good diet is the first and best antidepressant. This year when Cindy came back for her annual, she had lost fifty pounds. As she explained she was off all her medications, a huge smile lit her face. It’s amazing what the right antidepressant can do.

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