Diane, Author at Cherokee Women's Health - Page 56 of 59

Author name: Diane


Must-Have Baby Items for New Parents

If you have been following along on our Facebook page, Babypalooza and our Cutest Baby Contest came to a close on Friday, May 31st. For the last week of Babypalooza, Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists wanted to focus our blog on the top must-have baby products. We know sorting through baby gear can be overwhelming – endless choices! Atlanta-area Moms and Dads want only the best for their little ones, but with the hottest toys and baby gear, how do you choose? We put together a list of items gathered from top parenting websites and reached out to our Twitter followers for responses. Here’s what we came up with: These are just a handful of helpful items for brand new moms and dads. Do you have a must-have baby item that isn’t on this list? We invite you to share with us by leaving a comment below! And be sure to stay tuned when we announce the winners of our Cutest Baby Contest!

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Dr. Litrel's Blog

Crying in the Exam Room

A patient I’d known for twenty years called to let me know her daughter was coming in to see me. She reminded me it had been eighteen years since I’d delivered her “baby girl.” I began to feel old, and I knew right away this was going to be a difficult appointment. For me. Baby Olivia had just returned from her first year of college. After gaining the traditional “freshman fifteen,” she had begun to suffer the effects, with her menstrual cycles becoming painful and irregular. One month she would miss her period, and the next bleed heavily for fifteen days. The cramps were so severe, she sometimes had to stay in her dorm room in bed. Her grades and social life had deteriorated. An ultrasound confirmed the obvious culprit, ovarian cysts. But I knew the underlying problem was her weight gain. Fat tissue can throw off a woman’s menstrual cycle; it introduces excess estrogen into the hormonal milieu. A high school cheerleader, Olivia had entered college almost underweight, so she wasn’t medically obese – just overweight for her small figure. As I reviewed the photos from her ultrasound, I debated with myself about how to broach the subject. No woman responds well to critical conversations about her weight, particularly a young woman struggling emotionally with the reflection she sees in the mirror. But I was confident that my extensive experience as a board certified OB/GYN, coupled with a natural soft touch with the opposite gender, gave me the requisite skill set to negotiate the conversational landmine. Olivia’s mom would be grateful she sent her daughter my way. Olivia began to sob as soon as I opened my mouth. Every exam room has a box of tissues for when my “conversational skill set” falls short. I handed Olivia some tissues and apologized for hurting her feelings. She reassured me it wasn’t what I had said that bothered her. She told me her story. Roommates Share Olivia and her roommate Sara started the year best of friends. They studied and ate together and went to parties with each other on the weekends. They even shared each other’s clothing. The stress of schoolwork and being away from home took its toll on Olivia. Sara was always ready to listen. Sara always had had snacks in the room – Oreos, Pop-Tarts, Doritos, Hershey’s chocolate and Coke. Olivia was free to help herself anytime she wanted. The comfort food made Olivia feel better. Any time Olivia was upset, Sara handed her something yummy. As the months went by, Olivia’s weight crept up, and her clothing became tighter. In her second semester when her periods began going haywire, she resigned herself to wearing sweats and baggy shirts. Sara kept her petite figure the entire year and took full advantage of Olivia’s unused clothing. It was toward the end of the school year that Sara made a shocking confession. She had filled their dorm room with snack food and encouraged Olivia’s overindulgence so Olivia would not fit into her clothing. “You had such nice things to wear, I couldn’t resist,” Sara told her with a laugh. Olivia’s problem wasn’t just weight gain; it was also an evil roommate. Life is painful enough without betrayal from those you trust. And yet betrayal is at the root of many of our medical problems. Making You Feel Good Smoking is a good place to start this conversation because most of us know it is the number one lifestyle choice that adversely affects our health. We know cigarettes are bad, but many continue to smoke. That’s because cigarettes are addictive. Yes, they lead to cancer and heart disease, but there is undeniably something about them that makes us feel good. Despite thirty years of evidence showing that the tobacco industry was not only purposefully increasing the addictive properties of their product, but also marketing them directly toward children, the tobacco industry successfully fought off all litigation. By the 1990’s, astronomical amounts of money had been spent caring for patients whose illnesses were the direct result of tobacco abuse. These were dollars often directly funded by the taxpayer as Medicare or Medicaid expenses. Finally, Attorney Generals from multiple states successfully brought a class action lawsuit, and in 1998 the tobacco industry agreed to pay 206 billion dollars to the states over twenty-five years. They also agreed to get rid of advertising icons, such as the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel, specifically designed to attract and addict the next generation of smokers. After smoking, what we choose to eat is the number two lifestyle choice that adversely affects our health. The typical American diet leads directly to obesity, heart disease, cancer and stroke. Many of the products sold on the shelves of our grocery store or in restaurants are virtually addictive. They don’t create a physical addiction in the same way that nicotine does, but in the book Salt Sugar Fat, author Michael Moss details exactly how the food industry has focused on creating mouth-watering products that are essentially irresistible. In 1990, Philip Morris, the tobacco giant responsible for almost half of the cigarette sales in the United States, purchased food giants Kraft and General Foods, and with these acquisitions began to control ten cents of every dollar Americans spend on groceries. Consuming salt, sugar, and fat, in the right combinations, with the perfect “mouth feel,” is like smoking cigarettes. And that’s why it’s impossible to eat only one Dorito or Oreo or McDonald’s French fry. The Pillsbury Doughboy, the Keebler elf, and Ronald McDonald smile like old friends but are actually evil roommates. New Choices I recommended a plant-based diet for Olivia, so she would become healthy again. I alerted her that if she didn’t lose the weight, she might suffer from infertility or eventually need surgery. Anything wrapped in plastic, containing sugar, fat, preservatives, or artificial flavors, was off-limits, no matter how delicious. The change would be tough at first, but the choice would prove life-changing. I also began

mom with baby photo
GYN Problems

Help Us Raise Awareness for Obstetric Fistula

May 23rd, 2013 marked the United Nation’s very first International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, a day dedicated to raising global awareness about obstetric fistula and commemorating the UNFPA’s Campaign to End Fistula. What is Obstetric Fistula? According to the UNFPA’s website, obstetric fistula is “a hole in the vagina or rectum caused by prolonged labor – often for days at a time – without treatment.” Because the fistula causes women to leak urine or feces, or both, they live in a world of social isolation and shame, often coinciding with depression and deepening poverty. If left untreated, fistula can lead to chronic medical problems. How You Can Help If you’re interested in getting involved with the Fistula Foundation, you can do so in a number of ways: Self-Awareness – Learn more about the Fistula Foundation and how much the obstetric fistula community has evolved over the past decade by visiting their website. Education – You can educate others through gifts in the Dignity Gift catalog or join the Fistula Foundation’s Circle of Friends, a group of fistula ambassadors raising awareness and funds for treatment. Play a Game – Play Half the Sky Movement: The Game for just a few minutes a day and your in-game actions translate into actual fistula repair surgeries for women around the world. Raise Money – Donate to the Fistula Foundation. From now until June 6th, every donation made through this link to the Fistula’s Raise for Women Challenge page will count toward helping the organization win a bonus grant of $40,000! You can also start your own fundraising campaign which will count toward the Fistula Foundation’s campaign total. To learn more about Obstetric Fistula, please visit the Fistula Foundation’s website. Image taken from The Fistula Foundation’s website.

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Dr. Litrel's Blog

Talladega Time

One False Move Recently, my son Tyler and I went to Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama to drive a NASCAR race car, in celebration of his nineteenth birthday. Under the watchful eye of a professional driver in the passenger seat, we took turns driving a race car around the world’s fastest track. Standing five stories high and banked at 33 degrees, the Talladega track allowed us to reach speeds that topped 170 miles per hour. Driving that fast felt just like my early experiences in the operating room; I was both exhilarated and frightened. One false move would spell disaster. When I was a young doctor, the drama of life-and-death situations appealed to me. Adrenaline coursed through my body as I directed the operating room team, scalpel in hand, barking out orders like a sergeant to his troops under enemy fire. I think as a young man I enjoyed feeling important. I’ve never liked braggarts, so I hope I projected some modesty. But I was charged up by the drama and my role in it, and in retrospect, I suspect I swaggered around the operating room despite myself. Nowadays, I never swagger, and I don’t feel important, either. Mostly I am highly concerned to the point of being terrified. Racing To Save a Life This Wednesday morning, a call from the delivery room nurse woke me up at four. A laboring patient had just arrived at hospital. She was bleeding, nowhere close to delivering, and her baby’s heart rate was faltering. Her baby was dying. I told the nurse to set up the operating room for an emergency c-section. I ran to my car and screeched out of my driveway. It was Talladega time. I am careful when I drive fast. I gathered speed, hazard lights flashing, punching a few red lights along the empty road before finally opening up my engine. My speedometer crawled into some high numbers. Already this week I had witnessed the unexpected loss of an 18-week-old pregnancy, and the pain a mother and family experience when hope is shattered. I didn’t want to see any more. This wasn’t fun like a birthday lap around the racetrack with my son. When I reached the hospital, I ran up the stairs, arriving just as the patient was being placed on the operating room table. By the time I had washed my hands and caught my breath, the anesthesia team had done their job. I could make the incision. In less than a minute, the baby’s head could be lifted free. The baby’s arm, when I grasped it, had the muscle tone of a live baby, not the terrifying ragdoll floppiness that signifies unconsciousness, or even death. This baby was okay. I breathed a sigh of relief and profound thanks. However, my blood pressure remained elevated the rest of the day. Grief and Joy I became a doctor because I wanted to be in people’s lives in those moments I believe really matter. I was drawn to OB/GYN because I am awed to witness the miracle of birth, and drawn to help in the sudden emergencies that require my utmost concentration and ability. The moment when a baby is ready to leave his or her mother’s body, so much is at stake. Will we celebrate the miracle or grieve the tragedy? But as I have matured, I have come to understand this: every moment of our life hangs in the balance. We are just as much at the junction of life and death in this very moment as we are in any surgical emergency. We live biologically mortal lives, and none of us are promised tomorrow. We are racing around a track, always at that point of losing control, never knowing when our lives will be shattered. Life is fragile. The image of the baby’s death earlier in the week, and my patient’s grief, dogged my thoughts that day like a fragment of a song I couldn’t shake from my mind. How does a family survive the loss of a baby, just before the baby shower? As we endeavor to relieve our suffering, we reach out for answers. When we pay attention, God does answer, and the answer is always the same. Our lives are not biological accidents – they are spiritual inevitabilities. We are each a manifestation of God’s Love, and we are thus each blessed with spiritual immortality. Grief – no matter the pain – is a spiritual gift, once we understand. As we heal, we see this simple truth: the tears we shed at funerals are the confetti used in Heaven. -Dr. Mike Litrel


Oh Boy (or Girl)! A Party!

One of the most exciting parts of the baby-planning process can be finding just the right baby shower theme to help celebrate your little one’s arrival. With the extreme success of Pinterest, soon-to-be Moms can plan out every single detail, including the color scheme, food served (cupcakes or cake pops, anyone?), games played and the overall theme of the event. So without further ado, Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists has put together some of our favorite baby shower themes from Pinterest and a few other great internet sources:  Animals Owls, giraffes, elephants and other wildlife have and will continue to be a huge trend in baby shower themes. Baby animals typically incite an uncontrollable “Awww” from even the manliest of men, and it’s no surprise that baby animals are a favorite for baby showers. Modern color combinations like aqua and soft pink and yellow and gray keep the theme updated and oh-so-cute. Birds have been a popular theme, with a play on words of “feathering the nest” for Mom and Dad. Vintage For vintage-themed baby showers, think a Radio Flyer wagon, a bright red tricycle or charming silhouettes of Mom and Dad on the invitations. You can get creative with vintage alphabet stacking blocks, spelling out the name of your new baby (if you’re not keeping the name a secret, of course!). Other options include just spelling out either “Boy” or “Girl,” or “Baby.” Books Did you have a favorite book as a child? Many expectant mothers are creating baby showers themed after their favorite books as a child. Favorites include Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, and Green Eggs and Ham. You could even stay generic with a book theme, asking guests to bring a copy of their favorite childhood book with an inscription for the new baby in lieu of a card. If you’re currently planning a baby shower for yourself or for a friend, what theme are you considering? Share with us by leaving a comment below!  

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Well Woman

Fear Is Our Friend

By Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS Why Are We Afraid? It used to trouble me when a patient became nervous before surgery. Maybe she doesn’t think I will do a good job? Maybe I haven’t explained myself well enough? Maybe she doesn’t trust me? But after twenty years of being a surgeon, I now welcome a patient’s anxiety before she undergoes an operation. Fear can be good for your health. When my son Tyler was two years old, we took a family vacation to Jekyll Island, one of Georgia’s coastal isles that had been my wife Ann’s and my honeymoon spot a decade earlier. Tyler was thrilled at his first view of the ocean. The winter sun was warm as we slowly walked the sand to the water’s edge, and he grew more excited, pointing his chubby finger and saying “Water, water, water!!!” Tyler walked between Ann and me, and we each held one of his hands, swinging him high to prevent his feet from getting wet in the waves. But Tyler didn’t just want to get his feet wet. He fought to pull free of us, his intention clear: he wanted to walk into the ocean. At first, Ann and were laughing as we enjoyed Tyler’s insistence that he be allowed to walk freely. But a spectacular temper tantrum soon followed, and our morning family stroll was ruined. Tyler is now nineteen, finishing his first year of college, but in some ways things haven’t much changed. Three months ago, I taught him how to drive a manual transmission on my old 2004 silver Corvette; the car accelerates like a rocket ship. Tyler is a good driver. But when he asked to borrow the car to visit his buddies, my answer was an emphatic ‘no.’ There is no way I will put my son in a car that will go 160 MPH, so he can visit his teenage buddies. What good can come from that? I’d just as soon let a two-year-old walk into the ocean. Good Choices Can Cause Temporary Unhappiness The reason parenthood is difficult is because that inexperienced human being you love more than life itself will do stupid things and hurt himself, if given the opportunity. Not only that, but when you rightfully say ‘no,’ he will express his anger adamantly – no matter that your heart and mind are in the right place. The longer we are on this planet, the more we learn. If we look at the experiences we share as human beings, we see that each of us is born into this world as a helpless newborn, and a hundred years later – give or take – we die. In the process, we lose everything and everyone we love. The truth is actually brutal. Anyone paying attention has a right to be terrified. Surgery reminds us what we have to be afraid of. Every patient thinks about the same thing: “In a few moments I will be lying unconscious on a table while the surgeon cuts on my body! Who knows?!! I could die here today! ” Yesterday my patient gave me a big smile before her operation. But I saw right through her poker face: her eyes clearly telegraphed her fear. I smiled at her, shook her husband’s hand, and asked her and her husband if they had any questions or concerns. They did not. But it was obvious they did. We are all afraid of suffering. And although surgery always hurts, we know that when we wake up, there are narcotics and other drugs that will take care of the physical pain. Simply put, what we are really afraid of is not waking up. What We Care About I’ve had thousands of conversations with patients in the intense moments before an operation, and as I listen and try to comfort each patient before they go into the operating room, there is an additional truth my patients have shown me. We don’t want to say good-bye to the people we love. In the moments when we brush with death, what matters to us is not our money, our home, our job or possessions – it’s the people we know and experience life with. Admittedly, they may sometimes annoy us – but they make our lives worth living. Fear is good for our health because it serves as a spiritual reminder. God does not grant eternal biological life for any of us. As mortal beings, we lose all that is most important to us – our loved ones and our lives. So as experienced human beings who have suffered during our short time here, our spiritual lesson is fairly obvious – to love those around us more and more each day. This is the path of a healthy life. The more we love others, the more we understand the heart of God. This understanding brings us courage and comfort as we face the terrors of life. This courage is called faith. It is the understanding that true life is eternal. I held my patient’s hand and said a prayer of gratitude. Together we asked God to be with my patient and her husband so their hearts were at peace, and with me and the other doctors and nurses and staff, so once again we would be blessed to witness the miracle of healing grace. When I looked at my patient again, I noticed that now her eyes were smiling too. Already my prayer had been answered.

patient talking with doctor
GYN Problems

Ovarian Cysts

The ovaries are the two small reproductive organs located inside a woman’s body. The ovaries make hormones, including estrogen, which trigger menstruation. Every month, the ovaries release an egg that travels down the fallopian tubes to potentially be fertilized. This cycle of egg release is called ovulation. Sometimes, the ovaries develop cysts, fluid-filled sacs that are particularly common during a woman’s childbearing years. What Are Cysts? There are several different types of cysts, with the most common being a functional cyst that forms during ovulation. This formation happens when either the egg is not released or the sac (follicle) in which the egg forms does not dissolve after the egg is released. Other types of cysts include: What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts? Most ovarian cysts are small and don’t cause symptoms. Large cysts may cause a dull or sharp ache in the abdomen and pain during daily activities. Larger cysts may cause pain and twisting of the ovary. Cysts that bleed or rupture may lead to serious problems requiring immediate treatment. Diagnosis and Treatment At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, we diagnose ovarian cysts through a number of ways: during a routine pelvic exam, during a vaginal ultrasound, laparoscopy, or blood tests. Treatment of ovarian cysts include the use of birth control pills to shrink the size of the cyst, or your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the cysts depending on your age, the size and type of the cysts. To discuss diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts with one of our OB/GYNs, please don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment. Or, call us at 770.720.7733.

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Dr. Litrel's Blog

A Midlife Crisis

Both Ann and I are early risers. Since the first days of our marriage, we have sat most mornings in the darkness before dawn, talking together and enjoying our morning coffee. It’s my favorite part of the day. Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and I have been blessed with a spouse whose conversation I (usually) find interesting. But last month, that suddenly changed. No longer was Ann the scintillating woman to whom I had been married for over twenty years. Almost overnight, she had become… Boring. As a rule, our morning “coffee talks” have held my interest. The topics of conversation range from thought-provoking spiritual insights to friendly verbal fencing that leaves us both laughing. I was worried. Why did my wife suddenly seem so dull? Secretly I pondered possible causes. Maybe I had fallen victim to a low-grade, sub-symptomatic virus. Could being bored by your loved ones be a symptom of the swine flu? Indeed, a virus would explain the fatigue and irritability I was experiencing throughout my work day, tempering even my usual enthusiasm for practicing medicine. But on the other hand, a virus didn’t seem to fit, because overall I remained fairly healthy. Besides, I had already received my vaccinations. Then the headaches began. Each time a patient of mine suffers from a new pain, my underlying concern is cancer. Likewise, I worried about myself. Was this the first symptom of a brain tumor? But just as I was entertaining the idea of getting a CAT scan, an even more disturbing diagnosis occurred to me. Maybe I was having a Midlife Crisis. A midlife crisis is no laughing matter. I have watched friends and patients suffer through these things, and I’ve read about celebrities’ lives ruined as tabloids expose every last detail of their midlife indiscretions. A midlife crisis seemed an even worse possibility than a brain tumor. When you are confused about yourself, about the meaning of your life, when you have no connection with the higher purpose for your existence, you can make bad decisions that cause a great deal of pain down the road. I was reasonably certain I was not having an extramarital affair. But Tiger Woods took me by surprise, too, so I guess you never know. I was thinking about checking my cell phone records just to make sure. But before I did, one last diagnosis occurred to me – a diagnosis that could explain every one of the symptoms I was experiencing. But I just couldn’t imagine Ann would betray me in this way. Sadly, when I confronted her, she had to confess. Clandestinely, Ann had changed my morning coffee to decaf. It was an outrage! A tumult of conflicting emotions washed over me: anger, relief, disbelief – and then concern. Is it possible my marital relationship is not based upon love, respect and admiration – but rather on caffeine? Was my wife the source of my morning happiness – or was it Starbucks? As a physician, I endeavor to be a role model for my patients. I can say with certainty that couples who make time for each other – even if it comes with coffee – grow healthier marriages than those that don’t. Certainly decaffeinated coffee is healthier for you than the hi-octane I prefer. But the way I see it, divorce is not healthy either – particularly from a loving, supportive – albeit surreptitious – spouse such as mine. So Ann and I have since compromised on the coffee, now brewing half-caffeinated, half- decaf in the mornings. And even with this diluted morning mix, my marriage has never been better. I just make sure I drink two cups. -Dr. Mike Litrel

Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Dr. Litrel's Blog

Pregnancy is Tough on Husbands

The other day I saw a pregnant patient whose ultrasound showed a healthy baby the size of a peanut, tiny heart beating rapidly. My patient’s young husband stood nearby with a happy grin on his face, clutching the photos of his unborn child. The expectant mother was smiling too, but she obviously didn’t feel well. I asked her what was wrong. “I’m nauseous,” she answered. “And no matter what I do, I – belch all day long.” “Oh my gosh, Doctor, does she ever!” her husband chimed in, his smile fading. “You’ve got to help her!” “She’s pretty miserable, I imagine.” I observed. “It’s not just that,” he explained. “She belches during mealtime. Breakfast, lunch, dinner…it’s making me sick!” Eyebrows knitted, he placed a hand on his stomach as the memory of unpleasant mealtime sounds brought a green hue to his complexion. His wife nodded her head sympathetically. “Yeah, he’s really having a tough time,” she said seriously. Once again, I was reminded why I like taking care of women more than I do men. I have seen women sometimes embody a selflessness akin to Divine Love. It’s rewarding to give them the medical care they so often postpone while taking care of others. But I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit some empathy with the young husband, too. My marriage was wonderful before Ann became pregnant. All that female generosity, focused like a laser beam right on me: meals, laundry, a clean house, even someone willing to listen to all my boring conversation and pretend to be interested. All that changed when Ann got pregnant. Ann suffered profound nausea – off and on all day, every day. This was confusing. Something called “morning sickness” should end by noontime, no? I was a recent med school graduate in my first year of OB/GYN residency, knee-deep studying the physiology of pregnancy. The 20th edition of Williams Obstetrics clearly stated that “this so called morning sickness of pregnancy usually commences during the early part of the day but passes in a few hours…” Obviously Ann wasn’t reading the same textbooks I was. I informed Ann that although no one knows what causes the nausea or what purpose it serves, it’s a sign of a healthy pregnancy. Hunched over clutching the toilet bowl, she didn’t seem appropriately reassured. As a young husband with a pretty, talented wife, I had become accustomed to being surrounded with beauty and the sounds of music in our home. Not to sounds of retching. I remember this was a tough time in our married life. Nevertheless, I tried my very best to encourage Ann, and despite my youth, made sure I was extra solicitous and loving in my communications with her… “Sweetheart, what’s for dinner? “Sweetheart, do I have any clean underwear? “Sweetheart, does this tie match this shirt?” In retrospect, I can see that my early approach to husbandly love had a few limitations. But I was genuinely befuddled. What happened to the rosy, happy glow of motherhood I had been expecting… you know, the one that graces all those pregnancy magazine covers? I was pretty sure that the fairy tale of marriage didn’t include the beautiful princess running to the bathroom, hand covering her mouth just as the prince was sitting down to enjoy his supper. Ann threw up one last time the day before her cesarean section. She was at work and made sure not to bother anyone. The next morning I stood beside her in the operating room as one of my obstetrics professors removed our son from her uterus. Tyler’s cries soon filled the operating room. The surgical team focused all efforts on stopping Ann’s bleeding. As a young surgeon, I knew the blood pouring from her body was par for the course. But there was still a lot of it. I looked at my beautiful wife as the surgeons were closing her abdomen. Ann smiled at me weakly. It had been a tough nine months. I suppose it had been rough on her, too. Understanding how much mothers and wives sacrifice, compared to what we husbands offer, is one of the stepping stones toward manhood. A boy thinks first of himself and expects others to give to him again and again. There are plenty of smiling boys with grey hair who remain self-centered and are certainly unhappy. A man appreciates what he has been given, understands what God wants – and dedicates himself to giving to those around him. It’s an uphill walk, but it’s the path we climb to happiness and fulfillment. -Dr. Mike Litrel

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GYN Problems, Pelvic Pain Education

Pain, Pain Go Away

Severe pelvic pain can keep women from enjoying family outings, spending time with friends, shopping, sleeping, and other daily activities. The type of pain varies from woman to woman, but includes pain that ranges from mild to severe, pain that ranges from dull to sharp, severe cramping during periods, pain during sex, or pain when you urinate or have a bowel movement. What’s Causing Your Pelvic Pain? There are a variety of causes for chronic pelvic pain, including: What You Can Do to Ease Pelvic Pain  If you’re experiencing any type of pain described above, your OB/GYN will do a complete pelvic exam at your next visit to look for problems with your reproductive system. To help ease pelvic pain at home in the meantime, try one or more of the following: Seek Help From Your OB/GYN At Cherokee Women’s Health, we strive to offer the best solutions for women’s health. If you’re currently suffering from pelvic pain, call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment with one of our doctors for diagnosis and treatment.

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Ablation Education, GYN Problems

Do You Suffer From Heavy Periods?

Normal menstruation occurs for 4-5 days, totals 2-3 tablespoons and occurs every 25-31 days. If those numbers don’t sound like your regular periods, you could be suffering from menorrhagia, the medical term for menstrual periods in which bleeding is abnormally heavy or prolonged. “Heavy periods” refers to more than just heavy bleeding and can greatly impact a woman’s day-to-day activities. Heavy Bleeding Symptoms  Heavy bleeding symptoms can include the following: An Ablation Can Help Heavy Bleeding In many cases, Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists can treat heavy bleeding with a procedure called an ablation, a 10-minute procedure that will greatly reduce or sometimes eliminate your menstrual flow completely. There are a variety of techniques for ablations. Our office treats abnormal menstrual bleeding using the following procedures: Novasure – A procedure performed with bipolar electric surgery with the guidance of an ultrasound. This procedure reduces the lining of the uterus using either sub-zero temperatures or heat.HTA Hydrothermal Ablation – This procedure uses a hot water treatment.Cryoblation – This procedure uses a freezing technique to destroy the endometrial tissue. Ablations are most often performed in our Canton office but may also be performed at the hospital. This recent treatment for heavy periods has made a huge difference in the lives of many of our patients. Our physicians and advanced practice providers feel it is one of the best examples of an effective use of modern technology to improve a woman’s overall sense of well-being. If you have menstrual bleeding so heavy that you dread your period, schedule an appointment online or call us at 770.720.7733 to talk with one of our doctors.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Rejuvenation Education

Dr. Litrel Says “Consider the Doctor” When Choosing a Surgeon for Vaginal Rejuvenation

Double board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Michael Litrel of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists is an expert surgeon, performing Vaginal Rejuvenation and reconstructive GYN surgeries in the Atlanta area. Vaginal Rejuvenation surgery is an option for women who suffer from a variety of issues, including changes due to childbirth, sexual activity, or the natural aging process. However, not all surgeons are trained to perform these delicate surgeries and he cautions women on the importance of choosing the right type of surgeon to perform the procedures. Why is Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery Performed? Vaginal Rejuvenation is performed for two reasons. One of them is to restore sensation, which may be reduced due to childbirth. In this procedure, the natural shape and size of a woman’s vagina is restored to the shape it was prior to having sex or to the shape it was after sex but prior to childbirth. The other reason for vaginal rejuvenation is to improve the outward aesthetics of the vagina, which is often done by removing excess skin.  If a woman’s considering vaginal rejuvenation, it’s important that she understand the surgeon’s ability to improve and correct both the aesthetics as well as the inside of a woman’s body. Having personally seen this surgery performed by cosmetic surgeons, Dr. Litrel says that while the outward appearance may be improved, oftentimes nothing is done to correct the internal damage. “That’s likely because they simply don’t have the training. Decreased sensation and pelvic reconstruction are primary reasons for having this surgery and because correcting these issues involve surgically reconstructing the anatomy, it’s imperative that women choose a surgeon with extensive experience and training.” See if Vaginal Rejuvenation is Right For You If you’re interested in making an appointment to discuss vaginal rejuvenation surgery options with Dr. Litrel or one of our other board-certified OB/GYNs, please call us at 770.721.6060.

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