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Author name: Diane

female reconstruction surgeon
Cosmetic Services, Tummy Tuck Education

Consider a Female Reconstructive Surgeon for Your Tummy Tuck

A Female Reconstructive Surgeon may be the better choice when contemplating a tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. Your initial thought might be to seek out a plastic surgeon, but think again. A Female Reconstructive Surgeon is a specialist who focuses on the surgical repair and reconstruction of female pelvic organs and structures. Their work often addresses conditions resulting from childbirth, aging, trauma, or congenital abnormalities, aiming to restore normal function and appearance. Their goal is to improve the quality of life and overall well-being of their patients by alleviating discomfort, enhancing bodily function, and restoring confidence. The Expertise of a Female Reconstructive Surgeon Female Reconstructive Surgeons have extensive training in female reproductive and abdominal anatomy. Their experience in performing complex abdominal surgeries—such as cesarean sections, hysterectomies, and pelvic reconstructions—equips them with a precise understanding of the female body. This expertise ensures that your tummy tuck will be performed with a high level of precision and care by a doctor with a profound understanding of your unique anatomical needs. Their dedication to women’s health and well-being makes them a trustworthy option for anyone considering a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck. Because our Female Reconstructive Surgeons are first OB/GYNs, women trust them with some of the most significant and sensitive procedures in their lives. From childbirth to major gynecological surgeries, their role is pivotal. This trust is built on years of consistent, quality care and a profound understanding of female physiology, making them an excellent choice for cosmetic abdominal procedures as well. Integrating Cosmetic Procedures with Gynecological Treatments One of the significant advantages of choosing a Female Reconstructive Surgeon for your tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck is the ability to integrate these cosmetic procedures with other necessary gynecological treatments. For example, if a woman requires a hysterectomy or a repeat cesarean section, this surgeon can combine these surgeries with a tummy tuck, reducing the need for multiple surgical sessions and anesthesia. This integrated approach not only enhances convenience but also promotes a more efficient recovery process, addressing both health and cosmetic concerns in a single procedure. Understanding Tummy Tucks and Mini Tummy Tucks A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. This results in a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. A mini tummy tuck, on the other hand, is less extensive and focuses on the area below the navel. Both procedures can significantly enhance a person’s appearance and confidence. Women may seek these procedures for various reasons, including: Who is a Good Candidate? Ideal candidates for tummy tucks or mini tummy tucks are individuals who: Why Choose Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists? At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, three highly trained and experienced doctors are particularly qualified to perform these procedures. With over 100 years of combined experience, Michael Litrel, MD, FACOG, FPMRS, James Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS, and Robert Barrett, MD, FACOG, bring unparalleled expertise to the table. As Female Reconstructive Surgeons, Dr. Litrel, Dr. Haley, and Dr. Barrett have extensive training in pelvic and abdominal surgeries, making them uniquely equipped to perform tummy tucks and mini tummy tucks with a precise understanding of female anatomy. Choosing a surgeon like those at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists ensures that your procedure is handled by a professional with a profound understanding of your unique anatomical needs. Their dedication to women’s health and well-being makes them a trustworthy option for anyone considering a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck. If you are contemplating a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, think again about who you choose to perform the procedure. A Female Reconstructive Surgeon, especially one from Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, can provide the expertise, experience, and compassionate care necessary to achieve the best possible results.

Urogynecology Patient Stories, Vaginal Rejuvenation Patient Stories

A Perineoplasty With Dr. Haley Gave Me My Life Back

A perineoplasty? I had no idea what that was —or that a doctor would soon be recommending one—but I could no longer handle the discomfort. So, I did some research and came across Cherokee Women’s Health. In particular, I read about Dr. James Haley and his extensive experience with women’s health. Being both an OB/GYN and a urogynecologist, I knew I’d be in good hands, and I was right. As mentioned, my primary concern was a posterior prolapse, which had been causing me discomfort for some time, so I made an appointment with Dr. Haley. From the moment I stepped into his office, his calm demeanor and professional approach put me at ease. Meeting Dr. Haley During our initial consultation, Dr. Haley took the time to explain what rectoceles and cystoceles were, and how these conditions could be corrected surgically. His clear explanations helped me understand my condition better, which made the prospect of surgery less intimidating. Dr. Haley didn’t just stop at my immediate concern. He conducted a thorough examination and pointed out other issues that needed attention. I was grateful for his thoroughness because if I was going to undergo surgery, it made sense to address everything at once. Explaining Perineoplasty and the Recommended Procedures Given the stress four childbirths had put on my muscles, Dr. Haley recommended a series of procedures: an anterior repair, a posterior repair, a sling, and a perineoplasty. He explained each procedure in detail, ensuring I was fully informed and comfortable with the plan. Before the surgery, a bladder study was scheduled to determine if any repairs were needed in that area as well. This step was crucial in ensuring that all potential issues were addressed in one go, minimizing the need for future surgeries. Surgery Day! On the day of the surgery, I felt a mix of nerves and hope. Dr. Haley’s reassuring presence helped calm my nerves. He explained the procedure once more and answered all my last-minute questions, reinforcing my trust in his expertise. Post-Surgery Recovery and Ongoing Care The first few weeks after surgery were challenging, as expected, but the detailed recovery plan I was given made the process smoother. Clear instructions were provided and Dr. Haley was always available to answer any concerns I had. Even after the surgery, he remained a consistent source of support. He scheduled regular follow-up appointments to monitor my progress and was always willing to answer my questions. His dedication to his patients’ well-being is truly commendable. I’m So Glad I Did It! My life has improved significantly and I’m so glad I went through with it. It takes courage to have surgery and seek a better quality of life so I’m proud of myself for that. I no longer have any discomfort, and I feel more confident and healthy. To anyone who may have prolapse issues, I highly recommend seeking care. I thought it was just something I had to live with until I started doing more research and met with Dr. Haley. I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Mira pelvic prolapse patient story
Urogynecology, Urogynecology Patient Stories

Pelvic Prolapse at Just 43 Years Old

At 43, Mira faced something she never saw coming: pelvic prolapse. As a mom of two and a busy professional, her life was always active and full-on. But then the symptoms of prolapse started to creep in, causing discomfort and messing with her daily life. Here’s Mira’s story of why she needed pelvic prolapse surgery and how she felt before and after the procedure. The First Signs Mira first noticed something wasn’t right when she felt a constant pressure and fullness in her pelvic area. At first, she thought it was just because of her hectic lifestyle, but things got worse. She felt a bulge in her vaginal area, especially after standing for long periods or lifting heavy stuff. This came with urinary incontinence and trouble with bowel movements, which only added to her stress. These symptoms took a toll on her emotionally as well as physically. Mira felt embarrassed and anxious about her condition, which affected her self-esteem and social life. Talking about these personal issues was hard, even with close friends and family. As the discomfort increased, she decided it was time to see someone who could help her. Diagnosis and the Big Decision After seeing her urogynecologist at Cherokee Women’s Health, Mira was diagnosed with pelvic prolapse, where the pelvic organs drop into or outside of the vaginal canal due to weak support structures. Her physician explained that this is pretty common among women, especially those who’ve had multiple pregnancies, gone through menopause, or done heavy lifting. Mira found out that her prolapse was moderate to severe, and that conservative treatments like pelvic floor exercises and pessaries probably wouldn’t help much. The best solution, according to her physician, was pelvic prolapse surgery to fix and support the affected organs. Deciding to have surgery wasn’t easy. Mira worried about the procedure, the recovery, and how it would affect her personal and professional life. But the chance to get her quality of life back and get rid of the constant discomfort pushed her to go ahead with the surgery. The Surgery Experience Mira’s pelvic organ prolapse surgery was set for early summer, a time when work was less busy and her kids were out of school. She had a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, which involved small cuts and using a camera to guide the surgeon. The goal was to reposition and support the prolapsed organs with synthetic mesh. The day of the surgery was a mix of nerves and hope. Mira felt nervous but hopeful, trusting her medical team and her family’s support. The surgery went smoothly, and she woke up in the recovery room feeling relieved. The hospital staff were great, making sure she was comfortable and knew what to do post-surgery. Recovery and Feeling Like Herself Again The first few days after surgery were tough, with some pain and limited movement. But Mira was determined to follow her surgeon’s advice for a smooth recovery. She slowly increased her activity level, avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous tasks. Her family’s support was crucial, helping her with daily chores. As the weeks went by, she noticed big improvements. The pressure and bulging were gone, and her urinary and bowel functions were better. She felt more comfortable and confident in her body, which also boosted her mental and emotional well-being. Six weeks after surgery, Mira had a follow-up appointment. Her physician was happy with her progress and said she could slowly get back to her normal activities. She felt a renewed sense of freedom and empowerment. She could join in physical activities, social events, and work without constantly worrying about her prolapse symptoms. Grateful For Cherokee Women’s Health Looking back, Mira felt incredibly grateful for her urogynecologist. The decision to have pelvic prolapse surgery had been scary, but it changed her life for the better. She learned the importance of prioritising her health and seeking help when needed. Mira’s story shows the resilience and strength many women have when facing health challenges. By sharing her experience, she hopes to encourage others to get the care they need and to know they’re not alone. Today, she embraces her new chapter with confidence, ready to enjoy life to the fullest.

Cosmetic Services, Cosmetic Services Patient Stories, Tummy Tuck Education

I Got a Tummy Tuck at 46!

“Is a mini tummy tuck right for me?” Jennifer had wondered this for years as she struggled with the changes in her body after giving birth to her three children. As a mother in her mid-forties, she was constantly torn between accepting the natural transformations her body had undergone and the desire to reclaim some semblance of her pre-pregnancy figure. Her stomach, once taut and toned, now bore the marks of pregnancy–stretched skin and weakened muscles that wouldn’t respond to her diligent diet and exercise efforts.” For years, Jennifer had struggled with the changes in her body after giving birth to her three children. As a mother in her mid-forties, she was constantly torn between accepting the natural transformations her body had undergone and the desire to reclaim some semblance of her pre-pregnancy figure.  Jennifer had always been active, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and prioritizing fitness. However, no amount of sit-ups or cardio seemed to make a difference in the excess skin on her lower abdomen. This led her to research various cosmetic procedures, and the idea of a mini tummy tuck began to surface more frequently in her thoughts. Debating the Decision A mini tummy tuck, as she learned, involved a smaller incision than a full tummy tuck and focused on removing excess skin and tightening muscles below the navel. It seemed like an ideal solution for someone like her, who didn’t need extensive abdominal work but still wanted significant improvement. Yet, she hesitated. The idea of surgery was daunting, and she worried about the recovery time, the cost, and the potential risks. Jennifer debated the pros and cons for years. On the one hand, the procedure promised a flatter, more toned abdomen and a boost in confidence. She imagined herself wearing fitted clothes without feeling self-conscious and more comfortable in her skin. On the other hand, there were the usual concerns about any surgical procedure: anesthesia risks, scarring, and the possibility of complications. Plus, she was a busy mother with responsibilities that left little room for downtime. Why Jennifer Chose to Pursue a Mini Tummy Tuck The turning point came as Jennifer approached her 46th birthday. Her children were growing up – the eldest was off to college, the middle one was driving, and the youngest was thriving in high school. Jennifer realized that she had spent so many years focusing on her family that she had neglected her own desires. It was time to do something for herself. Consulting with a Tummy Tuck Expert After thorough research and several consultations, she chose Cherokee Women’s Health. Not only was it highly recommended, but the surgeons are Female Reconstructive Surgeons. After meeting with her surgeon, she was assured she’d made the right decision. He patiently answered all her questions and addressed her concerns about recovery and potential risks. He explained that the mini tummy tuck would specifically target her problem areas, resulting in a natural and proportional improvement. That’s exactly what she was looking for! Preparing for the Procedure Jennifer scheduled the surgery for early spring, a time when her children’s schedules were less hectic and her husband could take time off work to help her during recovery. The night before the surgery, she felt a mix of excitement and anxiety, but she knew in her gut that she was making the right decision. Tummy Tuck Day Was Here! The morning of her tummy tuck, Jennifer woke up feeling nervous but very excited that she was taking this step for herself. She was taken into surgery and before she knew it, she was waking up in the recovery room with a bandage around her lower abdomen. Her physician visited her, reassuring her that everything had gone as planned. The first few days were challenging, with discomfort and limited mobility, but Jennifer was determined to follow all post-operative instructions meticulously. Recovery and Results As the days turned into weeks, Jennifer’s strength began to return, and she could see the results of the mini tummy tuck. Her stomach was flatter, and the skin was tighter. For the first time in years, she felt a sense of confidence and pride in her appearance. Six weeks post-surgery, Jennifer had her final follow-up appointment at Cherokee Women’s Health. Her surgeon was pleased with her progress and the results. Jennifer felt a renewed sense of confidence as she looked in the mirror. The sagging skin was gone, replaced by a smoother, firmer abdomen. She knew the journey wasn’t just about looking good but feeling good about herself. Embracing a New Chapter As summer approached, Jennifer felt excited about family outings, beach trips, and all the little moments that made life special. She was grateful for the support of her family and the skill of her physician. Most importantly, she was proud of herself for taking the step to do something that made her feel whole again. With a sense of renewal, Jennifer looked forward to the future, confident and content, knowing she had made a decision that was truly for herself.

Cosmetic Services, Cosmetic Services Patient Stories, Tummy Tuck Education

A Mini Tummy Tuck Restores Emily’s Confidence After Childbirth

A mini tummy tuck wasn’t something Emily had ever considered. However, after giving birth to her second child, Emily found herself standing in front of the mirror, her fingers gently tracing the soft, sagging skin on her abdomen. She adored her two beautiful children, each with their unique charm and boundless energy, but the toll of two pregnancies was evident. Emily had always been active and fit, yet despite her best efforts, her stomach didn’t bounce back like it had after her first baby. The Struggle with Post-Pregnancy Body Changes She felt a mixture of gratitude for her children and frustration with her body. Her husband, Mark, was supportive and constantly reassured her that she was beautiful, but Emily couldn’t shake the feeling of dissatisfaction with her post-pregnancy body. One day, while scrolling through social media, she stumbled upon an article about mini tummy tucks, a less invasive procedure designed to target the lower abdomen. Discovering the Mini Tummy Tuck Solution Intrigued, Emily began researching mini tummy tucks, reading about other women’s experiences and consulting medical websites. The idea of a flatter, more toned stomach without the extensive recovery time of a full tummy tuck appealed to her. After weeks of contemplation and discussion with Mark, she decided to consult with a surgeon. Consulting with a Trusted Surgeon Cherokee Women’s Health was highly recommended and she liked the fact that the surgeons are Female Reconstructive Surgeons. She felt they would understand a woman’s body better than a standard plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the physician she chose listened to Emily’s concerns and explained the procedure to her in detail. “A mini tummy tuck involved a smaller incision and focused on removing excess skin. The recovery time was shorter, and the results were often very natural.” – Emily’s surgeon explaining a mini tummy tuck Preparing for the Procedure Emily felt a surge of hope. She scheduled the surgery for early spring, giving herself time to prepare mentally and physically. In the weeks leading up to the procedure, she maintained a healthy diet, exercised regularly, and ensured she had help lined up for the children during her recovery period. The Day of the Surgery: Mixed Emotions The day of the surgery arrived, and Emily felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Mark drove her to the clinic, holding her hand and offering comforting words. The staff was warm and professional, putting her at ease. As the anesthesia took effect, Emily’s last thoughts were of her children and the future adventures they would share. Recovery: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Change Her mini tummy tuck went smoothly, and Emily woke up in a recovery room with a bandage around her lower abdomen. Her physician reassured her that everything had gone as planned. Mark was there, a comforting presence, ready to take her home. The first few days were challenging, with discomfort and limited mobility, but Emily was determined to follow all post-operative instructions. As the days passed, Emily’s strength began to return. She could see the difference already—her stomach was flatter, and the skin was tighter. By the end of the second week, she was able to move more freely and even take short walks. Her children, oblivious to the specifics, were happy to have their mother back to her more active self. The Final Results: Renewed Confidence and Self-Esteem Six weeks post-surgery, Emily had her final follow-up appointment with her surgeon at Cherokee Women’s Health. He was pleased with her progress and the results of the surgery. Emily felt a renewed sense of confidence as she looked in the mirror. The sagging skin was gone, replaced by a smoother, firmer abdomen. She knew the journey wasn’t just about looking good but feeling good about herself. Embracing Life with a New Perspective Emily embraced her new body with pride. She resumed her active lifestyle, playing with her children, running errands, and even indulging in a new wardrobe. The mini tummy tuck had given her more than just physical improvement; it had restored her confidence and sense of self. As summer approached, Emily felt excited about family outings, beach trips, and all the little moments that made life special. She was grateful for the support of her family and the skill of her surgeon. Most importantly, she was proud of herself for taking the step to do something that made her feel whole again.

liposuction vs tummy tuck
Cosmetic Services, Liposuction Education, Tummy Tuck Education

Comparing Liposuction and Tummy Tuck: Which is Appropriate For You?  

Many people assume that liposuction is the go-to solution for all abdominal aesthetics, but the truth is, a tummy tuck might be what you really need. While both are effective in addressing abdominal appearance, they target different issues and serve distinct purposes. Our board-certified urogynecologists, who are doubly accredited in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS), understand the importance of guiding our patients towards the most suitable procedure based on their unique needs and goals. Liposuction Liposuction, commonly referred to as lipo, is a procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body, including the abdomen. It is ideal for individuals who struggle with stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Lipo can effectively contour and sculpt the abdominal region, providing patients with a slimmer and more defined waistline. However, it’s important to note that liposuction primarily targets fat and does not address loose or sagging skin. Tummy Tuck On the other hand, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the underlying muscles. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, or abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti), resulting in loose, sagging skin and weakened abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck not only creates a flatter and firmer abdominal contour but also addresses issues such as stretch marks and excess skin around the belly button. Facts to Consider Stubborn Fat vs. Loose Skin: Liposuction is great for tackling those pesky pockets of fat that just won’t budge, but not for loose, sagging skin. If your main issue is excess skin rather than fat, a tummy tuck is the way to go. Skin Elasticity Matters: Liposuction works best when you have skin that can bounce back. But if your skin has lost its elasticity—maybe due to weight loss, pregnancy, or just the passage of time—then a tummy tuck might be necessary to trim away that excess skin and tighten things up. Muscle Tone Troubles: Liposuction won’t help if your abdominal muscles are feeling loose/soft. A tummy tuck, on the other hand, can tighten up those muscles, giving you a firmer, more toned look. Beyond Fat Removal: Liposuction is all about fat removal. But a tummy tuck can address a range of issues, from stretch marks to excess skin around the belly button, giving you a more comprehensive solution to your abdominal woes. Making an Informed Decision Ultimately, whether liposuction or a tummy tuck is the right choice depends on individual anatomy, goals, and expectations. By understanding the key differences between these procedures and consulting with one of our double board-certified urogynecologists, patients can make informed decisions to achieve the desired outcomes while prioritizing your overall health and well-being. Liposuction Articles Tummy Tuck Articles

vegan pregnancy diet
OB Education

Plant-Based Pregnancy: Pros and Cons

A plant-based pregnancy is entirely possible. Vegetarians and vegans can maintain their plant-based diet during pregnancy with proper planning, including discussing it with their physician, ensuring adequate protein and nutrients like B12, and avoiding excessive carbs and fried foods. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of these dietary choices during pregnancy. Pros of Vegetarian of Vegan Diet While Pregnant High in Nutrient-Dense Foods: Vegetarian and vegan diets are typically rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants which can benefit overall health during pregnancy. Lower in Saturated Fats: Plant-based diets are naturally lower in saturated fats compared to diets high in animal products. This can contribute to healthier cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. Reduced Risk of Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension: Some studies suggest that vegetarian and vegan diets may be associated with a lower risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension due to their focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Lower Exposure to Environmental Contaminants: Plant-based diets can potentially reduce exposure to environmental contaminants often found in animal products, such as heavy metals and certain pesticides. Cons of Vegetarian of Vegan Diet While Pregnant Potential Nutrient Deficiencies: A major concern for pregnant women following vegetarian or vegan diets is ensuring adequate intake of key nutrients like vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin D. Deficiencies in these nutrients can impact fetal development and maternal health. Risk of Protein Insufficiency: Protein needs increase during pregnancy for maternal tissue growth and fetal development. Vegetarian and vegan women must ensure they consume enough protein from plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa. Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Vitamin B12, crucial for neurological development, is primarily found in animal products. Vegans especially need to rely on fortified foods or supplements to meet their B12 requirements. Iron Absorption Issues: Plant-based sources of iron (non-heme iron) are less readily absorbed than iron from animal products (heme iron). Combining iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources can enhance absorption. Tips for a Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan Pregnancy Consult with your OB/GYN: Before and during pregnancy, discuss dietary plans with your obstetrician to assess nutrient needs and potential supplements. Diversify Food Choices: Incorporate a wide variety of plant-based foods to ensure a range of nutrients are consumed. Include sources of protein, iron, calcium, omega-3s, and vitamin B12. Consider Supplements: Have a discussion with your OB/GYN on the possibility of needing supplementation with nutrients like vitamin B12, iron, omega-3s, and vitamin D.  Based on your individual needs, this may be necessary to prevent deficiencies. Monitor Energy Levels: Pregnant women should pay attention to energy levels and overall health. If feeling fatigued or experiencing unusual symptoms, seek medical advice promptly. It’s All in the Planning While vegetarian and vegan diets can offer health benefits during pregnancy, careful planning is essential to prevent nutrient deficiencies that could adversely affect maternal and fetal health. With proper attention to dietary diversity, supplementation, and regular monitoring by your OB/GYN, many women can successfully maintain a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle throughout pregnancy. If you have any questions or concerns about following a plant-based diet during pregnancy, reach out to our OB/GYN practice for personalized guidance and support.

OB Patient Stories

A Journey of Inspiration: Jessica’s OB Story

In the journey of pregnancy and childbirth, every woman’s story is unique, often filled with unexpected twists and turns. Jessica, a long-term patient at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, shared her remarkable experience of delivering her second child with us. Her journey is not just a tale of overcoming physical challenges but also a testament to faith, dedication, and the power of trusting one’s body. Jessica’s Health Challenge Jessica’s journey to get pregnant again was faced with uncertainty due to her health condition. She had been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, specifically Graves’ disease. This condition led to numerous complications, making conceiving seem like an impossible challenge. Reflecting on her journey, Jessica shared, “I give all the credit to the Lord because I was told that this was going to be with me for the rest of my life… But then, what my primary doctor called a spontaneous healing, my body just decided that it wasn’t sick anymore.” A Miracle Conception Despite initial setbacks, Jessica and her husband welcomed the unexpected news of their second child with joy and apprehension. She recalled the moment of revelation, “I got the pregnancy test, and I taped it to the refrigerator to surprise my husband and it took him way too long to realize it was there. I was obviously thrilled and a little nervous too. God has let me conceive, and I’m just going to go into this faithfully and not fearfully.” This belief provided Jessica with a sense of peace and confidence as she embarked on the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Navigating Pregnancy Throughout her pregnancy, Jessica encountered familiar discomforts like heartburn and pelvic pain, yet she remained steadfast in her determination for a natural birth experience. Drawing upon her trust in her body’s ability to heal and give birth to her son, she was determined to advocate for herself and her baby. At 39 weeks and 5 days, Jessica started to feel leakage. She didn’t believe it was her water breaking, but her husband encouraged her to go to the hospital and get checked. Turns out, it was amniotic fluid! They were checked in and the journey of welcoming their son into the world began. As labor commenced, Jessica found herself facing intense contractions, navigating the delicate balance between surrender and resilience. Recounting the pivotal moment when she felt the urge to push, Jessica shared, “My body is just doing its thing… And I am in so much pain at this point. Definitely hitting the max.” Midwife’s Support Susan Fischels, Jessica’s attending midwife, played a pivotal role in her birth experience. “Susan was just an angel… She did great with the stitching up and was full of joy. It was just awesome to have her there.” Susan’s supportive presence and skilled care provided Jessica with the confidence and reassurance she needed to navigate the challenges of childbirth. -Jessica says of Midwife Susan Fischels Jessica experimented with various labor positions, listening to her body’s cues with each change. After only dilating one more centimeter after an hour and a half of contractions, Jessica was starting to feel discouraged. She was six centimeters dilated and hitting the max on her pain level. The pain became unbearable, and Jessica asked for the epidural. Susan Fischels told her the anesthesia team would be there in 15 minutes and encouraged her to hang in there until they arrived. To Jessica’s surprise, just moments later, Susan Fischels tells her the baby is on his way! “Between those six centimeters and me asking for an epidural and then finding out that baby’s on his way, that was 10 to 15 minutes. I had no idea that I could dilate that fast. I thought it was going to be hours to reach that point, that’s why I was giving up.” – Jessica recalls her amazement at how quickly she dilated In a whirlwind of events, Jessica transitioned from moments of doubt to a profound sense of empowerment, realizing her body’s remarkable strength. With the guidance of her care team, including the supportive presence of her husband and the skilled assistance of Susan Fischels, Jessica embraced the intensity of childbirth with grace and determination. Empowerment in Childbirth In the final moments of labor, as baby Brayden made his entrance into the world, Jessica experienced a rush of emotions—a culmination of exhaustion, relief, and unbridled joy. Holding her newborn son close, Jessica reflected on the transformative journey she had undertaken. Brayden Henry was welcomed into the world healthy and weighing eight pounds and one ounce. Through Jessica’s story, we witness the transformative power of resilience, faith, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope for expectant mothers navigating their own paths through pregnancy and childbirth. As Jessica puts it, “Just be dedicated… And stay dedicated to what you chose to do… because it is worth it.” Jessica’s Advice for Expectant Mothers Jessica offers invaluable advice based on her own empowering birth experience: A Journey of Inspiration Jessica’s journey highlights the importance of trust, support, and empowerment in the birthing process. Her story serves as an inspiration to all mothers, reminding them of their inherent strength and resilience as they embark on the miraculous journey of childbirth.

Baby Lavender
OB Patient Stories

A Journey of Hope and Triumph: Baby Lavender’s Arrival

  At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, we have the privilege of witnessing remarkable stories of perseverance, love, and triumph every day. Today, we are excited to share with you the heartwarming journey of baby Lavender’s arrival into this world. Facing Challenges and IVF Journey Lavender’s story begins with her parents, who, after the birth of their first child Dane, embarked on a new chapter of hope and determination to expand their family. (Click here to read Dane’s story.) When challenges arose post-breastfeeding for mom, Mary, they turned to our dedicated team for guidance and support. After running tests and finding her numbers were low, Mary was referred to a specialist where it was decided that IVF (in vitro fertilization) was the best route to grow her family. “Mentally, physically, it’s draining, and it has been a journey. Hundreds and hundreds of injections, constant blood being taken. It’s a lot on the mom, of course, but the dad too. We had one failed transfer, so Lavender was our second transfer. We were incredibly grateful to find out that we were pregnant with her. A lot of happy tears.” – Mom Mary on her emotional IVF journey Prenatal Care and Birth Experience As the pregnancy progressed, our team worked closely with the family, ensuring that every step was met with compassion and understanding. All of Mary’s prenatal appointments went smoothly and she remembers feeling heard and cared for at every appointment. “With this being my first IVF baby, everyone understood and made me comfortable. It seemed like I was paying extra attention to almost everything because I felt like I had to work so hard to get pregnant again. But everyone was amazing at each appointment.” A scheduled c-section was the best route for Mary for this pregnancy, as her first pregnancy was an emergency c-section due to cord prolapse. “Birth is wild no matter how we welcome our sweet babies into the world, but no matter how they come, it doesn’t matter as long as they’re here safely. I knew this c-section would be a different experience because the one with Dane was chaotic and stressful. Having it planned and knowing what to expect and being able to prepare for it, made the whole experience much more calming. It felt like this was my first c-section since I was put to sleep for my first one with Dane,” shares Mary. From the epidural to the delivery of her baby girl, Mary remembers the encouraging words from Dr. Lisa McLeod throughout her entire delivery. Mary says, “Dr. McLeod could tell I was nervous. She assured me that this was going to be such a different experience than my first one and that I could handle this. She would ask me, “how much do you want to know while it’s going on? What kind of music do you want to listen to?”  She really took all those things in and was able to implement them. Of course, it’s a major surgery, but for that situation I was informed as I wanted to be and felt confident in Dr. McLeod’s care the whole time.” The Joyous Arrival On December 26th, Lavender made her grand entrance into the world, weighing a healthy eight pounds and eleven ounces. “Hearing her first cry was the best part. I didn’t realize how incredibly emotional that moment would be because I never had it with Dane. That was my favorite moment. I’m so grateful for Dr. McLeod bringing Lavender into the world safely. I love her. She was wonderful at making me feel so comfortable before and after the c-section.” – Hearing Baby Lavender cry for the first time Today, Lavender is thriving, and Mary’s family is overjoyed. Big brother, Dane, has taken his new role with strides and they’re loving every moment as a family of four. Mary’s Advice For those navigating their own IVF journey, Mary offers words of advice: “Be easy on yourself, no matter the route you have to take to grow your family. IVF is quite a journey but it’s so worth it. Having a supportive partner, family, and doctors to ask any questions is huge. Just give yourself grace. Anyone going through IVF should know that it’s still a beautiful way to grow your family. You’re a super woman no matter how you do it.” – Mary’s advice to women navigating IVF We Are Honored to Witness These Miracles As OB/GYNs, we are deeply honored to have played a part in Lavender’s journey and extend our heartfelt congratulations to her family. As we continue to witness miracles like Lavender’s, we reaffirm our commitment to providing exceptional care and support to every family we serve. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your remarkable journey, Mary!

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