Once you get the positive result from a home pregnancy test, the next step is making your first appointment with your obstetrician or midwife. While you will be visiting your doctor’s office many times throughout your pregnancy, the first appointment can be the most overwhelming, especially if this is your first pregnancy. So, Cherokee Women’s Health would like to walk you through your first OB appointment to give you a better idea of what to expect. The appointment should take about an hour to complete as there are many things to be done.
Once you check in, you will be given a packet of paperwork to fill out as well as be asked for your insurance card. Please take the time to read through everything thoroughly, and write down any questions that you might have for your doctor or midwife so that you won’t forget them.
First Prenatal Ultrasound
After the paperwork has been completed, the ultrasound technician will take you back to do your first ultrasound. In this early stage of pregnancy, we utilize a trans vaginal probe to get a good look at the baby. So, don’t be alarmed when the ultrasound equipment is not rubbed on your belly, like you see on television. In these early weeks of pregnancy, we can’t always get a clear picture. So, if you aren’t able to see anything, don’t worry; it just means it’s too soon and you’ll get a picture in a couple of weeks.
We use this initial ultrasound to help determine how far along you are and to determine your due date. Ideally, you will get a heartwarming picture of your little bundle of joy and get to bring it home. Lots of parents use this as a visual aid when they announce their pregnancy to family and friends.
Weight, Height, Blood Pressure and Urine Sample
From the ultrasound, a nurse will take you to check your weight, blood pressure and get a urine sample. You can expect that these three things will be done at every appointment throughout your pregnancy.
Meet the Doctor, Ask Questions, Pelvic Exam
Then, you will meet with your doctor or midwife. This is your opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about pregnancy. Do not be afraid to ask questions! We know that you have them, and we are here to help ease your mind of any concerns that you may have.
There will be a pelvic exam done following the consultation. Here, the doctor is checking to make sure your cervix is closed and ready for pregnancy and may do a pap smear if needed.
Goody Bag
You’re almost finished, and the good news is that you now get a goody bag filled with things like prenatal vitamins as well as important pregnancy literature, which you should take your time reviewing.
Blood Work
Finally, the last step before check out is to get some blood work done. We are just running some tests to ensure everything is going smoothly with your pregnancy.
Check Out, Make Next Appointment
Before you leave, stop by to check out and schedule your next prenatal appointment, which will be in two to four weeks.
Congratulations On Your First OB Appointment!
You are likely overwhelmed with information as well as emotions, but don’t feel like you have to have everything figured out already. Just take time to enjoy this exciting news while you navigate through your first trimester.