70 Pounds Down With Cherokee Women's Medical Weight Loss Program - Cherokee Women's Health

70 Pounds Down With Cherokee Women’s Medical Weight Loss Program

Trena before and after photo

Losing weight had been a lifelong battle for Trena, and a battle that she could never win. In 2012, she had reached her breaking point and made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. Nothing else had worked long-term and she felt this may be the permanent fix. It wasn’t.

Though Trena did lose 100 pounds during the first year after surgery, over the next seven years she had gained over 60 pounds back. The main culprit, according to Trena, was that she never really learned what to eat, or how much to eat, to maintain her weight loss.

Beating Old Habits

The other issue was sugar! Trena admits to being addicted to it. She couldn’t control herself. One bite of something would turn into a few and then eventually into the whole thing. This would lead to her feeling guilty, and depressed. It was a vicious cycle.

“I had gotten to the point where I just didn’t care anymore, and just gave up,” Trena said. After all, not even the surgery gave her the ultimate result she was looking for. Plus, now she was older and dealing with hormonal changes which often makes it even more difficult for women to lose weight and keep it off.

In the meantime, Trena’s gynecologist of 40 years had retired and she needed to find a new doctor. She did some research online and started asking for recommendations from people she knew. Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists was highly recommended.

Finding Hope

Trena made an appointment with Cherokee Women’s Health. While in the waiting room, Trena saw information about their Medical Weight Loss Program. She was intrigued. Once in the exam room she discussed her long-endured weight loss issues with the OB/GYN, and how the Program could help her.

Trena made an appointment for a free consultation before she left. And then within a few days, cancelled it. She convinced herself she was just too busy to start something new. Shortly thereafter, Trena received an e-mail from Cherokee Women’s Health reminding her about the Program. She knew it was time and rescheduled her free consultation. This time, she kept the appointment. 

Starting the Medical Weight Loss Program

Trena met with the nutritionist, had her medical history and vitals taken, and they discussed her goals and expectations. Trena’s goal was to lose the 60ish pounds she had regained since her surgery. She committed to a 4-month plan which included weekly visits, B12 shots, natural vitamins, and calorie counting. When she got home, Trena went to Cherokee Women’s website and read all the information on the program, as well as the testimonials and videos from previous patients.

Trena then downloaded the My Fitness Pal app that the nutritionist had recommended so that she could log everything she ate to make sure she stayed within her calorie allowance. The next thing Trena did was give up sugar. This wasn’t a requirement of the Program but it was something Trena knew she needed to do for herself. That meant all sugar! She committed that the only sugar she would have would be that found in fruit.

Trena shares, “The first few weeks were really hard! But it was the support and accountability of the weekly visits that helped me get through that time.” The results also kept her motivated. Trena had lost over 30 pounds in the first few months!

Adding Exercise

Trena then added walking to her program. She started gradually and then worked up to one hour a day. She would make sure to arrive at work early and walk 3 miles before starting her day. She also had a great area to walk at home and would sometimes get up and walk at 5:30 a.m. and walk by flashlight. She was committed, and it paid off.

Hitting Goal

Trena achieved her 60-pound goal at around 7 months of being on the program. She was feeling so great that she kept going with the program and the visits, changing them to every 2 weeks and then eventually monthly. Trena tracks her steps and aims for at least 10,000 steps a day, though on many days she hits 15 to 20,000 steps. She also went outside of her comfort zone and added a yoga class one to two times per week.

70.5 Pounds Down

At her recent one year check up with Cherokee Women’s, Trena was down 70.5 pounds! She says she is smaller now than after her gastric bypass surgery and the smallest she has been in 35 years. Trena also says, “I feel so much better, physically and mentally. And because I’ve also changed the way I cook and what foods I bring into the house, my husband has lost fifty pounds. I have nothing but praise for the Medical Weight Loss Program. This program has given me my life back!”

You Can Do It Too

Trena wanted to share her story to encourage other women. If she can do it, she knows they can too. It doesn’t matter your age, or your past unsuccessful attempts, it is possible.

If you can relate to Trena’s story and are ready for help, contact us for your own free Medical Weight Loss consultation. We would love to help you on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Call us 770.720.7733 or click here to schedule an appointment.

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