At Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, we have the privilege of witnessing remarkable stories of perseverance, love, and triumph every day. Today, we are excited to share with you the heartwarming journey of baby Lavender’s arrival into this world.
Facing Challenges and IVF Journey
Lavender’s story begins with her parents, who, after the birth of their first child Dane, embarked on a new chapter of hope and determination to expand their family. (Click here to read Dane’s story.) When challenges arose post-breastfeeding for mom, Mary, they turned to our dedicated team for guidance and support.
After running tests and finding her numbers were low, Mary was referred to a specialist where it was decided that IVF (in vitro fertilization) was the best route to grow her family.
“Mentally, physically, it’s draining, and it has been a journey. Hundreds and hundreds of injections, constant blood being taken. It’s a lot on the mom, of course, but the dad too. We had one failed transfer, so Lavender was our second transfer. We were incredibly grateful to find out that we were pregnant with her. A lot of happy tears.”
– Mom Mary on her emotional IVF journey
Prenatal Care and Birth Experience
As the pregnancy progressed, our team worked closely with the family, ensuring that every step was met with compassion and understanding. All of Mary’s prenatal appointments went smoothly and she remembers feeling heard and cared for at every appointment.
“With this being my first IVF baby, everyone understood and made me comfortable. It seemed like I was paying extra attention to almost everything because I felt like I had to work so hard to get pregnant again. But everyone was amazing at each appointment.”
A scheduled c-section was the best route for Mary for this pregnancy, as her first pregnancy was an emergency c-section due to cord prolapse.
“Birth is wild no matter how we welcome our sweet babies into the world, but no matter how they come, it doesn’t matter as long as they’re here safely. I knew this c-section would be a different experience because the one with Dane was chaotic and stressful. Having it planned and knowing what to expect and being able to prepare for it, made the whole experience much more calming. It felt like this was my first c-section since I was put to sleep for my first one with Dane,” shares Mary.
From the epidural to the delivery of her baby girl, Mary remembers the encouraging words from Dr. Lisa McLeod throughout her entire delivery. Mary says, “Dr. McLeod could tell I was nervous. She assured me that this was going to be such a different experience than my first one and that I could handle this. She would ask me, “how much do you want to know while it’s going on? What kind of music do you want to listen to?” She really took all those things in and was able to implement them. Of course, it’s a major surgery, but for that situation I was informed as I wanted to be and felt confident in Dr. McLeod’s care the whole time.”
The Joyous Arrival
On December 26th, Lavender made her grand entrance into the world, weighing a healthy eight pounds and eleven ounces.
“Hearing her first cry was the best part. I didn’t realize how incredibly emotional that moment would be because I never had it with Dane. That was my favorite moment. I’m so grateful for Dr. McLeod bringing Lavender into the world safely. I love her. She was wonderful at making me feel so comfortable before and after the c-section.”
– Hearing Baby Lavender cry for the first time
Today, Lavender is thriving, and Mary’s family is overjoyed. Big brother, Dane, has taken his new role with strides and they’re loving every moment as a family of four.
Mary’s Advice
For those navigating their own IVF journey, Mary offers words of advice:
“Be easy on yourself, no matter the route you have to take to grow your family. IVF is quite a journey but it’s so worth it. Having a supportive partner, family, and doctors to ask any questions is huge. Just give yourself grace. Anyone going through IVF should know that it’s still a beautiful way to grow your family. You’re a super woman no matter how you do it.”
– Mary’s advice to women navigating IVF
We Are Honored to Witness These Miracles
As OB/GYNs, we are deeply honored to have played a part in Lavender’s journey and extend our heartfelt congratulations to her family. As we continue to witness miracles like Lavender’s, we reaffirm our commitment to providing exceptional care and support to every family we serve. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your remarkable journey, Mary!