Cora got vaginal rejuvenation while in her 60s, thirty years after giving birth to her children. Here, she shares in her own words why she decided to get VR and how intimacy with her husband has improved since getting the procedure with Dr. Michael Litrel.
REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATIONDiagnosed with Cystocele and Rectocele
“In 2021, I had already been seeing Dr. Litrel for a year as my regular gynecologists. He had been treating me with PRP (O-Shot) for lichen sclerosis.
At one of my annual checkups, I mentioned that I was experiencing more urine leakage, particularly during intercourse. I also shared that I was having difficulty evacuating during bowel movements. He listened to my concerns and examination results revealed that I had a significant cystocele and rectocele.
Dr. Litrel and I discussed various procedural options, at which point he brought up vaginal tightening. I knew that after having two vaginal births in my late 30s that laxity was not unusual but I had never considered vaginal tightening. And even though I knew I was looser than before having children, my husband never complained. We just learned to accommodate my body’s changes.”
SIGN UP FOR A LIMITED SERIES ON VAGINAL REJUVENATION!“I had no idea how much tightening could benefit me — 30 years after giving birth!”
– Cora when introduced to the idea of Vaginal Rejuvenation
Surgery is Scheduled
“I went ahead and scheduled the three procedures: cystocele (bladder sling), intra-vaginal rectocele repair and vaginal canal tightening. The surgery went quite well and my recovery was great. Dr. Litrel provided excellent follow-up care,” Cora continues.
“Six months later I can say that all three procedures were successful. I have no urine leakage during sex, or when I cough, laugh or sneeze. I am able to move my bowels more naturally (with minimal need to provide counter-pressure). My vaginal canal is possibly tighter than it was prior to having children. Sex has never been better!”
– Cora thrilled about her results
“Where before I couldn’t feel my husband’s penis unless he pushed against the labia or cervix, I can now feel him along the entire vaginal canal. Sensation is so much better than before! And my husband has no complaints either, other than he occasionally ejaculates too quickly due to increased friction.”
“Dr. Litrel made me feel totally comfortable talking about issues other than strictly functional ones (such as urine leakage). We discussed the importance of my pleasure during intimacy and that I was making this decision for the right reasons.”
“Dr. Litrel even asked my husband’s girth measurements to make sure I was satisfied with how tight he made the vaginal walls.”
– Cora on how Dr. Litrel wanted to ensure the best results
“I highly recommend that you make an appointment to discuss your personal needs with him. You deserve to be treated by the best and that’s just what you get with Dr. Litrel!”