Do you have pain with sex? Do you feel too loose after having a baby? Is your vagina considered “normal”? We have answers to these questions as well as treatment options to help restore vaginal health.
REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATIONVaginal tightness changes over a woman’s lifetime and may sometimes feel too tight or too loose, depending on certain factors. The vagina is designed to have sex and birth a baby, but these events, along with aging, can change the tightness, elasticity, and shape of the vagina.
It’s important to understand what is considered normal to recognize if you have a problem and if so, when you should see your doctor.
Vaginal Changes Over the Years
The vagina changes throughout a woman’s lifetime. Two main causes of vaginal changes include pregnancy and childbirth, which can loosen the vagina’s natural tightness. Certain factors can impact the nerves and muscles of the vaginal canal, such as the size of the baby, the difficulty of labor, if tearing occurred, or if it was a vaginal delivery or a C-section. While the vagina usually returns to its pre-birth state, it may feel somewhat different after giving birth.
Am I Too Loose?
If you’ve recently had a baby and are experiencing looseness, doing floor exercises and Kegels can help regain muscle strengths. While a more toned pelvic floor won’t change the shape of your vagina, it can help you gain more control over your vaginal muscles, which can result in more enjoyable sex. These exercises can also improve your bladder tone and bladder control if this is a problem after giving birth.
Learn more about vaginal looseness.
Kegels – How to do Them and How Often
Kegel exercises are always recommended as they can improve muscle tightness. The easiest way to start doing Kegels is when you are urinating as this will help you know which muscles to tighten. If your urine flow changes, you are using the correct muscles.
While urinating, clinch your pelvic floor muscles to try to stop the flow of urine. Hold the squeeze for four seconds, then release. Don’t do this every time you urinate, just until you learn which muscles to tighten, and then after that you can do it at other times throughout the day.
Build up to doing ten of these exercises in a row, approximately five times per day. After a few months, you should notice an improvement in pelvic muscle strength.
Kegels and pelvic floor therapy can improve vaginal tightness if it is a minor problem. However, if looseness is significant and bothersome, consult with your urogynecologist for other treatments.
Does Menopause Cause Vaginal Looseness?
As estrogen levels drop during perimenopause and menopause, women will experience vaginal changes. These changes include dryness, thinning vaginal tissues, loss of sensation, and sex isn’t as enjoyable as it once was. They may also notice that their natural lubricant may no longer be sufficient for easy penetration. Store-bought, water-based lubricants can help improve penetration.
For many women, hormone replacement therapy can significantly improve sexual satisfaction. Talk to your doctor to see if hormone therapy is right for you and learn about some of the natural options available.
Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook.
Is My Vagina Too Tight?
If you experience pain during intercourse, you may be concerned that your vagina is too small or too tight. Usually, that is not the case, but there are some exceptions. If you do feel pain during sex, make an appointment with your physician as pain during intercourse can be a sign of an underlying condition such as infection, injury, congenital abnormality, prior surgeries, or a shallow vagina.
What Happens to My Vagina During Sex?
In its unaroused state, the vagina is typically three to four inches. But when you’re aroused, the vagina is designed to expand and elongate during arousal, growing to approximately six inches. The upper portion of the vagina lengthens and pushes your cervix and uterus inside the body more.
The vagina also releases a natural lubricant so that when penetration occurs, it’s less painful or difficult. If penetration begins too soon and you’re not lubricated, you may experience pain. Up to 30 percent of women experience pain during vaginal intercourse. If the pain or tightness is persistent, make an appointment to see your doctor.
REQUEST MORE INFORMATIONSo, Are You Too Loose, Too Tight, or Just Right?
The only person that can determine that answer is you. Every woman’s vagina is different but one thing for sure is that sex shouldn’t be painful or uncomfortable, and you shouldn’t endure feeling too tight. If you do experience pain, discomfort, or bleeding during sex, make an appointment with your doctor. Treatment options are available. Call us today at 770.721.6060.