Is liposuction right for you? Certain requirements must be met in order to ascertain whether this surgery will be a potentially successful one for you. An appointment for a preliminary consultation with your physician should always be made so that you fully understand the benefits, risks, and exactly what the procedure entails. It is necessary to be completely honest and open with regards to the expectations you may have and the results you expect.
Many women assume that this procedure is the answer to all their prayers – that it will magically give them the firm, svelte body they’ve always dreamed of having. This is not the case.
Liposuction is not a quick fix for weight loss. Nor does it miraculously get rid of excessive cellulite or stretch marks. The purpose of liposuction is to remove resistant bundles of fat that stubbornly refuse to respond to regular diet and exercise, especially after you have reached and maintained a healthy weight. If you are in good enough physical condition to undergo this surgery, only strong determination, good eating habits and regular exercise will keep the weight from returning. Liposuction cannot do that for you. Its results are only permanent if your weight remains stable.
It needs to be mentioned that liposuction only removes what is referred to as ‘adipose tissue’. This is fatty connective tissue that consists of those lingering fat cells you want to banish from your body. That is liposuction’s sole purpose. It does not remove excess skin nor does it tighten or repair anything internally or externally the way a tummy tuck or breast lift might, though it is on occasion, used to extricate small, leftover fat deposits during a tummy tuck procedure. Generally, it simply removes bulges, lumps, and bumps via suction to give the trouble spots in question a more sculpted, smoother appearance. Liposuction is, however, often performed simultaneously with other cosmetic procedures like the ones mentioned.
Additionally, positive change will not show overnight. It can take up to three months to see the benefits, and to see optimum results, all precautionary instructions you are instructed to follow regarding your aftercare must be adhered to. This includes wearing a pressure garment for the specified amount of time. Some discomfort and swelling should be expected, along with leakage at the incision site for several days. The extra effort on your part should, in time, bring about a more pleasing appearance.
Who is an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?
• Women who are within 15% to 30% of their ideal body weight according to body mass index (BMI) calculations.
• Women who have fat deposits confined in their necks, thighs, abdomens, arms, back and other areas that have proven to be unresponsive or genetically resistant to diet and exercise.
• Women in good physical health who have no critical illness or chronic condition that may hamper healing.
• Non-smokers.
• Women who no longer plan to get pregnant.
• Women with a positive mental and emotional outlook.
• Women with a strong determination to maintain their current health and weight long term.
• Women of any age who presently have strong, firm skin elasticity.
Are There Ever any Medical Reasons to Perform Liposuction?
Yes. Liposuction is usually considered an elective surgery, but there are exceptions where it is warranted for medical reasons. These include:
• Profuse armpit perspiration (axillary hyperhidrosis)
• Fatty benign tumors (lipomas)
• Fat metabolism problems (lipodystrophy)
• Enlargement of the dorsoscervical pads (buffalo hump) which can be caused by adrenal disease or certain medications such as anti-HIV drugs or steroids.
What Conditions or Issues Might Disqualify a Woman From Receiving Liposuction?
Since liposuction is a surgical procedure, certain medical or physical conditions may prove dangerous or even fatal depending on their severity. Sometimes general anesthesia is used, usually when the operation is coupled with another cosmetic procedure. These problems, depending on their severity, could prevent patients from withstanding the procedure safely. Therefore, the following disadvantages may preclude them from being prime subjects:
• Women who suffer from depression: Depression can be a possible after-effect of any surgery, including liposuction. Any pre-operative depression can worsen the condition. Furthermore, certain antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications can be extremely dangerous when combined with anesthesia.
• Significantly overweight or obese women: Typically, skin elasticity is lost with the stretching that occurs with considerable weight loss, making it less likely that the surgery will give the smooth, firm, desired appearance.
• Women who have been diagnosed with scarring/collagen or connective skin diseases such as collagen vascular disease, etc.
• Women with extreme stretch marks.
• Women with acne who have used Accutane up to 6 months prior to surgery.
• Women suffering from Lupus erythematous, endocrine problems, lung or heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, vascular and circulation problems, healing complications, and blood clotting disorders.
Can I Continue to Take My Daily Medications?
It is mandatory that your doctor is aware of every single medication, herb, and supplement you take regularly or even occasionally. This includes all recreational drugs and alcohol. They are not there to judge, only to take every precaution to ensure absolute safety before, during, and after your procedure. Many of the above may have a detrimental effect on you physically and emotionally. You may be required to discontinue some of the products you are taking, and only your specialist knows how to advise you in this matter.
Contacts Us About Liposuction
Liposuction has evolved considerably since its introduction into the world of cosmetic surgery. Though it is much less invasive than ever before, it is still surgery and should only be performed by a qualified, board-certified specialist experienced in the procedure.
To schedule a confidential consultation or for more information, please call our private number at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.