Loss of sexual desire after fifty does not have to be the norm. If you find yourself uttering “not tonight” excuses more and more lately, Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists can provide treatment options so you can say goodbye to your low libido and get back to feeling “alive” again.
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Many women over fifty weren’t raised talking about sexual health so it may be an uncomfortable topic to bring up to your GYN. However, after more than forty years of combined specialized experience in women’s health, our physicians can assure you that, although you are a unique individual, your struggle with a lowered libido is not unique at all. Nor is it something you should be embarrassed about.
Declining sex drive is often something older women keep to themselves. They may feel isolated and abnormal in a world of uninhibited sexual openness. Additionally, new libido medications for men increase the pressure for women to perform when desire is nonexistent. They avoid bedtime until their partner is fast asleep. Some fear their unresponsiveness may cause their significant other to seek gratification elsewhere. Others, wanting to please the person they love, dutifully ‘fake it’, which results in eventual resentment and even feelings of being violated.
Without intervention, waning desire can lead to a sense of inadequacy, self-loathing, insecurity, and depression. It can cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings, sometimes ultimately leading to shattered relationships. None of this has to happen.
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Help for Common Issues
For menopausal and postmenopausal women looking to recapture lost desire, help for the following problems is available:
Dryness and Pain
Dryness after menopause is common. The vaginal walls grow thinner, the opening can get smaller, and the canal shorter. Causes include a drop in the hormone, estrogen, which previously kept your lady parts firm, plump and moist. These changes can make intercourse unpleasant enough to embrace celibacy. We can recommend different hormonal therapies, topical creams and water-based lubricants that have come a long way from the petroleum products and creams recommended by your grandmother.
Sagging and Loss of Sensitivity
Just as your body shows signs of aging, time can impact your genitals. Vaginal childbirth delivery can stretch and displace internal organs and tissue. Estrogen loss can leave your vulva and labia loose and flaccid. This can affect sexual pleasure attained through friction. Orgasms become harder to achieve.
Today, there are more options than ever to correct these problems. ThermiVa, a non-invasive, gentle warming laser treatment, can restore the youthful appearance and function of your vulva and vagina by tightening and treating their external and internal tissues.
Vaginal rejuvenation, which includes labiaplasty and vaginoplasty, reshapes, trims, and alters the appearance of the vagina and labia. It not only offers aesthetic enhancement but can renew your self-confidence exponentially. Various reconstructive surgeries can secure genital organs back into their original position with a relatively short recovery period.
Fecal and bladder incontinence are usually a result of internal organ trauma from childbirth. If you’ve been avoiding sex because you’re worried about accidents or being seen in adult diapers, we offer solutions ranging from simple exercises to surgical repair.
Post-Hysterectomy Issues
Removal of reproductive parts does not mean the end of intimacy. In fact, a high percentage of women report that they enjoy sex even more after a hysterectomy so whether you’ve undergone a partial, total, or radical procedure, sex doesn’t have to become a memory.
Your hormones may be out of whack for several weeks and depression, whether psychological or triggered by abrupt hormonal changes, may occur. The extent of your surgery will determine how your estrogen and testosterone levels will be affected. You may possibly enter menopause and experience hot flashes, insomnia, and other symptoms. These temporary after-effects should abate with time. If not, and you are still disinterested in sex, talk to us. Once we determine if hormonal levels, medication, scarring, or other problems are causing your low libido, our FPMRS urogynecologists can help determine treatment options.
If loss of sexual desire is a concern for you, call us to book an appointment at 770.721.6060.