Increased sexual pleasure is one major reason women choose vaginal rejuvenation surgery. After childbirth takes its toll, bedroom activities often become less pleasurable for couples. Vaginal rejuvenation tightens lax vaginal muscles and smooths excess outer skin, giving women and their partners increased friction during intercourse. But the benefits of rejuvenative surgery go beyond merely the physical. Couples report that VR surgery improves the way they relate to each other during intimacy.
Improving Confidence for Women after Childbirth
During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman’s body goes through countless changes. New moms don’t simply face physical changes after childbirth, they experience emotional ones as well. Nothing can tarnish the amazing experience of motherhood, but in the months postpartum, it’s easy feel more like a mom than a person. Emotional exhaustion, combined with often unexpected changes to the look and feel of their most intimate places, makes many mothers lose sexual confidence. Intimacy becomes a chore instead of an emotional and physical connection with someone they love.
Vaginal rejuvenation changes all that. It doesn’t simply improve the physical sensations of intercourse, but also boosts patients’ confidence by visibly smoothing and reshaping the vagina. This renewed self-confidence drives women to be more vocal about their sexual needs, more motivated to fulfill their partner’s desires, and more able to fully enjoy the improved sensations that result from vaginal rejuvenation.
Our Vaginal Rejuvenation Experts Can Help
Don’t let a dip in confidence derail your sex life. Learn how vaginal rejuvenation can improve physical sensations and emotional self-confidence in the bedroom. Schedule a consultation with one of Cherokee Women’s Health’s experienced, board-certified surgeons, or call us today at 770.720.7733.