OB Videos Archives - Cherokee Women's Health

OB Videos

dr. michael litrel incontinence after childbirth
Incontinence After Giving Birth
Dr. Michael Litrel of Cherokee Women's Health Specialists discusses urinary ...
Lisa McLeod, DO, FACOOG
What to Expect After Delivery
OB/GYN Dr. Lisa McLeod explains what to expect after delivery ...
Lisa McLeod, DO, FACOOG
Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy Explained by Dr. Lisa McLeod
Dr. Lisa McLeod of Cherokee Women's Health talks about pelvic ...
dr mcleod
Prenatal and Laboring Exercises
Dr. Lisa McLeod demonstrates prenatal and laboring exercises. Watch more ...
Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Urinary Incontinence After Childbirth
Dr. Gandhi discusses urinary incontinence after childbirth and available treatment ...
Jourdan with twin preemies and husband
Premature Twins – A Mother’s Perspective
Jourdan talks about her journey to give birth two premature ...
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
Dr. Haley explains why some food should be avoided while ...
Breastfeeding photo
The Triumphs and Trials of Breastfeeding
Dr. Kathryn Hale, a mother herself, discusses breastfeeding. Watch more ...
Dr. Gandhi Jourdan and preemie Twins
Premature Twins – A Doctor’s Perspective
A high risk twin pregnancy can be stressful for all ...
Caring for Preemies with Dr. Crigler
Caring for Preemies with Dr. Crigler
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REcopKJowzs Dr. Crigler explains the risk factors and prevention of ...
Preconception Counseling: What is It?
Preconception Counseling: What is It?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi5ONIkwpug Dr. Britton Crigler discusses the benefits of preconception counseling ...
What to Expect at Your First OB Visit
What to Expect at Your First OB Visit
Dr. Peahen Gandhi discusses what to expect at your first ...
Pregnant? Count Your Fetal Kicks
Pregnant? Count Your Fetal Kicks
Dr. Litrel discusses the importance of counting fetal kicks during ...
Infertility Causes and Treatment
Infertility Causes and Treatment
Dr. Litrel discusses some of the causes of infertility, and ...
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