Diane, Author at Cherokee Women's Health - Page 9 of 59

Author name: Diane

Dr. Gandhi with OB patient and baby
OB Patient Stories

Maggie’s Journey to Motherhood

Cherokee Women’s Health patient, Maggie, was eager to know if she was fertile. To her surprise, she quickly became pregnant but tragically experienced a miscarriage at 10 weeks. After a D&C procedure, it was discovered that fibroids were the cause of her loss. Her journey to conceive again was fraught with challenges, and it wasn’t until a year later that she received medical approval to try again. Hope Amid Challenges A few months after trying, Maggie finally got pregnant again and prepared for a C-section due to the risks associated with her previous complications. Throughout her pregnancy, she became a patient of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.   Facing Anxiety and Finding Comfort As the due date approached, she faced anxiety about the C-section and the potential for further complications. Despite her fears, she found comfort in OB/GYN’s honesty and preparation for any scenario that might arise during childbirth. “I told her I was scared. I asked her, ‘Are you comfortable with my surgery?’ She was very straight up with me, as she is going to be very honest with you. She explained that all childbirth is trauma and said, ‘Can anything happen for anyone? Yes. Are you a little bit more susceptible than someone else? Yes. But I’m going in preparing for that.’ I think hearing her say that made me more comfortable. I was already confident in her; she’d already done some procedures before, but I think hearing that was like, okay, not only does she know what she’s doing, but she also has everything prepared for worst-case scenarios to happen. It made me feel more reassured.” Birth and Complications Eventually, she underwent the C-section. Maggie and her husband welcomed their baby boy, Bradley Olins Barrett, or Bo for short, into the world. The C-section was successful but not without complications. Maggie experienced postpartum hemorrhage and allergic reactions to blood transfusions. Kindness and Reassurance Maggie’s mental state became fragile, and she battled anxiety and depression during her stay in the hospital. However, the kindness and reassurance of Dr. Lisa McLeod helped her cope through the difficult time. “I remember Dr. McLeod came in and said, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ I just cried. She closed the door and said, ‘I’m not going to leave until I know you’re okay.’ She stayed in there for a good 30 minutes, reassuring me.” “Dr. McLeod was my cheerleader, in the best way.” – Mom Maggie Embracing Motherhood with Gratitude As she settled into motherhood, Maggie realized the immense love and joy that comes with the experience. With her husband by her side, and the love for her son growing each day, she embraced the journey of motherhood with hope and gratitude for the beautiful gift she had been blessed with. She encourages other mothers to cherish every moment, no matter how challenging, as these moments build resilience and strength. “It’s one of those things that you don’t know until you know. Everyone has always said that, but that’s real. My advice for other moms is to just enjoy every moment. That sounds so cliché, but it’s true. Even those little moments that I hated in the hospital, they just made moments better in a way with him. Because I got through that, we got through it. That means we could get through other harder things.” Maggie’s story of perseverance, love, and newfound motherly bliss is a beautiful reminder to others that the journey of motherhood is filled with both challenges and indescribable joy. Make an Appointment Today Our OBs are here to help you. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.

woman painful sex
GYN Problems

Why Does Sex Hurt So Much? Understanding Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a sensitive topic that affects many women around the world. This condition involves involuntary muscle contractions around the vaginal opening, making penetration uncomfortable or even painful. It can have a profound impact on physical intimacy, relationships, and overall well-being. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at vaginismus, its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, the effective treatment methods that can bring relief and restore confidence. What Is Vaginismus? Vaginismus is a condition where the muscles around the vaginal entrance contract involuntarily, causing discomfort or pain during attempted penetration. This can include sexual intercourse, using tampons, or even undergoing medical examinations. The severity of vaginismus varies, with some experiencing mild discomfort and others facing more intense pain. The Impact of Vaginismus Living with vaginismus can take a toll on both physical and emotional well-being. The frustration and anxiety it brings can strain relationships, reduce self-esteem, and create an overall negative perception of one’s body. It’s important to acknowledge that this condition is not uncommon and that there are effective ways to manage it. Understanding the Causes Vaginismus can have various underlying causes: Symptoms to Watch For Signs of vaginismus can vary, but common symptoms include: Treatment Methods for Vaginismus Thankfully, there are several effective treatment methods available: FAQs About Vaginismus Q: Can vaginismus be cured completely? A: While complete cure may not be guaranteed, effective management and significant improvement are achievable through various treatments. Q: How long does treatment usually take? A: Treatment duration varies depending on the individual, their underlying causes, and the chosen treatment methods. It can take weeks to months. Q: Is vaginismus a mental disorder? A: No, vaginismus is not classified as a mental disorder. However, psychological factors can contribute to its development. Q: Can I engage in sexual activities while undergoing treatment? A: It’s recommended to communicate openly with your healthcare provider. Some activities may be possible, but it’s important to prioritize your comfort and well-being. Q: Are there support groups for individuals with vaginismus? A: Yes, many online and in-person support groups provide a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Q: When should I seek professional help? A: If you’re experiencing discomfort, pain, or difficulty with penetration that affects your quality of life, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional. Contact Our Sexual Health Experts Vaginismus is a challenge, but it’s important to remember that effective treatments exist to improve your quality of life and intimate relationships. With three double board-certified urogynecologists on staff, know that help is available. If you’re experiencing painful sex, call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.

50 year old woman painful sex
GYN Problems

Is This Type of Pain During Sex Normal?

Barb, a 50-year-old woman, often wondered if the type of pain she experienced during sex was normal. In a world where personal struggles are often hidden behind a façade of normalcy, Barb bravely stepped forward to share her story. For years, she battled in silence against a condition that deeply impacted her intimate life: an anatomical anomaly that caused excruciating pain during sex. Barb’s journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the power of seeking support, and the importance of open conversations about sexual health. The Hidden Struggle As a successful professional and a loving wife and mother, Barb’s life appeared enviable from the outside. Yet, a secret burden weighed heavily on her heart—the pain she endured during intimacy. She found herself grappling with emotions of shame, guilt, and inadequacy. Unsure of where to turn, she navigated her pain in silence, convinced that her struggle was hers alone. The Revelation and Path Forward A chance conversation with a close friend led Barb to realize that she wasn’t alone in her experience. Her friend confided in her about a similar issue, sparking a glimmer of hope. Emboldened by this connection, Barb began researching her symptoms, eventually discovering that she suffered from a condition called vaginismus. This condition causes involuntary muscle contractions around the vaginal opening, making penetration extremely painful or even impossible. Seeking Professional Help With her newfound knowledge, Barb decided to take charge of her health and seek professional help. She scheduled an appointment with Dr. Peahen Gandhi, a compassionate OB/GYN and urogynecologist with Cherokee Women’s Health. Dr. Gandhi’s warm demeanor and willingness to listen made Barb feel validated and understood—a stark contrast to the isolation she had felt for years. Understanding and Treatment Dr. Gandhi performed a thorough examination and diagnosed Barb with vaginismus. She explained that the condition could be caused by various factors, including psychological stress, trauma, or even underlying medical conditions. Together, they formulated a personalized treatment plan that encompassed both physical and emotional aspects. The Healing Journey Barb’s treatment journey was multifaceted. It involved a combination of physical therapy to relax and strengthen her pelvic floor muscles, counseling to address the emotional scars left by years of pain, and open communication with her partner. Through this process, Barb learned that sexual health is not just about physicality but is deeply intertwined with emotional well-being. Breaking the Silence As Barb began to see improvements in her condition, she realized the importance of breaking the silence surrounding sexual health issues. She joined support groups and online forums dedicated to sexual health discussions, where she found an incredible community of individuals sharing similar experiences. Together, they shattered the stigma and shame associated with conditions like vaginismus. A New Chapter As Barb continued to work on her healing journey, she found that her relationship with her partner also underwent a positive transformation. Open conversations about their feelings and needs brought them closer than ever before. Intimacy was no longer clouded by fear and pain but was instead a beautiful and fulfilling aspect of their connection. Help is Available for Painful Sex As Barb as shown, there should be absolutely no shame or embarrassment surrounding one’s sexual health. If you experience painful sex, call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.

James Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS

The O-Shot’s Impact on Incontinence

Hi, I’m Dr. Jim Haley. I want to talk about the O-Shot procedure and, more specifically, its impact on incontinence. We have been really amazed and pleased with the results that we’re seeing for incontinence. Watch Dr. Haley’s accompanying video. This is a procedure that doesn’t take long, only about 30 minutes here in the office. It involves drawing your own blood and separating the red blood cells from the serum that has platelets in it. Then, we re-inject this into a certain area just below where urine comes out, just below that urethra. So, it’s an easy, painless procedure. Reviews From O-Shot Patients Over time, we’ve followed up with some of our patients to see what results they are experiencing. I have examples of four different responses that patients have given to us, and I’ll go ahead and read them to let you know what we’re seeing. ‘Within 24 hours after my O-Shot, I went from having to change underwear three times a day and going to the bathroom 20 times a day to total normalcy.’ – Patient #1 ‘The O-Shot was so helpful. I used to leak every time I sneezed or coughed, and now I never have to worry about that. I am so pleased with my results.’ – Patient #2 ‘I have gotten 100% of the results I was looking for. In fact, I have had no leaks.’ – Patient #3 ‘I got the O-Shot to help with my leaky bladder. I am so thrilled with the results. Thank you.’ – Patient #4 We Can Help If incontinence is a problem for you like it is for many women, feel free to come in and we can discuss this further. Or, if you decide that you really want to have that done, you can certainly call and make that appointment. We’ll be happy to help you! Call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.

nancy overactive bladder
GYN Problems

Nancy’s Journey of Triumph Against Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB)

Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) began to disrupt Nancy’s daily life at age 50. As a dedicated teacher, a loving mother, and a true adventurer, she didn’t expect that her life would soon be overshadowed by this troublesome medical condition. Unraveling the Mystery of Overactive Bladder Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition characterized by sudden, involuntary contractions of the bladder muscles. The symptoms include urgent and frequent urges to urinate, often accompanied by unfortunate leaks. This had become Nancy’s new reality. Her usual upbeat attitude was dimmed by the constant worry of unpredictable accidents and the constant and immediate need to find a restroom. These symptoms were disrupting her sense of normalcy.  Seeking Expert Help Determined to regain her control and joy, Nancy embarked on a journey to find out what was wrong and to hopefully find a solution. Nancy wasn’t sure if she needed to see a gynecologist or a urologist. She started doing some research and discovered the specialty known as urogynecology, a specialized field of gynecology and obstetrics that deals with female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Her research led her to Dr. Michael Litrel, a double board-certified urogynecologist at Cherokee Women’s Health. Renowned for his expertise in women’s health issues, Nancy finally had hope. She wasted no time making an appointment. Diagnosing Nancy With OAB Dr. Litrel listened as Nancy shared her symptoms and history. He explained that he suspected Nancy had OAB. To pinpoint the specifics of Nancy’s condition, he recommended a series of comprehensive tests, including a bladder diary, physical examination, and urodynamic testing. The tests confirmed that Nancy had OAB, so Dr. Litrel outlined treatment options that aligned with her unique needs and preferences. He discussed lifestyle adjustments, including limiting caffeine, alcohol intake, and practicing pelvic floor exercises. Additionally, medication was suggested to help manage the involuntary muscle contractions responsible for Nancy’s symptoms. Reclaiming Her Life With Dr. Litrel’s guidance, Nancy embraced the recommended lifestyle changes and diligently adhered to the prescribed medication regimen. Gradually, a transformation unfolded. The urges began to relent, and Nancy regained control over her life. Long walks, social gatherings, and even road trips no longer carried the burden of anxiety and urgency. Nancy emerged from her journey with an understanding that advocating for her health and seeking expert care were paramount. She hopes by sharing her story that she can inspire others facing similar challenges. We’re Here For You Nancy’s story is a reminder that challenges can be conquered with the right support and determination. If you or someone you know is struggling with similar symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek the right help. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

dr. gandhi
GYN Problems

Addressing Painful Intercourse: Understanding Causes and Finding Solutions

Hi, I’m Dr. Gandhi or Cherokee Women’s Health. I believe many women feel ashamed to talk about painful intercourse but I want you to feel comfortable discussing it with your doctor. Watch Dr. Gandhi’s accompanying video. When women come in and describe pain during intercourse, they may not be sure if it’s related to their external genitalia or internal organs. They just know that it hurts, it’s uncomfortable, and it affects their pleasure during intercourse. Is Your Anatomy Causing Painful Intercourse? We see women who experience this pain for various reasons, such as trying to conceive, going through menopause, or after giving birth. It’s essential to understand the anatomy and identify the origin of the pain to determine the appropriate treatment plan. The external genitalia includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, urethra (opening into the bladder), vagina, and rectum. During a gynecologic exam, I examine these external parts for symmetry, lesions, or trauma. Pain in these areas can result from nerve issues, and thorough examination helps in diagnosis. Conditions That May Play a Role Moving on to the internal organs, it’s not just about the ovaries and uterus. The cervix, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs can also be affected by conditions like fibroids, polyps, infections, or endometriosis. We also consider the bladder and bowel as they can be related to pain during intercourse or fertility issues. When you come in for evaluation, we not only look for the location of the pain but also its characteristics, such as sharp, gnawing, or deep pain. After identifying potential causes through physical exams and ultrasounds, we create a personalized treatment plan to address the pain and prevent it from recurring. I Want You to Feel Comfortable Discussing Painful Intercourse Please remember, sexual health is an important aspect of gynecology, and discussing these concerns with your doctor is nothing to be ashamed of. We are here to help and listen to your concerns, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance in achieving optimal health and a healthy intimate life with your partner. Make an Appointment Today Call us today at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

Dr. Gandhi
GYN Problems

Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Hello, this is Dr. Gandhi with Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, and I would like to discuss polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with you today. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance characterized by an increase or excess of androgens, particularly male testosterone. Watch Dr. Gandhi’s accompanying video. Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients with PCOS often experience symptoms such as irregular periods, sometimes with intervals of three or four months without a period, increased facial hair growth, weight gain, pelvic pain, and ovarian cysts detected through ultrasound. Diagnosing PCOS To diagnose PCOS, we conduct a physical exam, discuss the patient’s symptoms, and perform laboratory testing and ultrasound imaging. Treatment options for PCOS include lifestyle changes, such as following a low glycemic diet and engaging in regular exercise to manage insulin levels. Hormonal birth control and anti-androgen medications are also utilized. For some patients with PCOS and infertility, a combination of medical and potentially surgical interventions may be recommended. Help is Available It’s crucial to understand that PCOS is more common than one might think, affecting about one in ten women. Often, adolescents with irregular periods are put on birth control pills without addressing the underlying condition. Therefore, it’s essential to seek evaluation and treatment if experiencing PCOS symptoms. We, as healthcare providers, are here to support you through this condition. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for evaluation and management. We are well-versed in treating patients with PCOS and are dedicated to your well-being. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.

Ablation with Dr. Litrel

Endometrial Ablation: A Minimally Invasive Solution for Heavy Periods and Menstrual Relief

Today, we’re going to perform an endometrial ablation procedure, also known as HTA, which stands for hydrothermal ablation. Essentially, this instrument will be inserted into our patient’s uterus to burn the lining and stop her periods. The good thing about this procedure is that the patient has been experiencing heavy bleeding for ten days a month and is unhappy with it. She doesn’t want any more children but also doesn’t want surgery or any invasive procedures. This device works inside the uterus without affecting the woman’s hormones and reduces bleeding by about 90%. Watch Dr. Litrel’s accompanying video. We’ve already inserted the device into the patient’s cervix and uterus, and we can see the interior of her uterine cavity. There’s a significant amount of tissue on both the top and bottom surfaces, but we have confirmed through a biopsy that there’s no evidence of hyperplasia, cancer, or precancerous lesions. Now that everything is ready, we will proceed with the ablation. No Pain or Discomfort We’re almost at the end of this ablation, with about two minutes remaining. The great thing is that the patient doesn’t feel any pain or discomfort during this process. As we proceed, the lining of the uterus is changing from a pink, blood-filled appearance to a nice whitish color, indicating the successful ablation of the vasculature. This means her periods will be significantly decreased. What to Expect After an Endometrial Ablation After the procedure, the patient will tolerate it well and will be able to leave our office within 20 minutes. The benefit of this ablation is that it’s a 10-minute procedure performed in the office, providing relief and decreased bleeding without impacting her hormones. She’ll be able to resume normal activities later today or tomorrow and should have an easy recovery without any significant disruptions. We hope that her menstrual cycles will also stop altogether. If you suffer from heavy periods and would like to schedule an appointment at either our Canton or Woodstock location, call us today at 770.720.7733, or simply schedule an appointment online.

Ansley Stone, MD

Meet Dr. Ansley Stone: A Dedicated OB/GYN Providing Compassionate Care

Hello, I’m Dr. Ansley Stone. As a proud native, I am delighted to serve as one of the esteemed OB/GYN providers here at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. Having grown up in Canton, this place holds a special place in my heart, and after completing my medical education at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, I realized my true calling was to return home. Watch her accompanying video. The Path to Becoming an OB/GYN The path that led me to become an OB/GYN was shaped by my upbringing in a family of all girls. Witnessing the experiences of my sisters, cousins, and aunts during their pregnancies, along with their unique struggles as women, deeply influenced my decision. I yearned to be a source of care and support for women, especially during their pregnancies. I noticed that some other medical specialties were hesitant to assist pregnant women due to concerns about the unborn child’s well-being. I aspired to be the person women could confide in during their journey and provide guidance and a helping hand through any challenging moments related to pregnancy or GYN concerns. The Joy of Delivering Babies Among the many aspects of my profession, the one that brings me the most joy is delivering babies. Being a part of such a momentous occasion, welcoming new life into the world, is a privilege I cherish. Each time I witness the bliss of a new mother holding her baby, I am reminded of the beauty and magic of life. These moments are timeless and continue to drive my passion for my work, compelling me to show up every day. Within my area of practice, I hold a profound passion for obstetrics. Assisting women through their pregnancies, especially when complications arise, and ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby are my ultimate goals. Providing GYN Care Additionally, I am also dedicated to preventive screening, aiming to keep patients up-to-date with their annual exams and promptly addressing any breast issues or cervical abnormalities that may lead to cervical cancer in the future. Preventative care is essential to safeguarding against potential hardships, and it is an area of great importance to me. Moreover, I take immense pride in being a trustworthy confidant for individuals seeking help with sensitive GYN concerns. I understand that discussing such matters may not always be comfortable, but I am devoted to providing a safe space where patients can find solace, support, and the assistance they need. Schedule an Appointment Today I hope this brief introduction sheds some light on who I am and what I am passionate about as an OB/GYN. I extend an open invitation to anyone who wishes to meet and get to know me better. If you would like to make an appointment, I would be more than happy to see you and provide my undivided attention to your well-being. Call 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

mature O-Shot woman
O-Shot Education, Vaginal Rejuvenation

Fearless at 60: My O-Shot Adventure

As a 60-year-old woman, I never thought I’d be considering the O-Shot, but the results I’d heard about were fantastic so here I was! As hopeful I was, I couldn’t shake off my apprehension about the actual process. The idea of discomfort and pain made me hesitant, and I felt too embarrassed to discuss it with my doctor. However, my desire for a more fulfilling and enjoyable intimate life with my husband of 35 years pushed me to overcome my fear. Meeting Dr. Gandhi: A Caring and Understanding Doctor I made up my mind to go through with it and scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist, Dr. Peahen Gandhi of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. Dr. Gandhi is a double board-certified urogynecologist and an experienced Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgeon (FPMRS). I knew she had experience in performing O-Shots. Amid my nervousness about getting the O-Shot, I was fortunate to have a compassionate doctor like Dr. Gandhi. She made all the difference in solidifying my decision. She took the time to listen to my concerns and made me feel at ease right from the start. Her expertise in the field and her dedication to patient care reassured me that I was in capable hands. During our consultation, she patiently answered all my questions and explained the O-Shot procedure in detail. Her willingness to address every apprehension I had helped build my trust in her even more and gave me the confidence to go through with the treatment. With her warm and empathetic approach, Dr. Gandhi transformed what could have been an intimidating experience into one where I felt understood, respected, and supported. The Day of the Procedure The day of the procedure arrived, and I nervously sat in the waiting room, flipping through a magazine to distract myself. My mind was racing with questions and doubts, but I reminded myself of the positive outcome others had experienced. After what felt like an eternity, but was only 10 minutes, the nurse called my name, and I reluctantly got up and followed her to the examination room. As always, Dr. Gandhi was friendly and understanding, which helped ease my nerves a bit. She again explained the procedure step by step, which further calmed me down. The O-Shot, or orgasm shot, involved using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate tissue growth and enhance sensitivity in the intimate areas. First, she drew a small amount of my blood. She then processed the blood in a centrifuge to extract the platelet-rich plasma. The PRP contained growth factors that would help rejuvenate the targeted area. While this was being done, I felt a slight pinch, but it wasn’t anything too painful. The Actual Injection Next came the actual injection part, which I was most anxious about. Dr. Gandhi applied a numbing cream to the areas she would be treating. This helped reduce any discomfort during the injections. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as she administered the PRP into the clitoral region and the upper wall of the vagina. To my surprise, the sensation was more like a light pressure than pain. The whole procedure only took about 30 minutes, and I was relieved when it was over. The doctor assured me that any minor discomfort I might experience after the numbing wore off would fade quickly. As I left her office, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I had taken a significant step towards improving my intimate life, and I hoped it would be worth it. Post-Procedure Experience and Results Over the next few days, I followed Dr. Gandhi’s post-procedure care instructions diligently. I was advised to avoid intercourse for a few days to allow the PRP to take full effect. During this time, I experienced some mild soreness, like the feeling after a regular injection, but nothing too uncomfortable. Gradually, I noticed subtle changes. My intimate sensitivity seemed to increase, and I felt more in tune with my body. As the weeks passed, the full effects of the O-Shot became evident. Not only did I experience enhanced pleasure during intimate moments with my husband, but I also noticed an improvement in urinary incontinence, which had been an issue for me in recent years. Looking back, I’m glad I gathered the courage to undergo the O-Shot procedure. While it’s natural to feel nervous about any medical procedure, my research and the support of a caring doctor made all the difference. The results were undoubtedly worth it, and I felt more confident and satisfied than I had in a long time. It taught me that it’s essential to address our concerns openly and seek solutions to improve our well-being, no matter our age. Is the O-Shot Right For You? If you’re interested in a more enjoyable intimate life, call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

o-shot woman

The O-Shot Offers Remarkable Results for Incontinence

Hi, I’m Dr. Michael Litrel of Cherokee Women’s Health here to talk to you about how the O-Shot can help treat urinary incontinence. As an OB/GYN and urogynecologist, I encounter patients every day who suffer from urinary incontinence, where women experience leakage when they sneeze, jump, or engage in physical activity. Watch his corresponding video. Over the years, several solutions have been proposed to address this issue. For cases resulting from childbirth, the primary approach has been surgery, which is generally considered a minor procedure but still requires a visit to the operating room for intervention. The O-Shot However, there is a new technology that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (growth factors isolated from the patient’s own blood) for treatment called the O-Shot. This innovative procedure can be performed in the office and only takes about five minutes. Patients simply need a blood draw, and then the platelet-rich plasma is injected right into the bladder neck. Women have witnessed remarkable results in many patients who have undergone this treatment. We’re Here to Help If you are dealing with urinary incontinence, I encourage you to call us at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online to explore how the O-Shot can offer help and relief.

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