"I Would Stay Behind for Fear of Leaking" - Cherokee Women's Health

“I Would Stay Behind for Fear of Leaking”

For Renay, stress urinary incontinence meant she was missing out on life. She would often ‘stay behind’ while her family and friends went hiking, played volleyball or participated in fun activities. And going to the gym? That was out of the question. “Pads could only do so much,” Renay said.

“The bouncing, running and jumping would make matters worse so I either ‘stayed behind’ or became the photographer.”

– Renay reflects on life before surgery

Renay was also restricted by where she could go, regardless of the activity. If there wasn’t a bathroom within a safe distance, she would again ‘stay behind’.

Renay’s story is not uncommon. She had given birth to five children and it was after her fourth baby that she started experiencing incontinence. She was tired of living a limited life so she decided to do something about it.

Renay talks about her decision to get surgery for her stress urinary incontinence and how her life changed after treatment.

Getting Help for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Renay finally made the decision to get surgery for her incontinence and she’s so glad she did. The only regret she has is that she didn’t do it sooner.

She explains that she had a bit of discomfort right after the surgery but felt fine the very next day. She was most surprised to learn that the effects really were immediate.

“The effects were immediate. I wish I had done it 5 years earlier.”

– Renay on difference surgery made.

Today, Renay no longer sits on the sidelines or ‘stays behind’. Worries about jumping and running are a thing of the past. She participates in activities with family and friends and is even hitting the gym.

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