If you have pelvic floor dysfunction, this may be one way you might describe your symptoms. Other ways to describe it may include:
- My cervix hurts during sex.
- Sex is painful.
- It feels like something is stuck in my vagina.
- I pee when I stand/sit/lean forward/exercise.
- There is a bulge in my vagina.
- I have to stick my finger in my vagina to have a bowel movement.
- I always have the urge to pee.
- I can’t empty my bladder completely.
- I am always constipated.
- There is intense pressure/pain in my pelvic area/lower back.
A strange, new sensation has taken over your body. Simply put into words: it feels like your bottom is falling out. You may be hesitant to share this information with just anyone, but you can’t help but wonder what could be causing this unsettling symptom. Women who suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction have used this description and the others above to explain exactly what is happening down there.
Pelvic floor dysfunction, or PFD, is a set of conditions that cause women to experience unpleasant urinary and bowel disorders or pelvic organ prolapse, also known as POP. Symptoms of these disorders include urinary or fecal incontinence, pain, pressure, or constipation.
So, how exactly did your bottom end up this way? Over time, your pelvic floor muscles have endured some damage or weakness that has caused your organs to sag into your vagina, or rectum, hence the feeling that something is “falling out”. Childbirth is a very big factor that plays into PFDs, but there are other causes as well including genetics, heavy exercise, straining, and other health impairments.
Every woman has a different experience with PFD and you should always keep this in mind when discussing treatment plans with your doctor. The effects of PFD can range from mild to severe, but there are treatment options that may work for you. Sometimes treatment includes simple lifestyle changes, physical therapy, an intravaginal device called a pessary, or surgery, including the placement of transvaginal mesh.
Take back your body! Make an appointment with one of our board-certified female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery specialists to start the conversation about PFD. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.