Cosmetic Services

Cosmetic Services

Tummy tucks, liposuction, and medical weight loss programs are often sought by women after they have a baby or as they age. Our rejuvenating cosmetic services can help restore confidence and self-image by providing a more youthful appearance.

Following is a list of the rejuvenating cosmetic services we offer:

tummy tuck photo
  • Tummy Tucks (Abdominoplasty)

    A cosmetic operation to rid the lower abdomen of stubborn superfluous skin and fat on its own

  • Liposuction/ Liposculpting

    A process to remove resistant lumps, bumps, and bulges on hips, thighs, or other areas in spite of your best efforts

  • Autologous Fat Transfer

    A procedure to add volume to just about any area of your body for a more visually appealing appearance

  • Medical Weight Loss

    A medically-supervised program based on your needs, and designed specifically for women by our MDs who specialize in women’s health

  • O-Shot (Orgasm Shot)

    A non-surgical procedure to help women improve their sexual health and well-being by using the body’s natural responses to rejuvenate your vaginal tissue

Combine Cosmetic Services with Mommy Rejuvenation and Vaginal Rejuvenation Services

Our cosmetic services can be added on to other services such as our Mommy Rejuvenation or Vaginal Rejuvenation procedures. Simply talk to your doctor and let them know what areas you’d like addressed. A customized plan will be made just for you.

Learn more about Mommy Rejuvenation


Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

tummy tuck is a cosmetic operation to rid the lower abdomen of skin and fat to attain a more toned, flat abdominal area. This is attained by removing loose, excess skin and fat, and tighten weak fascia. A tummy tuck can also remove stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen below the bellybutton. There are several reasons you might have excess fat, poor elasticity of the skin or weakened connective tissue in your abdomen.

The most common reasons women seek tummy tucks include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Abdominal surgery, such as a C-section
  • Aging
  • Significant changes in weight
  • Your natural body type

A tummy tuck can also remove stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen below the bellybutton. However, a tummy tuck won’t correct stretch marks outside of this area.


Liposuction/ Liposculpting

Liposuction is a process of fatty deposit removal from the body via suction. Liposculpture extracts fatty deposits to attain a sculpted look, such as a more defined curved waist. 


Medical Weight Loss

Our medical weight loss program is designed specifically for women by providing the knowledge, support, accountability, and medical supervision to help women reach and maintain weight loss goals. 


O-Shot (Orgasm Shot)

The O-Shot is a non-surgical procedure to improve urinary incontinence and sexual function.

Interested in Vaginal Rejuvenation? Learn more here!

Get Back to You – Schedule an Appointment Today

Our cosmetic services can help restore confidence and a more youthful appearance. Call us today at 770.720.7733 to schedule a free consultation with one of our double board-certified physicians.

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