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Lisa McLeod, DO, FACOOG
OB, Well Woman

Dr. Lisa McLeod: A Passion and Empathy in Women’s Health

Dr. Lisa McLeod, a proud Jamaican-Panamanian American hailing from Brooklyn, New York, brings a unique perspective to the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Having moved to the South, specifically Georgia, she is excited about the opportunity to experience a new region. Dr. McLeod is a dedicated mother, and her journey into motherhood has deepened her understanding of pregnancy and forged a stronger connection with women. In her spare time, she indulges in her love for travel, having visited over 35 countries and counting, immersing herself in diverse cultures and expanding her knowledge of people worldwide. Watch Dr. McLeod’s corresponding video. Finding Passion: A Personal Experience Dr. McLeod’s path to becoming an OB/GYN is an intriguing story. At the age of 21, while pursuing her engineering degree, she faced her own gynecological issues. Frustrated by feeling unheard by healthcare providers, she resolved to make a difference in women’s health. Initially, she continued her engineering career, but the persistent need to address women’s concerns led her to study exercise physiology. Driven by her growing passion, she eventually transitioned to a career in medicine, realizing the profound impact she could make in improving women’s health and well-being. A Holistic Approach: Exercise and Osteopathy What sets Dr. McLeod’s practice apart is her incorporation of exercise and osteopathy into addressing women’s health concerns. Her background in exercise physiology and osteopathic medicine enables her to view the body as an interconnected system. She is passionate about understanding how the body functions as a whole and finding ways to alleviate discomfort and improve overall health through exercise. Dr. McLeod believes in the power of exercise during labor, exploring different positions and movements to facilitate the birthing process. Similarly, she explores exercise techniques to manage menstrual cramps and even looks at exercise and body mechanics to address issues related to sexual intercourse, such as dyspareunia. By seeking holistic solutions, Dr. McLeod aims to empower her patients to take an active role in their own well-being. A Comprehensive Approach: Beyond Medication and Surgery In her practice, Dr. McLeod takes a comprehensive approach to treating women’s symptoms and complaints. Rather than solely relying on medications or surgical interventions, she considers a broad range of options. Driven by her exercise background, she explores ways in which exercise and movement can alleviate discomfort and improve outcomes. Whether it’s finding optimal positions during labor, managing menstrual cycle symptoms, or addressing muscle spasms contributing to pain during intercourse, Dr. McLeod is committed to exploring the full spectrum of treatment options. The Joys of Obstetrics and Gynecology For Dr. McLeod, the most fulfilling aspect of being an obstetrician-gynecologist is the opportunity to connect with women on a daily basis. She cherishes the conversations, the stories, and the shared experiences. Understanding the unique challenges women face throughout their lives brings her immense joy. Dr. McLeod’s passion extends to all aspects of obstetrics and gynecology, from discussing women’s issues and health concerns to celebrating the different phases of pregnancy and the journeys women embark upon. With a genuine love for her field, Dr. McLeod embraces the diversity and complexity that obstetrics and gynecology offer. Dr. Lisa McLeod’s Dedication to Women’s Health Dr. Lisa McLeod’s journey into obstetrics and gynecology is driven by a personal experience, a passion for women’s health, and a commitment to a holistic approach. Her multicultural background, combined with her expertise in exercise physiology and osteopathy, provides a unique perspective in addressing women’s health concerns. Dr. McLeod’s practice focuses on empowering women through education, exercise, and a comprehensive approach to treatment. With her genuine love for her field and her dedication to making a difference in women’s lives, Dr. McLeod is a compassionate and knowledgeable OB/GYN who continues to strive for excellence in providing quality care.

woman with incontinence
GYN Problems

Urinary Incontinence Treatments

One in five women suffer from urinary incontinence, which is also called bladder leakage. Leakage often occurs during simple everyday activities: What Causes Incontinence? Incontinence occurs when the muscles that support the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body) are weakened or damaged. This can happen as a result of childbirth, trauma, hormone changes and many other reasons. Many women believe that a leaky bladder is a normal part of aging, and that nothing can be done about it. The truth is that you don’t have to live with this condition. Treatment Options Incontinence can be treated in several ways, depending on the exact nature of the incontinence and its severity. Effective treatments can include: Our physicians have a high degree of expertise in diagnosing and treating urinary incontinence. We can perform specialized testing called urodynamics, to determine the cause of your bladder leakage. Sometimes a simple medication can resolve the problem. Other times a minimally invasive sling procedure is required, which takes only 30-45 minutes. Take the Urinary Incontinence Quiz Call Us Today, We Can Help If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, know that you don’t have to suffer any more. The solution to incontinence is often as simple as a medication or a procedure. One of those treatment options is the O-Shot, an in-office, nonsurgical procedure used to treat incontinence. Download your free O-Shot eBook to learn more. Together, we will take the proper steps to determine the cause of your urinary incontinence, and recommend the treatment option that will offer you relief and peace of mind. Call 770.720.7733 for your appointment today or schedule an appointment here.

GYN Problems, Teen GYN Education

Endometriosis in Teen Girls

Endometriosis in teen girls can result in painful symptoms, and even infertility. Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition that affects women of all ages, including teenagers. It is characterized by the growth of tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) outside the uterus. This tissue can grow on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, bladder, and other organs in the pelvis. Endometriosis affects an estimated 10% of women worldwide, but it often takes years to be diagnosed. This is particularly true for teenage girls, who may not recognize the symptoms of endometriosis or may not seek medical help for their symptoms. Endometriosis Symptoms Endometriosis symptoms can vary greatly, but common symptoms include: For teenage girls, endometriosis can be particularly challenging because they may not have developed a regular menstrual cycle yet. Some girls may experience painful periods from the start of menstruation, while others may develop symptoms over time. If a teenage girl has symptoms of endometriosis, it is important to see a gynecologist who can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Diagnosis often involves a physical exam, medical history, and imaging tests such as an ultrasound. In some cases, a laparoscopy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment for endometriosis in teenagers may involve medications to relieve pain and inflammation, hormone therapy to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the growth of endometrial tissue, or surgery to remove the tissue. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be necessary. Managing Endometriosis In addition to medical treatment, there are lifestyle changes that can help manage endometriosis symptoms. These may include: It is important for teenage girls with endometriosis to have a support system, whether it is family, friends, or a support group. Coping with endometriosis can be difficult, both physically and emotionally, and having a support system can make a big difference. See Your GYN for an Early Diagnosis If a teenage girl has symptoms of endometriosis, it is important to see a GYN for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With the right medical care and lifestyle changes, girls with endometriosis can manage their symptoms and live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Well Woman

Great Sex After Menopause?

Yes, it’s possible to have great sex after menopause! One of the most common complaints among menopausal women is a low sex drive, so if this is you, you are not alone. These changes are normal, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them. There are a lot of reasons for a reduced sex drive so it’s important to be open and honest with your doctor about how you’re feeling. Based on your symptoms, your doctor can help determine what’s causing these changes. And the good news is that there are a variety of treatment options available to help increase your libido. Common Reasons for Low Sex Drive Age – Women are 2-3 times more likely as men to experience reduced desire as they age. Hormone Changes – Changing hormones can wreak havoc on a woman. Around the time of menopause, estrogen levels begin to drop, which can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, lethargy, vaginal dryness, and more. And of course, a dip in desire. After all, if you are dealing with all those other issues, romance may not be high on your list of priorities. Other Health Problems – Issues like depression, anxiety, bladder control problems, chronic illness, and medications may also cause lack of desire. Relationship Troubles – Sometimes your lack of desire may not just be physical. If you are having relationship problems, it can certainly stall your sex drive. Stress – The daily grind of work, kids, family, friends, chores – and, and, and – can be enough to make anyone’s libido dip. Women are busy juggling a million things a day so it’s not surprising that sexy time often takes a back seat. So, now that we know some of the causes, let’s look at some of the things that can be done to increase your libido. Treatment Options Hormones– Your doctor may recommend using an oral or topical estrogen which can greatly help with symptoms discussed earlier, such as hot flashes and night sweats. Estrogen also thickens the vaginal tissue which can help make sex feel better. Again, as all women are different, discussing these options with your doctor is the best thing to do.  Consider Changing Medicines – While some medicines can help with one issue, they can cause another.  An example is how medicines for blood pressure and depression have been known to affect your sex drive. Talk to your doctor about other options. Lubrication – With vaginal tissue thinning during menopause, sex can be more painful, and that can certainly make you want to avoid sex. Lubrications can help. Products like KY jelly help add moisture and make sex more pleasurable. Retrain Your Brain – Sometimes it’s not a pill or a cream or a lotion that’s needed to kick start a waning libido. Oftentimes, it can be as simple as making small changes at home – and rethinking how you think about intimacy. So, changing your approach to how you view sex and intimacy with your partner can make a big difference. Here are some things to try: Make Time For Each Other – In the midst of our busy lives, sex can end up on the back burner. If you and your partner are intentional about spending time together, (without the kids), you can begin to reconnect, which can help you in the bedroom. Get a sitter, have date nights, enjoy each other’s company. Focus on Your #1 Sex Organ: Your Brain – The brain is the first thing to get turned on, and new things help with that. Try changing where you have sex, the positions, the roles, etc. Believe it or not, the more you have sex, the more you’ll want to have. It’s Okay to Put Yourself First – Focus on yourself during sex. What feels good to you? What pace do you like? Putting your pleasure first is not only okay, it may help you relax and enjoy the moment more. And that will probably make it more enjoyable for your partner as well. Remember Foreplay –- Foreplay is even more important with age since you may take longer to respond. Make sure you give yourself enough time to cuddle and kiss like you used to. By not making climaxing the goal, you might be surprised that it happens anyway. Look Beyond Your Bed Things that happen out of your bed can affect what goes on in it. Try these tips: Talk to Your Partner – If your lack of desire really has nothing to do with how you feel about your partner, tell him. He may think it’s about him and feel rejected. Talking about what you’re going through and your likes and dislikes, will bring you closer and help to improve your sexual experience. Take a Look in the Mirror – Are you feeling good about yourself? Many women feel their sexiest when they feel good about their bodies. If this is you, think about what will make you feel better. Whether it’s buying a new outfit, getting your hair done or hitting the gym, sometimes these small changes can make all the difference. Just remember, this is for you – not him – because when you feel better about yourself first, you’ll feel better about everything. Reach Out – Sometimes your feelings may run much deeper so you may need to turn to a counselor for help. Either go by yourself or as a couple. Either way this may be the extra support you need. We Can Help As we have seen, there are many causes for lack of sexual desire once menopause approaches, but there are a lot of things you can do to get past this phase and start enjoying sex again. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment today to discuss with your doctor.

woman with no libido
GYN Problems

Help! I’m Only 40 and Have No Libido

I’m only 40 years old with no libido and I don’t know why. I’m feeling lost, confused, and a little bit broken. It’s taken a toll on my confidence, my relationships, and my overall sense of well-being. It’s not an easy topic to discuss, but I believe that sharing my experience might help others who are going through something similar. With a leap of faith, I decided to seek guidance from my OB/GYN, and it turned out to be a decision that changed my life. The Silence and Stigma Losing one’s libido is a deeply personal and often silent struggle. Society places such a heavy emphasis on youth and sexual vitality that it becomes difficult to open up about the challenges we face as we age. I found myself feeling isolated and alone, afraid to discuss my concerns with even my closest friends and family. However, I couldn’t continue living in silence, so I took a deep breath and made an appointment with my doctor. A Supportive OB/GYN Visit Walking into my OB/GYN’s office, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. Would my concerns be dismissed as a normal part of aging? Would I be met with judgment or a lack of understanding? To my relief, my doctor greeted me with empathy and reassurance. She listened attentively as I poured out my feelings of frustration, sadness, and self-doubt. She made it clear that I was not alone and that there were various reasons behind a loss of libido at my age. Uncovering the Underlying Causes Through a series of conversations and tests, my doctor helped me uncover potential underlying causes contributing to my decreased libido. We explored hormonal imbalances, stress levels, lifestyle factors, and even the impact of certain medications I was taking. By addressing these potential factors, my doctor created a personalized treatment plan tailored to my specific needs. Reasons for a Low Libido Hormonal changes One of the primary reasons for a decline in libido during your 40s is hormonal fluctuations. As women age, their estrogen and progesterone levels naturally start to decrease, leading to changes in their reproductive system. These hormonal shifts can affect your sexual desire and arousal. If you suspect that hormones may be playing a role in your decreased libido, our experienced OB/GYNs can evaluate your hormone levels and provide appropriate treatment options. Stress and Fatigue Juggling various responsibilities at work and home can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Stress and fatigue can significantly impact your libido, making it difficult to feel sexually aroused. Finding ways to manage stress and prioritize self-care is crucial. Consider incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga into your routine. Additionally, ensure you’re getting enough restful sleep and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Relationship Dynamics Changes in your relationship can influence your sexual desire. Relationship issues, such as communication problems, unresolved conflicts, or a lack of emotional intimacy, can create a rift between partners and dampen sexual interest. Open and honest communication with your partner about your feelings and needs is vital. Consider seeking couples therapy or counseling to work through any relationship challenges that may be affecting your libido. Body Image and Self-Esteem As women age, they may experience changes in their bodies that can impact their self-esteem and body image. These shifts, such as weight gain, changes in breast shape, or the appearance of wrinkles, can negatively affect how you feel about yourself and your sexuality. It’s essential to cultivate a positive body image and embrace self-acceptance. Engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself, such as exercise or self-care practices, can help boost your confidence and enhance your sexual well-being. Medications and Health Conditions Certain medications, including some antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and hormonal contraceptives, can have a side effect of reduced libido. If you suspect that medication may be impacting your sex drive, discuss your concerns with your doctor. Additionally, certain health conditions like depression, diabetes, or thyroid disorders can also contribute to a decrease in libido. Treating these underlying conditions may help restore your sexual desire. Lifestyle Choices Unhealthy lifestyle habits can have a detrimental impact on your libido. Factors like excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise can all contribute to a decrease in sexual desire. Focusing on adopting a healthy lifestyle by incorporating regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding smoking can positively influence your overall well-being, including your sexual health. My OB/GYN Helped Me Reclaim My Libido Armed with knowledge and a newfound sense of hope, I embarked on my journey to reclaim my libido. My OB/GYN guided me through hormone therapy, recommended lifestyle changes, and suggested exercises to reduce stress and promote self-care. Slowly but surely, I began to notice positive changes in my body and mind. My confidence started to return, and with it, a renewed sense of joy and connection within my relationship. Losing my libido was a deeply challenging experience, but it led me to a path of self-discovery, healing, and renewed vitality. By breaking the silence and seeking guidance from my OB/GYN, I was able to take control of my sexual health and rediscover a fulfilling, passionate life. Don’t let fear or shame hold you back. Reach out for support and let your journey toward rediscovering your libido begin today. You’re Not Alone: We Can Help If you’re struggling with no libido at an early age, it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone, and there are resources available to help you. As female health experts, our OB/GYNs, can provide guidance and personalized solutions to address your specific concerns. Remember to be patient with yourself, practice self-care, and maintain open communication with your partner. By taking proactive steps to understand and address the underlying causes, you can regain your sexual vitality and enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying intimate life well into your 40s and beyond. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online at either our Canton or Woodstock location.

woman in 40s with low libido
GYN Problems

5 Reasons You’re Not in the Mood Anymore

If you find you’re not in the mood anymore, you’re not alone. Here, we share five reasons you may be experiencing a waning sex drive. Sexual desire can ebb and flow throughout a person’s life, and it’s perfectly normal for women to experience fluctuations in their libido. However, if you find yourself consistently lacking interest in sexual activities, it can be frustrating and worrisome. Several factors can contribute to a decreased libido, and understanding these reasons may help you address the issue. 5 Reasons You’re Not in the Mood Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal fluctuations can wreak havoc on your sexual desire. Women experience changes in hormone levels throughout their lives, and these imbalances can lead to a decreased libido. A decline in estrogen levels during menopause can result in vaginal dryness and a reduced interest in sex. If you suspect a hormonal imbalance, it’s essential to consult your OB/GYN for proper diagnosis and treatment options. Medications and Medical Conditions Certain medications can have a side effect of reducing libido. Antidepressants, antihistamines, blood pressure medications, and hormonal contraceptives are some examples of drugs that can impact your sexual desire. Additionally, underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic pain can also affect your libido. If you’re concerned about the impact of medications or have an existing medical condition, discussing alternative options with your doctor is crucial. Stress and Mental Health One of the most common reasons for a diminished libido is stress. Whether it’s work-related pressure, financial concerns, or personal issues, high levels of stress can significantly impact your sexual desire. When you’re constantly preoccupied or overwhelmed, it’s challenging to focus on pleasure and intimacy. Additionally, conditions like anxiety and depression can also affect your libido, as they often lead to a lack of energy and a diminished interest in activities you once enjoyed. Fatigue and Lifestyle Factors Sometimes, feeling tired or exhausted can dampen your libido. Juggling work responsibilities, family obligations, and personal commitments can leave you drained, leaving little energy for sexual activities. Additionally, unhealthy lifestyle habits such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol or drug consumption can also contribute to a decreased interest in sex. Making efforts to improve your overall well-being, including getting sufficient rest, adopting a healthier lifestyle, and managing your stress levels, can have a positive impact on your sexual desire. Relationship Issues Intimacy and sexual desire are often closely linked to the quality of a relationship. If you’re experiencing unresolved conflicts, lack of emotional connection, or a general disconnect from your partner, it’s not uncommon for your sexual desire to dwindle. Relationship issues, whether they stem from communication problems, infidelity, or other challenges, can create emotional barriers and decrease your interest in being intimate. Seeking couples therapy or open communication with your partner can help address these issues and potentially reignite your sexual desire. It’s Important to Identify the Cause Remember, everyone’s experience with sexual desire is unique, and what affects one person may not affect another in the same way. If you find that your diminished libido is causing distress or affecting your relationships, it’s advisable to consult with your physician who can provide personalized guidance and support. A variety of factors can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire. Stress, hormonal imbalances, medications, medical conditions, relationship issues, fatigue, and lifestyle factors all play a role in dampening your libido. By identifying the underlying cause and seeking appropriate help, you can take steps towards reclaiming your sexual well-being and reigniting the passion in your life. We Can Help If you find yourself with a waning libido, our OB/GYNs can help. Call us today at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.

PCOS Symptoms Chart_274562791
GYN Problems, PCOS Education

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Polycystic ovary syndrome can have a lot of side effects, including weight gain, infertility, heavy bleeding and pelvic pain. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal endocrine disorder that disrupts the menstrual cycle often resulting in anovulation (not ovulating) during a women’s childbearing years. Women suffering from PCOS will have disruption of normal female hormones and produce higher than normal levels of the male hormone, testosterone, (hyperandrogenism). This imbalance can cause a growth of numerous small cysts filled inside the ovaries, (hence the name “polycystic.”) The ovaries are often enlarged. These cysts are follicles that house eggs that have never matured due to the glut of male hormones inhibiting ovulation. Most PCOS sufferers (possibly all) are also more resistant to insulin. This leads to further problems, including weight gain and susceptibility to developing diabetes. How Do You Know if You Have PCOS? How to know if you have PCOS, as explained by Dr. James Haley. PCOS Symptoms Polycystic ovary syndrome can begin in utero, but symptoms only usually begin to occur when a female begins puberty. These include: After years of suffering, Cherokee Women’s Health diagnosed Elizabeth with PCOS at just 23 years old. What Causes PCOS? There are varying theories as to what causes PCOS. Poor nutrition and diet at a young age can be a contributing factor. Insulin is produced by the pancreas to extract food sugars for energy. PCOS causes women to produce too much insulin. As a result of insulin resistance which, in turn, stimulates more over-production of androgens. These male hormones interfere with ovulation, impacting fertility. Male hormones then dominate female ones, resulting in some of the masculine characteristics mentioned earlier. Since other factors can also contribute to surplus androgen development, medical science is still trying to pinpoint the exact cause of PCOS. How is PCOS Diagnosed? There is no actual test to diagnose PCOS. It is a matter of eliminating other disorder possibilities until the diagnosis of PCOS is reached. Two primary contributing factors of PCOS: 1) A history of skipping periods 2) Elevated androgen hormone levels (hyperandrogenic effect) alert physicians to suspect that a woman may have PCOS. Being overweight or obese strengthens the possibility, especially in females with more upper body fat. Weight gain in this area is more male-related, thus indicating the existence of higher testosterone levels. This diagnosis is derived through: Read how our patient Tiffany finally got relief from her PCOS symptoms. What are the Risks of PCOS? Overweight and obesity alone can cause severe health problems. Compounded with PCOS, the following risks are elevated: Can Being Overweight Lead to PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, has recently received a great deal of exposure in the media. 5 to 10% of women in the United States suffer from this condition. It is one of the leading causes of infertility, yet fewer than 50% of those women are diagnosed correctly. That amounts to a staggering 5 million women! Not every woman diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome is overweight, but approximately 80% are. Other female family members tend to be overweight or obese as well. Realize, however, that PCOS causes weight gain for most patients, but being overweight or obese does not “cause” PCOS. Can PCOS be Controlled? Though it is a lifelong condition and a leading cause of infertility in women, PCOS can be controlled, especially if treated early. Dr. Gandhi discusses polycystic ovary syndrome: “PCOS is often missed as a diagnosis.” What are the Treatments? Once it is established that you have PCOS, your doctor may recommend some or all of the following: PCOS-prescribed medications may have strong side effects, or become more potent with steady, consistent weight loss. You will have to be monitored and tested regularly to insure proper dosage for your continuing good health. PCOS Education Articles

Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Urogynecology, Well Woman

Dr. Peahen Gandhi: OB/GYN and Urogynecologist Helping Women Through Every Stage of Life

– by Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS Hey, lovely ladies! I’m Dr. Peahen Gandhi, and as an OB/GYN and urogynecologist, I’m thrilled to serve the women of Canton and Woodstock. For more than 15 years, I have dedicated myself to providing exceptional care and support to women like you. I am both a certified general obstetrician and gynecologist, which means I have the knowledge and skills to guide you through all stages of life. Plus, I’m also trained in female pelvic medicine reconstructive surgery (FPMRS), a fascinating field that allows me to address unique challenges women may face. Prefer to see Dr. Gandhi’s video? Watch it here! General Obstetrics and Gynecology: Supporting You Through Every Stage of Life Whether you’re thinking about starting a family, are already expecting, or simply seeking routine gynecological care, I’m here for you. I offer comprehensive services that include prenatal care, childbirth support, and postpartum care. I believe in building a strong relationship with my patients, providing personalized care that takes into account your unique needs and concerns. Menopause and Hormonal Issues: Navigating the Changes with Confidence As women, we experience many changes throughout our lives, and menopause is one of them. I understand the challenges that come with hormonal shifts and the impact they can have on your daily life. From managing hot flashes to discussing hormone replacement therapy options, I’m here to guide you through this transition and help you regain control of your well-being. General Gynecology: Preventive Care for Optimal Well-Being Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining good health. That’s why I emphasize the importance of regular check-ups and screenings. Whether it’s performing Pap smears, breast examinations, or discussing contraception options, I’m dedicated to ensuring your overall gynecological health and empowering you to make informed decisions about your body. Surgical Interventions: Restoring Health and Happiness Sometimes, surgical interventions are necessary to address certain gynecological conditions. I have extensive experience in performing various surgical procedures, such as treating endometriosis and urinary incontinence. Rest assured that I will explore all possible treatment options and work with you to develop a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and preferences. Treating Endometriosis: Alleviating Pain and Restoring Quality of Life Endometriosis can be a challenging condition to live with, causing pelvic pain and discomfort. As an experienced specialist, I provide comprehensive care for women dealing with endometriosis. Together, we’ll explore both medical and surgical approaches to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Urinary Incontinence: Empowering Women to Live Confidently Urinary incontinence can have a significant impact on your daily life and self-confidence. Whether you’re dealing with stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or other related issues, I’m here to help. We’ll discuss various treatment options, including lifestyle modifications, pelvic floor exercises, and, if necessary, advanced surgical procedures. My goal is to restore your freedom and empower you to live life on your terms. Female Pelvic Medicine Reconstructive Surgery Female pelvic medicine reconstructive surgery is an exciting, highly specialized field that I’m proud to be a part of. This area of expertise allows me to address complex pelvic floor disorders and provide surgical solutions for conditions like pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal looseness. I’m passionate about staying at the forefront of medical advancements to offer you the most effective and innovative treatments available. Embracing the Joys of Obstetrics Although my practice extends beyond obstetrics, my love for bringing new life into the world is unwavering. Welcoming a baby into the arms of a loving family is an indescribable joy. Despite the occasional middle-of-the-night wake-up call, being part of this incredible journey never fails to fill me with happiness. So, if you’re planning to expand your family or are currently expecting, I would be honored to walk alongside you, providing exceptional care and support from the very beginning. Expanding My Expertise for Your Benefit I strongly believe that learning should never stop, especially in the ever-evolving field of medicine. That’s why I continually strive to expand my knowledge and skills to offer the best possible care to my patients. I value the expertise of my mentors and colleagues, who guide me in staying updated with the latest advancements in women’s health. By continuously growing and honing my skills, I can provide you with the most effective treatments and support for your unique set of symptoms. Your Partner in Women’s Health In conclusion, I am Dr. Peahen Gandhi, a double board-certified and passionate physician specializing in general obstetrics, gynecology, and female pelvic medicine reconstructive surgery. My goal is to provide you with comprehensive, personalized care that addresses your specific needs and concerns. From routine check-ups to advanced surgical interventions, I am committed to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. Together, we will navigate the complexities of the female body and develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual journey.

James Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Urogynecology, Well Woman

Dr. James Haley: A Passionate OB/GYN and Urogynecologist Dedicated to Women’s Health

– by James Haley, MD, FACOG, FPMRS “Hi, I’m Dr. James Haley, and I want to take a moment to share my journey to becoming an OB/GYN and urogynecologist with you. Family is at the core of who I am. I’ve been happily married to my incredible wife, Lisa, for 30 years, and we have been blessed with two wonderful children, Ryan and Lindsay. Our search for the perfect place to live and practice brought us to Rome, Georgia, where we built our lives for two decades before eventually settling in Canton, Georgia in 2012. Watch Dr. Haley’s accompanying video. Embracing Challenges: From Running to Obstetrics and Beyond A love for challenges has always been a driving force in my life. It all began with running—a personal passion that gradually evolved into participating in marathons, triathlons, and eventually even Ironman competitions. The thrill of pushing my limits led me to explore ultra-distance running, and presently, I find immense joy in obstacle racing, including events like Spartan races. Challenges speak to me, and I embrace them wholeheartedly. Answering the Call: Becoming an OB/GYN People often ask me what inspired me to become a doctor, particularly in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Surprisingly, I don’t have a straightforward answer. Since my teenage years, an inexplicable sense of certainty resided within me—I knew that my path in life was destined to be in medicine. During my time in medical school, I had the opportunity to rotate through different specialties, and it was during my second rotation in OB/GYN that everything clicked into place. The Miracle of Life: Witnessing the Birth Experience “During that pivotal rotation, I had the privilege of witnessing the miracle of childbirth. The experience left an indelible mark on my heart and solidified my decision to pursue OB/GYN as my chosen path. I was absolutely blown away by the awe-inspiring nature of birth, and I still vividly remember going home and excitedly sharing the story with my wife. Being a part of that miraculous process touched me deeply.” – Dr. James Haley The Allure of OB/GYN: Surgery, Compassion, and Challenges What captivated me about the field of OB/GYN extended far beyond the delivery room. While the obstetric and gynecologic aspects were undeniably captivating, the surgical component also held a great allure for me. The female pelvis, often underestimated in its complexity, presented a unique challenge—one that required continuous learning, growth, and an unwavering commitment to providing the best care possible. Surgical Expertise: Advanced Pelvic Surgery and Cosmetic Gynecology As a double board-certified OB/GYN and urogynecologist, I have dedicated my career to advancing the field of pelvic surgery. My expertise lies in advanced reconstructive pelvic surgery and cosmetic gynecology. These areas encompass a wide range of procedures, including addressing issues related to bladder support loss, uterine support complications, vaginal concerns, rectal support problems, and urinary incontinence. Comprehensive Women’s Health: Menopausal Management and Hormone Replacement Therapy While surgery remains my primary focus, I also recognize the importance of comprehensive women’s health care. Menopause is a transformative phase in a woman’s life, and navigating its challenges requires specialized care. I am committed to providing menopausal management and hormone replacement therapy to support women during this significant transition. Your Partner in Health In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude for taking the time to learn about my journey as an OB/GYN. I am acutely aware that countless women out there are suffering silently, burdened with concerns and uncertainties. My purpose is to be your partner in health. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment online or call us at 770.720.7733. I am here to listen, understand your unique history, and work together to improve your well-being. Thank you once again for your attention. Take care.”

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