Chlamydia Patient Story

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause serious health complications if left untreated. Highly transmittable, a chlamydia infection can become quite severe and can even cause infertility in women.


Chlamydia Patient Story

Following is a patient recalling how she contracted chlamydia and the advice she gives other women.

“I started being sexually active when I was 15 and remained active all through high school. I was 20 and in college and had never had an STD. I met a guy on the football team who seemed really cool. We hit it off immediately and ended up hooking up one night.

“We Did Not Use a Condom”

We did not use a condom, even though I felt deep down it was a mistake. But honestly, I was in the moment and taken in by this guy. We met up again for the second time and I knew he should have worn a condom, but he said he didn’t have one and that he was clean.


After that, I never saw him on campus again and he didn’t text or DM me.

I started getting a bad feeling, and it worried me that I had unprotected sex twice. I didn’t have any symptoms, but still went to the school medical clinic to get tested for STIs.

I got a call from the nurse saying that I tested positive for chlamydia. I was upset and couldn’t believe how someone could tell me they were clean when they weren’t. How can someone swear they are clean yet have something?

“My Advice: Wear Protection Every Single Time”

My advice to anyone would be to always wear protection every single time and get tested beforehand for all STDs. Don’t trust someone just because they say they are clean. Take charge of your sexual health and be aware that it only takes one time to get an STD.”

Take Control of Your Health

Taking control of your sexual health is important and testing is the only way to know if you have an sexually transmitted infection or sexually transmitted disease. Our OB/GYNs test for STIs and STDs daily.

Call us at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment today or simply schedule an appointment online.

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