Annual GYN visits can discover conditions such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, and cancer so it’s very important to schedule and keep those yearly appointments.
Annual visits aren’t something most women look forward to, but it is one of the most important things a woman can do for her overall health. During these visits your doctor may discover conditions that could otherwise go undiagnosed.
Without annual appointments, the condition may have progressed to a much more serious stage by the time of a diagnosis. Early detection of many conditions leads to a more optimistic prognosis.
As a woman ages her healthcare needs change, and so does her annual OB/GYN appointment. During various stages of a woman’s life, her doctor focuses on different areas of her health. Below is a breakdown of what you can expect throughout the years.
The Early Years – Teens and Young Adults
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a teen girl should begin seeing a gynecologist between the ages of 13 and 15. Often, parents may feel this is too young or unnecessary, but these years are an important time. Usually, at this age, the first visit is more of a discussion as most girls will not need a pelvic exam. Among the topics her doctor will discuss is her menstrual cycle and any problems she may be experiencing with it. Also, whether she is sexually active or not, her doctor will equip her with knowledge by discussing contraceptives, and sexually transmitted disease prevention, including HPV, (Human papillomavirus) which is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States, between the ages of 15-25 years. Beginning appointments at this age, can also help a young woman get comfortable with an OB/GYN she can trust.
ACOG also recommends that young women should begin having a Pap smear at the age of 21. This important test is a simple procedure that tests for abnormal cervical cells, which can lead to cervical cancer.
The Family Planning Years – Early 20s to Mid 40s
This is the stage of life where your annual exam will include checking your blood pressure and sometimes your BMI (body mass index). Your doctor will also do a breast exam, an abdominal exam, and a pelvic exam. You and your doctor will discuss your family medical history and will talk with you about any of your concerns.
Contraception and Fertility
In addition, preventing pregnancy or becoming pregnant is one of the main topics discussed during annual appointments at this stage of life. Contraception options, fertility options, and preconception counseling become a main focus. There also may be labs or screenings that need to be done.
Also, according to the American Cancer Society women should begin getting annual mammograms at 40 years old; unless there is a family history or other issue that warrants starting them sooner. In fact, many doctors recommend getting your baseline mammogram at 35 years old. Your doctor will write you a mammogram order at your annual appointment.
Annual GYN Visits During the Menopause Years – Mid 40s to Mid 50s
According to the National Institute on Aging, on average, women are 51 years of age at natural menopause. However, a woman is considered to have reached menopause after she has missed her menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. There is no reliable way to predict the exact menopause age. Women have been known to start menopause as young as 40 and as late as 60 years old.
Perimenopause, the transition phase right before menopause, during which some of the symptoms commonly associated with menopause occur, can begin 4-7 years prior to actual menopause. The average woman experiences perimenopause at approximately 46 years of age. This differs for each woman, and many have entered perimenopause even sooner.
This is the stage in life where your annual appointments will consist of you and your doctor discussing things such as your menstrual cycle changes, menopause symptoms, hormone options, and sex drive, among other things. Also as in previous years, your doctor will still perform a pap smear, pelvic exam, abdominal exam, a breast exam and will provide an order for your annual mammogram.
The Later Years – Mid 50s and Beyond
In this age range, while your doctor will continue to perform and discuss many of the previous items mentioned, more changes are happening to a woman’s body that are significant.
Increased hormonal changes may cause conditions such as:
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal pain
- Changes in the vulva
- Decreased sexual desire
Bone Density
Another issue your doctor may discuss is bone health.
Once a woman stops having her period, the ovaries decrease the amount of estrogen produced and there is some bone loss, which can lead to osteoporosis- which can increase fracture risk.
Your doctor may also suggest a baseline bone density test, especially if you have a strong family history of osteoporosis. In addition, you may discuss exercise and diet strategies to help protect your bones.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
A common condition a woman of this age group may experience is pelvic organ prolapse. When the muscles and ligaments supporting a woman’s pelvic organs weaken, the pelvic organs can drop lower in the pelvis, creating a bulge in the vagina (prolapse). Women most commonly develop pelvic organ prolapse years after childbirth, after a hysterectomy, or after menopause. At your annual appointment, your doctor can diagnose the stage of the prolapse and recommend treatments and procedures available to correct this issue.
Our OB/GYNs Can Help
Annual GYN visits are crucial so while a woman may also have appointments with a general practitioner throughout her lifetime, it’s critical that she sees her OB/GYN annually. A woman’s body is remarkable and very complex. Therefore, she requires an expert in a woman’s special anatomy to help keep her healthy through all the incredible stages of her life.
Schedule your appointment today with one of our board-certified OB/GYNs. Call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online.