Women often think it’s normal to experience saggy, drippy parts as they get older. However, Cherokee Women’s Health patient, Janeen, aged 69, didn’t want to live with vaginal looseness and incontinence so she sought help from double board-certified urogynecologist Dr. James Haley. Here, she shares why she decided to do something about it and what she — and her husband — think about her results.
“I am so very happy to have had Dr. Haley as my surgeon. I finally decided to have surgery as I was “drippy” at unexpected times. Sex was okay, but not like it was when I was younger, when I told Dr. Haley what penetration felt like for me he explained that he could fix that also!
– Janeen on her experience with Dr. Haley
“I really wanted to understand exactly what was going to happen physically to my insides and I asked a lot of questions. Dr. Haley took the time to draw me pictures so I could grasp the concept of just how my saggy ligaments would be tightened up. I also had concerns about pain medication as I do not respond well to most common drugs for pain. He worked with me to find something that my body would tolerate. The information from his office was very complete and gave me guidance on what to expect after surgery. My total time at the hospital was half a day from start to finish, if that long.
The first three days I had to move slowly as I found it difficult to sit down, but after three days I was completely off of pain meds. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salts helped the healing process. My post-surgery care required no sex for eight weeks. I thought that was too long to wait, but let me tell you that the first time was so tight, that I am glad we waited. Sexual feeling in the vaginal area has changed. I feel more sensation, more length and more satisfaction,” Janeen shares.
“My husband said I was tight before and he was happy, but after surgery, holy cow, did he change his mind! He said it is a “hole” new experience.”
– My husband’s thoughts on my new surgery
I am almost 69 years old and I highly recommend anyone with similar problems to let Dr. Haley fix you up! Insurance covered everything but Medicare does not pay to pull up the pelvic floor and make you tight. I guess the insurance companies think that women over 65 must not have sex anymore so I did have to pay out of pocket for the portion to tighten me up. The cost was so worth it though! You will be happy you took the time to take care of yourself.”