Nicole was pregnant with her third child and her anxiety levels were through the roof. Throughout her pregnancy, she continued following her doctor’s guidelines, while she homeschooled her two girls; Bella, 11 and Charlie, 5, and her husband Eddie worked from home. as well as the mandated quarantine.
Breech Baby
During one of her OB appointments, Nicole learned that her baby was breech. At her 37-week appointment, the baby still had not turned, so her doctor decided to try an External Cephalic Version (ECV). This is a method where the doctor externally tries to turn the baby. An ECV has a 50% success rate, and there is a small risk that the mom may go into labor. There’s also a chance that the baby can go into distress. An emergency C-section would have to be performed, if either scenario occurred.
Nicole spent the next week trying at-home techniques to get the baby to turn, but nothing changed. At 38-1/2 weeks, an ECV was performed. It was successful!
“My doctor flipped the baby in less than five minutes. I was so thankful! I had both of my daughters vaginally so I wanted to do the same with this baby.”
– Nicole

A Healthy Baby Boy
Nicole began to having contractions while she was being monitored over the next hour. She then began to dilate about a centimeter an hour. Finally, at 3:30 a.m. her baby boy was delivered, whom she and Eddie named Maverick.
“We loved all the doctors we had seen at Cherokee Women’s Health during the course of my pregnancy.”
– Nicole regarding the care she received
Support from Friends
“Our friends were so wonderful. They kept Bella and Charlie while I was in the hospital and even took them on vacation the week we got home. Getting to spend that quality bonding time with just baby Maverick and Eddie was priceless. Then my mom made the trek from Tennessee and got to meet her new grandson for the first time! It was great!” shares Nicole.
Nicole’s Advice for New Moms
“Do all you can to protect your health and your baby’s. Follow your doctor’s orders and remember that in the big picture, nine months is a short amount of time. It’s a small sacrifice for such a wonderful outcome”.
– Nicole
Wonderful it has been. Nicole and Eddie are enjoying having so much time together as a family with their newest addition, Maverick. And of course, Bella and Charlie are loving their new roles as big sisters.