Twenty years is a long time to suffer. Talia can attest to that. It all started in her late 20s when she began experiencing very heavy clotting.
The clotting continued for a few years, and then the pain started. Talia had never even had cramps with her period before, so this pain was new. Now, each month as her period approached, Talia would begin to suffer with backaches and pain that would travel down her legs. The pain was so uncomfortable that she would have to miss work each month for one to two days.
Heavy Bleeding, Pain and Exhaustion
Not only was the pain affecting Talia’s quality of life, but the bleeding was so bad it would cause her to soil her clothes, and even her car seat at times. To make matters worse, she was losing so much blood that there were times she would become extremely light headed and feel very tired. This sometimes happened while she was driving, and she would have to pull over for fear of passing out. Talia even had to plan events and vacations around her cycles.
Talia had seen a doctor over the years and had several ultrasounds to look for cysts or fibroid tumors. Nothing had ever been found. She continued to suffer through her heavy periods and pain for ten more years, during which the exhaustion and lightheadness continued, due to the loss of blood. Her hemoglobin was so low at one point that Talia had to visit a hematologist to receive iron infusions. She did this once a week for five weeks. The infusions helped her tremendously. She began to think clearer and feel energized. It made a marked difference, but of course, didn’t do anything to improve the blood loss.
Finding Solutions With Dr. Haley
After seeing many doctors who offered very little help, Talia began to see Dr. Haley of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. He discovered that Talia had endometriosis, which led Dr. Haley to perform an endometrial ablation.
Talia says, “Dr. Haley was so sweet and kind. He really knew his stuff and I knew I was with an expert.”
Ablation is a procedure that destroys the endometrium, or the lining of your uterus, to reduce menstrual flow. While ablation is a great success for many women, for some it doesn’t help, and unfortunately, it didn’t help Talia.
At that point, Dr. Haley discussed the possibility of a hysterectomy with Talia. But being in her mid-thirties and with no children, Talia wasn’t ready to lose that option.
One and a half years after the first iron infusions, Talia’s hemoglobin was down again, and she went through another round of iron infusions. At this point, now in her mid-forties, Talia knew it was the right time to have the hysterectomy. There was no doubt now and no fear. Talia was ready.
Hysterectomy Offers Relief
Dr. Haley performed a partial vaginal hysterectomy, removing the uterus in sections, as it was so large. A normal uterus weighs about 50-60 grams, and Talia’s was 384 grams. Dr. Haley also inserted a bladder sling to tack up her bladder to help prevent it from dropping.
Talia only spent one day in the hospital and went home with minimal pain. It’s now been a little over two months since the surgery and she is feeling great. After her hysterectomy, Talia shares, “I know longer have to plan events like vacations around my periods and I am finding my new normal. I feel liberated!”
Talia is looking forward to living life free of the pain, disruption, and the burden that she experienced for so long. She is more than happy she made the decision to have the hysterectomy when she did. She is especially glad she chose Dr. Haley as her doctor.
Hysterectomy Offers Relief
A hysterectomy can be an emotional decision for many women, but the benefits often outweigh the downsides. Finding the right doctor who is an expert in such surgeries is key to a successful outcome.
Dr. Haley is an FPMRS surgeon and double board-certified in urogynecology, giving him the unique expertise to address complex female issues. You don’t need to suffer with pain any longer. Call us today for an appointment at either our Woodstock or Canton office at 770.720.7733.