A miscarriage often makes women feel alone and as though no one else understands. Janie, a medical assistant here at Cherokee Women’s Health, understands this feeling all too well.
A Miscarriage at 6-1/2 Weeks
Janie and her husband starting dating in high school and were married in November of 2015. They always knew they wanted children, so they tried to conceive after only a year of marriage. One year later, Janie was pregnant. Their excitement was short-lived, however, when Janie suffered a miscarriage at 6-1/2 weeks.
Like so many couples, Janie and her husband were devasted. Along with the physical pain, Janie also dealt with the emotional pain of feeling “like a failure” as a woman, which is also a common reaction after a miscarriage.
A few months later, Janie and her husband found out she was pregnant again. When she first saw the two lines on the pregnancy test she was terrified. She wanted to be excited but she and her husband both were so nervous and scared
Janie wasn’t sure if they could handle it if they experienced another loss.
Leaving it in God’s Hands
They decided not to do early bloodwork or ultrasounds, but to leave it in God’s hands. They had their first ultrasound at 7 – 8 weeks and were amazed when that saw the heartbeat, although they were still nervous. After a few more weeks and a few more scans, they were finally ready to share the news.
Janie’s pregnancy and delivery went smoothly with no complications. She and her husband now have Carter, their beautiful baby girl — their rainbow baby. (A rainbow baby is a baby born after miscarriage or early loss of a child).
Support Meant Everything
After suffering the loss of her first baby, Janie now realizes many women have gone through what she has and that she was not alone. Janie’s OB/GYN was a huge support for both her and her husband and was there to deliver their little miracle. She feels that she may never completely heal from that loss, but having faith, family, and Carter makes it easier.
You Are Not Alone
Though miscarriage is a painful topic, Janie now knows that talking about it can help. She hopes other women can find someone to confide in if they experience this type of loss. As a medical assistant, she hopes to be that person for all the patients that come through the office, even on their worst day. She wants to share her experience and let them know they are not alone.