Have you ever wondered what the difference between vaginoplasty and labiaplasty is but have been to embarrassed to ask? Never fear, here’s a list of cosmetic and GYN glossary terms in plain English, broken down by surgery type.
REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATIONVaginoplasty: Tightening of the entire vaginal canal from the opening to the cervix (or the apex of the vagina, if hysterectomy was performed).
Hymenoplasty: Restoration of the hymen to restore anatomic state, which can be done at the time of vaginoplasty, if patient desires.
Cosmetic GYN Surgery on the External Genitalia
Labiaplasty: Reshaping the labia minora or inner lips for improvement in appearance and to diminish labial irritation with clothing and during sex.
Clitoral Hoodectomy: Removal of excess skin covering the clitoris to create a better appearance and to help with clitoral orgasm.
Perineoplasty: Reshaping the external opening to the vagina for a smaller, more youthful appearance. This is performed during vaginoplasty or can be done without vaginoplasty, if vaginal tightening is not desired.
Labia Majora Reduction: Reshaping the labia majora or outer lips for a better appearance.
Learn more! Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook.
Female Reconstructive And Reparative Surgery (Usually Covered By Medical Insurance)
Anterior Repair: Repair of cystocele or bulging of bladder using natural tissue or biological graft or synthetic material.
Posterior Repair: Repair of rectocele or bulging of rectum using natural tissue or biological graft.
Enterocele Repair: Repair of enterocele or the sagging of the top of the vagina using natural tissue or biological graft or synthetic material.
Incontinence Repair: Repair of leakage of urine using native tissue, biological graft or synthetic material.
Endometrial Ablation: Outpatient or in-office procedure to diminish or eliminate menstrual bleeding without changing hormone status.
Hysterectomy: Removal of uterus to stop periods and pelvic pain associated with menses and sexual intercourse (pelvic pain with thrusting motions). Or, to remove tumors or pathology once childbearing is complete. During this procedure, removal of fallopian tubes (or salpingectomy) is strongly recommended to decrease the risk of future cancer.
REQUEST MORE INFORMATIONOophorectomy: Removal of ovary or ovaries for pelvic pain associated with sex or menses or is chronic or for cyst or mass. These are the organs that secrete hormones so removal of both will result in surgical menopause. Removal of one ovary will not affect hormones. Removal of one ovary is recommended once a woman is in menopause if hysterectomy is performed to decrease risk of cancer. If a woman has significant chronic pain on one side of her pelvis during her cycles or sex or chronic, removal of that ovary is considered.
Enterolysis: Minimally invasive (laparascopic or robotic) removal of internal adhesions of bowel to pelvic organs that cause pelvic pain with sex, menses, bowel movements or is chronic in nature.
Removal/Fulgurtion of Endometriosis: Minimally invasive (laparoscopic or robotic) removal and destruction of endometriosis lesions that cause painful menses or pain with sex or is chronic.
Salpingectomy: Removal of tubes for sterilization. Note: Tubal ligation without removal of tubes is not recommended because tubal removal will decrease future cancer risks but tubal ligation will not.
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