Breastfeeding can be a beautiful way to bond and spend time with your baby. It can also present its fair share of challenges from midnight feedings to getting your baby to latch on. Here are a few tips that might help along the way!
Get in the Groove
Nursing is about getting in sync with your baby’s schedule. Most babies nurse about every two to three hours for the first few weeks. If you think your baby might be hungry, some signs to look for include restlessness, sucking and lip motions. Your baby should nurse from your breast for about 20 minutes or until it is soft. From there, you can try burping your baby and switching breasts if they still appear to be hungry.
It’s in the Latch
Achieving the correct latch early on is a critical part of breastfeeding to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk. There are many people who can help you while you’re still in the hospital, whether it is your doctor, midwife or a lactation consultant. Of course, your loved ones are great people to ask for advice too. You may want to hold off on introducing a pacifier until your baby is well established in breastfeeding; a pacifier may interrupt the muscle memory your baby has learned.
Get a Tool Kit
There are many products on the market to help you with your breastfeeding needs:
Nursing Pillows – Since you will be spending many hours a day nursing, it’s important to be comfortable. There are many pillows on the market to help give your baby assisted access to your breast while remaining comfortable. A very popular brand is Boppy, but there are many on the market.
A Breast Pump – There are many models of breast pumps available. These pumps can help you create a supply of milk in case you are unable to nurse your baby. If your little one favors one breast, you can use a pump to relieve the other side and save the milk for later.
Nursing Pads – While nursing, it’s very common for breasts to leak. Nursing pads are a lifesaver when it comes to preventing unwanted moisture on your bras and clothes.
Breastfeeding your baby is a special time just for the two of you to bond. While it can present its challenges, our team at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists is here to help and cheer you on. If you have questions regarding breastfeeding, contact our office to make an appointment.