Have a Healthy Pregnancy: Best Foods for Pregnant Women

So you’ve just discovered that you’re pregnant! Congratulations from the team at Cherokee Women’s Health! One of the most important things you can do to get ready for your new baby is, well, eat!

Best Foods for Pregnant Women

If you’re already out of your first trimester and/or are fortunate enough to not have morning sickness as a symptom of your pregnancy, try to eat a healthy balance of the following food groups:

  • Protein – If the idea of lean chicken or fish turns your stomach, try eggs, nuts, beans, or legumes, which are all great sources of protein during pregnancy. High-protein foods also contain amino acids, are the building blocks of every cell in your (and now your baby’s) body.
  • Low-fat dairy – Calcium will help your bones grow strong during pregnancy, and will also help your baby’s growing bones. Try a creamy yogurt smoothie or a quick snack of string cheese to help get you through the day.
  • Colorful fruits and veggies – Load up on any kind of green, yellow, orange, or red fruits and veggies you like (smoothies and juices count). Pinterest has a wealth of healthy food options for pregnant women, and there’s a recipe for just about everyone.
  • Water – Ok, so water’s not a food, but it’s especially important to drink plenty of water during pregnancy because it provides benefits like building new cells, delivering nutrients, and flushing toxins. Woman eating healthy foods

Fighting Food Aversion and Nausea

If you’ve been relegated to crackers and ginger ale, don’t worry – here are a couple good options for your growing baby that are bland and easy to keep down.

  • Lemons – Citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, an important nutrient during pregnancy. Try adding lemon juice to your water for an added punch. Other citrus fruits to try are oranges, tangerines and grapefruit.
  • Pretzels – Had enough crackers? Pretzels are also a bland choice that add a little variety.
  • Dry cereal
  • Brown rice
  • Applesauce (try to look for an organic option, if possible)

Have a question about a food that’s a do or a don’t during pregnancy? Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor when you’re at one of our offices for your next prenatal appointment.

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