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tummy tuck before and after

One of the many cosmetics procedures we offer at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists is abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic operation to rid the lower abdomen of stubborn superfluous skin and fat that simply will not go away no matter how much you exercise or diet. The procedure also usually repairs separated, damaged, or stretched muscles, and its purpose is to provide a toned, flat, and pleasing abdominal profile without unsightly bulges or bumps.


Dr. James Haley and Dr. Michael Litrel are two of our board-certified doubly accredited urogynecologists in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) whose qualifications enable them to diagnose, treat and perform all reproductive pelvic and cosmetic surgeries pertaining to women’s health, including tummy tucks.

Dr. Michael Litrel discusses tummy tucks

What Causes This Excess Skin and Fat?

Pregnancy is the prime culprit causing loss of collagen and elastin. Rapid weight gain over a period of 9 months has its drawbacks. Though a baby typically can weigh anywhere from 6 to 11 pounds, women gain, on average, 20 to 40 pounds. No matter how carefully a woman maintains her weight throughout gestation, growing an entire little human being in less than a year can cause a lot of abdominal distension-not to mention stretch marks. Bringing him or her into the world with one final push can also leave considerable sagging around the midsection that does not return to its original shape.

Another contributor to excess skin and fat can be substantial weight loss. Whether pounds are eliminated sensibly over a long period of time, or quickly through weight loss surgery, crash dieting or illness, restoring previous contour and firmness to a stomach that was stretched to capacity can be difficult.

Some abdominal surgeries or injuries may leave muscles damaged, lowering their ability to function properly. This can result in creating skin flaccidity.

Skin naturally sags and muscles contract more sluggishly with age as well, resulting in flaccid, droopy overhang. A tummy tuck can correct the damage caused by all these factors.

What are Some of the Problems That Can Occur Regarding Excess Fat and Skin?

Surplus fat and skin can be minimal, or it can be so excessive that folds of abdominal skin can hang as far down as the pubic area. Women sometimes struggle almost compulsively to lose weight and firm up through diet and exercise, yet still see no result. Their discouragement and frustration can lead to depression, social withdrawal, isolation and intimacy avoidance. Many wear bulky clothing to camouflage stubborn bulges, suffering uncomfortably during hot weather rather than expose their bodies.

Physically, their mobility is sometimes limited. Although they may keep themselves scrupulously clean, body odor can emanate from skin folds or from profuse sweating. In some extreme cases, severe chafing, rashes, even fungal infections may occur deep within overlapping creases.

Socially, based on their physical appearance, they may be overlooked for employment opportunities or judged to be ‘fat’ or ‘lazy’, adding to their already fragile self-esteem. Even though we know true beauty comes from within, the society we live in today has put a high standard on outer appearance.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

Cutting away skin and fat can reduce weight-in some cases up to 10 pounds. This additional weight that defies gravity and hangs downward can cause a slouching condition called swayback. A tummy tuck can alleviate this strain, ease discomfort, and correct the poor posture that resulted from it.

By tightening the abdominal area, stretch marks are also eliminated.

A tummy tuck can also provide psychological relief. Abdominoplasty can restore confidence and a sense of pride in body image. A trim waistline, firm stomach and a refreshed sense of attractiveness can work wonders on a woman who previously thought she’d never see her feet again under her protruding belly.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

If you have an abundance of loose skin and fat in the lower abdomen that has stubbornly resisted all your reduction efforts, you may want to discuss this with our doctors. Typically, you might be considered for a tummy tuck if:

  • You no longer plan to have any more children
  • You have achieved your desired weight and plan to diligently maintain it
  • Are a non-smoker
  • Are in good health
  • Do not have any serious medical issues that can endanger you during abdominoplasty.

Are There Different Tummy Tuck Methods?

There are two types of tummy tucks-traditional and mini. The ideal one for you depends entirely on the amount of loose skin and fat you have around your midsection. These are the procedures:

The traditional or full tummy tuck: This is usually the surgery recommended for most patients. It addresses three abdominal layers-the muscle, fat, and skin. Skin is excised between the navel and pubic region, fat is removed, and damaged or separated muscle is repaired. The scar is somewhat longer than the mini tummy tuck, but this surgery allows for a tighter, flatter and curvier abdomen with a more sculpted look. The belly button is also repositioned to look more natural and centered. Any scarring can be minimized with additional plastic surgery once you are completely healed.

The mini tummy tuck: This procedure leaves a smaller scar and removes only the skin and fat in the lower abdomen beneath the navel. The mini tummy tuck is for women who have minimal amounts of loose skin and fat. It does not include shaping or sculpting.

Liposuction is sometimes used during tummy tucks to remove additional fat.

How Do I Prepare for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

You will be advised of all preparations by your surgeon, but these are some of the measures you will be directed to follow:

  • If you smoke, you will have to stop completely for at least a month prior to surgery so as not to compromise your healing process or cause postoperative problems.
  • Certain blood-thinning medications will have to be stopped about two weeks before your procedure. Your medications will be evaluated and you will be advised accordingly, so make sure your doctor is aware of everything you take, including supplements, vitamins, and minerals. He or she should also be aware of any alcohol you drink regularly or social drugs you use. This information will be kept strictly confidential but should be revealed for your protection.
  • Advise your doctor of any cold, illness, or infections you may be experiencing up to a week prior to surgery. This can greatly impact your recovery and be cause to postpone it. If you are given any prescriptions by your surgeon, fill them as directed.
  • Begin fasting at midnight the night before your abdominoplasty. Don’t drink any liquids including ice chips, water, or even suck on hard candy. If you are taking heart or blood pressure medications, take them the morning of, but with no more than a small sip of water.
  • On the day of your surgery, make sure you wear very loose fitting clothing, and that someone is available to take you home. If possible, arrange to have that person stay with you overnight.

After your tummy tuck, you will be monitored for about 2 hours, after which you will be allowed to go home if there are no problems.

What are the Risks and What Should I Look Out For?

Every surgery carries risks, but a tummy tuck is a very common cosmetic operation that is performed safely thousands of times a day across the United States. Complications occur to a very small percentage of people. There can be reactions to the anesthesia, which is why you are monitored afterward. There may also be infection, pain, bleeding, and swelling. Contact your surgeon if anything worrisome appears. The following is a list of precautions and possible problems:

  • Numbness: This is usually temporary, but can be permanent in rare cases.
  • Blood clots: You will be advised to take short walks to avoid this.
  • Displeasure with results: Despite best efforts on the part of your cosmetic surgeon, the look you were expecting may not be the one you get, especially if you expected an unrealistic outcome. Revisions can be done after complete healing.
  • Slow healing: Some women take longer to heal than others-sometimes due to a compromised immune system or for other reasons. Be careful to follow all instructions regarding diet, smoking cessation, second-hand smoke exposure, alcohol consumption, and exercise.
  • Belly button: Your navel may look odd at first because of swelling and relocation during surgery.
  • Nausea and appetite Loss: Anesthesia may leave you feeling queasy. A light diet of broth and crackers or toast until you feel better may help.
  • Dizziness or inattention: Do not drive for about two weeks after surgery until you are more alert. Your physician will advise you on when you can resume working-usually within 2-3 weeks.
  • Hygiene: Do not take baths for baths for 4-6 weeks. You can shower after 48 hours, but avoid direct spray on your incision. Special compression garments, along with drainage instructions will be prescribed, as there will be fluid seepage for a while. This is normal.
  • Constipation: Do not let yourself become constipated. Ask your doctor for a stool softener if you have trouble moving your bowels.

If you experience redness at the incision, suffer severe pain not controlled by medicine, or develop a fever higher than 101° call your doctor immediately.

When Will I See Results?

You will see some results almost immediately, but the full effect of your surgery will only show after complete swelling goes down and healing is completed. This can take several months. As long as you maintain your weight and exercise regularly, tummy tuck results are permanent.

Why Should I Choose Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists for My Tummy Tuck?

As mentioned earlier, Drs. Haley and Litrel are doubly accredited surgeons and possess the best skills and qualifications available to ensure an excellent outcome for your abdominoplasty and any other cosmetic procedure you may need. Furthermore, at our establishment, we are committed to putting both your physical and emotional needs regarding your self-image-first. We are not an assembly line facility. To us, you are an individual, and we treat you the same way we expect all the women in our lives to be treated. We make sure your procedure takes place in a safe, sterile, and relaxed environment. Our unhurried, precise attention to every detail enables us to avert as many complications and as much surgical scarring as possible.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) statistics, over 181,500 tummy tucks were performed in 2016 in the United States alone. Abdominoplasty was the third most popular cosmetic plastic surgery, rising by 434% in only the last 20 years, making it the one of the most sought after women’s surgical aesthetic procedures today.

Call to schedule a free consultation with one of our double board-certified physicians at 770.720.7733 or request an appointment online.

Tummy Tuck Articles

liposuction vs tummy tuck

Comparing Liposuction and Tummy Tuck: Which is Appropriate For You?  

Many people assume that liposuction is the go-to solution for all abdominal aesthetics, but the truth is, a tummy tuck ...
tummy tuck photo

What to Consider Before Getting a Tummy Tuck

You’ve done everything right! You dieted, exercised and finally lost all that extra weight you’ve been carting around. Or maybe ...
liposuction candidate

Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Is liposuction right for you? Certain requirements must be met in order to ascertain whether this surgery will be a ...
liposuction procedure

Liposuction may be right for you if you’ve been struggling with excess weight in certain areas that just won’t budge, even after trying every exercise and diet known to man.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that removes fatty deposits from the body using a suction method. The process is quite simple to understand. A thin tube called a cannula is inserted under the skin into a small incision near that troublesome mass you want gone — and just like that vacuum you use at home to inhale the dust bunny from under your couch, that cannula sucks out the fat.


What is the Purpose of Liposuction?

Many women are under the false assumption that liposuction is a quick fix for weight loss and can eliminate cellulite or stretch marks. This is not the case at all, and the procedure is never recommended for these reasons. In fact, even the most intense liposuction procedures only result in a difference of under five pounds, which is hardly enough to warrant undergoing any surgery.

Liposuction is recommended as a final effort to correct, reshape and sculpt those trouble spots that have been resistant to diet or exercise. Stubborn fat deposits tend to become squatters in the abdomen, buttocks, outer thighs, face, neck, hips, legs, upper arms, back, and waist. Liposuction eliminates these clusters, leaving your skin with a smoother, shapelier appearance.

What are the Benefits?

Your self-confidence and mental outlook are just as important as your physical health. Liposuction can offer you the opportunity to walk into a room poised and self-assured, instead of agonizing over whether anyone notices that unwanted bulge you’re trying to conceal with tight, torturous undergarments. Self-esteem rises with positive self-body image, and though beauty is, indeed, only skin deep, it’s your skin and only you can decide when you’re comfortable in it.

Is Liposuction Painful?

New techniques have made liposuction much safer, less painful, faster and easier. Depending on the particular process being used, and the amount of fat to be removed, you may only need local anesthesia and a sedative to keep you calm throughout the process. If larger amounts need to be extracted, or if you are undergoing additional surgery such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), facelift, breast reduction or other cosmetic surgery, general anesthesia may be required. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe pain medication.

What is the Recovery Time?

Typically, depending on the amount of fat removed, any major discomfort eases within 2 to 4 days and normal activity can be resumed within a few days. Swelling and bruising at the entry site can be expected to last 7 to 10 days and you may be required to wear a compression garment for a specified amount of time. Some fluid drainage is to be expected and an antibiotic might be prescribed before and after to ward off infection. You may not see the complete effects for quite some time, especially if a significant amount of fat was drawn out. You will, of course, be advised about aftercare and what to watch out for, such as swelling, numbness etc., before being discharged, either from the clinic or hospital where your process takes place. In many cases, you will be allowed to leave within a few hours following your procedure.

Make an Appointment Today

As with any surgery, there are always risks, and liposuction is indeed surgery. Therefore, it should always be performed by an experienced, board-certified specialist who will brief you thoroughly and take the time to answer any and all questions you may have.

For more information or for a confidential consultation, please call our private number at 770.720.7733 or request an appointment online.

Liposuction Articles

liposuction vs tummy tuck

Comparing Liposuction and Tummy Tuck: Which is Appropriate For You?  

Many people assume that liposuction is the go-to solution for all abdominal aesthetics, but the truth is, a tummy tuck ...
liposuction belly markings

A Patient’s Liposuction Story

Recently, one of our patients made the decision to have the liposuction procedure here at our office. She has chronicled ...
tummy tuck photo

What to Consider Before Getting a Tummy Tuck

You’ve done everything right! You dieted, exercised and finally lost all that extra weight you’ve been carting around. Or maybe ...
liposuction candidate

Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Is liposuction right for you? Certain requirements must be met in order to ascertain whether this surgery will be a ...
liposuction procedure

What is the Purpose of Liposuction?

Liposuction may be right for you if you've been struggling with excess weight in certain areas that just won’t budge, ...
The Difference Between Liposuction and Liposculpture

The Difference Between Liposuction and Liposculpture

Dr. Litrel breaks it down, including what to expect during the procedures and who's an ideal candidate. Watch more Cosmetic ...

by Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS

Peahen Gandhi, MD, FACOG, FPMRS

Our Approach to Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) is 3-Fold:

1) Restore Function
2) Enhance Appearance
3) Protect Anatomy

This is the treatment approach which guides our clinical procedural offerings. Gynecologists are experts in vulvovaginal surgery and CWHS is at the forefront of the latest techniques used to help patients achieve their pelvic health goals.

Thus, the procedures address these three facets:

1)  We Restore Function

Function is restored by addressing anterior and posterior compartment defects, like cystoceles and rectoceles, by offering anterior and posterior colporrhaphy, as well as full-length vaginoplasty, allowing improved sexual function as well.

See if Vaginoplasty is right for you. Sign up for a FREE consultation.

In addition, many patients have had severe obstettic lacerations, like third or fourth degree tears, and we perform revisions of proctoepisiotomies. Stress urinary incontinence is treated using a single-incision sling procedure.

2)  We Enhance Appearance

Appearance is enhanced by removing excess skin of the labia minora and labia majora through labiaplasty procedures, including a number of different techniques, so that we can achieve each patient’s individual cosmetic goals. In addition, we are experts at perineoplasty also called, perineorrhaphy, which aims to make the perineum appear normal by excising excess skin, loose skin tags, and suturing the underlying muscles of the perineal body closer, to give a more snug feeling in the introitus or vaginal opening. Some women are interested in fully restoring pre-coital appearance and we achieve this with an additional procedure called a hymenoplasty.

3)  We Protect Anatomy

We protect the anatomy by offering our patients individualized non-surgical treatments like incision-less office based procedures for vaginal laxity and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy via vaginal and transdermal routes. Following surgery, patients are given nutritional support services through micronutrient testing (Spectrocell) and undergo pelvic physical therapy via our women’s allied health professionals.

Learn more about pelvic health. Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook.

We perform the following list of procedures:

*Full-length Vaginoplasty to provide a higher level of tightening
*Incision-less office treatment for improving vaginal tone and lubrication
*Labia Majora reduction
*Proctoepisiotomy revisions
*Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy to treat cystocele and rectoceles (site-specific and augmented repair techniques)
*Single-incision midurethral slings
*Bioidentical hormone replacement/nutritional support/pelvic physical therapy.

Request more information now!

NOTE: Double board-certified Dr. Peahen Gandhi and her colleagues Dr. Michael Litrel and Dr. James Haley are sub specialty board-certified in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS).


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It is foolish to think that STDs are not harmful. All sexually transmitted diseases come with a certain amount of health risk. It is a risk not only for the person with the disease, but for your partner, your future partners and possibly your children. If anyone has been sexually active, especially without protection, it is important to get tested before exposing anyone else.


If anyone has signs or symptoms of an STD, it is even more critical to get tested and/or treated as soon as possible. Not all sexually transmitted diseases are the same. Some are much worse to get than others. Certain STDs are dangerous to carry for a long time without knowing the infection is in your body.

Types of STDs

There are many types of STDs. Following is a list of the worst STDs to get and what you can expect if you get them.


Most everyone is familiar with HIV and the dangers of contracting HIV and AIDs. Although we have come a long way with treatment over the last several decades, there is still no cure. HIV is a viral condition, which means that no cure currently exists. It is important for anyone who is sexually active to get tested for HIV often. If HIV is found, the sooner treatment begins, the better prognosis for optimal health.

HIV can lead to multiple health issues including rashes, genital sores, flu-like symptoms, persistent diarrhea and organ failure and even death.


Syphilis can not only be a painful disease, but it can potentially be fatal. It is spread through vaginal, oral or anal sex. Usually symptoms appear about three weeks after someone has been exposed. However, this is not always the case. There are four stages of syphilis and each stage has different symptoms.

The Four Stages of Syphilis are:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Latent
  4. Tertiary

Primary Stage Syphilis – In primary stage syphilis, the first noticeable sign is a single sore or multiple sores. The place on your body where you contracted syphilis is where you contracted the disease. In women, it is usually in or around the vagina. In men, it is on their penis. If a woman contracted it through giving oral sex, the sores will appear on her lips or mouth. The sores usually last a month to six weeks, whether you receive treatment or not. If treatment is not given, the infection moves to the secondary stage.

Secondary Stage Syphilis – During the secondary stage, rashes and sores appear in the mouth, vagina or anus. There is usually a rash on more areas of the body, including the hands or bottom of the feet. The bumps are typically rough, red or reddish-brown. Other symptoms of the secondary stage are fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, hair loss, headaches, fatigue and body aches.

Without the proper treatment, syphilis can stay in your body for years and move to the latent or tertiary stage.

Latent Stage Syphilis – The latent stage is when there are no visible signs or symptoms. Left untreated, it can develop into the tertiary stage. This can affect the heart, blood vessels, brain and nervous system and can be life threatening.

Tertiary Stage Syphilis – Tertiary syphilis is serious and usually occurs 10-30 years after infection. It damages your internal organs or causes death.

Without a diagnosis of syphilis or treatment — during any stage of the disease — it can spread to the brain, nervous system, eyes or ears. It can cause headaches, muscle weakness, eye pain, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, changes to your mental state, personality changes and dementia.

Congenital Syphilis — Passing Syphilis on to Your Baby

If a woman has syphilis and becomes pregnant, she can pass the disease to her baby. Congenital syphilis can have a major impact on the baby’s health. It can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight or death shortly after birth. Babies born with syphilis can have deformed bones, anemia, enlarged liver, jaundice, brain and nerve problems, meningitis, skin rashes blindness or deafness.

Congenital syphilis has tripled in recent years and the growth rate is alarming to public health officials. ACOG recommends that all pregnant women receive STD testing at their first initial OB visit and again at 36 weeks. Routine testing during pregnancy is not only for syphilis, but HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and hepatitis. As congenital syphilis is on the rise, it can be assumed that not enough pregnant women are getting proper prenatal care.


Hepatitis A, B and C can spread through vaginal, oral or anal sexual activities. It is a viral disease but it may either be temporary or long-lasting. The worst case scenario is that it can lead to liver disease and death. It is a life-long disease.

Hepatitis is harder to detect than other STDs, unless someone is tested. With HIV, syphilis, herpes, etc., usually painful sores or rashes make the STD obvious. Hepatitis symptoms don’t present in the same way. Some of the symptoms include fatigue, flu-like illness, dark urine, pale stool, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundiced skin and yellow eyes. If anyone has any of these symptoms, it is imperative they seek diagnosis and treatment from a physician.


Chlamydia can be a serious disease if not found and treated. It can cause major health issues for women like pelvic inflammatory disease, scarring of the urethra, infertility and complications during pregnancy.

About 70% of women who get chlamydia do not have symptoms but it can spread it if they are sexually active. Sometimes the infection remains in your body for weeks, months or years without symptoms. If you are sexually active and without protection, undetected chlamydia is highly transmittable to other partners.

Often symptoms occur about three weeks after chlamydia is contracted. The most common symptoms in women include:

  • Pain when urinating
  • Genital pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Eye pain and discharge
  • Rectal pain, bleeding or discharge.

The treatment for chlamydia is antibiotics.

Chlamydia Can Cause Infertility

Often, a woman doesn’t know she is infertile until it is time to try to have a baby. If chlamydia goes undetected or untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease – which can then lead to infertility.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. It can cause pain in the lower abdomen, fever, vaginal discharge with a foul odor, painful sex and abnormal vaginal bleeding, and pain and burning while urinating. Treatment is needed by an OB/GYN, which may involve surgery. The effects of the scar tissue formed inside and outside the fallopian tubes can lead to tubal blockage, ectopic pregnancy, infertility and long-term pelvic pain.


Gonorrhea has similar symptoms as chlamydia and can also cause a lot of the same problems, including sexually transmitted bacterial infection that can cause infertility. It is transmitted by vaginal, oral or anal sex and is sometimes referred to as “the clap.”

Gonorrhea has been more common in men, but recently has been quickly becoming more common in women. As with all STDs, the more partners a woman has, the greater the chance she can contract gonorrhea. The problem for women is that about 50-70% of all women don’t have symptoms. They would only know if they were tested.

Once gonorrhea is diagnosed, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Common Symptoms of Gonorrhea

The initial symptoms in a woman may appear anywhere from a day to about two weeks after exposure, however it could appear much later.

The most common symptoms of gonorrhea for women are:

  • Pain when peeing
  • A green or yellow discharge from the vagina
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods or after sex
  • Pelvic pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Anal itching or rectal discharge

Untreated gonorrhea can cause major health issues for women like pelvic inflammatory disease, long-term pelvic pain, scarring of the urethra, infertility and complications during pregnancy. If left untreated, gonorrhea can also spread to a woman’s bones or joints and can be life-threatening.

If a woman becomes pregnant and has gonorrhea, she can give it to her baby. It can cause miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight or the baby can be born with eye infections if left untreated.


Herpes infections are very common. About 50-80% of American adults have oral herpes, which is caused by HSV-1. Herpes simplex 1 is when cold sores or fever blisters appear in or around the mouth. Most people with oral herpes get it during childhood or young adulthood from non-sexual contact with saliva.

Genital herpes is caused by either HSV-1 or HSV-2. Oral herpes caused by HSV-1 can spread from the mouth to the genitals through oral sex. That is why some genital herpes are caused by HSV-1. Most genital herpes is spread through HSV-2 through vaginal, oral or anal sex by someone who is infected.

Women can get genital herpes if they have contact with:

  • A herpes sore
  • Saliva from a partner with an oral herpes infection
  • Genital fluids from a partner with a genital herpes infection
  • Skin in the oral area of a partner with oral herpes
  • Skin in the genital area of a partner with genital herpes
  • Having sex with someone who does not have a visible sore
  • Receiving oral sex from someone with oral herpes

You won’t get herpes from toilet seats, beds, hot tubs or pools or touching anything like soap, silverware or towels.

Symptoms Can be Mistaken for Other Skin Conditions

Many women with herpes may not even know they have it if symptoms don’t appear. Mild symptoms may go unnoticed or mistaken for other skin conditions. Genital herpes sores usually appear as blisters in or around the genitals or rectum. They usually start showing up about 4-12 days after exposure. The blisters sometimes form in a cluster and are painful and filled with fluid. They may be different sizes and appear in different places. The blisters break or turn into sores that bleed or ooze a whitish fluid. Once medication starts, it may take a week or more to go away. Sometimes a woman can have flu-like symptoms with an outbreak such as fever, chills, body aches and swollen glands.

The first genital outbreak is typically the worst. Some people get 4-5 outbreaks per year, and some get less. It may lessen over time, or may not. There isn’t usually a way to predict when an outbreak will occur, so it’s good to keep the medication on hand to help lessen the severity of the outbreaks when they occur.

Herpes isn’t necessarily one of the most dangerous STDs since it isn’t life-threatening. However, herpes is more bothersome than most women realize. The main problem is there is no cure. If you get herpes, it is for life. You may have heard the expression, ‘it’s the gift that keeps on giving’. That is exactly right. Once you get herpes, you are stuck with it for life, and you are obligated to inform every future sex partner that you have herpes. Condoms are a must, but even with condoms, they are not 100% effective of stopping the spread of herpes.


HPV stands for the human papillomavirus. It is the most common sexually transmitted infection affecting millions of women in the US each year. There are many types of HPV and some can cause health problems such as cancer and genital warts.

A woman can get HPV by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with someone who has the virus, and is most commonly spread through regular vaginal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even if they have no symptoms.

Anyone Can Get HPV

Anyone can get HPV if you are sexually active, even if it is the first time. You can also develop symptoms years after having sex with someone who had the infection. This makes it difficult to detect when you first got the infection. In most cases, HPV goes away on its own within two years without causing health problems. But if it doesn’t go away, it can cause genital warts or cancer.

Genital warts usually appear as a bump or a cluster of bumps in the genitals. They can be big, small, raised or flat. An OB/GYN can usually diagnose warts by examination.

HPV can cause cervical cancer, or other cancers, including cancer of the vagina, vulva or anus. It can also cause throat cancer.

You should routinely get screened for cervical cancer by your OB/GYN if you are sexually active. Using condoms can lower your chances of getting HPV. Testing, screening and being in a monogamous relationship are the best ways to prevent the spread of HPV.

Testing is Important — For Both You and Your Partner

Taking control of your sexual health is important and testing is the only way to know if you have an sexually transmitted infection or sexually transmitted disease. Our OB/GYNs test for STIs and STDs daily.

Call us at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment today or simply request an appointment online.


Urinary incontinence is common during pregnancy. Here, we answer common questions about incontinence during and after pregnancy — and what you can do to help avoid it.

Do Most Women Leak Urine When They’re Pregnant?

For some pregnant women, the symptoms may be mild and infrequent, but for others it may be more significant. For women of childbearing age, this can often be quite challenging, especially when it wasn’t expected.

Leaking urine during pregnancy is quite common, so most women will experience some incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs because the baby puts added pressure on the pelvic organs, including the bladder. So when a pregnant woman coughs, laughs, or does physical activity, she may notice some leakage. If she has already had children, the chance of experiencing incontinence increases with each pregnancy.

Will Incontinence Improve Right After I Deliver?

Most women will stop leaking urine after delivery. However, approximately 10% of women continue to experience stress incontinence even a year after delivery. Since the pelvic muscles can weaken and become stretched during pregnancy and childbirth, problems can develop later.

Can Childbirth Weaken the Bladder? 

Yes, it’s possible that childbirth can weaken the bladder. During labor and delivery, the muscles and tissues supporting the uterus, bladder, and rectum have the chance of being stretched, strained, or even torn. Even the nerves can become stretched and injured, which lead to the muscles not working properly. Of course, every woman is different so some women may have no damage from labor and delivery, while other women have some damage to the muscles, tissues, and nerves.

Pelvic prolapse may occur from injury during delivery and the weakened support of the bladder, rectum, or uterus. Pelvic relaxation occurs when the muscles and supporting tissues above the vagina, which hold the bladder, drop down into the vagina. Prolapse can also cause the urethra — the tube that is used to urinate — to drop. The drop from the normal position of the bladder and urethra, combined with the weakened nerve signals, may affect the bladder’s function. This can result in urine leakage.

Learn more about pelvic prolapse and incontinence.

Do Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy Prevent Incontinence?

Kegel exercises can lessen the symptoms of incontinence because they help strengthen the pelvic muscles. Practicing Kegel exercises while pregnant has been shown to decrease incontinence, not only during pregnancy but right after delivery as well. Talk to your doctor about Kegel exercises or pelvic therapy during pregnancy.

Can Childbirth Weaken the Rectum?

Yes, it is possible that childbirth can weaken the rectum. Just as with the bladder, the tissues supporting the rectum under the vagina has the chance of being torn during labor and delivery, causing the rectum to bulge up into the vagina. It is normal for women to experience some degree of prolapse after delivery, but these changes typically heal and resolve themselves within a few months. However, if the issues are severe and not resolving themselves, then some repair may be required to restore pre-pregnancy function.

Does Childbirth Lead to Incontinence or Weakened Pelvic Support Later in Life? 

During labor, as the baby’s head comes down into the pelvis, muscles and nerves can be affected since the baby’s head is pressed against the pelvic muscles for so long, which can result in a weakened support for the pelvic organs. About half of women who deliver vaginally show almost immediate muscle recovery. Approximately 60% will notice improvement within two months. However, the remaining women whose tissues do not recover completely have a higher likelihood of pelvic prolapse and incontinence later in life. As a woman ages, the normal supporting tissues of the bladder, uterus, and rectum weaken, causing loss of pelvic support, which can result in incontinence.

What Can be Done to Prevent Incontinence as a Result of Childbirth? 

There are proactive decisions a woman can make that can help decrease the likelihood of pelvic injury during labor and delivery, including having a C-section. Choosing to deliver via cesarean section may be the right choice for the mother if the baby’s head is in the wrong position, she’s delivering a large baby, has small pelvic bones, or she experiences prolonged labor.

Every woman is different so it’s important to have open communication with your doctor. To schedule an appointment with one of our physicians, call us at 770.720.7733 or request an appointment online.

Elena Happy Couple

Pelvic organ prolapse is a pelvic floor disorder that can be life-altering for many women unless treated. Many women silently suffer with the symptoms and never seek help. Women often describe the symptoms as heavy pressure and feeling like their insides are falling out.

Elena suffered from prolapse and complained of constant pressure and how it was disrupting her life as a busy wife, grandmother, and teacher. After events that led her to seek treatment, we were fortunate to hear Elena’s story – her struggles living with pelvic organ prolapse, and what led her to seek treatment from a doctor that could finally bring her relief.

The following is an interview with Elena as she shares her symptoms, what led her to the “edge”, as she describes it, her experience with prolapse and recovery, and what she would like to share with other women.

Elena’s Pelvic Prolapse Story

So, Elena, share with us a little about yourself and what led you to find prolapse treatment?

Elena: “My husband and I have been married for over 35 years, he’s an engineer and I am a teacher. Together, we have raised three great children, all without any major hitches. I still work, help take care of my grandchildren, and I love walking in the neighborhood and staying active. Dave and I have always had a terrific marriage; we have been blessed with a deep love for one another. We have been through a lot together, and even though we are getting up there in age, we still desire to be intimate, even at age 60. It is not the same as it used to be, to be honest it feels a little loose and saggy, but Dave does not complain.

I have been experiencing some pressure down there, and even feels like my insides are about to come out if I stand up or walk too much. Something is off, but my general doctor has not ever expressed any concern. I haven’t actually been to my OB/GYN for several years and started thinking I needed to make an appointment.”

What made you ultimately decide to seek treatment from a specialist?

Elena: “Well, I need to tell you about what sent me over the edge and made me look for a urogynecologist. My husband Dave and I are creatures of habit, and Saturday night is our usual time to be intimate. So, one Saturday night as I was getting ready to get in bed, I went to the bathroom first. As I was sitting on the toilet, I happened to look down and saw something protruding out of myself. Not to get too graphic, but it looked like a man’s part sticking out of my lady parts — just a little — but enough to freak me out. Since my husband and I are close, and you know, after 35 years you have been through plenty of stuff together, I hollered out to him for help. He came running, and oh goodness, just picture this scene in your head: My husband in his tighty whities coming to the rescue, putting on his reading glasses, then crouching down on the bathroom floor to look at my private parts as I sat on the toilet. He took a close-up and personal peek at me and was horrified. Talk about a mood killer!”

“My husband in his tighty whities coming to the rescue, putting on his reading glasses, then crouching down on the bathroom floor to look at my private parts as I sat on the toilet. He took a close-up and personal peek at me and was horrified. Talk about a mood killer!”

– Elena on discovering her prolapse

My husband said with all seriousness, ‘Elena, I’ll take you to the doctor Monday and get this part stapled back in there for good.’ I chuckled and said I did not think it was quite as simple as using a staple gun to cinch me up, but I agreed that it was time to get this fixed.

So, the next day I searched for the right doctor and that is where I came across Dr. James Haley, a urogynecologist, and read an article about a patient he had helped with almost identical symptoms.”

What did you learn at your initial appointment?

Elena: “Dr. Haley was very professional and explained to me and my husband all that was going on. I had been relying on my general doctor and trusting that he would let me know if something was wrong with me, but he did not. I realized at that point how knowledgeable a urogynecologist was and how I was in exactly the right place. I felt very comfortable with Dr. Haley and grateful that I found him. He explained I had stage 2-3 prolapse and suggested treatment options. He said that along with uterine prolapse, there was a loss of support for other areas within my vagina as well. It was more involved than I imagined – I needed a total hysterectomy, vaginoplasty, and an anterior, posterior, and enterocele repair. Deep down I knew something was wrong with me, I just had been ignoring it, not wanting to face it. I had been suffering with pressure down there that sometimes was causing lots of pain – plus the looseness during sex, all of it was bothersome. That seems silly now, I let it go too long without seeking help.”

Getting Ready for the Procedure

“I went home, talked more with my husband and we worked out a time when it would be most convenient for the surgery. I called his assistant who was sweet and helped me get it scheduled with insurance. It was within a month, and although I was somewhat nervous, I knew I just wanted it over with so I could get back to feeling myself again. I was looking forward to how it would get my husband and I back on track and thinking ahead of my newly restored lady parts was exciting to me. Dave didn’t talk about it much, but he sure was a big supporter of me getting the surgery, so I knew he would be thrilled with my new and improved vagina too!”

Telling Friends and Family

“I started letting some of my friends and family know about my surgery. Most women my age, at least the few that I have talked to about this, seem to accept this as just a normal part of getting older. Some women have noticed this since immediately after having children and have just lived with it for years. I think most just think it is only a problem that needs corrected when you start leaking urine or cannot control your bladder. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I realize how ridiculous that sounds.

“Why should we suffer with pressure down there or even unsatisfying sex? If there is a way to fix it, I am all for women speaking up and taking charge of their health problems. I am so thankful I did.”

Elena on treating pelvic prolapse

Pelvic Prolapse Surgery and Recovery

“The morning of the surgery I was more nervous than I expected, but once I got there, they relaxed me and all was okay. When I woke up, I could not believe it was already over and I barely remember Dr. Haley telling me that he was really pleased with how it went. By the time I left the hospital, I was up walking around.

The surgery was a success and I feel so much better now, so I try not to remember the painful parts! But the surgery was very involved and I did have many things done, so it was quite an ordeal. The first day was fine since I was all foggy from the medicine. The second day I started to hurt, I guess the numbness wore off and it felt very heavy down there for several days. I could walk, but I wouldn’t win any races. Every day after that was better than the prior one, it kept getting better. I followed all the instructions perfectly and my husband and daughter took very good care of me. After a week, I was doing very well and surprised myself at how much I was getting around, even though I was still tired and it took awhile to get back to normal. It seems to be like that with most surgeries.

Post-Op Appointment

After two weeks I went back to see Dr. Haley and he thought I was healing really well and said I looked good. He was happy to see me moving around so well. I was so happy myself that I didn’t feel much pressure anymore. It was a big improvement from before I had the surgery. It was still tender and a little sore, but not painful.

“I was so thankful that the full pressure and dropping feeling was gone and it didn’t feel like my parts were going to fall out. It was so much of an improvement, that I think I overlooked any soreness.” 

Elena 2 weeks after surgery

It took a few weeks before I could do that much, but I enjoyed the pampering, meals from friends, and time to relax.  But truthfully, I expected it to hurt more. I think I must have toughened myself up by ignoring that low, hard pressure I always felt. And now it was finally gone. What a relief!

Now I am completely healed, and the surgery was a total success. I can walk in the neighborhood as much as I want, and have no trouble teaching or playing with my grandkids. Oh, and final report from Dave is that all is looking fantastic down there, and he is thrilled with my ‘overhaul’ as he calls it. I feel zero pressure, and I must admit, that sex is much, much, more satisfying now. (I cannot stress that enough!) I didn’t know what I was missing.  I have to say getting this done is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am grateful I chose Dr. Haley, and I think getting a good surgeon makes all the difference in the outcome.”

We waited awhile to have sex and it was tender the first few times (maybe it was 9-10 weeks after but I am not 100 percent sure) but it got better and better each time. All is great now in every way and I am so glad I went through with it. Quality of life is important to me and I love being able to still do the things I enjoy.”

My Thoughts for Other Women with Prolapse

“While I know I am not alone in prolapse, or even sexual issues, this is not something most women are comfortable discussing with each other or their doctors, much less their partners. Women need to be more vocal about taking care of themselves, in every way. You should never accept living with being uncomfortable, in pain, and having to alter your lifestyle because of a medical problem. Having intimacy in marriage is very important, even well into your sixties and beyond. Make it a priority and take care of yourself.

Also, if you suffer with similar symptoms, choosing a urogynecologist is very important, especially when there are multiple problems going on. I was very blessed to find Dr. Haley, and it was a bonus that we lived in the same state. I read where he treats women from all around the country and I can see why.

“I needed my pelvic region completely reconstructed, so I am glad I sought out Dr. Haley, a qualified pelvic reconstruction surgeon for my complete overhaul! I am thankful and very willing to tell others. Thank you so much for allowing me to share my experience.”

Elena on choosing a urogynecologist

What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse and What to do if You Suspect You Have it?

Pelvic organ prolapse is a type of pelvic floor disorder where the muscles and tissues that hold the pelvic organs in place weaken and drop lower into the pelvis. “Prolapse” refers to the drooping of pelvic organs that include the cervix, uterus, bladder, vagina, small intestines, and rectum. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse can occur when there is increased pressure in the abdomen, most commonly in women who have given birth, but not always. Some women have minor symptoms if any at all. But for many, the symptoms are life-altering and treatment is essential to quality of life.

If you suspect you have prolapse, seek treatment from a qualified urogynecologist who is double board-certified in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS). Call us today at 770.720.7733 or request an appointment online.

James Haley, MD, FPMRS is an award-winning surgeon at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists and the Vaginal Health Center in Canton, Georgia, and has over two decades of experience in treating women with urogynecological conditions.

I Drive From 2 Counties Away!

I drive two counties away to see this OB/GYN practice. Awesome doctors, nurses and staff! Very caring, informative and concerned about your general health.

Jan R

Dr. Peahen Gandhi is the kindest, most wonderful doctor I’ve ever been to! She is amazing, as a person and a doctor!!

Never Feel Rushed

I love Dr. McLeod! She was amazing, explained things thoroughly and answered all of my concerns without rushing me. And she had great bedside manner! Thank you, Dr. McLeod!

Sharon Jones

Love Dr.Gandhi! She not only listens, but HEARS you. Her devotion to finding solutions is exceptional.

vickie kilgore

Everyone was so friendly and wait time was super short. Dr. Litrel is great, very compassionate and honest. Prayed with me before my surgery! Would highly recommend!

Lela Latimer

Dr Gandhi is awesome! She really cares about her patients and is very knowledgeable and kind. The staff is always friendly and helpful too. I highly recommend this practice. We need more doctors like her in the world and I truly mean that!

Chelsey Savor

They make me feel comfortable even though you are in an uncomfortable position. The people are personable and easy to talk to. Wonderful PA when the doctor is unavailable. Dr. Gandhi is always so helpful and full of answers.

CassieBear 90

It was my fiancé’s first time being able to attend a doctor’s visit since all the COVID restrictions and with it being an ultrasound it made it that much more special for him. Totally made his day and also made mine! So excited for our little one to be here and very pleased with the care baby and I have received thus far!

I Love This Practice

I love this practice. Each staff member made me feel comfortable and wanted. Thank you!

They Accommodated Me!

Everyone is so friendly. I accidentally arrived at the wrong location – nearly 20 minutes away from where my appointment was. Despite this, the place of my appointment did not reschedule and I did not feel “squeezed” into the schedule. Dr. Gandhi has such a warm personality. So glad this OB/GYN was recommended to me.

They’re So Great, I Drive an Hour!

I love Dr. Z. She is so caring and passionate about her patients. Everyone in the office is so polite and friendly. I drive an hour away just to come to this doctor office. So you know that they are amazing!

Ellen Pacheco

This is my second pregnancy so I have only one other experience to compare it with. I will say when I arrived, I was pleased that the online forms I had to fill out were the only forms they needed. I wasn’t presented with another set of papers on a clip board that matched what I’d already done and had to sit for 15-20 min filling out the same information pulling out insurance cards again etc. THAT was my FIRST BIG WIN here. My ultrasound was scheduled for 230 and my provider appointment was at 3. I was out of the ultrasound room with pictures of my baby before 2:30 and left the facility before 3 pm. I hope whoever needs to see this, is reading this now! Just remember, you always have a choice to go somewhere else (covered by insurance or not, it’s still a choice). Leave as many positive reviews as you do negative! Hope this helps someone out there!

Paula Fendley

I had the same OB/GYN for 30 years, until she retired. I was recommended to Dr. Gandhi and she put me at ease immediately! She made me feel comfortable and seemed to really care about my needs, concerns and well-being. I’m very happy with her and the care she’s given to me. She has made starting over a completely easy and peaceful process. Thank you, Dr. Gandhi!!

Britany McFarland

I absolutely love Dr. GG! She is an amazing doctor and cares for her patients! She delivered my last 2 babies!

Short Wait Times

Staff is always friendly and helpful. Office has never made me wait for very long. Always on time. They are caring and always follow up.

Tonia Carter

Being in the medical field, I know what to look for in a great provider. Dr. Gandhi is incredible, and their office staff is wonderful.

karla reister

Love going to Dr. Haley! He always listens and suggests the best option.

Savannah Padgett

The staff I have dealt with throughout my experiences at the Canton location have been great!! They care and communicate and do not make me dread upcoming appointments.

Welcoming Environment

The doctors were extremely helpful and listened to my concerns and questions. I thoroughly enjoy my visits each time and the staff make it a welcoming environment each time!

Naima Rivera

I love Dr. Gandhi and respect her expertise so much so that I have referred several women to her. She hasn’t disappointed. All who have taken my advice, to get her opinion, have come back to me saying that they feel like a weight has been lifted. She’s the best women’s health doctor, hands down.

Jessica Helms

Rachel is the BEST ultrasound tech! She is so caring and always gives great information about baby! She always makes sure to send me home with cute pictures as well!

Shantay Saunders

Dr. Gandhi and her medical assistant Jourdan have amazing bedside manners! Even if Dr. Gandhi runs a little behind, she’s worth the wait. She doesn’t make you feel rushed, and definitely has a caring spirit!

Roberta R

I was very scared but Dr. Litrel explained everything to me in simple terms. This gave me great relief. After surgery in was not in any pain, just a little uncomfortable in that area, as he explained. I definitely recommend this facility to anyone. They are very honest and genuine people who treat you with special care. I came alone and Erica, a staff member, was so helpful to what I needed which was a ride to my appointment and back. This was great seeing that I am an out-of-towner here for surgery.

Dr. Z is the Best

Dr. Z is the best doctor I have ever seen. Great office and very friendly front desk staff! 10/10 highly recommend!

Courtney Estes

I love Cherokee Women’s Health in Canton, GA. They are so respectful and so nice to their patients and they always answer all of your questions!!! I definitely recommend this place for all women!!!

Highly Recommend Cherokee Women’s

The staff is very friendly, helpful and understanding! Waiting room is clean, updated and calm. Handicapped accessible and parking was a breeze! Highly recommend!

Shianne Flood

Cherokee Women’s is the only Women’s Health Specialists that I will ever trust to care for me and my unborn children! They do their job correctly, wonderfully and respectfully. The office is full of high spirited, respectful women and men, that truly care for each of their patients. I would recommend Cherokee Women’s to any of my friends or family for their needs and concerns! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Claire Jones

Cherokee Women’s has been great! The entire staff has always attentive and willing to answer questions, and have made me feel confident and safe all throughout my pregnancy.

Heidi Schonfeldt

This was an amazing experience and one of my best in America since I have arrived here in over a year and a half

Christian Ray

We LOVE Cherokee Women’s! They delivered our 2 year old. Dr. Gandhi delivered our 2 month old. We are forever thankful for the compassion that they showed us through both deliveries. The staff is always so welcoming. Thankful to have a reliable OB office.

Crystal Stroud

Everyone at Cherokee Women’s took great care of all my needs from scheduling my appointment to check-in. My procedure was explained to me and went flawlessly. Thanks to everyone from Cherokee Women’s for making it a pleasant experience.

Mary Beth Saputo

My favorite doctor was all booked up so I met the new doctor to the practice, Dr. McLeod. I was nervous during my pap (always am) but she reassured me and was very friendly and seemed to really care. She even had me laughing during the exam. I really appreciate doctors who take the extra time to be personable. I would definitely recommend her! Thanks!

Vanda Winfrey

Highly recommended!! Wait time was less than 5 mins. From the Dr to the staff everyone was extremely helpful. Sommer at the front office was so helpful and kind . Very professional staff

V Rogers

The absolute best OB/GYN practice on the planet!

Theresa KING

I’ve been going here for 3 years now. I never feel rushed or un-important. My doctor has a great bedside manner and explains everything very well. Anytime I need anything all I have to do is call the office and if I have to leave a message. They always call me right back. I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Amelia Acevedo

Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists was absolutely phenomenal. They addressed each concern I had and made sure everything was done to help. They’re so sweet and you can tell they genuinely care. The nurses I saw were also the absolute sweetest women alive! Went the extra mile and then some. Thank you guys so much!

Wanda Harshbarger

I received education and an easy solution to a health issue that I never expected to be fixed.

rachel bailey

I have to say that Dr. Haley is absolutely the best! After a horrible experience at another office he really made me feel welcome and listened to my concerns. I am truly glad for his caring demeanor and his being thorough with all of my care. Would highly recommend and will be returning.

Truly Feel Taken Care Of

All the doctors truly care about their patients and their wellbeing. I have always felt taken care of here and appreciate the work every individual at Cherokee Women’s does for the patients.

Bailey Sickeler

Dr. Haley is awesome! He took the time to listen to my symptoms and diagnose a problem that my previous OB/GYN missed. The office staff is friendly and kind.

Michele Williams

Absolutely love Dr. Gandhi! Would not trust any other doctor.

Rashidat Turner

I live 4 hours away from Cherokee Women’s Health. I initially sought Dr. Litrel because he is considered, “The Oprah,” in his profession; meaning he’s the best. During and after my treatment, I can see why. He has the best bedside manner, he’s attentive, has a sense of humor, and his work DOES speak for itself. Now, I plan on using him for all of my gynecology concerns. YES! Even though he is four hours away. He is worth it!

Amy Lopez

This office has always taken great care of me and my pregnancies. The midwife is lovely and very relatable.

Jennifer Burks

This is the most friendly and kind staff I have ever dealt with! I felt so comfortable with everyone. My oldest daughter drove me as this was her first chance to help. She even said everyone was super nice to her while she waited. Thank you for taking such great care of us!

Hannah Miller

We went because we had a really traumatic experience happen to us with our pregnancy before coming here. Everyone at Cherokee Women’s was so helpful and kind during the appointment. We didn’t have to wait long periods of time for them to take us back, for an ultrasound or for the doctor to come see us. I feel like I was heard and listened to by everyone who helped us during our visit.

lannette young

Love this friendly staff!! Rachel is a sweetheart and very professional!!! No complaints at all!!!

So Impressed

Courtnay and the staff at Cherokee Women’s Health were amazing. I felt listened to, was given excellent guidance and overall was the best experience I have ever had.

The phlebotomist was excellent as well. I normally have issues in giving blood because I have tiny veins; there’s normally pain and massive bruising. But she was so professional and easy going. The phlebotomist made giving blood actually easy. And bonus, no bruising.

I am probably most impressed by the administrative staff. Medical Administrative Services are normally a pain in Georgia being so unorganized, inefficient and chaotic. At CWHS, it was so easy and such a pleasure to just breeze through that process. It’s because of that I will be a life long client. I cannot wait to return to CWHS and begin my family. Thank you so much to everyone there!

Dr. McLeod Was Great

Dr. McLeod was great. She could tell I was nervous but she explained everything I needed to know and was very caring. Would recommend her and this office to anyone.

Consideration, Patience and Grace

Dr. Gandhi is the best!!! She made me feel very comfortable and at ease, she answered all of my questions with consideration, patience and grace and gave me great suggestions on supplements as well.

Tina Lando

I love this practice and Dr. Gandhi for the time and attentive care she takes with patients. Especially me before, during and after surgery. I’m forever grateful to have her as my outstanding OB/GYN provider. She’s AMAZING!!!

Melissa Cager

Dr. Phillips was very informative. She encouraged questions. Honestly answered every question I threw her way. Very gentle. Most gynecologists are so used to doing their job they forget we’re human and can actual feel what their doing. She actually cared. She made sure she let me know exactly what she was going to do before she did it.

Marie Sabbarese

I can’t speak highly enough of the care, concern and overall help that has been given to me since transferring to this medical office. The nurses, doctors and staff have been amazing. And I’m so very thankful for the help I was given when I needed my hysterectomy and bladder surgery. Coming to this office has been a true blessing and I’m deeply thankful to all!

Jocelyn Barrett

This office runs like a dream. Punctual, clean, efficient. The staff is really nice, I’ve never had an issue here. I love seeing Robin Hurley, she is kind, direct, and to the point.

Michelle Seagle-Amaya

I appreciate how at ease Dr. Haley makes me feel. He is knowledgeable, kind, caring and takes the time to attentively listen to me.

In and Out in 22 Minutes!

I was in and out within 22 minutes and I had a Pap smear AND Dr. Litrel took time to have a personal conversation with me!!! Dr. Litrel and staff know how to manage the schedule. God bless each and every single one of you for making all of us feel like we are the ONLY patient you have! Fantastic job, team!

Absolutely Love Dr. Gandhi

Absolutely love Dr. Gandhi. She is very thorough and takes the time to answer all my questions.

Tracye Hamler

Very clean and neat office space. The wait time was really fast and I was able to add services on that I initially didn’t discuss prior to making the appointment. My doctor listened to my concerns and for the first time I feel like I found a knowledgeable doctor that really wants to see me better. His staff was nice and professional as well. I drove an hour to this practice and I can’t wait for my 3 month follow-up with better results per the doctors orders. I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists!

Nakia Cahill

Dr. Gandhi is the most genuinely caring and attentive doctor that I have ever had. Everyone on staff is friendly and extremely pleasant. Although I drive past 6-7 other OB/GYN offices during my 35-40 minute commute to Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, it’s well worth the drive. Trust me!

Haley Delaney

This OBGYN is amazing!!! I love the facility, love the friendliness of the staff, and i felt like I had known these women forever. Getting your lady parts checked out can be a very vulnerable experience, and the women here made it an easy and comfortable experience. I would 100% recommend to anyone in Cherokee county! Excited to have such a wonderful OBGYN in my life and for my future!

Keirsten Marie

I absolutely love this place, when I was pregnant it was a great experience and I met with multiple Dr.’s at this location during my pregnancy and everyone took the best care of me. The only person I had trouble with was Robin Hurley, I eventually just got to the point where I said I would like to see any other doctor other than her and everyone else was absolutely fantastic. I gave birth almost 2 years ago to my daughter but I still come here for my check-ups/any other gynecological related things. My appointment with Dr. Hailey today was smooth and he took the time to help me understand what was going on with my worries and made sure to really listen to me. The ultra sound lady I met with was super sweet and made sure I was comfortable. The ladies at the front desk are also great, they are very welcoming and that’s the same for the ladies at the check out. I usually hate going to the Dr.’s but this place never bothers me. I will forever come here. Again absolutely love this place! Thank you to everyone who works here!

Tanis Scott

Thank you to Dr. Peahen, the staff is very friendly and helpful i would recommend my friends and family to this practice..

Sahil Sharma

Tank you Cherokee Women’s Health and especially DR. Gandhi. The journey of my wife’s pregnancy couldn’t have got better without you guys. With grace of good she has delivered a healthy baby boy. Thanks much to DR. Gandhi for guidance on prescription, exercises, staying positive, taking good care of baby throughout the journey, and much more. I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s health as they have been compassionate about their work from staff to care providers. Your journey here will be made of moments with the care it requires. Thank you again.

Whitney Simmons

I’ve been seeing Dr. Z for all of my medical needs. She and the nursing staff have all been so wonderful, patient, and understanding with all of my questions and concerns. I would recommend this staff to anyone in search of women’s care in the Canton area. They’ve taken such great care of me, I’m very thankful for them!

Liberty Coultas (fishyface27)

I love the doctors here and I trust their care. However I typically wait minimum half hour and been up to an hour to be seen. I find a lot of doctor offices are this way. And it would not deter me from going back.

Erica Rockwood

The staff at Cherokee Women’s have become like family to me in the 9 months of my pregnancy. I could not be more grateful for the care and kindness they have shown to me. Dr. Gandhi and medical assistant Jourdan have provided a safe environment for me to ask questions and share my concerns about my pregnancy while also providing the very best of care. I am so glad my baby was cared for by this team of dynamic and caring women.

Amber McFarland

I came here for my first pregnancy and loved it. Almost 6 years later, I’m back for my second pregnancy. The staff are so friendly and make you feel welcome. Highly recommend!

We moved here recently and I needed to get established with a local gynecologist. Dr. Z is spectacular. She immediately helped me address some issues I was having and made me feel so calm throughout the experience. I needed a minor surgery and as soon as I was in the OR, Dr. Z was with me until I was asleep, talking to me and holding my hand. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs a caring and smart doctor.

I have been a patient of this practice for 20 years (on & off due to insurance carrier changes). Dr. Gandhi is wonderful in mannerism, professionalism, & expertise. Simply the best. Everyone in the office is a very nice as well. They have multiple locations and they all make you feel at home. You can feel comfortable talking about anything and confident that you’re going to get the best care.

Sherri fowler

Women’s always does a great job. And has been my doctor since 2009. And is now my daughter doctor’s too.


As a first time patient, I have to admit, my first appointment with Dr. Litrel was nothing like I have ever experienced in the past. I am truly grateful to have found Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists and Dr. Litrel.

After reading his book, cover to cover the same day – The Eyes Don’t See What the Mind Don’t Know: What Patients Can Teach Doctors About Medicine – my visit made a whole lot more sense on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.

After years of female related issues, I am grateful to be on a path with a doctor and man of faith to help me get to a place where I can enjoy my life again.

Dr. Litrel is a wonderful, caring and attentive doctor. On my very first visit in 2020 he listened to all of my concerns. He even took a list of questions I had written down and reviewed every single one of them with me. For years I struggled finding a good OB/GYN, and Dr. Litrel is a Godsend! Thank you for your continued care and support.

Tracy DiClemente

I have always received excellent care from the entire staff.

Yasmine Esawy

Dr Gandhi is literally the best doctor and person ever. Her including the nurses and state are extremely caring and kind people ever. Dr Gahndi always makes me feel safe and treats me well as a friend.

Tori Borden

Everyone was so friendly and helpful. The ultrasound tech Rachel was so incredibly nice and fun! She asked if I wanted to FaceTime my husband and it was just the best experience aside from physically having him there. Dr. Z was exceptionally thorough and let me ask any questions without judgement. I’m very comfortable coming back here!

Tonya Batey

I needed information about women’s health and they let me observe on their page and have learned so much of what I needed and enjoyed sharing my stories

Queen Thomas

If there was a way to give this facility and its staff 100 stars, they’d have my vote for it! The building is very clean and the staff has such positive attitudes. They are always ready to help a patient, and have made my health journey such a breeze. I would recommend this facility and it’s staff to anyone! If you’re new and looking for a doctor, Dr. Z is a definite fav. She is super awesome and caring.

Liz Malcom

Came in feeling like death due to a shifted IUD that was causing extreme pain, discomfort, and other issues too numerous(and personal) to explain. Dr. Gandhi and her nurses and even the ultrasound tech were amazingly gentle, kind, sympathetic and understanding to the situation and to the agony I was feeling mentally and physically. I honestly wish Dr. Gandhi was my PCP because she is honestly the best doctor I’ve ever seen with all the love, warmth and compassion, and understanding I’ve desperately needed from a care provider that seems so lacking in other types of Healthcare. Dr. Gandhi and her nurses were so incredibly kind to me and they were able to clearly and concisely convey the situation I found myself in and gave me reasonable options to rectify the very painful issue immediately with as little mental/physical trauma as possible which meant the world to me.

I already feel so much better (24 hours later) and am so grateful for everything they did for me but most importantly not treating me like a number on a chart but as a person and patient who needed help and to be heard. It meant the world to me and even though I’ve been a patient of Dr. Gandhi for years this is still the only place I’ll go for my OBGYN/General Women’s Healthcare.

Thank you Dr. Gandhi and thank you to the amazingly wonderful staff you have. Unfortunately, I was in such pain yesterday I couldn’t remember names but everyone I saw from the ultrasound tech to the receptionist and nurse were all incredibly wonderful, warm and professional in a way I so needed.

Christee Franklin

I am a new patient to the practice and am absolutely overjoyed with my experience and Dr. Gandhi. She took the time to listen to my concerns and gave me very helpful and useful insights. It felt much more like I was meeting with a “friend” than having an appointment with a physician. I am so grateful for that level and type of care. I look forward to walking through this next season of healthcare with Dr. Gandhi and this practice.

Tieces Way

From my very first pregnancy appointment til my last this office has been amazing, all of the staff are wonderful, always been nice to me. Dr Ghandi who delivered my son is phenomenal she showed so much concern and really cared and helped me, she coached me during my labor, even at my 6 week checkup yesterday she really showed that she cares about my wellbeing. She’s awesome Thank You Dr. Ghandi #ForeverGrateful.

Martie Jones

Dr. Gandhi was attentive and informative.
The medical assistants and office staff were friendly and helpful. I have been going here now for over four years and I have been very pleased with the providers and staff at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists!

Deanna Eden

Dr. Gandhi is the best GYN I have ever had! She listens to my concerns, takes the time to discuss the issues and takes action to resolve quickly. I am so thankful to have found her when moving to Canton/Cherokee Co.

Ashes Negron

I hate going to the Gyno!
I haven’t been in over 8 years!
I scheduled the appointment and
prayed for a good experience.
I figured I’ll just get my annual stuff done and
if I don’t have a good experience I won’t have
to come back. Well… I actually had an excellent
experience! Cherokee Women’s feels like half clinic
half spa. Every one was so very nice! All of my issues
were addressed and I spent a lot of time with the
provider. They offer so many wonderful services
my head was spinning!

VGina R.A

Excellent attention, Dr. Gandhi was there, a very affectionate professional like the rest of the staff, the anesthesiologist was very friendly, excellent team! God bless you.

Immaculate Kungu

Dr,Gandhi is my best and favorite doctor, you are friendly, always takes time to listen to me.
I knew you will be my OBGYN on the 18th/08/2017.
I know I was a little dramatic coz I would not let anyone else touch me but when you came in my room just before my surgery and gave me a hug it calmed me down and I was ready to go for the surgery.
Thank you Dr. Gandhi for saving my son’s life and I.

Victoria Snickars

I go to both the Woodstock and canton location and have had the best experiences at both! Went to canton for the first time and they were so inviting and comforting. And special shout out to jourdan for helping me through getting my blood work done since I get very nervous! Was quick and easy and would recommend both locations!

Sherly Cadet

Rachel was awesome! I had a concerned and she addressed it promptly. I would highly recommend this office everyone I encountered was pleasant and willing to help. Thank you ladies!

Viviana Juan

I love Cherokee women’s the staff are really nice and the wait is not that long

Carmen Kimbrell

Dr. Gandhi is exceptionally attentive and empathetic. I eagerly anticipate appointments with her as she alleviates stress and provides an environment of ease and receptivity. Her luminary joy, compassion and humanity communicates authenticity, which cultivates and fosters trust with myself (and, I presume others) as a patient.

Amber Longano

The doctors and staff at Cherokee Women’s Health are very caring and kind. I am very grateful for them throughout my pregnancy and prior to.

Melissa Kime-Hall

The staff does a great job of putting you at ease, and the standard of care is outstanding!

Heather Cox

Kimbal Kapuscinski

Mary Padgett

I love love love this practice!!! It’s been almost 15 years since I was a patient there. But Dr. Litrell was awesome. He is kind, caring, and passionate and I loved his sense of humor most of all!! Would highly recommend him. Thanks Dr. L

They Delivered My Baby Girl

Cherokee Women’s delivered my beautiful baby girl! I have told all my friends that when they get pregnant to come here because the doctors and staff really care about everyone!

Leighann Cannady

I highly recommend Cherokee Womens , they are always very welcoming and always answer your questions and concerns through and through . All the doctors and midwives are fantastic!! I’ve been coming here for 4 years , wouldn’t recommend any other OBGYN !!

Jenn Mizzell

I’ve been a patient at Cherokee Women’s since I was a teenager (about 15 years). Now I’m 9 months pregnant, expecting our first baby! All of the doctors, midwives, and nurses have been absolutely fantastic! I’ve had tons of questions (and anxieties) during my pregnancy, and everyone has been so helpful, patient, and reassuring. I couldn’t recommend CW more! Fantastic staff!

Friendly and Seamless

I love the staff. They are very professional and always smiling. Although it was very busy, the staff maintained a seamless work flow.

Johanna Lopez

Absolutely love Dr. Litrel and his staff! Friendly and helpful. They Always make me feel so comfortable. Dr. Litrel is very pleasant With a great sense of humor.
I never feel rushed, he answers all my questions no matter How ludicrous it may be (I ask A LOT of questions). He always clearly explains everything he
Is doing and also explains why. Dr. Litrel is the BEST obgyn I have ever been to. I drive 3 hours just to see him. It’s worth every mile! God bless you guys!!


I have been going to Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists since March 2020 when I had my IUD removed and have been continuing to go there since I became pregnant in June. The reception staff are both friendly and helpful. The doctors and midwives are also friendly and helpful, although at times they do seem a bit rushed. My favorite person at the practice is the ultrasound technician – she is very knowledgeable, informative and easy to talk to. Overall, I think it’s a great practice and I look forward to having them deliver my baby girl!

Sarah Hatch

All the doctors and nurses are so nice and friendly. The doctors are gentle and informative. Best OBGYN ever.

April Holmes

Very caring and helpful staff. This is my 3rd pregnancy using Cherokee Women’s. Definitely recommend them.

jessica dills

Best obgyn I’ve ever been to. I just wish would have found this group earlier.

L Burden

Absolutely love this office! Everyone is so caring from the front office staff to the doctors! Not only do the doctors have your best interest at heart but everyone (all the nurses, ultrasound techs, and staff) share the same caring practices. Dr. Gandhi is hands down the best doctor I’ve ever had. She helped me deliver 2 healthy babies – and my pregnancies nor deliveries were easy. I truly believe without her my second son would not be here today. Throughout my second pregnancy, I was supported and encouraged by everyone in the office, and each time I had a question or a fear they responded to my call or email ASAP. Love this office!!!

Lisa Schudel

I was in and out in 30 min. I love Dr Litrel!

The Best OB/GYN in Woodstock!

The best OB/GYN in Woodstock! I’ve seen Dr. Gandhi for years who has always being an amazing OB/GYN. I am greeted when I walk in the door and check-in time was great. I appreciate the medical assistant’s friendliness and the short talk we had.

Lori Bray

Love Dr. Litrel. He listens and spends time with his patients. I would definitely recommend his team.

Kimberly Wise

Absolutely love it there. The staff is amazing and doctors show genuine concern. I have never felt like an inconvenience. Feels more like a family when you are there. I feel so comfortable there that I made appointments for my daughter’s. Thank y’all so much for taking care of us. We love you.

kristi brumley

Three people recommended this facility and it lived up to the expectations they set me up for in every way!

Jamie Clark

Absolutely recommend this office to anyone! Every member of the staff has always been so warm and welcoming. Started coming almost 5 years ago and have also had my first pregnancy with this team. Highly recommend to anyone, at any stage in life.

Mandi Wright

The staff was exceptional, couldn’t ask for anything better!

Elaine Carter

Jordan, Dr. Gandhi and the rest of your staff was wonderful. Starting with a new dr is always nerve wracking but they all put me completely at ease. Thank you


Dr.Criegler is awesome!!!

Sarah Woolford

I not only recommend Cherokee Women’s, I actually actively encourage you to make this your OBGYN! I love this practice so much! Dr Haley literally saved my sons life along with Dr Gandhi who got him safely out of me! Without their knowledge, experience and care my little boy would not be the thriving little bundle of joy he is right now!
Thank you to everyone at CWHS! I appreciate all of you!

Jacqui Jackson

Dr. Litrel and his Team at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialist are amazing! They’ve delivered two of our four- and when my sister found out they were expecting- we sent her there too! Thank you for being incredible with the ladies who need y’all! God bless! Jacqui Jackson

You Are All Amazing!

The doctors and staff are all so wonderful! Special thank you for taking such good care of me unexpectedly! You guys are all amazing!!

Mindy Bolt

I love this practice so so much. Before moving out of state, I saw Dr. Haley for ten years. He got me through two pregnancies, though I had to deliver the first in Texas because of a long term work assignment and my second baby came out on Dr. Criglers watch. All great experiences though. If we ever move back to Georgia I will move mountains to get back in as their patient again. The Woodstock office was my favorite to go to.

Jess Mallow

This is by far the BEST OBGYN practice in the area. I had twin girls about two months ago, delivered by Dr. Haley (who is a miracle worker), & I would not suggest any other place to trust you & your growing babies with. I am so grateful for their team. They listen, they don’t treat you like a number or insurance check, they carefully monitor your pregnancy, & as long as we are in Georgia, I will not go anywhere else. You can trust them!

Penny Friend

I cannot say enough positive things about Dr Litrel and the staff at Cherokee Health. They’re truly above average regarding my comfort and well-being.

Rae Evans

Visit was to see Dr Haley to optimize my bioidentical hormones. He listened to me and heard my concerns. I was very impressed with how friendly and helpful the entire staff was. Highly recommended!!

Personal Care

I’m just really thankful to have an OB/GYN where I can call my doctor, receive a telephone call back and personal care over the phone and a prescription to an antibiotic within hours of my first phone call. Thank you!

Kelly Chappuis

After years of struggles with miscarriages, Dr. Crigler and Dr. GG helped me deliver a beautiful rainbow baby boy. They have a caring nature and wonderful bedside manner. I want to express the biggest gratitude to them for being my biggest cheerleaders the last few years.

Andra Haltinner

From the unexpected turn of events during the delivery of my first child throughout the postoperative period Dr. Clay has been amazing. She has made me feel confident and comfortable with my care. She is the first provider I have had in my life that makes time to attend to my care on days she wasn’t scheduled to be in office. I truly feel that my health and recovery are as important to Dr. Clay as it is to myself.

Dr. Litrel is the Absolute Best

Dr. Litrel is the absolute best! Would highly recommend Cherokee Women’s to anyone.

Maria Camacho

I loved everything about my appointment. All staff is so professional and nice. I would definitely recommend to all my family and friends.

Karla Reister

I would recommend Cherokee Women Healthcare to everyone with all women types they have so much to offer for all women issues and every professional experience. Give them a try you will not be disappointed.

I Feel Welcomed and Respected

Cherokee Women’s Health’s whole staff from receptionist to doctors are world class. Every time I come for a visit, they are always happy to see you. You feel welcomed and respected.

Hannah Purdy

I am 30 weeks pregnant and my experience has been amazing so far. This is my third baby and I feel at home and comfortable with all the staff.

Marta Caamano

Dr. Clay was amazing! She answered all my questions with kindness


I love the service here. Dr Gandhi is the best!!

Amazing Bedside Manner

Every single staff member that I have encountered have been absolutely amazing in their bedside manor and personality. Always smiling and so kind.

Marge Biggs

I just took my 16 year old granddaughter there-she really liked Dr. Gandhi and the staff- of course I waited outside in the waiting area, but thought everyone there was very pleasant and efficient. The appointment went fast- no waiting around which I liked! And Dr.Gandhi hand wrote a synopsis of the visit, which I appreciated.

Holly Doughty

I have been going here for about a year now. I was on the hunt to find the best baby delivery doctors and best doctors during my pregnancy since this was our first baby. I found Dr. Peahen Gandhi through the internet and read so many great reviews on her so I decided to have a meeting with her before we started trying to have a baby!! I feel in love with her the second she walked in the room, she didn’t rush me and sat down and talked to me for about 25 minutes and explained what all we needed to do to prepare for the new baby and how to try for the baby and what apps help. She was just so helpful. About 5 months after trying we are pregnant and I am now 27 weeks pregnant. I cant wait for Gandhi to delivery our baby boy!! She was been there for almost every appointment, giving us all the news and information we need to get prepared and giving me insight on all the pregnant testings I need to do throughout. I am so lucky to have found her. I highly recommend her to everyone I know trying or thats pregnant. I have met alot of doctors and she is BY FAR the BEST out there! Gandhi is full of sweetness, professional, no rushing, knowledgable, cares about you and your body and baby, funny, and not many doctors are like her!! 5 STARS ALL THE WAY.. 🙂

I’m expecting my first child in September so I have tons of questions and concerns. The doctors I’ve seen at Cherokee Women’s have answered all my questions and are very nice. I definitely recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Delaina McCoy

I have used Cherokee Woman’s since 2014 when I first became pregnant with my son! My experience has been just amazing! All of the staff are amazing, supportive, kind and caring!

Regina Fahey

I was very pleased with every aspect of my first visit with Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. I was referred by a hospital ER visit and was able to be seen the day after calling to schedule. The office staff was very friendly and professional. My wait time was minimal to be called back. My PA was kind and thorough in preparing me to see the doctor. I was very impressed with Dr. G.G. She was warm and reassuring when discussing my health issues. A+ on bedside manner and concern for her new patient. I would highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists to anyone looking for exceptional women’s healthcare.

Sara Orr

I am trying to conceive and went to Dr Haley with my concerns
Since I am almost 40. He helped put my mind at ease and gave me a plan to hopefully help me
Have a baby within the next year or so. If things go well.

Heather Fairchild

Post surgery I struggled with not responding to pain medication and having mastitis. Dr. Criggler was amazing! They got me in immediately and adjusted meds as needed. The staff made sure I was comfortable and well taken care of.

Midge Anderson

So happy I found this practice. The doctor spent more time with me and actually listened to my concerns. He was understanding, patient and kind.

Haley Rutledge

Robin Hurley was awesome for my check-up!! She answered all the questions I had and took her time to assure nothing was overlooked. Definitely recommend Robin and Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Amanda Ledford

I was diagnosed with a prolapsed uterus and bladder and was told I needed a hysterectomy. My doctor took the time to comfort me and answer all of my many many questions. I was totally surprised and not expecting to have to have a hysterectomy. I also had to have a thyroid ultrasound so she scheduled my ultrasound out of office so I could get both the ultrasound of the thyroid and the uterus/bladder all at once. I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Teresa Malouf

Dr. Ghandi is what every woman wants in gynecology.
Someone who understands without dismissing your questions and
Someone who is professional and offers all options to care, but understands you are
A human with feelings and intelligence. And most, someone
Who makes you feel that she is listening with patronizing.
Thank you Dr. Ghandi.

Haley Casey

Erica T. Celler

I will stay at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists as long as I live close enough to do so. Every doctor is awesome and I highly recommend using them for all of your women’s health needs.

Tara Wells

I have seen Dr. Hale for a few years since I have moved to Atlanta. She is extremely attentive and gives the type of care that I relish as a woman over 50.

Bridgette Toth

The front office staff member Michelle is so sweet and welcoming! I’ve been coming here for years and all the providers are wonderful. They delivered my son 6 years ago!

Kala Stiles

Love this practice! Dr. Hale is wonderful and comforting, and nurses and front staff are just as great.

Mia Smith

I recently relocated from Alabama to Canton, and my previous OBG/YN appointments would take 2 hours. I was in and out of Cherokee Women’s Specialist (Canton location) within less than an hour, maybe around 45 minutes total.

Valerie Sattler

While I did have to wait 45 minutes after my appointment time to see Dr. Ghandi, I did not mind because of the personal attention I received and I never felt like she was rushing. Worth the wait and I was informed by the staff upon check in and offered to see another doctor if I wanted to. They had a white board at the front desk giving the wait time for each doctor and they updated it each hour. I went to my car and made some work calls, not a big deal to get quality care and attention.

Kelly Hardin

The office staff were friendly and welcoming, and “patient care” began at my arrival. Dr. Haley’s Medical Assistant, Amaryllis I believe, was very caring and thorough with my visit prep. Dr. Haley was extremely caring and compassionate about a difficulty I’ve been dealing with, and effectively communicated with me about my treatment plan. He made sure that my concerns were addressed, my questions were answered, and told me to call if I needed anything, as he always does. I would absolutely recommend him, and had the opportunity to do so just yesterday. Thank you for the excellent care that you’re all providing!

Kailah Johnson

I’ve been going here for 11 years! By far the best doctors and staff!! If you’re looking for an office in the area you need to come here!

Angela Faucett

Got my ultrasound picture in the mail. That was very sweet that they did that. Now I have my first picture of my son. They are wonderful people and I’m glad that I have them as my caregiver.

Laura Bell

I’ve been going to Cherokee Women’s Health for many years. I’ve seen nearly every doctor and they are all fantastic. I saw Dr. GG for the first time and she’s awesome, too. I would expect nothing less!

Carrie Hill

The staff is amazing, very educating about anything you have a question about. The staff is also very professional and nice. They are great to be around!

Melissa Collver

From the very first visit they have helped and made me feel so relaxed and safe. Everyone does there job above and beyond. I will always recommend them.

Melanie Gravley

Cherokee Women’s has a great staff who keeps you informed and they’re quick on most days. I will not go anywhere else from now on. Dr. Clay is a very inelegant Doctor and happens to be my favorite. So far she has kept me updated and answers any of my questions in a way I completely understand them.

Brenda Franco

Paige Swain

I love my doctors!!! They are all so caring!! So caring that after my surgery Dr. Grigler came to visit me to see how I was healing!! Every doctor there puts the patients first!!! I recommend Cherokee Womens Health Specialist!!!!

K Sesh078

I have been coming here for my annual exams since our move from Virginia 4 years ago. I did a simple Google search and tried my luck. I knew it was going to be hard to replace my previous provider in NOVA because they were excellent and delivered both of my kids. So, no matter who I went to I was going to compare. However, Cherokee Women’s has exceptional providers and has exceeded all of my standards in what l look for in a doctor/practice and I don’t regret my decision! I have seen Dr. Ghandi (amazing), a midwife, and most recently the PA for exams. All have been fantastic. I will continue to go to them forever. ☺️

Bronson Lagardere

Michael Gecan

This was my first visit with Dr. Clay and I was very pleased. She was caring, and she was definitely interested in my health and well being. I’m so glad she is my doctor. Thank you for your help.”

Heather Wilkes

I couldn’t be more happy with this location, everyone was so nice and welcoming. They made sure to ask if I had and questions and concerns and they showed me they truly care about me and my pregnancy. All staff was absolutely amazing and welcome. Thank y’all so much and I continue to use y’all and let’s others know how amazing y’all are.

Sadie Waters

New to the area and looked forward to my first visit with what appeared to be a well rated office on Google. The receptionists at both the front desk and checkout desks were very nice. It was an hour after my scheduled appointment before I finally saw my doctor. I really liked what I read on her patient care page on the Cherokee Women’s Health website. Even though the Woodstock location is closer to where I live, I specifically went to the Canton office for Dr. Clay. She seemed like a lovely woman from the website, but for my exam it felt very rushed, she wasn’t very personable, she didn’t ask if I had any questions, and she didn’t talk about any of the different methods of birth control. Overall, I felt very rushed and unimpressed with the doctor, but the rest of the visit was worth four stars. My best guess is she is a very busy doctor and since it was toward the end of the day she was ready/rushing to go home.

Dr. Gandhi Took Her Time to Know Me

Dr. Gandhi was amazing. She was very friendly, took time to get to know me and ask questions concerning anything related to my appointment. I would highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health to any of my friends.

L Adri

I am not a patient at the office but my mother is . I have to say her visit went really good the doctor takes her time and listens to all the concerns . The ladies at check out were great and super helpful as to they spoke Spanish . Check in was ok the lady was not as friendly as she just stared at my mom when she answered in spanish But overall it was great and the nurse was very friendly as well . I would still highly recommend this office

Casey Addison

Love the environment. The staff here is great. Always friendly and communicates well with patients. Dr. Clay is very attentive to patient needs and takes out time to listen to any concerns you may have.

Cheryl Hardeman

Always an awesome experience! Dr. Litrel is a fantastic doctor, very caring and thorough.

amber reynolds

This place is AMAZING!!!! Feels like family when I walk in. Everyone is so kind. The nurses and doctors actually LISTEN. Dr. Haley helped me get back to feeling like me again. He is my true life HERO!!! I went from being in pain every day of my life to little to no pain. I know what’s going on with my body thanks to Dr. Haley. Other places I went to only wanted to treat with pain medication never tested to see what actually was wrong. Thank you CWHS. You are family to me and will not go anywhere else.

Jen Bruck

I love Dr Clay and Nicole. They are super supportive and listen to my concerns. Thank you

Kathleen Nault

Dr. Litrel is an excellent health care provider. I’ve been a patient for over 13 years and cannot imagine going to another Dr. I trust him and all of his staff.

Hope Mudd-Jones

I have been coming here for about 2 years or so now and the staff are just so amazing and very kind and never been negative nor rude so I highly recommend this to anyone that is wanting to be well taken care of

Shanda Mayo

Very caring and compassionate!

Mandy King

I love my Dr. very much. Dr. Gandhi and the staff are so wonderful here. Been going to her for years.

Karen Merritt

Love Dr Gandhi she is the best doctor ever. Her staff is also excellent. They are now by primary care doctors.

Lisa H

I’ve been going to this office for 14 years now and one word comes to mind when describing this place. Amazing! The staff and doctors are so kind and they always remember you when you go in. Shoutout to Dr. Gandhi who is truly an amazing dr. She is the sweetest and funniest dr I’ve ever been to and she treats you like a person and not just a patient. Keep up the great work!!!


I live in Buford, GA and travel over 50 miles just to see Dr. Litrel. He delivered both of my boys through complicated pregnancies and he understands the importance of not only holistic medical treatment, but “spiritual” medicine as well.

Katrina Barrett

I was surprised and thankful for the warmth and compassion Dr. Gandhi delivers. She spent more time with me with any previous doctors.

Jenny McBride

Dr. Litrell is amazing!!! My favorite doctor I have ever had. The entire staff has been great as well. I would highly recommend this practice to anyone!

Jennifer B

Staff was great. I had a relatively short wait in the very nice, clean waiting room. Ultrasound doctor/ nurse was pleasant. Dr. Crigler was informative, listened to my concerns, and seemed very caring.

Joanie Balderas

I love Cherokee Women’s and I highly recommend them for anybody looking for a very caring OBGYN!

Maggie Hutcheson

Dr Haley is the best, I’m really glad he’s my Dr.

Jessica Aloui

I have seen many doctors over the years and have never felt more comfortable then with Dr. Britton Crigler! Not only does he answers questions but he also educates you completely on anything relatable to you or the baby. Feeling important and cared for is extremely hard these days to find, so I am very grateful for the care and passion he places in his job. Cherokee women health in Canton is always attentive to any questions on appointments I need to make. 💯🙌🏻

Malaika Neferu

Dr. Ghandi was so lively and awesome. She listened to all my concerns, and eased all of my worries. I honestly love her and would love to keep her as my gyno! We’re blessed to have this woman care for us!
The staff was probably a bit busy, probably why I didn’t get the best greeting and assistance in the beginning.. in which I understand, however, overall 4 at the canton loc.

Sarah Stein

Everyone was super nice!!! I don’t mind driving 45 minutes when the office is so friendly!

Kathy Peterson

I have enjoyed the medical weight loss program. I feel like I have my own personal cheering squad that encourages me no matter which way the scale goes from week to week. On bad weeks they have tips and insights to help get me back on track. And on good weeks they provide positive feedback to keep me going.

e. natasha dunn

The waiting room was very busy, in fact the busiest I have ever seen it, so I was afraid I would be waiting significantly past my appt time but was pleasantly surprised that I was able to get in and out in a decent amount of time.

Chasity Lacy

Was referred here by a family member. I had used the same OB/GYN for over 10 years and was not happy with them anymore. I got in for an appointment the same day at Cherokee Women’s and saw Dr. Haley. I was very impressed with how thorough and attentive everyone was. The ladies at the checkout desk were awesome as well. I will be making them my primary OB/GYN.

Elizabeth Lemke

Outstanding staff! Dr. L is amazing!!!

Always Caring and Helpful

I love how knowledgeable the doctors are. Always caring and helpful! The scheduler is always very helpful in scheduling my appointments to meet my needs. She is a pleasure to talk to and willing to go above and beyond. I highly recommend CWHS!


I was impressed with how quickly I was given an appointment. I’ve seen a huge improvement with the customer service in the office staff. Way to go doctor Litrel. I would definitely recommend anyone to this office.

Stephanie Cook

Charlann “Star” Miller

Absolutely love Dr. Clay!! Excellent bedside manner, always so pleasant and willing to hear my questions and or concerns!!!

Jennifer Adams

Love Dr. Crigler! He is the best. Would recommend him to all my family and friends . I’d even tell strangers how great he is. Everyone in the office is wonderful and we’ve had great care since day one. We had care at a different office to start and switched due to insurance issues. It was the best thing that could have happened to our family. So thankful for that issue so we could come to Cherokee women’s and get treated by these the best doctors around.

Sunshine Porter

I’m reviewing based on my experience with Dr. Hale. The check in desk staff could have been a little friendlier, but I can see past that because my experience with Dr. Hale was so great, that it didn’t matter. Dr. Hale was quick and efficient, BUT still made me feel cared for and listened to. She’s very open and kind, and makes the awkward annual gynecological exam much less uncomfortable, haha! I really appreciated her more natural approach to care for the issues I was concerned with more than anything. It was SO refreshing! If you’re a more naturally minded woman seeking OB, or gynelogical care – she’s where it’s at for the Cherokee area!

Haley Roach

Ingrid Trachtenberg

Nicole Bennett

Can’t say enough good things about this practice. I have been going here for 12 years and have never had a bad experience! Love Love Love!

Chundra Gladney

Dr. Michael Litrel is one of the best doctors I’ve seen in a while. We’re a military family so our doctors change very frequently. He is very intelligent (well-informed in medical knowledge) and open to hearing your concerns. He has been great from day one.

Dr. Gandhi is Incredible!

Dr. Gandhi is incredible! This was my first wellness visit and she made me feel like we were best friends. I wish all doctors were as great as her!

Hannah Davis

Very happy with my first visit. Dr. Clay was very helpful, and I was in and out within an hour (including having a good bit of blood work completed).

Vanessa Hoeksema

My experience so far have been excellent. I’m so grateful for the way Dr. Clay treated me from day one. The practice is nice, personnel are very kind and caring. Just awesome!!

Sprinkled Glitter

Dr Litrel is the best DR! Very knowledgeable & thorough.

Wonderful Staff

This practice has such a wonderful staff. Especially Jody at the front desk, she is always very warm, welcoming and informative. Her customer service skills are amazing. Love this place!!!

julia Beck

Love the staff and of course Dr. Gandhi…She is an excellent doctor and I feel so comfortable discussing any issues with her!!!

Kristin Arena

Love love love this office it’s nothing but happy people and I love that I always feel welcomed when i come in my questions are always answered! 😍😍 thanks for everything

Thelma Cagle

I’m glad I returned to Cherokee Women’s. It was worth the extra drive time to be seen in a timely fashion and to have someone actually listen to my concerns.

Kathie K

Most caring and kind staff of any doctor’s office I have ever visited. Dr. Ghandi actually takes whatever time is necessary with her patients.

Dr. Gandhi Listens!

Dr. Gandhi is the first doctor that has actually listened to my concerns. She makes me feel like I am a person and not just another patient on the list.

Stephanie Nash

I’ve been coming here for about 6 years now and I have always been impressed with the doctors, nurses, and receptionists! This will be my first experience with maternity here and I am looking forward to it! So far they have taken fantastic care of me, whether it’s over the phone or in the office! Thank you for all that you do!

Candace Fairley

Staff is always so friendly and prompt. Each person always makes me feel heard and important, even when they are busy. I never feel rushed or dismissed. The phlebotomist is the best I’ve ever encountered. She is always so kind and reassuring. She makes you feel so comfortable and is great at finding the vein the first time around. 4 out of 5 times I’ve had her take my blood she has done it in a way that I didn’t even feel the needle! I love the staff here and how clean they keep the facility. Definitely a great clinic!

Makeup BY Ashley

Amazing staff and doctors. This clinic delivered both my babies Dr Crigler and Viki!!! I always know I’m going to have a great experience when I come here for a check up or prenatal care! I always recommend them to my friends and family

Jessica Yarber

I absolutely love this place, Ruth is amazing and super nice, I love how majority of the staff is willing to talk to you and interact with each other. I have also seen Dr. Hale, she is very nice as well. I wish this staff was available to be my primary care provider instead of just an OBGYN.

Mimi Pigue

I love the staff, especially Dr Gandhi. I would not think about going to any other facility for my career.

Sally Maddox

Dr. Haley is a wonderful provider. I have been seeing him for over 25 years. I have some underlying health issues and he takes those into consideration when dealing with any new issues. He listens to me and my concerns.

Brittany Lacy

I love Dr. Litrel. He is an amazing doctor and never quits until he finds the problem.

Jackie Taylor

I absolutely love this practice! The care and concern they show towards my cysts and abdominal pain is exactly what I wanted and what I wasnt receiving from my last obgyn- who I had been seeing for 11 years and delivered all 3 of my children.
This office is the change I needed when it comes to my healthcare.

Jenna L G

Have been going here for almost 3 years. And never get disappointed. They are there to help, they are honest and they care. Its the best place to go to and i refer this company to all my female collegues. Always recommended

My Doctor is the Absolute Best

I have had many different OB/GYN doctors but my doctor at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists is the absolute best! Great attitude, very polite, answers your questions and concerns and knows what he is talking about! I highly suggest anyone looking for an all around great doctor to go to Cherokee Women’s! I’ve already sent 2 people myself! Staff is very friendly as well!

Kim sweely

Pleasant, prompt, and thorough

Mona Carson

I love Dr.Gandhi and her staff, they offer excellent health care and very professional and caring environment. I would definitely not suggest but recommend Cherokee Women’s Center.

Linda Johnson

I love Dr. Crigler and have great confidence in his management of my personal health situation. I have always found CWHS to have a great staff and environment. Not only will I refer people to CWHS in the future, I have done so in the past and some of my friends & family are patients there now too!

The Sewing Bratt

WOODSTO Location: Very wonderful. I love Dr. Litrel and you would too. He’s very kind and he listens to your concern. The front desk staff is AWESOME. CANTON Location: Even better!!!

selda ozbek

Dr. Litrel and his staff are amazing. I was always at ease and was welcomed each time I went to see him. He is very knowledgeable and takes his time in the room with you. Most doctors I have seen always seem to rush in and out. Not Dr. Litrel, he answers all your questions and concerns thoroughly. If I could give him 10 stats, I would.

Jackie Marie

Dr. Litrel is an amazing doctor! He never makes me feel rushed or like my concerns are unimportant. He takes his time to listen and makes me feel comfortable and at ease going to his office. I recently had a procedure done and he was there talking to me while I got put to sleep and there when they woke me back up making sure I was okay and didn’t feel nervous. He is very intelligent and always explains everything in detail so you don’t leave feeling confused. His bedside manner is also fantastic which is usually something you don’t get when you find a doctor as informative and knowledgeable as he. You can really tell he cares about the well being of his patients and wants to help with any issues you are having. I am so happy to have found this office because he is a really awesome GYN doctor.

Hannah Kea

Best Obgyn practice out there. Over the last 5 years I have moved further and further away yet I make the drive to my pre natal appointments because I know I will not be able to find service like what they provide. The doctors are very personable and carrying about my specific needs and wants. I feel respected there and listened too. The front desk is excellent as well. No one is ever too busy for you there.

Pedro Raymundo

(Translated by Google) I recommend them

Los recomiendo

Liz Gueguen

Excellent experience starting from the friendly receptionist, sweet and friendly medical assistance and of course Dr. Gandhi. I would highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Specialists to my friends.

Liz Gueguen 11-7-2016

Karl & Michele Smith

Dr.Litrel is truly an amazing doctor who listens!

Marquita Greene

I saw Dr. Crigler for the first time and was very happy with him. He took time to answer my questions and made me feel very comfortable.

Linda Acevedo

You guys are awesome example of what health care should look like. Thank you!


Been going here for 2 years. Never has failed me in any support

Michelle Paul

Dr. Hale is a wonderful OB/GYN. I’ve used Cherokee Women’s for all 3 of my pregnancies and the staff, Midwives and Doctors have been wonderful for all of them. Dr. Litrel delivered my 1st and Dr. Hale delivered my 2nd and she is my primary OB too. I’m expecting my 3rd any day now. I had early complications with my first two including bleeding early on, and the doctors were wonderful at getting me in immediately to get an ultrasound and blood work as sometimes something like a low hormone can cause a miscarriage (and they could have prescribed it if needed). My bleeding cause was different and needed light activity for one pregnancy and partial bedrest for another before it resolved – but just having them bring me right in and find out the cause was very helpful during a very upsetting time of fearing I could lose a baby. My pregnancies were then smooth. They have easily allowed me informed consent during labor, I was able to eat/drink as needed vs being restricted to outdated ice chips (I’m not at high risk for c/s and didn’t have an epidural while eating/drinking), I was allowed to keep an IV access (without the drip) vs an IV throughout labor and was allowed freedom of movement and shower/bath during labor with only intermittent monitoring (I’ve been low risk). I love that I have had these freedoms, which are beneficial to women in labor, and my requests for these freedoms has been respected.

OlderBolderMommy !

Dr. Hale was thoughtful and attentive throughout my pregnancy. As an older first time mom she picked up on my insecurities and asked if she could be the one to see me exclusively until it was required that I see a couple other doctors “just in case”. She took time with me during each visit to not only ask questions but to answer all of mine as well. All through my pregnancy people commented at how laid back and calm I was and I credit her with much of that feeling. She also swapped shifts to come back to the hospital after I had the baby to make sure things were to her satisfaction. I would definitely recommend Dr. Hale to anyone looking for an OBGYN.

Tracey Stepler

I am happy with my visit. Dr. Litrel was very professional when I saw him. He really took the time to answer my questions in a way that I could understand. I did not feel rushed like in some other offices I have been to. Thank you for helping me.

Xandy Lundberg

Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I felt very comfortable and not just another number/patient like at other practices.


I am thrilled to be back with Cherokee Women’s! My experience is exceptional! The entire staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and genuine. Going to the gynecologist is rarely something a woman looks forward to. Still, it is very comforting to know that the entire experience will be professional, and quick with staff members who truly care about your health and wellness!

Dr. Phillips is Amazing!

Dr. Phillips is amazing! In fact, the entire staff is!

Whitney Parks

One of the best visits I’ve had with a doctor ever! I was very impressed especially after coming from a really bad experience at my last OB/GYN.

Karen Tanner

The best place for your needs. I brought a book and for the waiting room and didn’t get to read 1 page. Dr Z came in as quick. Excellent doctor.

Kia T

Everyone was really great and professional, and everything went smoothly!

Whitley Hunter

I loved the staff very knowledgeable helped me with my needs and really listened to my problems. I would definitely recommend

Fix Your Crown LLC.

I’ve been to both locations for several years now and I’m always so satisfied with the doctors as well as staff, the doctors are so informative and they take their time with you making sure all your questions if any are all answered before you leave the office… Love it here 🥰

Joanne Trivett

Dr. Haley is awesome. He is talented and I trust him. I am so thankful to have a dr. As great as he is

Kelsey McLoughlin

Everyone is very nice and helpful, but there’s no cell service or public wifi so I was having trouble looking up the address of my pharmacy. Would definitely recommend, and they listened to all my concerns.

I Love Cherokee Women’s

I have been coming here for a while, and I love it! The staff is great, and they do the best they can to get you in and out even though it’s usually pretty busy.

Lea Belback

This doctor’s office. My daughter had an emergency where I had to see someone for help for her. The doctor’s office I went to would not be able to work her in but this doctor’s office was willing to do that. My issue with my daughter was taken very seriously and with great concern for the doctors and for the office staff. This doctor’s office exceeded all expectations for me and my daughter. I highly recommend this place because this is just not a doctor’s office this is people that truly do care and take their oath’s very seriously. We will definitely be coming back and this will be my doctor’s office too as well in the future.

Kaitlin mj

I love Cherokee womens they are the best caring, informative, supportive, and over all they are about you and the joys that you may bring into the world but over all they are the most trust worthy of people who don’t judge you but let you know they are there for you

Claudia Bridges

I moved during the middle of my pregnancy which was very stressful, but Cherokee Women’s Health made the transition so much easier for me! They always got me in for my appointments promptly and everyone there is very friendly! This was my first pregnancy and Courtnay and Taylor were so awesome. I saw one of them for almost all of my appointments and they were both very patient and listened to all my concerns and answered every question I had and never made me feel rushed. It was such an amazing experience! Dr. Zhukova was the doctor on call that delivered my baby (this morning actually) and she is AMAZING!! It went so smooth and she made me feel so comfortable during such a stressful time and it was a busy night where she had other deliveries and I still felt like a priority to her. You can tell she really cares about her patients! Overall I highly recommend this place based on my personal experience!

kay lee

I just so happened to see the updated physician email come in not sure what made me click but very sad to see DR.Crigler is gone?? Why where did he go? The five star is for him. He delivered my first baby he made me feel the most comfortable out of all the Dr.’s I have seen there. he cared about my concerns too and gave me many options.

I’m Feeling Better!

I have been nothing but pleased with coming here! Courtnay Staab and her team are absolutely amazing. She has listened to every concern, and has set me up on the right path to feeling better. I am so thankful I have found a place that listens to me and looks for a solution, that is hard to come by!

Hannah Davis

I came in today not feeling well and Brooke and Courtney were wonderful. For the life of me, I can’t remember the name of the MA who was assisting Courtney, but she was wonderful too. It was a fast trip, they got me in and out and listened to my concerns. When you don’t feel well, you just want to go home, and I feel like the respected my time and got me what I needed. Super grateful for them! ❤️

Zaporia Askew

I’m 4mos pregnant!! I’m here for an OB appointment!! They’re amazing here!!! Everyone is polite! The wait is never ridiculous. Having my last baby, was so smooth Dr Crigler, was encouraging and very patient. CHEROKEE WOMENS WOODSTOCK IS WONDERFUL!!

Megan Cole

Dr. Gigi and her team are WONDERFUL!!! I’m always called back on time. They make me feel welcomed, and always answer my questions without making me feel rushed. They are the best!!

Kelly Wiechard

CWHS was an incredible experience…and we don’t get to say that often about going to a gynecologist! From helping me get an appointment that was convenient—and within days—to making me feel welcome when I got there, I couldn’t have asked for more from the staff. And Dr. Litrel spent an unbelievable amount of time explaining the procedure I was there for as well as other options…no rushing through the appointment or the process. Really impressed with the whole practice and was definitely in worth the hour+ drive there.

Lexi Dudenhoeffer

I have been coming to the Woodstock location for 3 years. I always feel heard, welcome, and comfortable. Dr. Criggler saved me from a downward spiral I was experiencing with a very imbalanced cycle. His kind and gentle manner paired with his patience makes him an excellent Gyn. I recommend Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Meghan Price

Staff is super friendly. Dr. Ghandi thoroughly and patiently answered all of my questions. The lab was very quick and friendly as well.


All staff were very kindly ,They gave me a polite explanation .Thank you very much.

Amazing Experience

I had such an amazing experience here! I came here for my birth control and I have not had any problems. The medical professionals are so efficient and know what they are doing. They are the sweetest people too. Definitely recommend Cherokee Women’s of Woodstock!!

Rachel Mez

Everyone is so nice and respectful here! Definitely does not feel like you are just a number like some other doctors offices.

Kodi Carnes

I have always had a wonderful experience here the staff and the Doctors are really nice! Also very clean!!

Meagan Borum

I’ll be moving soon and having to transfer to another OB and office in my 3rd trimester, but I’m definitely sad that I have to. I love CWH @woodstock! Everyone has been so nice from front desk to Melinda in lab and all of the MAs, nurses, OBs, PAs, midwives, etc!

Misty Richmond

I have been here quite a few times and all the staff are excellent! I seen Dr. Gandhi and she is the sweetest! Unlike most doctors she sat and talked with me and did not act like she was in a rush to go to the next patient. I highly recommend going here!

Megan Grace

I went here for my first appointment and they were very friendly. My doctor is Dr. Ghandi and she was amazing and i highly recommend her

Brittany Kreider

I’ve been a patient of CWHS for 10+ years and have never had a bad experience. All the providers and staff are friendly and welcoming. Would highly recommend this practice for all your OB and GYN needs.

sara saulsbury maxpumkin

had a good visit. with dr crigler at the Woodstock office.


I have been going to this OB/GYN for two years now and they have always been incredible. Dr. Crigler delivered my baby and that was my quickest delivery! He was accurate and very helpful. In fact, every staff member I’ve come across there has been just wonderful and pleasant, making every experience a lot easier than it would have been elsewhere, most likely.

Ellie Van Gordon

Always feel cared for and well informed here. Dr. Litrel certainly has a passion for women’s health. He turned an embarrassing issue into one of comfort for me. I appreciate the kindness and helpfulness of the staff as well. I feel I’m in very good hands here. Thank you all!

Melissa Tripsas

I am so glad I was referred to Dr. Gandhi! She is truly phenomenal! I was literally impressed from the start of visit all the way to the end. The platform they use to fill out new patient forms online was flawless. I was pleasantly surprised to be taken to the back timely and within minutes of arriving for my appointment. The office is clean and COVID safe. The entire team is so nice and friendly and make you feel right at home! The best part… Dr. Gandhi is the sweetest, knowledgeable and down to earth doctor I have ever met! Took the time to actually speak to me as a person and understood what I was going through. I cannot wait for her to deliver my babies as soon as my husband and I are pregnant and I am very thankful to have her join my journey of getting there!

Jessalyn Barrett

Cherokee Women’s is a wonderful practice. I go to either location, either Woodstock or Canton. The staff and nurses are excellent. I’ve been seeing Dr. Gandhi for about 10 years now and can’t imagine leaving my health in any other person’s hands. She’s helped me through two surgeries and now my first pregnancy (twins) and I am much more calm with her in my corner. Her nurse Jourdan is amazing and is so incredibly helpful. Both are compassionate, caring, and truly listen to what is going on in order to determine the best course of action. I would highly recommend this practice for your health needs!

Nikki Raymond

It is clear that Dr. Litrel is very caring. The ultrasound room was very inviting and comfortable. The ultrasound nurse/tech was very communicative and caring.

Paula Weir

I cannot express how grateful I am to have found Dr. Litrel. I watched his videos and read everything I could find about him before making the short drive from Chattanooga to Woodstock to meet him. I was embarrassed to be seeing a doctor for my issues. The staff were all very friendly. I was still very anxious about meeting him. He walked into the room and spoke to me in a way no other doctor ever has. He truly has compassion for women. He explained to me why things were the way the are. He reassured me he is going to help me get my confidence back. After my consultation today, I am looking forward to and trusting him to perform my surgery.

Sandra Grannum Ebanks

Dr. Gandhi is one of the best OB/GYNS in the office. She has a great bedside manner and treats everyone equally.

They Get Me In and Out Quickly

The staff at Cherokee Women’s Health are so nice! They get me in and out as quickly as possible. Also, they are on top of staying safe during this pandemic. Just overall, a wonderful place to go to!!

Paveena Callozzo

I’ve has a pleasant experience here all throughout my prenatal visits during the pandemic. I appreciated that Dr. GG was open to answering my long list of questions. She respected my wishes of wanting a natural unmedicated birth experience and offered good tips. I recommend getting a chance to visit with all the PAs, midwives, and OBs here and at canton.

Shelley Cartwright

I love all the Dr’s here, I drive an hour away because I trust no one else with my babies and health.

Maria Camacho

I am very happy with my experience at Cherokee woman’s health specialist. Ever since the Covid 19 started they have been very professional and have maintained everything so clean. Their app are very professional. As soon as you get their they take your temperature and call you back so you are not exposed to other patients. They require face masks at all times and their is plenty of hand sanitizer at all times. All their drs and staff are so sweet and answered any questions I had. I would definitely recommend.

Marlee Byrd

All of the staff here are wonderful! They carefully explain everything to you. I have never had an issue with them!

Mallory Britt

This was my first visit as a new patient. It was so nice to be seen in a timely manner. The staff was very friendly and took their time talking with me about all my questions and concerns. Feeling great about making the switch to this office.

Salina O

Consummate professionals – from appointment to check-in to consult. After researching a physician for about five months, I am so happy to have found Dr. Litrel and his team. Dr. Litrel looks at patient care from a holistic lens. I was looking for a physician that was honest, experienced, and had the expertise to take care of my complex problem. After my consult, I was overwhelmed. I knew I found a very special place.

Amber Armstrong

Dr. Litrel is the best OB/GYN I have ever had. He has helped me more in the past year and a half than any other OB/GYN ever has. He has incredible bedside manor, is truly caring and compassionate and treats you as if you were his own family. I have the upmost respect and trust for him. Truly the best.

Ivan Sidoruk

Great staff and nurses they take good care of my wife zara 🙂

Always Recommend

The Cherokee Women’s Health staff are wonderful! They are attentive, caring and always address my concerns. I always recommend this office to friends and family members, and they have always had equally positive experiences.

kaylee Tarr

Dr. Gandhi is the absolute beat and completely worth a little wait.

Jeneane Sessum

Dr. Litrell has helped me for more than a decade navigate the challenges of fibroids, ovarian cysts, and more. Great surgeon and caring physician.

Kelley Wenzel

After decades of driving an hour across Atlanta to a provider I’ve seen for years, I took a friend’s recommendation to come closer to home and see Dr. Ghandi. I’m so glad I did and wish I hadn’t waited so many years to make the switch. Dr. Ghandi was fantastic! She listened. She didn’t judge. She talked to me like a friend. She made each of my visits so much less stressful and I could not be more appreciative to now be one of her patients!

farrah kennedy

I love Dr. Gandhi. It was an instant feeling of connection and caring. The staff is great too.

Definitely Recommend!

I recently changed insurance and needed to find a new practice. I saw Courtnay for an annual exam and she was wonderful! She listened to any concerns I had and was to the point while also being very pleasant. I would definitely recommend her! I maybe waited 5 minutes in the reception area and 5 minutes in the exam room. Also, the receptionist I spoke with on the phone as well the one I spoke with when I first arrived were both very kind and helpful. Overall a great experience!

Not a One-Size-Fits-All

I love Dr. Litrel. He listens and he is definitely not a one-size-fits-all provider.

Grateful for Courtnay Staab

I’m super grateful that I found this office and Courtnay Staab. I had been seeing a doctor for over a year in a different state and she never resolved the issue that Courtnay was able to improve in 3 appointments. I always feel like she is listening and considering everything I say. I would definitely recommend her if someone I knew was looking for OB/GYN care.

Minnie Ven

I’ve been coming to this office for my prenatal checks since I found out I was pregnant in May. Nothing but good things to say about this office. I am always in and out, always greeted as soon as I walk in and I haven’t met one unpleasant employee. I hate getting bloodwork done but the nurse (I get the same one every time, she has tattoos on her arms but I can never remember her name) makes it go by so easy and almost painless (because let’s face it who likes getting stuck?). The ultrasound tech is also the bomb. She’s so helpful and delightful when it comes to seeing the baby on the huge TV in the room. My husband and I love this place, will definitely recommend it to my family and friends and can not wait to deliver our daughter in February 2020. Keep up the good work ladies and gents!!!

Dr. Haley is a Fantastic Doctor

Dr. Haley is a true professional. Very kind and easy to speak with about any topic. Highly recommend.

Dr. Litrel Listens and Cares

I was a patient at Cherokee Women’s before moving out of state. After trying a couple of new GYNs in the new state, I found my way back here. Dr. Litrel is more than a physician, but a professional in every way, as well as caring person. He takes his time and does not rush visits. He listens and he cares. He is truly the best and I will make my way back to Georgia to remain under his care as long as possible.

Dr. Litrel Put Me at Ease

I saw Dr. Litrel for the first time this week, and he was very kind and professional. No woman is excited to do their yearly checkup, but he put me completely at ease. Everything was painless and easy. Definitely plan on going to him again for future checkups!

John Whitley

Dr. Haley is the best!

Rebeca Andreasen

Best OB/GYN group in Georgia!!! I went to 3 different doctors when I moved to Georgia and had horrible experiences till I found Cherokee Women’s Health. I’ve been going there for 2 years now and I recommend! And if you are pregnant you can definitely trust them! I had a wonderful experience in May when they delivered my little princess. If you are looking for a group that treats you well, listens to you, explains the procedures and respects your choices, I definitely recommend Cherokee Women’s Health!

Ricky Patel

Dr. Gandhi was great.

Jay Lewis

They are very helpful and nice. This is the 3rd baby and it’s always a pleasant visit. The staff is perfect and very comforting.

Sarah Hill

Dr. Gandhi is the absolute BEST! She has been my doctor for several years. She listens and is genuinely concerned for me as a patient. I have been a patient in several different practices over the past 45 years but once I found Dr. Gandhi, I will never see anyone else.”

Jasmine Dernehl

This is a truly wonderful group of amazingly caring doctors and nurses! I came to them after my first doctor closed his business when I was 5 months pregnant. They took me in and everyone was so nice and caring. I had my baby at Northside Hospital Cherokee. I LOVED the whole experience. The doctors knew just what to do and I felt that I was in the best hands for the birth of my child.

Kate Wright

Dr. Litrel is amazing. I went to him as a specialist and planned to return to my regular OB but have changed my mind. I’ll make the extra drive because of the level of trust he has developed with me. I have never known a doctor who makes himself so accessible to his patients. He tells you how it is but in a nice, caring and respectful way, which I appreciate. I highly recommend him and the practice as a whole. Very professional across the board.

Yasmine Esawy

Dr. Gandhi is awesome. She seriously has helped me so much throughout the 5 years I’ve been seeing her. She has also been taking care of my sister for years before me. She rocks and she is the best. All the staff is very helpful and super friendly and nice.

Eve Crouter

The team at Cherokee Women’s Health has gone above and beyond taking care of me as a new patient coming in at the end of my pregnancy. They answer all of my questions and concerns and whenever I call them with an inquiry someone answers me, I do not think I have gone to their voicemail system as of yet, someone always answers me, be it the front desk or a nurse.

Dr. Gandhi Held My Hand

I was referred to Dr. Gandhi and my first time meeting her was a delight. She was so sweet, patient and caring. I had to get blood taken and I have a huge fear of needles and she held my hand the whole time. Yeah, I know; what grown woman is afraid of needles… I am lol. I live in Duluth but have made the choice to make her my permanent OB/GYN and travel to Woodstock because of her! I have never been excited to go to a follow-up appointment ever but I am. Her aura just makes you feel at ease and as if you’re talking to an educated friend instead of a doctor. I LOVE YOU DR. GANDHI, AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

Excellent Bedside Manner

I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s Health to every woman in need of OB/GYN care. The staff is consistently pleasant and welcoming. My doctor was so caring, just as if she were treating one of her family members. Her bedside manner is par excellence. I promise you will not be disappointed.

I’ve had the best experience with Cherokee Women’s! My doctor was Jim Haley and he was one of the best and with my 3rd on the way, I’m coming back all the way to Canton to have Dr. Haley deliver my baby (although I live 50 miles away).

Dree Lay

This place was a godsend. I’m going through my first pregnancy which is scary but having doctors and a staff that are absolutely kind and caring takes so much worry off your mind. I know i made the best choice by going with Cherokee Women’s Health. I have not had one bad experience. Everyone is so lovely and amazing. This place is truly a blessing. I’ve dealt with some bad OB/GYNs in my life and after visiting this place I’ll never go anywhere else. Thank you to everyone who is an employee!! You’ve made my time in your office such a wonderful experience.

They Listened and Fixed My Problem

I had gone to many OB/GYNs. I have had problems for 17 years and everyone thought I was too young for problems…blah blah!! The very first visit with Dr. Litrel, he sat with me for as long as I had questions and answered every one and came up with a plan. Needless to say, I feel better already knowing someone cares enough and knows how to fix it!! I will never change to another OB/GYN as long as this office is open!

Jennifer B

Dr. Gandhi is wonderful! Both locations have great staff. The wait times are reasonable. The facilities are clean.

Glenda Rector

Dr. Gandhi is so warm and caring. She’s the best doctor I’ve ever had and if she’s not available, I postpone until she is. I love Dr. Gandhi. Thank you so much for always being YOU!

They’re the Best

The staff and the doctors here are the best! From the front desk, to the medical assistants, to the providers, you are treated with respect and kindness. I highly recommend Cherokee Women’s.

Dr. Flora Williams Anders

Our family was guided to Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists in Woodstock, Georgia for my daughter’s first pregnancy. The advantage of having a specialized, diverse and experienced medical team available to care for my daughter during her pregnancy, delivery and post delivery care gives us great comfort. With the recent increase in childbirth problems for young women, our community is blessed to have a medical center with a reputation for excellence in delivering babies and caring for the needs of all its mothers. There is never a wait when we arrive for appointments at Cherokee Women’s. The couple is welcomed and embraced as a team in the care for the mother and in the delivery plan, and most importantly, the doctors are genuine, well-trained and they know how to laugh. They bring their humanity to the most amazing miracle a women will ever experience. God bless the doctors and staff at Cherokee Women’s Health in Woodstock.

Kara Adams

Cherokee Women’s is amazing! They delivered my baby and were great through the entire process. I had a great experience with every doctor I saw at the office. Absolutely recommend to anyone needing an OB/GYN!

I’ve Been a Patient for Years

I’ve been going to this office for years and is the best experience. The wait time is never too long and the staff is so sweet. My favorite is Dr. Gandhi. She makes you feel so comfortable and is such a pleasure! I recommend Cherokee Women’s to everyone I know.

They Truly Care

Everyone in this practice is so great and professional! They care enough to call you back when they say they are going to and are always able to get you an appointment that works with your schedule.

Amazing Docs and Staff

Amazing staff and amazing doctors. They have taken great care of me and my crazy hormones.

My Doc Was Smiley and Optimistic

I had my first visit today at Cherokee Women’s. I was very relieved to find it to be a great experience. The staff was friendly, helpful and made you feel comfortable. My doctor answered all my questions and made the exam as fast and easy as possible. She was smiley and optimistic, which is so important in this environment. Thank you for taking care of me!

Nicole Majer

I’m new to the area and chose this practice for my recent pregnancy and could not be happier with my decision! The entire staff from the front desk to the nurses and doctors are wonderful and I cannot say enough good things about my doctor! He always has a smile on his face and always made me feel comfortable and well informed during my appointments and recent C-section. Also, my recovery from the C-section was sooo much easier this time (vs. previous one) and I believe it’s because of my doctor! A million thanks to Cherokee Women’s and the entire practice for a smooth pregnancy and delivery!

Amazing Doctors and Staff

Could not imagine a more supportive doctor’s office than Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists. Dr. Litrel and Dr. Gandhi are the absolute BEST. The rest of the doctors are wonderful as well! The front office staff and nurses are also amazing.

Heather O’Donnell

I have been using this practice since 2013 and as long as I live in this area and continue to receive the sort of care they have provided thus far, this will be the ONLY practice I will trust. They delivered all three of our children. They are each so kind and so concerned with the health of their patients and my family is forever grateful to my doctor and the rest of the team for seeing us through three healthy pregnancies and deliveries!

Deanna P

Dr. Litrel is amazing! I saw him for all four of pregnancies. He did four C-sections for me and they all went perfectly. I would recommend him to anyone. I just love him and the staff. The best OB/GYN around!

Would Recommend to Anyone

Dr. Litrel is amazing. He is a wonderfully compassionate doctor and the office staff is very efficient and helpful. Would recommend to anyone.

My Surgical Needs Were Exceeded

Dr. Haley and his office were knowledgeable, thorough and empathetic. I felt I picked the best doctor to do my surgery. My needs were not just met, they were exceeded. Thank you to Dr. Haley and staff for making my hysterectomy a good experience.

Jillian Payne

Dr. Litrel is awesome. Informative, helpful and reassuring. So glad I was referred to this office!

My Faith is Restored

Dr. Litrel is the best!!!!! He made me comfortable and explained everything to my husband. He restored my faith from a horrible experience with a gynecologist.

The Doctors Really Listen

It’s so, so very difficult to move and leave one’s trusted OB/GYN, as was my case when I left Long Island for Cherokee County a few years ago. But Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists has such outstanding and award-winning doctors that the switch was easy. Above all else, the doctors really listen and are interested in the patient before them, and as such, offer the highest level of care. I’ve seen Dr. Gandhi. She is a brilliant, amazing woman who is protective of her patients and clearly passionate about her life’s work. The ladies at the front desk of both the Woodstock and Canton offices are friendly and efficient, as are the MAs.

CNP Reviews

Wonderful doctors and staff! They genuinely care about you as a patient. I’ve been going to this practice for more than 5 years now and had my first baby in 2014. The entire experience from pregnancy to delivery couldn’t have been better! From my personal health to my child’s, I truly appreciate everything that this practice has done for me!

Dr. James Haley is a Great Doctor

Dr. James Haley is a great doctor and the staff is very friendly. I’ve been going to Cherokee Women’s for almost 3 years, they’re awesome.

Highly Recommend

Everyone was awesome! The doctor alone was great with the follow-up and staying in touch with me until I healed. Right from the beginning of my first contact with the office, everyone was very professional and accommodating. They have your best health as their concern. Highly recommend them.

Love My New Doctor

I had to seek out a new GYN after my old one refused to do a proper Pap smear after 4 years. I saw Dr. Gandhi, who actually listened to my concerns. She listened to me more in 20 min than my old GYN did in 7 years. I’m lucky to have found Dr. Gandhi and the entire staff at Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists.

Haley King

Had a great experience with the front staff and Dr. Haley! Everyone is very welcoming and made me feel safe during my procedure. Dr. Haley listened to all of my concerns and made me feel comfortable. Dr. Z has also been amazing throughout my pregnancy. Couldn’t recommend Cherokee Women’s more!

Kaitlin mj

The best baby doctors I know. They have been around for me since 2009 and I wouldn’t go anywhere else. They are very patient with your needs and very informative with every question you have. They are the number 1 in my eyes and will always be!

Professional Yet Personable

All of the staff were very friendly and polite. Dr. Haley is very attentive and professional yet personable. I was in and out very quickly. It was a pleasure! Keep up the great work!

Dr. Gandhi is Simply the Best

I have been a patient of this practice for 20 years. Dr. Gandhi is wonderful in mannerism, professionalism and expertise. Simply the best. Everyone in the office is a very nice as well. They have multiple locations and they all make you feel at home. You can feel comfortable talking about anything and confident that you’re going to get the best care.

Jess Mallow

This is by far the BEST OB/GYN practice in the Atlanta area. I had twin girls about two months ago, delivered by Dr. Haley (who is a miracle worker), and I would not suggest any other place to trust you and your growing babies with. I am so grateful for their team. They listen, they don’t treat you like a number or insurance check, they carefully monitor your pregnancy, and as long as we are in Georgia, I will not go anywhere else. You can trust them!

Loved Everything

I loved everything about my appointment. All the staff is so professional and nice. I would definitely recommend them to all my family and friends.


Fantastic place to go for all women’s health needs. Was very pleased with everyone who helped me.

I’ve Been a Patient for 11 Years

I’ve been going to Cherokee Women’s for 11 years By far the best doctors and staff!! If you’re looking for a great OB/GYN, you need to come here.

I Love This Place!

I love this place! The ultrasound technician through both pregnancies was phenomenal! My doctor is so sweet and puts you right at ease, despite being a male doctor (which I’m always nervous about and try to get female doctors for this appt). And the midwife was awesome delivering my first born! Great office (in Canton). The front desk ladies are also always nice!

Dr. Litrel Listens

Dr. Litrel listened to my concerns and desires. I am a 70 year old recurring ovarian cancer patient that wants to continue normal intimacy with my husband. The chemo has caused loss of sensation in the lady parts. Dr. Litrel offered a few options to try. I am trying the ThermiVa first. So thankful for a doctor who believes in improving your quality of life at any age.

I’m So Grateful for Cherokee Women’s

I saw all of the doctors at some point during my pregnancy and they were all wonderful! We’re so grateful for their expertise and kindness, and want them to deliver our future babies!

I Refer My Friends and Family

I love my doctor and have great confidence in his management of my personal health situation. I have always found Cherokee Women’s to have a great staff and environment. Not only will I refer people to CWHS in the future, I have done so in the past and some of my friends and family are patients there now too!

I Felt Seen and Heard

Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I felt very comfortable and not just another number/patient like at other practices.

The Entire Staff is Phenomenal

I am thrilled to be with Cherokee Women’s! My experience is exceptional. The entire staff is friendly, knowledgeable and genuine. Going to the gynecologist is rarely something a woman looks forward to but it is very comforting to know that the entire experience will be professional, quick, and with staff members who truly care about your health and wellness!

Dr. Phillips is Amazing

Dr. Phillips is amazing! In fact, the entire staff wis excellent.

Best Visit Ever

One of the best visits I’ve had with a doctor ever! I was very impressed, especially after coming from a really bad experience at my last OB/GYN.

Trustworthy and Supportive

I love Cherokee Women’s. They are the best in terms of being caring, informative and supportive. They are the most trustworthy of people who don’t judge you, but let you know they are there for you.

I Feel at Home

Moving to Georgia from South Carolina and only ever having one other doctor, I was extremely nervous about going to another OB/GYN but the reviews were awesome so I took a chance. The nurses and the doctors were all so nice and patiently answered all my questions about my high-risk pregnancy. I’m so excited about my journey with Cherokee Women’s.

10 Out of 10

I am absolutely terrified of needles and had to have my blood taken yesterday. The sweet lady who took my blood was absolutely amazing at her job. Not only did she tell a story to help distract and comfort me, she made sure I was okay. She made the experience 100% better and I just wanted to let y’all know that. 10/10 work!

Wonderful Bedside Manner

I have never felt so comfortable with an OB/GYN as I do here at Cherokee Women’s. My doctor has the most wonderful bedside manner and I always leave feeling well informed about my pregnancy. I would definitely recommend any doctor here at this practice!

I Love Dr. Litrel!

I love Dr. Litrel! I have experienced a lot of issues with my female parts and he has been there throughout everything — from coming of age, to the birth of my first child, and now my hysterectomy (at age 31). Love his sense of humor as much as I love his expertise!

I’m Back in Good Health

The doctors and staff are caring, understanding and amazing! As a women who has always had female problems, I am so fortunate that the Lord has allowed me to travel miles and be with caring individuals with compassion for women’s health. I cannot say enough how I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart. The whole staff of Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists and Northside Hospital-Cherokee got me back into good health. God bless you all!

I Feel So Much Better!

I feel so much better, physically and mentally. And because I’ve also changed the way I cook and what foods I bring into the house, my husband has lost fifty pounds. I have nothing but praise for Dr. Gandhi, Brittany, and the others who oversee the Medical Weight Loss Program. This program has given me my life back!

My Midwife Was Wonderful

Midwife Susan Fischels makes you feel heard and she takes your concerns seriously. Each time we met, she wouldn’t just tell me how things would be or prompt me. She’d ask, ‘Alright, do you have any questions? What questions do you have? Let’s talk about it.’ She wanted me to talk, and she held space to listen. I hugged her after I gave birth, and I hugged her when I saw her every six weeks.

Where is the vulva?
How can I check for vulva problems?
How is a vulvar self-exam done?
What should I look for during a vulvar self-exam?
What are symptoms of vulvar problems?
What are yeast infections?
What is contact dermatitis?
What are the most common sexually transmitted diseases…
What is vulvodynia?
What is vulvar dystrophy?
What types of cancer occur in the vulva?
How is vulvar cancer diagnosed and treated?
How can I prevent vulvar problems?

Where is the vulva?

  • The outside of the female genital area is called the vulva.
  • The vulva is made up of two sets of lips. The outer lips are called the labia majora. The inner lips are called the labia minora.
  • The clitoris is located at the top of the inner lips (labia minora) and is the center of sexual pleasure for most women. The clitoris is partly covered by a fold of tissue called the hood.
  • The area between the anus and the vagina is called the perineum.
  • The vestibule (vaginal opening) is found within the inner lips. Both the vagina and the urethra open into the vestibule.
  • Inside the vestibule are the openings to the glands that are responsible for lubrication.

How can I check for vulvar problems?

  • You should examine your vulva just as you would examine your breasts or skin for changes. A vulvar self-exam should be done monthly. Any changes can signal a problem, such as early signs of cancer.

How is a vulvar self-exam done?

  • Always wash your hands before you begin.
  • Sit or lie in a good, comfortable position near strong lighting with a hand mirror.
  • The goal is to find a position that allows you to clearly see the vulvar area, perineum, and anus.
  • Separate the outer lips of the vulva gently and look for any changes or signs of a problem.
  • Next, separate the inner lips and look for any changes in the area between them and at the entrance to the vagina.
  • Next, gently pull back the hood of the clitoris and examine the area underneath and the tip.
  • Make sure to also inspect the areas around the urethra, outside of the outer lips, and the anus.

What should I look for during a vulvar self-exam?

You should look for the following:

  • Redness
  • Bumps
  • Swelling
  • Dark or light spots
  • Blisters
  • Or any other changes.

What are symptoms of vulvar problems?

These symptoms may indicate vulvar problems:

  • Bleeding
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Discomfort.

If a problem does occur, you are more likely to find it at an early stage if you perform regular self-exams.

What are yeast infections?

A yeast infection is a fungal infection of the vagina and tissues of the vulva that causes redness, irritation, discharge (whitish and clumpy), and intense itchiness. It may also burn when you urinate.

The most common type of vulvar infection is a yeast infection. A yeast infection may be diagnosed by taking a sample of the discharge to be examined under a microscope. Treatment includes good hygiene and antifungal drugs.

What is contact dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is a red, itchy rash (in this case on the skin of the vulva) caused by direct contact with soaps, feminine hygiene products, etc.

To diagnose contact dermatitis, your health care provider will examine the vulvar area and ask what products came into contact with that area. Getting rid of the source of the irritation is the first step in the treatment of contact dermatitis.

What are the most common sexually transmitted diseases?

The most common sexually transmitted diseases are genital herpes and genital warts.

  • Genital warts are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Genital herpes is caused by a virus called herpes simplex virus (HSV).

If you are sexually active, you can reduce your chances of obtaining or spreading a sexually transmitted disease by using a latex condom. There is also a vaccine available that protects against the types of HPV that cause genital warts.

What is vulvodynia?

Vulvodynia refers to pain of the vulvar area that lasts for 3 months or longer that is not caused by an infection, skin disorder, or other medical condition.

Symptoms include:

  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Irritation
  • Rawness
  • Aching
  • Soreness
  • Throbbing
  • Swelling.

There are multiple methods of treatment that can be done, and no one method works all the time for all women.

What is vulvar dystrophy?

Vulvar dystrophy is the growth of abnormal skin on the vulva, which can be too thin (lichen sclerosus), too thick (hyperplasia), or a mixture of both.

With lichen sclerosus, the skin may look like thin, wrinkled paper, and the vaginal opening may shrink. With hyperplasia, hardened patches may appear on the vulva.

Symptoms include:

  • Itchiness
  • Burning
  • Redness
  • Whiteness.

Vulvar dystrophy can be diagnosed with a biopsy. Treatment for vulvar dystrophy requires long-term use of creams or ointments that are applied directly to the vulvar tissue.

What types of cancer occur in the vulva?

  • Cancer of the vulva usually begins as precancer, which means it may turn into cancer if not found or left untreated.
  • When changes of the skin cells of the vulva occur, it is a precancerous condition called VIN (vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia). It is not cancer, but if left untreated, it may become more severe and develop into cancer. Rarely do other forms of cancer occur in the vulva.
  • It is possible for melanoma (a form of skin cancer) to develop on the skin of the vulva.
  • Adenocarcinoma (a type of cancer that forms within mucus-secreting glands) can arise in the glands of the vulva. This cancer resembles eczema (patches of red, scaly, itchy skin) on the vulva.

How is vulvar cancer diagnosed and treated?

Cancer of the vulva is diagnosed with a biopsy. Treatment will depend on the stage of cancer. It may include surgery to remove the cancerous tissue, radiation, or chemotherapy.

How can I prevent vulvar problems?

To clear up or prevent vulvar problems from coming back these things may be done:

  • Avoid wearing tight pants or underwear
  • Wear only cotton underwear
  • Avoid wearing pantyhose unless they have a cotton crotch
  • Keep the vulva clean and dry
  • Avoid using pads or tampons that have deodorant or a plastic coating
  • Do not use perfumed soap or scented toilet paper
  • Do not douche or use feminine sprays or talcs
  • Avoid sleeping in tight-fitting garments.

The other day I saw a pregnant patient whose ultrasound showed a healthy baby the size of a peanut, tiny heart beating rapidly. My patient’s young husband stood nearby with a happy grin on his face, clutching the photos of his unborn child. The expectant mother was smiling too, but she obviously didn’t feel well. I asked her what was wrong.

“I’m nauseous,” she answered. “And no matter what I do, I – belch all day long.”

“Oh my gosh, Doctor, does she ever!” her husband chimed in, his smile fading. “You’ve got to help her!”

“She’s pretty miserable, I imagine.” I observed.

“It’s not just that,” he explained. “She belches during mealtime. Breakfast, lunch, dinner…it’s making me sick!” Eyebrows knitted, he placed a hand on his stomach as the memory of unpleasant mealtime sounds brought a green hue to his complexion.

His wife nodded her head sympathetically. “Yeah, he’s really having a tough time,” she said seriously.

Once again, I was reminded why I like taking care of women more than I do men. I have seen women sometimes embody a selflessness akin to Divine Love. It’s rewarding to give them the medical care they so often postpone while taking care of others.

But I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit some empathy with the young husband, too. My marriage was wonderful before Ann became pregnant. All that female generosity, focused like a laser beam right on me: meals, laundry, a clean house, even someone willing to listen to all my boring conversation and pretend to be interested.

All that changed when Ann got pregnant. Ann suffered profound nausea – off and on all day, every day. This was confusing. Something called “morning sickness” should end by noontime, no? I was a recent med school graduate in my first year of OB/GYN residency, knee-deep studying the physiology of pregnancy. The 20th edition of Williams Obstetrics clearly stated that “this so called morning sickness of pregnancy usually commences during the early part of the day but passes in a few hours…” Obviously Ann wasn’t reading the same textbooks I was.

I informed Ann that although no one knows what causes the nausea or what purpose it serves, it’s a sign of a healthy pregnancy. Hunched over clutching the toilet bowl, she didn’t seem appropriately reassured.

As a young husband with a pretty, talented wife, I had become accustomed to being surrounded with beauty and the sounds of music in our home. Not to sounds of retching.

I remember this was a tough time in our married life. Nevertheless, I tried my very best to encourage Ann, and despite my youth, made sure I was extra solicitous and loving in my communications with her…

“Sweetheart, what’s for dinner?

“Sweetheart, do I have any clean underwear?

“Sweetheart, does this tie match this shirt?”

In retrospect, I can see that my early approach to husbandly love had a few limitations. But I was genuinely befuddled. What happened to the rosy, happy glow of motherhood I had been expecting… you know, the one that graces all those pregnancy magazine covers? I was pretty sure that the fairy tale of marriage didn’t include the beautiful princess running to the bathroom, hand covering her mouth just as the prince was sitting down to enjoy his supper.

Ann threw up one last time the day before her cesarean section. She was at work and made sure not to bother anyone. The next morning I stood beside her in the operating room as one of my obstetrics professors removed our son from her uterus. Tyler’s cries soon filled the operating room. The surgical team focused all efforts on stopping Ann’s bleeding. As a young surgeon, I knew the blood pouring from her body was par for the course. But there was still a lot of it.

I looked at my beautiful wife as the surgeons were closing her abdomen. Ann smiled at me weakly. It had been a tough nine months.

I suppose it had been rough on her, too.

Understanding how much mothers and wives sacrifice, compared to what we husbands offer, is one of the stepping stones toward manhood. A boy thinks first of himself and expects others to give to him again and again. There are plenty of smiling boys with grey hair who remain self-centered and are certainly unhappy. A man appreciates what he has been given, understands what God wants – and dedicates himself to giving to those around him. It’s an uphill walk, but it’s the path we climb to happiness and fulfillment.

-Dr. Mike Litrel

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