Functional incontinence is a type of urinary incontinence where the person has control over their bladder, but due to physical or cognitive limitations, they can’t get to the bathroom in time. For Eve, this meant that she would leak urine on her way to the bathroom, or sometimes even before she could make it there.
Eve had always been an active and independent woman. At 59 years old, she enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, practicing yoga, and going on long walks, so having functional incontinence was not only an inconvenience, it was embarrassing.
At first, Eve tried to manage her incontinence on her own. She wore pads and started using the bathroom more frequently, but she soon realized that this was not a sustainable solution. She was getting more and more frustrated and embarrassed with each accident, and it was starting to impact her quality of life.
Seeking Professional Help
So, she decided to see her OB/GYN for help. She met with Dr. James Haley and she was impressed by how understanding and empathetic he was to her condition. He asked her a series of questions to understand the frequency and severity of her incontinence and conducted a physical examination to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Functional Incontinence
Based on her examination, Dr. Haley suggested that Eve try pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, to strengthen her pelvic muscles. He also recommended that Eve limit her intake of bladder irritants such as caffeine and alcohol and try to schedule regular bathroom breaks throughout the day.
Dr. Haley also prescribed medication that could help control Eve’s incontinence. Eve was initially hesitant about taking medication, but he explained that it was safe and effective and could greatly improve her quality of life.
In some cases, medical devices, such as urethral inserts and pessaries, can be used to support the bladder and prevent urine leakage. And in severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the bladder or urethra. Fortunately, neither of these options were necessary for Eve.
A Significant Improvement
Eve followed Dr. Haley’s recommendations and started doing pelvic floor exercises every day, limiting her intake of bladder irritants, and taking her medication as prescribed. She noticed a significant improvement in her incontinence within a few weeks. She felt more confident and less embarrassed, and she could enjoy her activities without worrying about leaks or accidents.
Eve was grateful for Dr. Haley’s expertise and compassionate care. She realized that functional incontinence is a common issue that many women experience, and she was glad that she had sought help instead of trying to manage it on her own. With Dr. Haley’s help, Eve was able to regain her independence and enjoy her life to the fullest.
We Can Help
If you’re experiencing issues with incontinence, call us today at 770.720.7733. The physicians at Cherokee Women’s Health are female health experts and can help. Or, simply schedule an appointment online at either our Woodstock or Canton location.