Gonorrhea Patient Story

Gonorrhea has similar symptoms as chlamydia and can also cause a lot of the same problems, including a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that can cause infertility. It is transmitted by vaginal, oral or anal sex and is sometimes referred to as “the clap.” It often has no symptoms.


Gonorrhea Patient Story

Following is a patient recalling how she contracted gonorrhea and the advice she gives other women.

“I stayed a virgin for a long time, and actually didn’t become sexually active until I was 24 and started
working as a nurse. I met a guy at the hospital, and we got together for drinks one night after work. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew I was at his place. We ended up having sex and we used protection. We tried to start a relationship, but realized we really weren’t a good fit for each other.

About six months later, I met a guy online and we started texting back and forth. This went on for weeks before we met in person. He seemed like a great match for me – super nice guy, great at listening and we had a lot in common. We ended up having sex after about four actual “in person” dates.

“Not Using a Condom Was the Dumbest Decision of My Life”

The first time we did it, we were at my apartment, and I didn’t have any condoms. Even though I was a nurse – I knew this, I knew better – we had unprotected sex. It was the dumbest decision of my life. I had never asked him to get tested for STIs and we had never talked about it. He seemed like such a nice guy that I just assumed he was clean and hadn’t been with many people.


The next week I had a routine appointment with my OB/GYN. She asked if I had been sexually active and if I wanted to get tested for STDs. I figured, why not, better to be safe so I said yes. Several days later I got a call from my doctor informing me that I had tested positive for gonorrhea. I didn’t have any symptoms, so if I hadn’t been tested, I wouldn’t have known until symptoms appeared. I was given strong antibiotics that eventually cleared it up.

What an absolute shock. So many emotions – I was devastated, hurt, and angry and disappointed in this new guy I had met online.

“I didn’t have any symptoms, so if I hadn’t been tested, I wouldn’t have known until symptoms appeared.”

My Advice: Don’t Trust Anyone, Get Tested!

So, my advice to others? Don’t trust everyone! Take control of your own health and get tested and
make your partner get tested before you agree to be together. Don’t give into your emotions. Trust
your gut and be smart!”

Get Tested Annually (Or More)

Visit your OB/GYN annually (or more) for pelvic exams, pap smears, and STI testing. Pay attention to your body and pay attention to any and all changes. If you have any questions or concerns, call us at 770.720.7733 to schedule an appointment today or simply schedule an appointment online.

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