The Pressures of Infertility

Dealing with infertility can be one of the most stressful situations you’ll ever have to deal with. Not only are you struggling with your feelings, but you often have to field never-ending questions from family and friends.

How to Handle ‘The Question’

So how do you handle baby questions when you’ve been struggling with infertility?

Have an Answer Ready

Talk with your husband or partner beforehand about how you’re going to handle these sensitive questions. Having a plan will make you feel much more at ease when it happens.

Skip the Details

There’s no reason you have to tell anyone you’re struggling to have a baby. Keep it vague so when you’re asked when you’re going to have kids, just reply, “Well, we hope to someday.” Then quickly ask them a follow up question that has nothing to do with babies.

Use Humor

There’s a reason some of the most tragic people in history have been so funny. They learned to use humor to deflect their real feelings so doing this when you’re asked uncomfortable questions can work wonders. So when they ask you when you’re going to have a baby, you can respond with, “Baby? Baby what? Baby dog? Baby cat?” Then just laugh it off. They’ll likely get the hint and change the subject.

Believe in Good Intentions

Most people have good intentions and are genuinely interested in your life and they’re really not trying to make you uncomfortable. The thing is, most people who haven’t struggled with infertility have no idea what a sensitive subject it can be. Try to keep that in perspective.

Conversations about when you’re going to have a baby can either make or break your mood. But by taking some of these steps, hopefully you’ll feel more comfortable and be better able to enjoy those baby questions.

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