5 Tips for Surviving Your OB Visit

You’re having a baby! Yipee!! Oh but wait, that means doctor’s appointments. But after that initial joy, reality sets in and you realize you’re in store for a lot of appointments. And exams. And blood being drawn. Ugh. But fear not, we’re here to help you with real issues expectant moms face when visiting the OB.

The Wait! Oh, the Wait!

You booked your appointment and what happens? You sit in the waiting room for what seems like days. No one likes waiting but thank goodness, most of us now have smart phones to help distract us. So to help pass time, whip it out and play a game of Words with Friends, check your friends’ status updates or get caught up on your work emails. Whatever it is, these distractions can be a huge help in passing the time.

Book Your First OB Appointment Early

Sure, an extra hour of sleep is awesome but if you book your appointment early in the day, you’re more apt to be seen quicker than if you booked a later appointment. Why? Because an early appointment means the office is less likely to be running behind. But what happens if an early appointment isn’t available? Call ahead to see if things are running on time. The receptionist may just tell you it’s okay to show up a little later. Just be sure to triple check how late you can show up as you’d hate to lose your spot altogether!

Go to Your Happy Place

The dreaded exam. Nobody likes it. After all, you’re showing your most intimate parts to a near stranger and you can’t help but wonder if you’re “normal” or if you groomed well enough, etc., etc. Oh, the things that run through our minds when we’re on that exam table! Some of us joke to the point of embarrassing ourselves (yours truly), while others think of anything other than the task at hand. But just remember this, while it’s the first time in months that your legs have been in stirrups, it’s the umpeteenth time your doctor has seen the same parts just that week. And as any OB will tell you, they’ve seen every size, shape and form and they certainly aren’t passing judgment. They’re simply there to help you with your health concerns.

Blood Work

Being probed and having your blood drawn isn’t exactly on anyone’s bucket list. But there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the discomfort. Start by talking to your doctor before the exam. Ask them what you can expect to feel before they start. Just knowing what to expect can take a lot of the fear and surprise out of it. And the less tense you are, the less discomfort you will feel. Another great tip is listening to music on your iPod, taking deep breaths or visualizing a favorite vacation.

When you’re having your blood drawn, look away and don’t be afraid to turn into a Chatty Cathy. These tricks will definitely help take your mind off of things.

Ask Those Questions

If you ever feel like your doc breezes in and out before you even have a chance to ask one question much less the list of questions you had in mind, you will definitely leave your appointment frustrated and worse than that, without the information you need. To help ensure you get what you need out of your appointment, have a list of your questions in hand when the doctor enters the room and just start asking! And please know, it’s highly likely that your doctor isn’t even aware that you’re feeling rushed. She just knows that she has a lot more patients to see and is doing her best to keep on schedule. To get more time next time, ask if you can schedule a longer appointment. Just be sure to ask if you’ll be billed extra and if insurance will cover it.

Birth Plans: More Like a Wish List

You’ve put a ton of time into creating the perfect birth plan and you’re so excited to show your doctor how invested you are and what happens? She barely glances at it. What?! Before you get upset, try looking at it from the doc’s point of view. If everyone handed her a novel of a birth plan, she’d never get around to seeing her patients. So what to do? Make a list of bullet point items and discuss them with her. And make sure you prioritize and touch on the deal breakers without focusing so much on your “wish list”. This will help ensure that you’ll be heard and your doc is more apt to take your preferences seriously.

Hopefully these tips will make your next OB visit a little more pleasant. To schedule your appointment, please call us at 770.720.7733 or simply schedule an appointment online.

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