Dr. Gandhi shares tips on how women can help prevent pelvic organ prolapse, also known as POP.
Watch more Urogynecology videos below.

Types of bladder leakage: stress vs. urgency

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Mesh for urinary incontinence: then vs now comparison.

Surgeon describes common procedure to fix urinary incontinence.

Overactive bladder affects over hundreds of thousands of people.

Understanding the O- Shot: boosting sensual satisfaction

Robin's VR Journey - Thanks to @MikeLitrel_MD

Incontinence After Giving Birth

O-Shot Patient Testimonials with Dr. Haley

Pelvic Organ Prolapse With Dr. Litrel

Before and After Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty Surgery

Dr Litrel - Prayer before Surgery - Part II