One of the first questions others ask once you tell them that you are pregnant is “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” No doubt, as you navigate your first trimester, you ask yourself this same question on a daily basis. The ultrasound to determine the baby’s gender, which is usually between 18 and 22 weeks, is still months away, and the anticipation is killing you. Isn’t there some way to find out if it’s a boy or girl before then? While there is nothing definitive, there are a myriad of characteristics of your pregnancy that suggest you may be carrying one gender versus the other. Cherokee Women’s Health has a list of these old wives tales for you compare:
It’s a Girl
- You’re carrying high
- Baby’s heart beat is higher than 140 beats per minute
- You’re experiencing morning sickness
- You’re craving sweet foods
- Your hair is thinner and dull*
- Your face is fuller and rounder than usual*
- You’re experiencing acne during your pregnancy*
- You are graceful during your pregnancy
- Dad-to-be is gaining weight with you
- When stringing your wedding ring over your belly, it moves back and forth
*Noticing a trend that suggests your pregnancy may not be too kind to your natural beauty? This is indicative that you are having a baby girl because she is stealing your beauty, or so the old wives tale goes.
It’s a Boy
- You’re carrying low
- Baby’s heart beat is below 140 beats per minute
- You’re having little to no morning sickness
- You’re craving salty foods
- Your hair is full bodied and shiny
- Your face is long and narrow
- You are more clumsy during your pregnancy
- Your feet get colder now than they did before your pregnancy
- Your areolae have darkened
- When stringing your wedding ring over your belly, it moves in a circle
Do your pregnancy symptoms favor one gender over the other? Well, these are all in fun and have not been proven to be an accurate indicator of your baby’s gender. Other than the second trimester ultrasound and an amniocentesis, the most accurate gender predictor is simply a mother’s intuition – 71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows the gender of her baby.
We hope that these fun gender predictors will help make the wait for your gender revealing ultrasound a little easier to bear. If you need to schedule a second trimester ultrasound, don’t hesitate to contact our office by calling 770-720-7733.