A certified nurse midwife is a separate but complementary profession to an obstetrician. Physicians are experts in pathology (the study and diagnosis of disease) and should have primary responsibility for the care of pregnant women who have recognized complications or diseases. Midwives are experts in normal pregnancy and in meeting the needs of pregnant women that aren’t related to pathology. In many countries, midwives have the primary responsibility for women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
Midwives Focus on the Natural Process
With a focus on the normalcy of pregnancy and its potential for health, midwives view birth as a natural process that should be treated as such until there is evidence of a problem. Midwives are experts in supporting and enhancing the normal physiology of labor and delivery as well as breast-feeding.
With our team of midwives, we are pleased to be able to give women more flexibility in regards to their labor and delivery options, ultimately offering them the best in prenatal care for each patient. Here is one of a handful of testimonials we have received about our midwives over the years:
“Throughout my pregnancy I pretty much met all the doctors and the midwives. I love all of them and will never go to any other OB/GYN practice! All of you guys are AWESOME!”
Pregnant or Soon to Be? We Can Help
If you have more questions about the differences between an obstetrician and a certified nurse-midwife, don’t hesitate to call us at 770.720.7733 or schedule an appointment online with one of our midwives or one of our board-certified OB/GYNs.