Managing Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Once the dust from the Christmas holiday begins to settle, lots of people use the days in between to begin thinking about their resolutions for the upcoming year. A common theme for New Year’s Resolutions are health-related, whether it’s losing a few pounds, starting an exercise routine, or adding more healthy foods to your diet. With everything they have to juggle each day, many women make health-related new year’s resolutions with good intentions, only to stall due to family obligations, a lack of time and energy, career demands or other culprits.

Allowing a little wiggle room in your resolutions can help you stick to them easier while managing everything else in your schedule. Here are a few suggestions:

1.) Instead of going on a diet, resolve to maintain healthy portion sizes and add more fruits and vegetables. Women are known for vowing to try the “next big thing” in dieting, and crashing and burning because their bodies aren’t conditioned to such rapid changes. Instead of a diet, opt for portion control. Instead of banning all things sweet, indulge in a treat once in a while to reward yourself for good choices throughout the week. Focus on getting adequate amounts of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, calcium and fiber.

2.) Getting more physically fit. If getting to the gym more often is one of your goals for 2014, you can help achieve your goals by making simple changes. According to Saralyn Mark, MD senior medical adviser for the Office on Women’s Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “walking a little bit further in the parking lot, using the stairs, or raking leaves (and other yardwork)” will offer some of the exercise your body needs. Setting realistic goals that are well-defined will lead to greater success over making a goal to lose 20 pounds.

 3.) Make time for self-care. Taking a little time for yourself (massage, anyone?) can vastly improve stress levels. Many women find themselves in the role of mom, spouse, sister, daughter and so many others that they forget to take time for themselves to regroup. Stress can affect the body in a number of ways, including anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory problems. Managing stress can help keep you healthy, and has been shown to link to diet and exercise in terms of maintaining overall health.

In addition to these important resolutions, make sure you visit your OB/GYN for your annual well visit. This is a perfect time to talk to your doctor regarding your overall health and to discuss any issues you may have. Contact one of our offices to schedule your next visit. Happy New Year from Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists!

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