A lot of new moms and dads choose to let their friends and family members know they’re expecting at an event where they know lots of people will be in attendance. Spilling the pregnancy beans can be a lot of fun for both the parents-to-be and the family, and there are a multitude of creative ways to share the news. If you’ve got a new family member (or more!) to announce, here are a couple of fun ways Cherokee Women’s Health found to share the news with your family.
Creative Ways to Announce a Pregnancy
- If you’re the crafty type, print out a photo of your first sonogram and carefully Mod Podge the photo to a puzzle. Once it’s dry, use an x-acto knife to carefully cut around the edges to create a personalized puzzle for your family members to put together! Of course, if you’re less-than-crafty, there are plenty of websites that offer personalized photo puzzles.
- Get your furry family members involved! Plan a quick photo shoot with your pups or cats and have them sitting next to a sign that says something like “big brother/sister in training”, or with a copy of the iconic What to Expect When You’re Expecting book. Another option – “Baby (your initial here) Guard Dog, reporting for duty (insert due date month and year here).”
- If you’re not able to spend the holiday with family, announcing a pregnancy or adoption via Google hangouts or Skype is popular. Bonus points if you can video your family’s reaction to save for years to come!
Ways to Announce an Adoption
If you’re adding a new member of your family via adoption, there are a ton of great ways to announce the news, using many of the same ideas as pregnant couples.
- Use other props like suitcases or globes in a photoshoot to share an international adoption.
- Chalkboard signs with sayings like, “Growing in our heart, waiting for you” were popular finds on Pinterest and on online blogs.
- Design a custom announcement similar to a birth announcement. Modern, classic, vintage or whimsical, there’s something available for everyone.